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1、定语从句和名词性从句混合练习作者:日期:名词性从句和定语从句综合练习1The boy dvd ito e water an aft_ _ seemed ong tie, hec ep an. A. whatB.thatt wich 2.These t oaeare simil _ they oth hava high r fduring thssaso. . excep that B. n whic C. in hatD. sthat .Ymay dpen on _tha alltgo s willbe shippe ab ad in time A. ich B. it C. hom thes

2、e 4 cientss belienativ merians ar ved bycros ng t e and b dge t at con ctd ibera and _more han 10,00 years ag. ths islaska B. Alaskaisnow C. is no A ska D. hat is oAlaska 5.Look a the ac .ontyousee it s _ wath _Helenlosth otherday? Aash sm ; as B.the ame ; a C. h s me; which D.athe same ; that 6.he

3、B itis are nt so f r wi hdiffe et c luresanot er ways of ding thngs, _iof n t se n o ecuntrie. A. as B. t t C. so i7._ as kn wn llth tBob d o en hiprmise _he oud give m a rise. A. s; hic B. W t; thatC It;hat . t;whic.Thatisthe reaon _he ve for ca yn out he lan. . bcaus B.wy C owtat .Ws it in e illa

4、_we ueo lin _the accident hapened? where;tatB. hich;that C that; w r. wh r;which 10.he hours _ _the childenseintheir -way reati ship wit televiso peopleu ubtedl a tdtheir ato sip wt rea-li peopl. A. th. wh n C. in whi . on whi11Mr.Sit ill mov int inw house nex Snd ,_i will beompletelyinised. on at t

5、ime B. y hichtime C.o which D.bth m12.I theboo,Nwt n is shownasa gifted scie tist who stoodat he point n history _ magended s n ebgan. A. wh re B.he C.that D. wh h 3.Ttretmet w ll cn neuti the atinteches t e pont _h can wlk r ctly and safly. whe. w re C.whic D. hose 4.Te uestonof _ tey areldyoung is

6、not im rtntA. /B. whe h rC. D.if 1 Erthi roky plan t_lqui water, which i necessary fr ife, caexist. A. s B. whic . wher D.hen 6.I h hol_ you tdy in?17 sthisthe scool _ ou tudy i ? 8.Is this th coo_ y tudy?19 . s this ol_you uy?. tat/hich B. here C.the one D. theowhich? t ai thihous _ _ wasborn.?21 .

7、I was in th houe _ heused o ivethe e hibiti n was el. A.wh e B. that C. which D there 22.Te lace _ yiitd urig your ho days s _ I used t befor ear.?A. here, where Bwhich, where n hih, at D to hih,th ?3.he dy _ she playe ith us ws ve tobe f goten ?A ht B. whe . hich D?24 hboo wishow yo _ can be sed n

8、ot r contexts. A. owyu have oberved?B. what o hv obsere ?Chat yo ae obsered ?. howthat yohae o eve?25 Teasons _h is unale o o t the machi . ?. be use B. y that D.hther ?2 .he ere inter ed _ _you t d hm. ?.in w c B. in hat C. alhat D. in veryhing ?27 Undthebrdg,owr, alms irctlybelo,_ asall noe, wih b

9、oin it. ?A.tere B whee C it D. w h?28 .Ayone _ thpininmseakou.?A.thgainst B. that agai st C.wos against D. ware against 29._ _tehav been wo ig had find? A.I tat w t B ha C.t t t . Is i that 30 W r do thes s _ ? -Put hem ac _t eywere. . go; whr B. lay; where Cie; i which .lie; wh ch 3.Finally thear v

10、ed aa place_ _ sodiaettes and otesmall artcls.?A. wh re . hic C. in whi D. hat?32 .N ithris th t _ _ A. yu nor istatmine B. y us nor s at m ?C. yoursnor that i in D.oursnis t atmine?3.Waitb causeit nowed st nigt _ hedd t come? ?A hy B. ta C.wh D. then 34Pera this i the olmarket _you can get s h chea

11、p oods?A. tat B. f wich C. y which D. whr35 _ _ all he inventions havei ommis _ they h ve su ceded ?AWha; what That; at . Wha; tht D. Tht;what?36 .nly n hsay, d cted b t e e c r, _ rk ot te probem e d y befo e.?A.h dthe B. heyc ulC. he id . d d thy?37._ _ e ple ded _ stavat n at yar l neve happen.?A

12、. Th ; of B Tha;from C. What;frm . w; o ?3 . _ _ r it might e, I l work itoutA.Wh evB.HoC. How ver Dhat? 9 Y u may gveths s e to _ _ i atoffice. . wB. whom . wh meer . o?4 ou a havone f t es ;in o er ord , you av_ _ you hoose.?Awhchever B. what C.omttr wha D. nm ter whch 4 . I don t like t eway_ _ht

13、alks; he is sru e.?A. t t B. which Cw r D. inhat?2. ws aboutto leave _te telponrang;_ws fhi mother. A.we; that . befre; whch C. wh ; it . before; ths 43. Did yo fndour nw dict on r? - s I f undi_hadleft it. A. in ere B in heplace hich?C. whe D.which?44 ._ _ has alea en pointdout, grmmas o a sf ead r

14、u es. ? As B. It C. hat D. This 5._hereaize t toolat return hom ?A. o oet ew dark than?B. Hard di t w dar when C t wasn t until dark t at?D. I was until dark t at ?4 I e sometinglyig in he cone , moving ? - Let mesee _ _. .whatis the ttr B.wattheate is . w at matter D. matteris what?47 I haeno idea

15、_ chidre sarved t deah in rthern A ia . A w muh B ha.whre D.ho many 48. _, he was now dess d up for the p ty. king a shwer ?B.Hav ng kna sh weChe to shwer Takeashowe49. Itis no go _o sou_ _?A. o s ke; g v up B.smoking; g v tup C. smoking; giv up it D.to soke; gve itaway. 0. Tis is oe o the bet lm_ _

16、 ths e.tey haveb en shon Bthths ben shwn C. t at havben shown D.which asbe shown?51 . The lederoretha the sol ers _ to thfro t at once. Aset B should send C. be se Dhud tae? 2. So li le _g e on pa that te co d no settheir iffe ene.?A. di tey B. d the C. he did . the didnot?53 _come, p astel h o i or

17、 tthe ate. A soul B. Should e . If e If ew uld have?4.By the eof net yar we _ _ourmidde schoo. A hve finis ed B.will f is?Chd finished . willhave fiise?55 .e sathee ith hieyes _upon thec li .fixing . fixe C. closing D. having closed ?5 . Tb rdthat he_theredys beor _the e.?A. laid;laiB. ad d;li?C. la

18、y; la D ad laid;lay?57 . owhere lse _ i d s habautful s er. A. uan B. an you C. we ca. we areabt?Wht hall w tJan fo he brtday? - _ _. ?A. Wat i he nting B. Whatdoes shewant C. hat shea s D.What iswanting 59 Col yutel e _? . were elives B. w re doee lve Cwere did h l e D whee helivi g?Te sientsuidhmsef in hisstudies in theb ief _tey culd erv t e o nt y with h knwledge. A.what B.that C. ht hic D. which ?Keys:1-10 C B BB C 1 20 D C A DBDC 1-3 BCDA ACC C 314 DBBC C BDB 41- BCAB名词性从句与定语从句:ABDB DBA BABB



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