江苏省高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Period5 Task课件 牛津译林版必修2

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1、Model 2 Unit 2 Wish you were here Period 5 Task 一【设计思想】本堂课围绕本堂课围绕Planning a holiday for your family展开,在对展开,在对Reading的深层次理解基的深层次理解基础上,通过设计听、说、读相关的技能训练础上,通过设计听、说、读相关的技能训练活动,最终所有的技能反映在书面上活动,最终所有的技能反映在书面上写一写一封封e-mail介绍自己的旅行安排。介绍自己的旅行安排。二二【教学目教学目标】 By the end of this class, the students will be able to1.

2、 get information about dates and places through listening.2. improve their speaking skills by using what, where, when, who, why and how to form questions and dialogues.3. write an e-mail freely.三三【教学重教学重难点点】 Improve the students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills step by step.【课堂导入课堂导入】

3、While writing an e-mail, what points should we note?1.type in the e-mail address of the person you are writing to and the subject of your e-mail. 2. dont have to type in your e-mail address3. greet the person ( Dear )4. start the e-mail ( Hello )5. type your first name at the end 6. use contractions

4、 or abbreviation( Im fine ) (thanx)【预习检查预习检查】Find out the following phrases from P32 to P37.大陆的名称 the name of the continent去旅行社go to the travel agents河上的观光 take a river cruise在山脚下 at the foot of the mountain。的出生地 the birthplace of稍做休息 relax a little bit在灌木丛中跋涉 trek through the bush坐缆车下山Go down the m

5、ountain by cable car.颠倒顺序 invert the order选择假期的目的地choose a holiday destination输入E-mail地址type in the e-mail address接近动物get close to the animals 【课堂教与学课堂教与学】Skills building 1: recognizing dates and names of places the day of the month,e.g.,the 20th/8ththe month,e.g., March/Augustthe year,e.g., 2005/20

6、081. recognizing the dates:* 1st/first 21st /twenty-first * 2nd/second 22nd/twenty-second 3rd/third 23rd/twenty-third 31st/thirty-first2. Most dates end with th(e.g.,4th/fourth). However,some have different endings,e.g3. When we talk about names of places, what can we talk about?The name of the city

7、 e.g, Beijing, The name of the country e.g, ChinaThe name of the the continent e.g, AsiaRemember: Beijing China Asia, August 8th,20081. 25 June 2. Museums3. Rome4. Churches5. 8 July6. villagesSuggested answers4. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks according to what you hear on P32.5: Reading a

8、nd listening for more details 1. Mount Heng 2. Fenghuang3. Zhangjiajie* Hunan Province Adventure* Explore Shandong Province1. Jinan 2. Taian 3. QufuA: Read the two leaflets and circle the names of the places mentioned4. Mount Tianzi B: Read the holiday leaflets on page 33 carefully and fill in as ma

9、ny details as possible.(1) night train (3) modern Chinese writer (5) Mount TianziTravel Plan 1Travel Plan 2(7) the City of Springs (9) The next morning(10) the foot of the mountain How much to spend?How long to spend?C: Listen carefully and get more information from the travel agents. Complete the t

10、ravel plans. Travel Plan 1Travel Plan 2(2) town (4) best (6) 1,200(8) six (11) teacher (12) 1,300 Answers1: Form questions according to Skills building 2. Skills building 2: forming questions from prompts 2: Make up a dialogue and work in pairs as the son/daughter and mother.Son/Daughter : Mum, what

11、 type of holiday do you prefer? Where do you want to go?Mum: Actually I dont know. I just want to take an active holiday. 3: Check your mums schedule and decide where to go.Skill building 3writing an emailHow do we write an e-mail?Tips of writing e-mails1. e-mail address & subject2. addressing the r

12、eceiver3. greeting4. body5. first name of the writer All the best Best regard Lots of love Love Love from Regards Take care YoursWays of ending an informal e-mail:Date: 25 June From: To: Subject:Singapore How are you? Have you finished your exams yet? Hello Ellen! Im in Singapore! I only arrived h

13、ere two days ago but Ive already seen a lot of interesting things. Yesterday, we went to Orchard Road to go shopping and then we went to the Night Safari. Its a zoo thats open at night, and you can get very close to the animals! Tomorrow, were going to Sentosa. Its an island south of Singapore -you

14、can travel there in a cable car. I hear there is a lot to see and do there! Sorry I dont Have much time to write. Ill call you when I get back. See you soon! Love, Connie214365Dear mum ,Im going on a trip with my friends. We are planning toWhat do you think of my plan?LoveDavidPlanning a Holiday _ _

15、 I have looked at several possible places where we can go on holiday and checked Mums schedule. I think this trip sounds very exciting and it sounds just like what you and Mum want. Let me know if I should book it. Bye for now. _ _Date:FromTO:DadSubject:HolidayIveDear DadHow are you ?Love(the writer

16、s first name) 30Nov Step 3: e-mail your father You need to mention where you should go and why when you should travel what activities you can do what you can see the duration /the cost【课堂巩固课堂巩固】Write an email to your father on your travel plan.【知识小结知识小结】 听说读写中,写是语言运用的最高层次。通过让学生听说读写中,写是语言运用的最高层次。通过让学生明白写的内容和步骤,并阅读所给范例,为完成本板明白写的内容和步骤,并阅读所给范例,为完成本板块的写的任务做好铺垫。块的写的任务做好铺垫。【提升与拓展提升与拓展】15 ABACC610 AACBB 1115 DDBDC 1620 AABCB【课后预习课后预习】Project。【板书设计板书设计】本课中的重点词汇及句型。本课中的重点词汇及句型。【家庭作业家庭作业】1. 修改课上所写的文章;修改课上所写的文章;2. 完成完成project导学案。导学案。



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