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1、学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆汉英分类词汇航空发动机类型Aero-Engine Models 超高涵比发动机ultra high bypass engine 超音速冲压喷气发动机scramjet engine 冲压喷气发动机ram-jet engine 带推力转向系统的发动机engine with thrust deflector system 带自由涡轮双轴涡轮轴喷气发动机twin-spool turbo-shaft with free-power turbine 单 轴 涡 轮 喷 气 发 动 机single-spool turbo-jet engine 低涵比发动机low bypass tu

2、rbofan 反向旋转发动机contra-rotation engine 高涵比发动机high bypass turbofan 后风扇涡轮喷气发动机aft fan turbo-jet engine 活 塞 式 发 动 机piston(-and-cylinder) engine / piston-driven engine 桨扇发动机prop-fan engine 离心涡轮喷气发动机centrifugal turbo-jet engine 脉冲喷气发动机pulse jet engine 前风扇涡轮喷气发动机front fan turbo-jet engine 燃气轮机gas turbine en

3、gine 三轴桨扇发动机three-shaft prop-fan engine 三轴涡轮前风扇涡轮发动机triple-spool front fan turbo-jet 双轴外涵涡轮喷气发动机twin-spool by-pass turbo-jet 双轴涡轮风扇发动机twin-spool turbo-fan engine 同向旋转发动机co-rotation engine 外骨架发动机exo-skeletal engine 涡轮冲压喷气发动机turbo/ram jet engine 涡轮风扇发动机turbofan engine 涡轮火箭发动机turbo-rocket engine 涡轮螺旋桨发

4、动机turboprop engine 涡轮喷气发动机turbojet engine 涡轮轴发动机turbo-shaft engine 轴流涡轮喷气发动机axial flow turbo-jet engine型面profile 型面座标图aerofoil ordinate chart 型式form 轴流式压气机axial (flow) compressor函道duct 函道比by-pass 函道风扇ducted-fan 中介机匣intermediate case 燕尾形样dovetail root 叶片vane(一般指静子叶片)压气机compressor 压气机机匣compressor case

5、 效率efficiency 压气机盘compressor disc 压缩比compression ratio 牙底root 涡轮导向器turbine nozzle 涡轮盘turbine disc 燃 烧 室burner / combustion chamber / combustor 燃烧室外套combustion outer case 燃油导管discharge nozzle 燃油滤fuel filter 燃油喷咀fuel atomizer / fuel spray nozzle 燃油消耗量fuel consumption 火焰筒liner 扩散器机匣diffuse case 加力燃烧室af

6、terburner 航空发动机叶片术语Terms of Aero-Engine Airfoils 叶片类型Type of Airfoils 动叶blade / bucket 静叶vane 空心叶片hollow blade / core blade 实心叶片solid blade 涡轮导向器turbine nozzles 涡轮导向器扇形段turbine nozzle segment 涡轮导向器叶片turbine nozzle vane / nozzle guide vane (ngv) 涡轮工作叶片turbine blade / bucket 涡轮静子叶片turbine nozzle vane

7、/ nozzle guide vane (ngv) 涡轮叶轮turbine wheel 涡轮叶片turbine blades & vanes / buckets 涡轮转子叶片turbine blade / bucket 压气机定子叶片compressor vane / vane 压气机工作叶片compressor blade / blade 压气机叶轮compressor impeller / compressor wheel 压气机叶片compressor blades & vanes 压气机整流叶片compressor vane / vane 压气机转子叶片compressor blade

8、 / blade 叶片的结构特点Characteristics of Airfoil Structure 基体部分base 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆榫头tip / cog / fir-tree / root / tenon 叶根blade root / root / vane tang 叶冠shroud / tip platform / tip shroud 叶身blade body 叶型部分aerofoil / profile 缘板platform / shroud 叶片的主要名

9、称Key Terms of Airfoil Body 基体base 进气边 /前缘leading edge 理论叶型theoretical developed airfoil/profile 排气边 /后缘trailing edge / exhaust edge 弦chord 型线airfoil curve 叶背blade back / convex side / blade convex 叶 盆blade basin / vane basin / blade/vane concave 叶片阻尼台blade damper / clapper / mid-span 叶身blade body 叶型

10、公差airfoil tolerance 叶型理论airfoil theory 叶型剖面airfoil section 中弧线airfoil mean line 工装Tooling 标准件master piece / standard part / tool master 标准块master block / reference block 测具gauge / measuring fixture / measuring tool 测头feeler / gauge head measuring head / stylus 车床夹具lathe fixture 车刀lathe tool/ cutter/

