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1、工资管理系统工资管理是公司管理的一个重要内容。随着企业人员数量增加, 企业的工资管理工作也变得越来越复杂。 工资管理既涉及到企业劳动人事的管理,同时也是企业财务管理的重要组成部分。 工资管理需要和人事管理相联系,同时连接工时考勤和医疗保险等等,来生成企业每个职工的基本工资、津贴、医疗保险、保险费、实际发放工资等。 资金是企业生存的主要元素,资金的流动影响到企业的整体运作,企业员工的工资是企业资金管理的一个重要的组成部分。早期的工资统计和发放都是使用人工方式处理纸质材料,不仅花费财务人员大量的时间且不易保存,往往由于个人的因素抄写不慎或计算疏忽,出现工资发放错误的现象。 早期工资管理多采取纸质材

2、料和具有较强的时间限制。基于以上原因, 企业工资管理系统使用电脑安全保存、快速计算、全面统计,实现工资管理的系统化、规范化、自动化。企业工资管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS) ,前台程序开发工具采用微软的 VB6,后台数据库采用Access数据库。 VB6 是一种面向对象的开发工具,具有组件丰富、语言简单、功能强大的优点。Access数据库具有与VB6 无缝连接、操作简单、易于使用的优点。运行结果证明,本企业工资管理系统极大提高了工作效率, 节省了人力和物力, 最终满足企业财务管理、 员工工资发放的需要,同时也成为现代化企业管理的标志。工资管理系统的特点:1操作简单方便采用国际流行的下拉菜

3、单,全WINDOWS 操作形式,界面新颖,全面支持鼠标操作,功能齐全。2任意设定工资项目系统除姓名、人员编号、部门编号、部门名称、应发工资、实发工资、纳税等内定项目不能删除 (长度可以改变 )外,其它项目 (如各种补贴及各种扣款 )均可由用户自行定义 (包括增加、删除、修改长度及小数位等),工资项目总数可多达255 项。当修改或删除工资项目时,自动检查工资计算中与该项目有关的计算公式,并作相应处理。3任意定义工资计算公式用户可将某些工资项目 (如加班费、应发工资、纳税等)定义为计算项目,然后定义其计算公式及使用条件,可满足各种复杂的计算。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - -

4、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 4任意定义输出表格任意定义工资明细表和汇总表等种表格的打印项目,当打印项目太多时,可分表 1 和表 2 打印。可调整项目的打印宽度和打印顺序,可打印分组标题, 表尾栏目可任意设定。工资条的打印项目可由用户自己选择,程序自动分行打印。任意定义每种表格的表头字体、行距、字距,表格字体、 行距、字距,每行字数。5多级部门汇总本程序最多可以处理四个层次的部门工资汇总。如总公司下分为公司(一级)、部门 (二级)、大组 (三级)、小组 (四级),以

5、满足不同用户的需要。部门代码多达四级 (共 8 位)。6多套工资管理系统可同时处理多个单位(公司)的工资数据,每个单位可定义24 个不同操作权限的用户, 各单位的工资数据具有上下级的关系,可以将下级各单位的工资数据自动汇总为一份工资, 也可以将一份上级单位的工资数据分解为几份下级单位的工资,各套工资数据可以在同一个网络(包括远程网络)上传递数据,用户数不限制。7多级权限管理和保密措施对不同用户可设定0-8 共九种用户操作权限, 每一条菜单均可以定义其使用权限, 用户只能调用使用权限小于或等于他的用户操作权限的菜单;对每个用户,可定义是否可以调用某一条菜单,以防止一般用户调用某些重要的功能(如修

6、改计算公式等 )。 可限定某用户只能操作某些部门的工资数据,包括查看、修改、打印均可限制。可以定义对每一职工的工资进行操作的用户权限,包括查看、修改、打印,使得部分权限低的用户不能看到同一部门中某些重要人物(如总经理)的工资数据。对每个工资项目, 可设定对其操作的用户权限,包括查看、修改、打 印,使得部分权限低的用户不能看到某些保密项目(如底薪、实发工资 )的数据。8批量数据更改功能可以按任意设定条件和计算方法成批地修改某一项目的工资数据,方便调资。9多种报表输出程序可打印工资明细表、部门汇总表、个人工资条、部门工资零钞表、个人工资零钞表、个人纳税表等。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载

7、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 技术应用于工资管理是实现工资管理自动化的有效途径:随着企业单位新工资制度的贯彻实施,工资制度改革后机关事业单位正常晋升工资等日常管理工作日趋繁重。为有效提高工资管理的工作效率和工作质量,确保国家工资政策的准确实施和规范管理,从而方便同级机关及上下级人事部门之间的数据统计和信息交流,个旧市严格遵循“统一规划、统一标准、统一管理”的原则,向全市机关、事业单位推广使用“工资管理系统软件”。经过2 个月的努力,个旧市人事部门认真

