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1、提高大学生的心理安康提高大学生的心理安康More and more people has begun to consider their mentalhealth that plays an important role in our daily life.Nowadays ,many students suffer from mental illness ,whichseriously influence on their study and daily life.越来越多的人开始担忧在日常生活中起着重要作用的心理安康。如今,许多学生都有严重影响他们学习和生活的心理问题。Consequent

2、ly, schools should take effect measures tosolve this problem. The mental health consul departmentshould be built in school to help those students who sufferfrom mental illness. In this way, those who are subjectedto the mental illness can get rid of the unhealthy shadowand build up their confident.

3、On the one hand, school canprovide a chance for students to show their tension. On theother hand, president and teachers should try their best tohelp those students. In addition, giving more concentrationon their physical health would help them to rebuild theirmental health.因此,学校应采取有效的措施来解决这个问题。学校应建

4、立心理安康咨询室来帮助那些患有心理问题的学生。这样,那些正遭受心理疾病的学生可以从不安康的阴影中解脱,建立信心。另一方面,学校可以为学生提供时机来展示他们的紧张。另一方面,校长和教师应尽力帮助那些学生。此外,对他们的身体安康提供更多的关注会帮助他们重建良好的心理安康。From what has been mentioned above, as students, weshould try our best to municate with our, friends, parentsor teachers. Last but not the least; we should not hesita

5、teto go to the mental health consult room for help when wehave trouble in mental illness. Only in this way, can wereduce our mental illness, and we will bee a strong andconfident person in the end.综上所述,作为学生,我们应该尽我们最大的努力与我们的朋友,父母或老师交流。最后但并非最不重要的;在我们有心理问题的时候,我们应该毫不犹豫地去心理安康咨询室求助。只有这样,我们才可以减少心理疾病,最终成为一个坚强自信的人。



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