11、 turning tool 吊具lifting tool 夹具fixture 饺孔夹具reaming fixture / reaming jig 孔位置度测具hole true position gauge 拉刀broach (Bro.) / broaching cutter 拉削夹具broaching fixture 刨削夹具planner fixture 钳工工具bench-work tool 丝套insert / thread insert 丝锥taper / (screwing)tap 镗刀boring cutter 镗杆boring bar (B/bar) / boring spin

12、dle 镗孔夹具boring fixture / boring jig 铣槽工具grooving tool 铣床夹具milling jig 铣床铣槽刀milling machine / miller 铣铣槽刀刀milling cutter / milling tool 铣削夹具milling fixture 钻铰刀drill reamer 钻铰复合刀具combined drill and reamer 钻具jig 钻孔铰孔夹具drilling and tapping fixture 钻 孔 样 板drill template ( DRT ) / drilling template 钻模(dri

13、ll) jig 钻模板drill plate (DRP)钻模与夹具jigs and fixtures 钻套jig bush 钻套jig bush(ing) 钻头bit / drill / drilling bit机械加工术语Terms for Machining 半 精 加 工semi-finishing / semifinishing machining 插slotting 车turning 车床lathe/ turning machine 车床研磨lathe lapping 车端面facing 车螺纹thread turning 车螺纹 /螺纹加工thread/threading 车削tu

14、rning 车削螺纹cut thread 成形法forming 冲头blanking ram / piercer / punch / ram head / slider 冲压(punch) pressing 冲压加工stamping 冲压件pressing /stamping 穿孔 /套孔trepan/trepanning 粗加工roughing machining 锉file 倒角deburr / chamfer 倒角 /去毛刺deburr(ing) 倒棱chamfer 电解抛光electrochemical polishing / electrolytic polishing / elec

15、tro-polishing 电 解 蚀 刻 与 抛 光electrolytic etching and polishing 调整法machining on preset machine tool 定位locating / location 对刀to size / tool setting 仿形法copying 夹紧clamping 饺reaming 饺孔reaming 饺孔机reaming machine 饺孔钻reamer drill 饺铆钉孔ream a rivet hole 精加工finishing / finish machining 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

16、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆锯sawing 锯背back of the saw 锯槽kerf 锯齿serration 锯齿铣sawtooth milling 拉削broaching 冷装shrinkage fitting 铆rivet(ing) 铆钉rivet 磨床grind / grinding machine 磨端面face grinding 磨 料abraser / abrasive material / grinding compound 磨削加工abrasive machining 抛polish 抛光buffing / b

17、urning / polish (Pol.) 刨planing/ shapering 刨槽fillister / slot shaping 刨齿gear shaper cutting / gear-shaping 刨床planer / planing machine/ shaper 刨削shaping 去毛刺deburring / fin cutting 镗boring 镗车两用机床boring lathe 镗床borer / boring machine 镗孔boring / borizing (金刚石)镗 磨 联 合 机 床combined boring and honing machin

18、e 镗钻两用机床boring and drilling machine 铣mill / milling 铣槽slot milling 铣 镗 床milling-borer / milling and boring machine 铣钻联合机床combined drill and mill machine 铣钻两用机床milling and drilling machine 旋spin 旋 锻spin forging / rotary forging / rotary swaging 旋锻机spin forging machine / rotary forging machine / rotar

19、y swaging machine 旋压spinning 旋压成型stretch planishing / spin forming 压装press fitting 研lapping 研齿gear lapping 研磨lapping 找正aligning / to center align 装夹set-up 装配assembly 钻drill(ing) 钻床drilling machine 钻孔drilling 钻埋头孔countersink 表面处理(镀层、涂漆和金属喷镀)Surface treatment (Plating,Paining & Metal sparying)涂层不良impe

20、rfectly coated spots 涂层过厚thickening 涂层凸起lifting of the coating, protrusion, or lifting 冲压Punch 尺寸检验dimension inspecting 基准datum 技术条件technical condition 加工fabricate 夹clamping 夹紧面clamping surface 夹具fixture 钻孔drill 钻头drill 图纸及工艺规程常用词汇Everyday Vocabularies on Working Drawings & W.P.S 尺scale 尺寸dimension

21、/ size 尺寸单向极限single of size 尺寸过大oversize 尺寸过小undersize 尺寸极限limit of size 尺寸最大极限maximum of size 尺寸最大余量极限maximum metal of size 尺寸最小极限minimum of size 齿根root 处理treatment 吹砂blast / abrasive blasting 垂直度perpendicularity / squareness 垂直度公差squareness tolerance 单位燃油消耗量specific fuel consumption 单位压力unit press

22、ure 单位装配件assembly unit 单向公差unilateral tolerance 单向公差域bilateral tolerance zone 氮化nitriding 当量equivalent 挡块stop 刀柄holder 刀杆cutter bar 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆刀痕scar / tool mark 等离子喷镀plasma spray 等值equivalent 低压压气机LP compressor 地面试车ground run 典型加工typical ope