8、对全市机关、 事业单位的在职和离退休人员的基本信息逐一进行审核,确保了每个人的工资准确无误, 为人员工资管理、工资统发和财政编制预算工作提供保障。工资管理系统研究背景与意义:现在我国的企事业单位中信息的管理水平还停留在纸介质的基础上,这样的机制已经不能适应时代的发展, 因为它浪费了许多人力和物力, 在信息时代这种传统的管理方法必然被计算机为基础的信息管理所取代。我作为一个计算机应用的毕业生, 希望可以在这方面有所贡献。改革的总设计师邓小平同志说过“科学技术是第一生产力”,我希望能用我所学编制出一个实用的程序来帮助企事业单位进行更有效的信息管理。归纳起来,好处大约有以下几点:(1) 可以存储历届

9、的工资,安全、高效;(2)只需一到二名信息录入员即可操作系统,节省大量人力;(3) 可以迅速查到所需信息。为将来企事业单位上网做好准备:现在互联网已经十分普及, 企事业单位往界的毕业生希望能在世界的任何一个角落查到自己校友的信息, 本系统为企事业单位将来的上网作了先期工作,比如数据库的建立。本文正是从这方面出发, 以本人目前就职单位为背景, 希望通过本系统的功能设计,能够把工资管理者从繁重、 传统的事务性工作如: 档案增加、档案查询、档案修改、档案删除、工资查询、打印档案等工作中解放出来,使得他们更专注于最需要智慧和经验的工作,因而提高工资管理的质量和效率。本人目前在某市旅游局办公室工作, 对

10、工资工作中的主要工作档案管理和工资管理工作深有感触, 既费时又费力, 增加或修改一个员工的档案常常需要名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 几个小时的时间, 而且把本身一项智力劳动都体现在了体力劳动中,因此,结合我工作中的实际经验,设计本系统。作为计算机应用的一部分, 使用计算机对工资信息进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点 .例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极

11、大地提高工资管理的效率,也是企业的科学化、正规化管理,与世界接轨的重要条件。因此,开发这样一套管理软件成为很有必要的事情, 在下面的各章中我们将以开发一套工资管理系统为例,谈谈其开发过程和所涉及到的问题及解决方法。摘自:伯格斯坦,汉斯 .JavaServer Pages. Oreilly & Associates Inc,2005.7 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 外文原文Salary Management S

12、ystemWage management is an important element of corporate governance. With the increasing number of business people, corporate payroll has also become increasingly complex. Payroll covers both labor and personnel management, enterprise financial management is also an important component. Wage manage

13、ment needs and personnel management linked to the same time, working hours, attendance and health insurance connections, etc., to generate business for each employees basic pay, allowances, medical insurance, insurance premiums, the actual payment of wages and so on. Funds are the key elements of bu

14、siness survival, capital flows affect the overall operation of the enterprise, the wages of employees of enterprise capital management is an important component. Early wage statistics and distribution of both paper-based materials, use of artificial manner, not only finance staff to spend a lot of t

15、ime and do not keep well, often due to personal factors inadvertently copied or calculations neglect the phenomenon of error occurs payment of wages. Early wage administration to take a more paper-based materials and has a strong time constraints. For these reasons, enterprise computer security payr

16、oll system uses to save, fast calculation, comprehensive statistics, the realization of the systematic salary management, standardization and automation. Wage management system is a typical enterprise information management system (MIS), foreground program development tools using Microsoft VB6, back

17、-end database using Access database. VB6 is an object-oriented development tools, with components rich in language simple, powerful advantages. Access database with VB6 with a seamless connection, simple operation, easy to use. Running results show that this corporate payroll system, greatly increas

18、ing efficiency and save manpower and material resources, and ultimately to meet the enterprise financial management, payroll needs, but also a sign into a modern enterprise management. Salary management system is characterized by: 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - -

19、 - - - - 第 5 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - 1. Simple operation The adoption of international popular drop-down menu, all WINDOWS operating modes, the interface is novel, fully supports mouse operation, complete functions. 2. Arbitrarily set wage items System, except the name, staff number, department nu

20、mber, department name, to be wages, real wages, taxes and other slated projects can not be removed (length can be changed), the other items (such as a variety of subsidies and a variety of deductions) may be represented by the user self-definition (including add, delete, modify the length and decima

21、l places, etc.), wages can be as many as 255 total number of projects. When you modify or delete pay items, automatically checks for payment of wages in connection with the calculation formula related to the project and to make dealt with accordingly. 3. An arbitrary definition of salary calculation

22、 formula Users can pay certain items (such as overtime pay, should wages, taxes, etc.) is defined as the calculation of the project, and then define the calculation formula and the use of conditions to meet a variety of complex calculations. 4. An arbitrary definition of the output table An arbitrar

23、y definition of salary schedules and summary tables of 8 types of forms printing project, when you print too much, when the project can be divided into Tables 1 and 2 printing. Adjustable print width of the project and print the order can be printed packet header, footer section can be arbitrarily s

