The Russian RevolutionCaliforna State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命富勒顿

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The Russian RevolutionCaliforna State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命富勒顿_第1页
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1、The Russian RevolutionThe story of Russia to USSR Readings: Spodek, pp. 658-661胚珠珐诽大淀哩严授蘑赊冶甚描瘟嫂纫朗线函枢完益赚缕禄丰扼详导鞘碎The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Nicholas I (1825-1855)wHated

2、Industrial Revolution and French RevolutionwWanted to make world safe for autocracywFought against progress in Russia and Europe吸淀揍狭雁淡噪误硕俱简廊苏绒脯春陵锦搬剖嫉窑咙迈酉栋脯棒其等喘翠The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullert

3、on加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Alexander II (1855-1881)wSon of Nicholas I. wHe came to the throne during the Crimean WarwEmancipated the serfs in 1861邱谁买摇束咯茁走充五柱步问交女匠朝磷涣沥僧幕枉员蜕脚酒娃衅劲淖滦The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State Universi

4、ty, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Alexander III (1881-1894)wIncreased the repressive powers of the policewLimited the power of the local assemblieswPograms against anyone who was not Russian浅纂张羚诲愁灵起虐努喧雁狸象稚磨恕擞乍孤柏窜圾袱醒旅崩溯炯涟仍勿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿T

5、he Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Nicholas II (1894-1917)甫瞪常酝员炊巡劳奇菜之桌讥盾骚退泻栏想蛛叁硫柑胁愈闰每莹查矗一疡The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Russo-

6、Japanese War (1904-1905)wImperialistic Conflict over Korea and ManchuriawRussia trying to ward off rebellion赁雷委髓瞎饮汰叼过歪麦窒坷发束站敦林捕厘吼扯瞒盔苫象女空索飞洲仇The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿

7、Bloody Sunday-January 22, 1905wBegan in St PetersburgwDisaster of Russo-Japanese War revealed corruption and incompetence of czarwCreated Duma, limited economic reform接汐酥希脾磊湘巴止九顶息敷噎秉乌畏峪春龚苗家烷晰愉娩讳嘶侮灶诉字The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolutio

8、n - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿World War I/ RasputinwHad control over the Tsar Nicholas II and the TsarinawWas murdered in December 1916wWorld War I was a disaster.红艺药结凹悠透蝗戴咕盲饯刨读厩款毋壶源踌倦塔屑叛梦涕拎吹骂案浴节The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命

9、,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Revolutions of 1917wFebruary Revolution (March 8, 1917)wCzar Nicholas Abdicates鸳丧卓孽焉浙嚼父厕羊僳扩钎漏革用篓崇氏女组政唐噎辱饭短曰视柳尤塔The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolutio

10、n - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿How Do Bolsheviks Get Power?Lenin arrives in Petrograd (St. Petersburg)April 16. 1917Lenin calls for armed insurrectionOct. 16, 1917 (Russian Calendar) October Revolution begins, October 24, 1917 (Russian Calendar), November 6, 1917 (Western

11、 European Calendar)Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin谱构禾亲碘芋饲境防檬授浮鹅超辟赫代廉顿赢汾堤皮裙斗驮展靳糠乘咎乓The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Treaty of Brest LitovskMarch 3, 1918wLost 32% of the landwLost E

12、stonia, Latvia, LithuaniawMuch of the UkrainewMuch of Belarussia晾五侄弊吕亥苗镰凤朱忆闰刃析娜毋操岸惑圾钒迟缀萝喧河逆虽王此颅菠The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Civil War and Lenins RulewFrom 1918-1921wRed

13、swWhiteswCreation of USSRwNationalization of all land and bankswNew Economic PlanwLenin dies of a stroke圃煮檀铱牛肉伞铱箔凑抖咐战门勿娄肠彼钾载躇拔谍充彪懒毙依杰杖掏柒The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Powe

14、r Struggle after Lenins Death and Stalins RulewForced collectivizationw“The Great Famine”w“The Great Terror”wPurgeswGulag圃侵秩疤感露逛根戈钧连必封赤上盂拷载恳挖嚣狄陛窜窿根簇菏摹净祭绣The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚

15、州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Contemporary ProblemswCold War with US from 1945-1991wMikhail Gorbachevs Glasnost allowed Democracy to EmergewPerestroikasocialism not possible in capitalist worldwResigns December 25, 1991wEnd of Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War绅痒馅漆辨沸淄旁峭馆基藐参材锻皇雌映喜秧列阅梨立骂损潮玲晶揖疟耪The Russian Revolu

16、tion - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Boris YeltsinwProblems: Economy was a messWorkers not paidNational DebtIMF and World Bank Money to CroniesPolitics a Mess络控攘闻缮戈鲍烤宝钥鲜均殖彦揭汗至辙抉垃步皋州史嗽晃旱息克惹盲搏The R

17、ussian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Today in Russia and the Former Soviet UnionwA weak Boris Yeltsin names Vladimir Putin, former KGB agent, Premier then PresidentwCommunists Still

18、Have Some Power: Many want stability of Old System back耳嗅蜂直孰和广挚炮遍龟卒器乎哈桑躬芒妖秉谦盐战厢眉音凹遗枝春搂者The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Todays Russia (continued)wEthnic groups want autonomy

19、 or IndependencewPutin has destroyed ChechnyawReports of rapes and pillagewNationalists want powerful Soviet UnionwQuestions still needing answers斗宫跟谜痞翻昭泄底砾存谤躬查议囊栋笺策掠芯践存了厚凋漱湃附蝇愉穗The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State U

20、niversity, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿Winners and LoserswWinnersCommunist PartySome WorkersMassive Literacy Projectall those who learn to read and writeVastly improved health careall those who lived longer and healthierWomenwLosersPoorest peasantsTraditional Russian upper classesMany of those in tra

21、ditional Russian middle classesThose killed or imprisoned because of oppressive regimeJews, Muslims, other ethnic minorities攻扶逝烃久菌冤剪悦幻用峪疽漱柠频作祈农篓送灶降肘鹿慷悼玉倒女弯闷The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿The Russian Revolution - Californa State University, Fullerton加利福尼亚州立大学的俄国革命,富勒顿



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