Unit-1-School-life-welcome-to-this-unitppt 1-牛津译林版必修1课件

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《Unit-1-School-life-welcome-to-this-unitppt 1-牛津译林版必修1课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit-1-School-life-welcome-to-this-unitppt 1-牛津译林版必修1课件(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit1 School lifeWhen we talk about school life, which English words can you think of?excitementchallengesdiscoveriesfailuressuccessesdreamsjoyssorrowslaughtertears1) What is the UK school life like? 2)How different is it from thatin China? DiscussionPlease look at the following pictures which show

2、 some parts of high school in the UK and answer the question below:1)What can you see in the pictures? 2)What are the differences between schools in China and in the UK ? Talking about the picturesHuge campus & low-rise buildings In the picture, we can see very low-rise houses and huge campus. They

3、are very different from those in China. We usually have large buildings and campus to make sure that students have enough space to study in and play in.Lockers for every student In the picture, we can see lockers for each student outside the classroom. In China, we often have some lockers in every b

4、edroom. Fewer students in each class In the picture, we can see a larger classroom with fewer students in it. The students sit in two lines and face to face. The students are putting up their hands eagerly to answer the teachers questions. At ease with our teachers In the picture, two students are d

5、iscussing something with their teacher. They look quite at ease with their teacher and like friends. It is similar in China, Nowadays, lots of teachers and students have established a good relationship with each other. They respect each other and try to gain a better understanding of each other.Fill

6、 in the blanks according to what we discussed just now.In the UK, very _ houses and huge campus can be seen. In China, each school also has a large campus, but the buildings are much _. In the UK, there are _for students outside the class-room, just like those in our _. In the UK, the classroom is v

7、ery big, With a few students in it. Theyreusually_ inclass,eager to answer the teachers low-risehigherlockersbedroomsactive questions. In China, we always have a _ number of students in each classroom and students are not so eager to answer theteachersquestions, _high middle school students. Student

8、s and teachers in both countries have established a good _ with each other. Therefore, students feel _ with their teachers.largerespeciallyrelationshipat ease Teachers?What is your dream school life like? Classmates?Relationship?tteeaacchheerrssfairpatientlearnedenergeticunderstandingcooperativehumorousenergeticstrong-willeddiligentopen-mindedcompetitivecofidentcivilizedstudentsteachersstudentsloveunderstandrespectlearnhelpencourage



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