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1、造纸行业的工业结构和竞争力在以包装纸为制造业的造纸行业中,以下纸产品经常被应用,包括: 牛皮箱板纸 / 牛皮麻袋纸, 复合纸和纸板,瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸。从原材料的纸浆到纸盒和纸板的完成的整个过程如下:1、 废纸浆的准备包括纸张的分类、处理及运送纤维和旧卡片纸到备料线2、 备料准备包括:打浆、蒸煮、筛选,精磨及不同等级原料混合。3、 填料和添加物的准备包括:填料的储存, 稀释, 松香、明矾、染料的输送到纸浆存放的成浆池。4、 纸板成形包括最后的筛选,压榨脱水,纸板的干燥和外表施胶。5、 完成整理包括卷取,在进入仓库前切割纸卷到实际尺寸和纸卷直径。这项研究是为以生产包装纸的造纸工业提供竞争力的

2、分析,运用特定的构架分析来揭示此竞争力,如果必要的话,并提出一些关于如何获得行业竞争力或者提高他们的竞争力建议。自从全球市场的成功,从而对包装产品的提出了更高要求及其复杂的市场,包装行业的出口部门面临着严峻的挑战。1. 竞争和竞争力分析1.1 定义相关市场相关市场被定为为: “ 一个或一组产品和被生产或者被卖出一个假定利润最大的公司的这个地理区域不遵循定价法则,假设其他全部产品出售的价格恒定不变,而这正是现在和未来生产商和销售商对在这个地域这些产品很可能强加一个微小的但意义重大和长时间价格增长。相关市场则是满足这个测试的一组产品和一个地理区域。简而言之,上述产品或者服务被卖入这个地理区域后,相

3、关市场便是由产品或相关服务及买卖该产品或相关服务的双方所定义的。1. 商品市场有关商品市场是由当地牛皮箱板纸/ 牛皮麻袋纸, 复合纸和纸板, 瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸的进口所定义的。在定义这有关商品市场时的方法如下:假设一个问题:一个假定的商品生产商会说强加微小的但意义重大和长时间价格增长会使他收益吗?牛皮箱板纸 / 牛皮麻袋纸,复合纸和纸板,瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸杯用于制造卡片纸,箱板纸,麻布袋,纸袋以及其他纸包装容器。假设一个假定的国内生产商生产的这些纸产品将被强加一个微笑增长的但意义重大和长时间的价格,但如果由于消费者更喜欢进口商品,那么这个增长的价格将不会使其获得任何利润。既然生产商不太

4、可能从中获利,那么相关产品市场对当地的纸产品生产商而言就太过于窄小了,也就是,进口纸产品理应被认为商品市场的一部分。如果这个问题是否再次造成假定的生产商生产的当地纸品和出售的进口纸品将会得到利于它们价格的增长。然后,答案是肯定的,除上述产品再也没有其他产品被消费者所选择了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页因此,相关商品市场被定义成当地生产和进口的牛皮箱板纸/ 牛皮麻袋纸, 复合纸和纸板, 瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸。1. 地域市场有关地域市场,特别是包装纸行业的进口,被定义成菲律宾国家的领土。地域市场定义成这样:假定

5、生产商所在地域成为唯一现在和以后生产者的生产商品,那么这个地域便能够获益于在这个地区强加至少一个微小的但意义重大和长时间增长价格而在其他地区却有在一定期限内恒定不变。随着全球化市场的进程的加快和电子贸易的运用假设,通过网络分类地域市场定义便更困难了。因为这项研究的目的,包装纸行业的进口的这一地域市场被定义在菲律宾国家这个地域。1 市场参与者有关市场的参与者都是生产牛皮箱板纸/ 牛皮麻袋纸, 复合纸和纸板, 瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸包装行业和在国内市场上代售进口产品的造纸工厂。当地制浆造纸工厂是由现在的42 家工厂构成的,这些厂中:一家1是制浆造纸综合工厂,四家是完全的制浆工厂, 还有三十七家 3

6、7是废纸制浆工厂, 这些主要的工厂给注册为板纸投资BOI和挂面纸板、牛皮麻袋纸、瓦楞夹心原纸以及瓦楞纸生产商被列在比较小的造纸公司一般生产不用于包装出口货物的特种纸,它不是我们这项研究的内容。PICOP是一家大型的复杂综合原木处理工厂,在1996 年,公司年生产量为37.5714 万吨 /年,该公司主要生产瓦楞纸板箱、制浆和纸产品,以及硬纸板产品,除此之外还提供80% 用于生产报纸的新闻用纸。菲律宾的菲律宾纸工业公司PICOP 、马尼拉菲律宾首都造纸厂MPM 、国际纸业信贷公司 TIPCO 、菲律宾集装箱公司这四家造纸公司的总产量占该国造纸业年产量的43% 以上。包装纸和纸板由挂面纸和其他纸板

