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1、典范英语 7 1 新版典范英语 7(旧版 6)3 第三篇Princess Pips Holiday皮皮公主的假期1 Ready to go 准备出发Everyone in Princess Pips castle was very busy. 皮皮公主城堡里的每个人都很忙。The King was polishing his money, 国王忙着擦钱,the Queen was choosing sun hats, 王后忙着挑选遮阳帽,and the maids were running around with piles of vests. 女佣们抱着一堆堆的马甲跑来跑去。“ Can I

2、take Dobbin on holiday?”asked Princess Pip.我能带着都宾去度假么?皮皮公主问。“I m afraid there wont be room for a pony on the coach ,”said the Queen. 我恐怕马车上一个小马的位置也没有了,王后说。“Oh, ”said the Princess Pip. 哦,皮皮公主说。“Can Amanda and Bert come,then?”那么,阿曼达和伯特能来吗?“There s no room for snakes,”said the King, “not even pet ones.

3、”没有地方放蛇了,就是宠物蛇也不行,国王说。Princess Pip scowled . “This holiday is going to be BORING,” she said.皮皮公主阴沉着脸,说: “这个假期肯定特别无聊” 。They went on holiday in their best gold coach. 他们乘坐他们最豪华的金色大马车去度假了。“Wave to all the people, dear,” said the Queen.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - -

4、- - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 2 “亲爱的,向所有的人挥挥手” ,王后说。Princess Pip folded her arms . “ I m on holiday,” she said. 皮皮公主双臂交叉,抱着胳膊,说: “我在度假”。“Are we nearly there yet?”“我们已经快到了么?”“We wont be there for a long time,” said the Queen firmly .王后肯定地说:“我们不会花费很长时间了”It did take a long time to get

5、to the seaside . 确实用了很长时间才到达海边。The coach got very hot, and Princess Pip didnt feel very well. 马车上变得很热,皮皮公主感觉不舒服。“Here we are,at last!” said the King happily.我们终于到了!国王高兴的说。“But its a castle!” said Princess Pip. “Just like home.Its BORING. ”“但这是一个城堡啊!”皮皮公主说。“就像家里一样,真没意思。 ”2 Just like home 就像回家There wa

6、s a girl waiting by the castle door. 有一个女孩正在城堡的大门旁边等候。“This is Daisy,”said the Queen. “She is going to look after you,Pip.”王后说: “皮皮,这是黛西,她会一直照顾你。 ”Daisy showed Princess Pip her room. 黛西带着皮皮公主参观了她的房间。“I don t want a four-poster bed!” said Princess Pip.“That s just like home.”“我不喜欢四根柱子的大床, ”皮皮公主说,“就像家

7、里一样!”“You can sleep on my straw mattress , then,” said Daisy.“ I ll have the bed.”黛西说: “那你可以睡在我的草垫上,我睡那张床。”“Oh, all right.”said Princess Pip.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 3 “哦,好吧。”皮皮公主说。That evening there was a banq

8、uet and it went on for hours. 晚上举办了盛大的宴会 ,宴会持续了好几个小时。“More sprouts?”asked the King happily.“再来点芽菜吗?”国王愉快的问。This is BORING,”said the Princess Pip.“真没意思”皮公主说。“Nonsense( 胡 说 ),dear,”said the Queen. “It cant be boring. We re on holiday!”“别胡说,亲爱的。”王后说。“怎么会没意思呢,我们在度假! ”“ I WANT TO GO HOME! ” said Princess

9、 Pip, the next day. 第二天皮皮公主说:“我要回家!”She had been walking round the castle walls all morning and she hadnt found anything to do. 她已经绕着城墙转了一早晨,她无事可做。“But we re having a wonderful time,” said the Queen,from her sun chair. “但是我们过得很开心呀, ”王后躺在沙滩椅上说。“Just look at the way my money shines in the sun, ” said

10、the King. “Wonderful!”“ 看看我的钱在阳光下闪闪发光的样子。” 国王说,真是太美了!“ But its BORING! ” said Princess Pip.但是很无聊,皮皮公主说。“Why don t you go and talk to Daisy?” suggested the Queen.为什么你不去和黛西聊聊呢?王后建议道。Princess Pip stomped off. 皮皮公主生气的跺着脚走开了。“That does it,” she said to Daisy. “I WANT TO GO HOME!”“我受够了,”她对黛西说,“我要回家。”3 The

11、 road home 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 4 回家的路“If you stayed here a bit longer,you might start liking the seaside,” said Daisy. 如果你在这里呆的久一点,你也许会喜欢海边,黛西说。But Princess Pip wasnt listening. 但是皮皮公主听不进去。She was putting

12、all her important things in her suitcase. 她把所有重要的东西都放到了行李箱里。“I think well have to take some things out,”said Daisy.我觉得我们必须拿出一些东西才行,黛西说。Daisy found them both backpacks, and they set out for home. 黛西为她们找到了两个背包,然后他们启程回家。Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road. 皮皮公主和黛西穿过吊桥 ,

13、沿着路往回走。It was very hot. 天气太热了。“Let s have a nice,cool snack,”said Daisy.我们来些精美的、凉爽的小吃吧,黛西说。So they got some fish sticks from a stall. 于是她们从一个货摊买了一些鱼条。“These arent bad,” admitted Princess Pip.“味道不错”,皮皮公主承认。“They taste best by the seaside,” said Daisy.要是在海边味道才更好呢,黛西说。“ I ll show you where the fish com

14、e from, if you like.”如果你愿意,我可以带你看看鱼是从哪里来的。They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea swished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold. 她们沿着石阶往下走, 海水唰唰的冲上来, 又流下去, 地面看起来像金子做名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共