24、et. Print Article wage projects chosen by the user, the program auto-branch printing. Arbitrary definition of each table header font, spacing, kerning, tables, fonts, spacing, kerning, number of words per line. 5. Multi-sector summary This program can handle up to four levels of the department payro

25、ll summary. Such as the Corporation is divided into companies (1), sector (2), large groups (3), Group (4), to meet different user needs. Sector code up to four (8-bit). 6. Several sets of salary management 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 9 页 - -

26、 - - - - - - - System can also handle multiple units (company) wage data, each unit can be defined 24 different operations of the user, the unit wage data with the relationship between the upper and lower levels can be lower-level units of the wage data for auto-summary copies of wages, can also be

27、a higher-level units of wage data broken down into several lower-level units, wages, wage data sets can be on the same network (including remote network) on the transfer of data, no restrictions on the number of users. 7. Multi-level rights management and security measures Users can set up different

28、 user actions 0-8 a total of nine kinds of permissions, each a menu may define its permissions, user permissions can only be called less than or equal to the user operation of his competence menu; for each user, can be whether the definition can be called a one menu, in order to prevent the general

29、user calls some important features (such as revising the formula, etc.). May limit a user can only operate in certain sectors of the wage data, including view, edit, print may be limited. Can be defined for each employees wages to operate the user privileges, including view, edit, print, making some

30、 low-permissions users can not see some important figures in the same sector (such as the general manager) and wage data. For each wage item, its operation can be set user permissions, including view, edit, print, making some low-permissions users can not see certain confidential items (such as basi

31、c salary, real wages) of data. 8. Bulk Data Change Function Can be arbitrarily set the conditions and calculation method to modify an item in batches wage data to facilitate Tiaozi. 9. A variety of report output Program can be printed salary schedule, department summary, individual pay slips, sector

32、 wages Lingchao tables, individual wages Lingchao table, personal tax scales. Technology in salary management is to achieve an effective way to wage management automation: 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - With the business un

33、its the implementation of the new wage system, wage system reform organizations and institutions such as the normal day to day management of the promotion of wage increasingly onerous. Higher wages for the effective management of work efficiency and quality of work, to ensure the accurate implementa

34、tion of the national wage policy and standardize management, thus facilitating the same level authorities and the upper and lower levels of data between the personnel departments of statistics and information exchange, old city, strictly follow the unified planning, unified standards, unified manage

35、ment principle, to the citys agencies and institutions to promote the use of wage management system software. After 2 months of hard work, old city, the city personnel department to seriously organs, institutions serving and retired personnel of the basic information one by one audit to ensure the a

36、ccuracy of each persons wages, for salaries of personnel management, payroll and financial integration hair preparation of the budget to provide security. Salary Management System Background and Significance: Today, Chinas enterprises and institutions in the information management level also remain

37、in photo media based on such a mechanism can no longer accommodate development of the times, because it wasted a lot of human and material resources, in the information age this traditional management approach is bound to be computer-based information management to replace. I, as a computer applicat

38、ion graduates, hoping to contribute in this regard. Comrade Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of reform, said, Science and technology are primary productive forces, I hope I have learned can be used to compile a practical program to help enterprises more effective information management. To sum up, the

39、 benefits about the following points: (1) can be stored in the previous wages, safe and efficient; (2) only 1-2 members of the information input can be the operating system, save a lot of manpower; (3) can be quickly found the required information. Enterprises and institutions for the future Interne

40、t ready: 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - Now the Internet is already very popular, enterprises and institutions to the sector, graduates want to be able to anywhere in the world found their own alumni information, the system

41、 for the enterprises and institutions in the future of the Internet made a preliminary work, such as the establishment of the database. This article is from the point of view, according to my inauguration units of the current context of the hope that through this system, functional design, be able t

42、o pay the manager from the heavy, traditional work matters such as: increasing the file, file check, file change, file deletion , the wage query, print files etc. freed, making them more focused on most in need of wisdom and experience, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of payroll. I have

43、 a Tourist Board office in a city, for wage work in the main work - records management and payroll management of deep feeling, both time-consuming and laborious, increase or modify an employees file often takes several hours of time, and to itself an intellectual work are embodied in the manual, so,

44、 combined with practical experience in my work, designing the system. As a part of computer applications, using computers to manage information on wages, with the manual management of incomparable advantages. For example: quick search, find convenient, high reliability, large memory capacity, securi

45、ty and good, long life and low cost . These advantages can greatly improve management efficiency wages, but also corporate scientific and standardized management, an important condition for integration with the world. Therefore, developing such a management software as necessary thing, in the follow

46、ing chapters we will develop a payroll system, for example, talk about its development process and the issues involved and their solutions. From: Mr Stein. Hans.JavaServer Pages. Oreilly & Associates Inc,2005.7 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - -



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