7、, 瓦楞芯纸和制袋用牛皮纸组成 主要生产商有年产6.6 万吨 PICOP和年产 6 万吨 MPM 两家公司。 虽然这两家公司占包装纸和纸板生产量的40% ,然而其他的 16 家造纸公司依然占 60% 生产量的比例。包装纸和纸板的年产量是110万吨。纸和纸浆生产协会是由巴丹半岛菲律宾吕宋岛西部 纸浆造纸厂 BPPM 、纸和纸浆联合纸业公司 UPPC 、LPPI、TIPCO和 PICOP 。自从进口纸产品被认为商品市场的一部分,进口部门便成了另外一个市场参与者。1.2 计算市场占有率为了对市场竞争程度以及现今市场操纵和滥用作出精确地估算,对市场占有率的计算式必要的。无论在现在还是未来,市场占有率需

8、要利用最好的公司的意义重大的指示器来反映市场情况,而销售的情况通常被认为是一个令人满意的指示器。但是,由于市场参与者不愿意泄露其信息,它的数据一般不能获得。由于没有造纸生产商销售的信息,市场占有率以总收入为基础加以计算,自从进口部门成为市场参与者,有关纸产品呢进口额也同样是挑选出来的。菲律宾包装纸市场竞争的分析中完全没有考虑供给商将基于国外竞争但却提供了进口商的需要的东西。为此,国外生产商和供给商将会集合在一起通过计算这种进口产品的价值和总量来测量它们对市场的影响。现在市场被认为是由正的进口收入总额和有关占有率计算出来的。下面是1995年- 1997 年市精选学习资料 - - - - - -

9、- - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页场上排名前五的项目以及它们各自的份额比率。表 1 收入份额: 1995 1997 为了估计进口所占市场份额,进口商被当做单独的市场供给商。然而缺少不可行的进口商等现有数据致使这个估计进口市场份额的项目崩溃,除了这个限制外,进口数据又被低估,一方面,自从到岸价格CIF被用于取代占地费用或者卖价。假定过去习惯于调整这些价格到占地费用或者卖价将会扭曲进口产品的价格。 另一方面, 自从数据被分解成包装纸制造产品的进口价格和用于制造其他纸制品进口价格,进口的数据被过高的估计。1.3 评估市场密集程度市场密集度取决于市场上公司的数

10、量和它们各自的市场份额。包装纸行业的密集度也就是公司所有者和企业的结构是用HHI 来计算的。 HHI 是一种在美国运用的指示器。它是所有市场参与者中的个人市场份额的平方的和。在美国的法律, HHI 并不能使用任何密集计算的情况,甚至是在对企业饿合并的计算,更确切的说它是当在回忆企业合并时被用来指导美国司法部门一项工具,法院采用一系列指导方案,包括HHI评定法, 作为有用的分析企业合并方法,并且他们寄希望HHI能指导其他反垄断法的地区。然而,HHI并没有足够的合法权利,法院,校验者和经济学家认为它只是一种在对合并的市场密集度的分析以及适用于其他反垄断法的地区的有效工具。指示为10000 的 HH

11、I 意味着完全垄断,而接近0 的指示就表示单个个体市场了。由于数据不足,这些HHI 计算便只能以市场占有率为如表1 所示计算依据了,在这做一个潜在的假设便是其他纸厂商在市场上是扮演次要角色1995 1997年的这些 HHI 如下:表 2 1995 1997的 HHI 值项目1995 1996 1997 UPPCI 造纸公司年份HHI 值精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页HHI 指数在一个时期能反映市场的高密集度,应该指出的是HHI 指数有被过高估计的趋势自从进口商 /商人被当成单独的市场参与者。2 . 结论和建议2

12、.1 结论高度密集通过对 HHI 估价的评断显示市场是高度密集的。高的进口成本是高密集度的前提。造纸行业资本集约型的自然规律毫无疑问的阻碍了公司的进口,正如难以获得必须的设备,原材料和技术, 以致无法生产。包装纸和纸板的生产实际上是占这个领域40% 生产能力的两家造纸公司所垄断生产的,这两家公司分别是菲律宾纸工业公司PICOP 、马尼拉菲律宾首都造纸厂MPM 。尽管市场密集度能反映滥用市场支配力的可能,但本质上它是不足以决定对竞争是否有反作用。1关税结构关税、价值规律、 效率和失败, 这些因素必须综合起来用来考虑市场密集度。进口受关税的影响,最近的关税改革降低了进口纸产品的进口哦障碍,也导致了