15、 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 5 的。“Look in these pools,” said Daisy.“ 往水池里看, ”黛西说。The fish were hard to catch. 这些鱼很难被抓住。”You could take your stockings off,” said Daisy, “and use them for nets.”黛西说 ,你可以脱掉你的长筒袜,用袜子做渔网。It was nice without shoes and stockings on. 不穿鞋子和袜子的感觉真好。It was even nicer once Prin

16、cess Pip had taken off her coat and crown. 可是当皮皮公主把外套脱了、王冠摘掉时,那感觉就更好了。The fish looked very cross at being caught, so Princess Pip let them go. 这些鱼被抓住了显得很生气。于是皮皮公主把他们都放了。“It s not too bad here,” said Princess Pip, at last. “ I want to stay here all the time. ”“这里还不错,”最后皮皮公主说,“我想留在这里。 ”“Let s build a

17、sandcastle, then,” said Daisy.那么,让我们来建造一座沙堡,黛西说。“A sand HOUSE, ” said Princess Pip.一个沙子做的房子,皮皮公主说。It was hard work, but they built a huge house, with a moat all around. 这是一项艰巨的工作,但是她们建造了一座巨大的房子, 周围环绕着护城河。Soon the sea came in and filled the moat. 很快,海水涌进来了,充满了整条护城河。“That s just right.”said Princess P

18、ip. 这就对了,皮皮公主说。“Make it stop coming in now,Daisy.”“黛西,现在别让水再进来了。 ”But the sea kept on coming in. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 6 但是海水持续不断涌进来 . and soon it had washed their house FLAT. 很快海水把他们的房子冲刷平了。“ We built our h

19、ouse too close to the sea,”said Daisy, sadly. 我们建造的房子太靠近大海了,黛西难过地说。“STUPID SEA! ”shouted Princess Pip. “STUPID SEASIDE! I WANT TO GO HOME! ”愚蠢的大海!皮皮公主大喊道。愚蠢的海边!我要回家!4 Riding the dragon 骑龙Princess Pip and Daisy put on their shoes and picked up their backpacks. 皮皮公主和黛西穿上鞋,捡起背包。“I m tired,”said Princes

20、s Pip, very soon. “ I want to ride Dobbin. Are we nearly home, yet?”“我累了,”可很快皮皮公主就说,我要骑杜宾.我们已经快到家了,对么?“Why don t you ride one of the horses on that merry -go-round? ” suggested Daisy. 你为什么不骑旋转木马上的马呢?黛西建议到。“Oh, no,”said Princess Pip. “ I m going to ride that dragon.”哦,不,皮皮公主说。我要骑那条龙。The dragon went v

21、ery fast, and there was lots of exciting music-but then it all stopped. Everyone got off. 龙跑得非常快,音乐也激动人心但是音乐忽然停了。所有人都下来了。“But.were still here!” said Princess Pip, crossly, as she got off ,too. “但是 我们还在这里!”皮皮公主一边也跳下来一边生气的说。“At least it wasnt boring,” said Daisy.至少这不是无聊的,黛西说。“I WANT TO GO HOME!” shout

22、ed Princess Pip.名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 7 我要回家!皮皮公主大喊道。“At least it was fun,” said Daisy. “Everything is fun here because its a FUN-fair.”至少这是有趣的,黛西说。这的一切都很有趣,因为这里是游乐场。Princess Pip sniffed. “ What s fun about

23、it?” she asked.皮皮公主吸了口气。有什么好玩的?她问道。“I ll show you,” said Daisy.我带你去,黛西说。They went down the roller coaster. 她们上了过山车。Then they went UP and UP and .DOWN again. 然后她们一会向上、之后又向下。“AARRRRGH! ” yelled Princess Pip and Daisy. 啊!皮皮公主和黛西大喊。“Let s go on it again,” said Princess Pip.让我们再玩一遍吧,皮皮公主说。“ Tomorrow, per

24、haps,” said Daisy, who had gone very pale.也许明天吧,黛西说,她变得很苍白。“BUT I WANT.” began Princess Pip.但是我想 皮皮公主又开始了。“Hello!” said a voice.嗨!一个声音说。It was the King. The Queen was with him. 这是国王。王后也和他在一起。“Wheres Princess Pip?” the King asked Daisy.皮皮公主在哪里?国王问黛西。“Here !” said Princess Pip.这里!皮皮公主说。The King and th

25、e Queen stared at her. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 典范英语 7 8 国王和王后盯着她。“You can t be Pip!” the Queen gasped.你不可能是皮皮!王后喘着气。“Youre all dirty,and you have no stockings!”你全身都脏了,袜子都没了。“But I am!” said Princess Pip, and put on h

26、er crown to prove it.但是我没事!皮皮公主说,带上她的王冠来证明。“Look! Its me, and Ive found a place where the ground is made of gold!看,这就是我。我发现了一个地方,地面是金子做的。Come and see.”过来看看。Daisy and Princess Pip showed them the beach. 黛西和皮皮展示了他们的海滩。“ Good heavens!”said the King. 天哪!国王说。“How wonderful! Its just the color of money.”多

27、美呀,这就像金币的颜色啊。“What a perfect place for my sun chair,”said the Queen.这可以一个完美的放我沙滩椅的地方,王后说。The beach was a perfect place for picnics and games, and races, too. Everyone loved it. 这片海滩是一个完美的地方,适合野炊、做游戏,也是赛跑的好地方。每个人都喜欢这里。Then one day the King said: “ What a pity we have to go home tomorrow.”之后的一天,国王说:“真遗憾,明天我们就要回家了。 ”Princess Pip scowled, and she said. “I don t want to go home!”皮皮公主阴沉着脸说:“我不想回家! ”名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -



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