13、当地造纸公司的竞争日益增加。2高投资成为建造造纸企业的障碍成为造纸企业是一件很困难的事,需要投资资金以获得为生产进行的设备、技术。2.2 建议采用竞争方针能产生无竞争力的行为,对造纸行业的竞争具有足够的影响。2.2.1 竞争方针运用及贸易自由化竞争方针能扮演重要角色以保证垄断企业不至于滥用权利,而用来滥视企业竞争行为的竞争代理部门是至关重要的。2.2.2 使用高科技造纸行业需要提高产量和降低成本。更重要的是提高包装纸产品的产量。造纸企业的一个策略是建立大公司联盟以提供有关信息、科技以及为中小的以包装纸生产为主的造纸企业提供多种不同的路径。政府应该支持造纸企业通过该行业主动去获取技术和主要设备这

14、些需要,当公司认识到这个联盟后,政府将其合作的模式制度化。2.2.3 促进贸易简化海关手续应该被认为是减少交易费用以及使造纸企业进口所需的纸产品变得更加容易。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页Industry Structure and Competitiveness Paper Industry In the manufacture of paper-based packaging,the following paper products are used:kraftliner/sack kraft paper

15、, multiply paper and paperboard, corrugating medium, and corrugated paper. The production process from raw materials to finished cartons and boxes is as follow: 1.pulp and waste paper preparation-involves sorting ,handing and feeding of fiber and old carton/paper into the stock line. 2.Stock prepara

16、tion-involves pulping, steaming ,screening, refining and blending of different grades of raw materials. 3.Filler and additives perparation-involves the storing , diluting and feeding of rosin , alum and dye to the pulp stock in the machine chest . 4.Board forming-involves the final screening , press

17、ing (removal of water),drying and surface sizing of the board . 5.Finishing-invloves the wnding , and slitting of to the desired trim size and roll diameter before storing in the warehouse . The objective of this study is to provide a competition analysis of the paper industry which serves as input

18、to the paper-based packaging industry , using an analytical framework specficaly developed for this purpose , and to make recommendations , if necessary , on how to make the industry competitive or improve its competitiveness . The packaging industry is critical to the export sector since high-quait

19、y and sophisticated packaging is a requrement for success in the global market . 1 .Competition and Competitiveness Analysis 1.1 Defining the Relevant Market A relevant market is defind as, “ a product or group of product and a geograghical area in which it is produced or sold such that a hyothetica

20、l profit-maximizing firm , not subject to price regulation , that was the only present and future producer or seller of those products in that area likely would impose at least a small but significant and non transitory increase in price , assuming the terms of sale of all other products are held co

21、nstant . A relevant market is a group of products and a geogreghic area that is no bigger than necessary to satisfy that test ” .1 Product Market The relevant product market is defined as local and imported kraftliner /sack kraft paeper , multiply paper and paperboard , corrugating medium , and corr

22、ugated paper . In defining the relevant product market , the approach ffollowed is: assuming a hypothetical monopolist for a product , would said monopolist profit by imposing at least a small but significant and non-transitory increase in price. In manufacturing catons , boxes , sacks , bags and ot

23、her paper-based packging containers , kraftliner / sack kraft paper , multi-ply paper and paperboard , corrugating medium , and corrugated paper are used . Assuming that a hypothetical domestic monopolist producing these paper products . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页In de

24、dining the relevant product market , the approach followed is: assuming a hypothetical monopolist for a product ,would said monopolist profit by imposing at least a small but significant and non-transitory increase in price. In manufacturing catons ,boxes , sacks , bags and othet paper-based packgin

25、g containers , kraftliner / sack kraft paper , multi-ply paper and paperboard , corrugating medium , and corrugated paper are used . Assuming that a hypothetical domestic monopolist producing these paper products were to impose a small but signiicant and non-transitory increase in the prices of said

26、 products , the price increases would probably prove unprofitable since consumers would likely switch to imported products . Since the monopolist is unlikely to profit , a relecvant product matket limited to locally manufactured paper products is too narrow , i . e . improted paper products should p

27、roducts , the price increases would probably prove unproitable since consumers would likely switch to imported products . Since the monopolist is unlikely to profit , a relevant product market limited to locally manufactured paper products is too narrow , i .e . imported paper products should be con

28、sidered part of the product market . If the question is again posed on whether a hypothetical monopolist producing local and selling imported paper products. Would profit from an increase in its prices , then the answer would be positive since there would be no other sources of above products which

29、consumers could switch to . Thus , the relevant product market is defined as local and imported kraftliner / sack kraft paper , multi-ply and paperboard , corrugating medium and corrugated paper . Geograghical Market The relevant geograghical market , specifically for inputs to the paper-based packa

30、ging industry , is defined as the philippine national territory . The geographical market is defined thus: it is the region where a hypothetical monopolist , being the only present or future producer of the produc , could profitably impose at least a small but significant and non-transitory price in

31、crease holding the terms of sale constant at all other locations . Defining the geopraghical market has become much more difficult with the increasing globalization of market for the inputs to the paper-based packaging industry will be defined as the Philippine nation territory . Participants in the

32、 Market The relevant participants in the market are the mills manufacturinig kraftliner / sack kraft paper , multiply paper and paperboard , corrugating medium , and corrugated paper for the paper-based packaging industry , and importers of such materials for sale to the domestic market . The local

33、pulp and paper industry is currently composed of 42 mills . Of these , one (1) is a fully intergrated pulp and paper mill , four (4) are purely mills , and thirty seven (37) pulp and reclaimed fiber mills . The major mills registered with the Board of Investments (BOI) and producing liner board , sa

34、ck kraft , and corrugating medium are listed in Table 1. The smaller firms producing specialty paper , i . e . paper not used for packaging goods for export , do not form part of this study for the paper-based packaging industry , and importers or such materials for sale to the domestic market . The

35、 local pulp and paper industry is currently composed of 42 mills . Of these , one (1) is a fully intergrated pulp and paper mill , four (4) are purely pure pulp mills , and thirty-seven (37) pulp and reclaimed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页fiber mills , the major mills reg

36、istered with the Board of Investments (BOI) and producing liner board , sack kraft , and corrugating medium are listed in Table 1 . The smaller firms producing specialty paper , i. e . paper not used for packaging goods for export , no not form part of this study . PICOP is the largest intergrated w

37、ood-processing complex . As of 1996 , its capacity is 375,714 metric tons per year . The company is a major manufacturer of corrugated carton , pulp and paper products , and containerboard products aside from supplying 80% of the newsprint paper requirements of newspapers . The aggregate production

38、of four (4) mills-PICOP , Manila Paper Mills (MPM) , Trust I nternational Paper Corppration (TIPCO) , and Container Corporation of the Philippines-account for at least 43% of the local annual capital of the entire industry . The production of packing paper and board (composed of liner and other boar

39、ds , corrugating medium and sack kraft) is dominated by PICOP with a capacity of 66,000 MT-per year , and formed by MPM with capacity of 60,000 MT per year . The company is a manufacturer of corrugated carton , pulp and paper products , and containerboard products aside from supplying 80% of the new

40、sprint paper requirements of newapaper . The aggregate production of four (4) mills-PICOP , Manila Paper Mills (MPM) , Trust International Paper Corporation (TIPCO) , and Container Corporation of the Philippines-account for at least 43% of the total annual capacity of the entire industry . The produ

41、ction of packaging paper and board(composed of liner and other boards ,corrugating medium and sack kraft) is dominated by PICOP with a capacity of 66,000 MT per year , and formed by MPM with a capacity of 60,000 MT per year . 1.2 Calculating Market Share In order to make an accurate evaluation of th

42、e degree of competition within a market and the presence of market dominance and abuse , the calculation of market shares is necessary . Market shares have to be computed using the best indicator of a firm s significance as a market player both in the present and in the future . The level of sales s

43、ignificance as a market player both in the present and in the future . The level of sales is generally deemed a desirable indicator . However , this data could not be obtained due to the refusal of the participants to divulge information . With no information on sales by paper producer , market shar

44、es were computed on the basis of gross revenues . Since the import sector is a market participant , the value of imports of the relevant paper products was also culled . A competitiveness analysis of the Philippine market for paper-based packaging is not , however , complete without considering supp

45、liers thereof that are based abroad but provde the needs of importer . For the purpose of this paper , foreign manufacrurers and suppliers shall be lumped together as one group and measure their impact on the market by computing the value and volume of imports of such products . considering supplier

46、s thereof that are based abroad but provide the needs of importer . For the purpose of this paper ,foreign nanufacturers and supplier shall be lumped together as one group and measure their impact on the market by computing the value and volume of imports of such profucts . The market is now conside

47、red to be composed of gross revenues plus imports and the relevant shares were calculaed . The top five (5) players in the market and their respective revenue shares from 1995 to 1997 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页are shown below : Table 1 Revenue Shares: 1995- 1997 For th

48、e purpose of esrimating the market shares of imports , imports were treated as a single market supplier . The lack of available data makes disaggregation according to importer impacticable . In addition to this limitation import data are undervalued ,the relevant shares were canculated used for the

49、manufacture of other made-up paper articles . 1.3 Ealuating Level of Concentration Market concentration depends on the number of firms in a market and their respective market shares .The level of concentration ,i . e . ownership of firms and industry structure , in the paper-based packaging industry

50、 was computed using the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) .The HHI is an indicator used in the U .S .A . It is the sum of squares of the individual market shares of all the market participants . Under American law , the HHI is not srictly mandated in any situation , even in mergers . Rather , it is u

51、sed in guidelines of the U . S . Department of Justice when analying mergers , and they look to the Hhi for guidance in other areas of antitrust law as well . While the HHI has no “ legal” authority , courts , regulators and economists recognize . The level of concentration , i . e . ownership of fi

52、rms and industry structure , in the paper-based packaging industru was computed using the Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) .The HHI is an indicator used in the U .S .A . It is the sum of squares of the individual market shares of all the market participants . Under American law , the HHI is not sric

53、tly mandated in any situation , even in mergers . Rather , it is used in guidelines of the U . S . Department of Justice when analying mergers , and they look to the Hhi for guidance in other areas of antitrust law as well . While the HHI has no “ legal” authority , courts , regulators and economist

54、s recognize it as a usefull tool in analyzing market concentration in mergers and other areas of antitrust law . An HHI of 10,000 means a pure monopoly , while an HHI approaching zero indicates an atomistic market . Due to an insufficiency of data ,HHI will be computed on the basis of the market sha

55、res estimated in Table 1 . The underlying assumputed here is that other papert producers are minor players in the market . The HHI s for 1995 to 1997 are as follows :Players 1995 1996 1997 Imports PICOP Resources Corp . Manila Paper Mills, Inc . 8.2 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页

56、,共 10 页Table 2 HHI : 11995- 1997 The HHI figures indicate high market concentration over the period .It should be noted that the HHI figure tend to be overrestimatd since imporers / traders were considered a single market player . 2 Conclusions and Recommenations 2.1 Conclusions 2 High Concentration

57、 Estimated HHI values indicate that the market is highly concentrated . High entry cost contributes primariy to high merket concentration .The capital intensive nature of the industry clearly discourages entry by other firms , as it is difficult to obtain needed facilities , raw materrials and techn

58、ology to begin prodction . Packaging paper and board manufacturing is oligopolistic in nature - two big firms accounting for 40% of the industry s capacity .These are Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (PICOP) and Manila Paper Mills . Although market concentration may indicate the likel

59、ihood of abuse of market power , such in itself is insufficient to determine whether there have been adverse effects on competition . Tariff Structure Tariffs , pricing behavior ,wfficiencies and failure ,should be examined together with market concentration . Entry is affected by the tariff structu

60、re . Recent tariff reforms substantially relaxed entry barriers to imports , and resultrd in increased competition for the local industry . High Investment Cost as a Barrier to Entry Entry into th industry is difficult as huge investment are needed to obtain facilities and technology to start produc

61、tion . Entry is affectd by the tariff structure . Recent tariff reforms substantially relaxed entry barriers to imports , and resulted in increased competition for the local industry .2.2 Recommendations Year HHI 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页Competition policy can address

62、 uncompetitive behavior , which has a substantial impact on the competitiveness of the paper industry . 2 Competition Policy and Trade Liberalization Competition policy can play a critica role in ensuring that monopoly and oligopoly positions are not abused . A conpoetition agency to monitor the beh

63、avior of firms is vital . 2.2.2 Access to Improved Technology The industry needs to reduce costs and improve productivity . More importantly , it has to increase the quality of its paper and board packaging products .One strategy is for the industry to establish alliances with large companies that c

64、an supply information . tchnology and ways to offer more varieties to its downstream industry the paper-based packaging industry . The government should support initiatives of firms to acquire technology and capital equipment needed by the industry . After the firm has identified its alliances, the government may offer to institution alize the mode of cooperation . Trade Facilitation Simplification of customs procedures should also be condidered to reduce transaction costs and facilitate importation of needed inputs by the industry . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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