23、ration 防锈rust protection / rust proof 仿形copy 仿形铣床copying milling machine / duplicator 仿型加工form machine 高速钢high speed steel 高速工具钢high speed tool steel 高温合金high temperature alloy 高压压气机HP compressor 根root 根切undercut 公差tolerance 公差带tolerance band 公称尺寸nominal size 功能function 功能尺寸function dimension 功能要求fu

24、nctional requirement 构造尺寸constructional dimension 固定fasten 固定工具fastening tool 故 障defect / blemish / failure / fault / imperfection / trouble 故障分析trouble shooting 关键零件critical part 观点view 过盈interference 过盈配合interference fit 过载overload 互换性interchangeability 互换性组件interchangeable assembly 花键splined shaf

25、t 花键轴splined shaft 火裂fire cracks 机床machine (tool) 机匣case / casing 基本尺寸base dimension / basic size 基本公差basic tolerance 基本数basic member 基本锥体basic taper 基孔制hole basis limit system 基线basic line 基轴制shaft basis 基轴制shaft basis limit system 基准data / reference 基准尺寸datum dimension 基准点datum point 基准件basic memb

26、er 基准角basic angle 基准面datum face / datum plane 基准线datum line / zero line 基准叶片master vane 几何公差geometrical tolerance 几何精度accuracy geometrical 加工制造fabricate 夹紧fastening 夹具clamping apparatus / dogging tool / fixture / holding device / jig 检验装置checker 节径pitch diameter 精度accuracy / precision 精锻precision fo

27、rging 精加工finishing 精磨precision ground 精确长度exact length 精 调fine adjustment / accurate adjustment /precision adjustment 孔bore / hole 框flame 拉床broacher / broaching machine 拉刀broacher 拉销broach 离心式压气机centrifugal compressor 离心铸造centrispum casting iron 立式车床vertical lathe 立式钻床upright drill 螺母nut 螺栓bolt 名义尺寸

28、base size / nominal size 内径inner diameter 内裂internal crack 内外函发动机by-pass engine 内应力internal stress 内圆磨床internal grinding machine 耐磨性resistance to wear 耐热钢heat resisting steel 耐热合金heat-resisting 啮合mesh 啮合线action line 扭转twisting 排气边trailing edge 排气喷口exhaust nozzle 盘disc 抛光polishing 抛光机polisher / burni

29、shing wheel 刨平plane 泡疤blister 配合fit / matching / mating 配合等级classes of fit / grade of fit 配合间隙class of fit 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆配合类型types of fit 配合容差fitting allowance 配合直径snap diameter 配合制system of fits 配件mating piece 喷口nozzle 喷丸peening / shot-blasting

30、 喷丸处理shot peening 喷雾器atomizer 喷嘴nozzle 批生产mass production 疲劳断裂fatigue fracture 匹配matching 片sheet 偏心的eccentric 偏心距eccentric distance 偏心轮eccentric 偏心套eccentric bushing 偏心轴eccentric axis 偏心装置eccentric 偏移deviation 漆paint 切断parting 切面cutting 切切削深度depth of cut 切头cropping 切削cut 切削工具cutter 切削加工machining 轻合金

31、light alloy 轻微的slight 清楚的clear 清理cleaning 清漆层不好poorly varnished film 区域zone 曲度curve 曲面curved surface 曲线curve 屈服yield 屈服点yield point 屈服强度yield strength 屈服应力proof stress / yield stress 缺口敏感性notch sensitivity 缺 陷blemish / defect / failure / fault / imperfection 热脆性red shortness 热裂hot crack 热裂纹clink 热损h

32、eat waste 容差allowance 熔化smelt (ing) 蠕变creep 设计design 设计草图rough plan 设计尺寸design size 设计角design angle 伸长elongation 伸长率elongation 失速stall(飞机)湿吹砂vapour blast 时间表schedule 时效ag(e)ing 时效处理seasoning 识别号identification number 实际尺寸actual size 实际有效直径virtual effective diameter 式样form / manner 事故accident / failur

33、e 视图view 试车test run / trial run 试件test piece 试验examine / test 试验参数test data 试样coupon / (test) sample / test specimen 试样长度sample 释放release 手册manual 手段means 寿命limit of life 数number 数据data 数量quantity 说明书description / specification 榫头root调正adjustment 调质improvement跳动量runout 凸起overfill 凸台boss 凸缘collar / f

34、lange 图scheme 图板drawing board 图号drawing number 图形机体feature 图样draft / drawing 图纸drawing (sheet) 图纸比例drawing scale 图纸技术要求drawing call-out 涂层不良imperfectly coated spots 涂层过厚thickening 涂层凸起lifting of the coating, protrusion, or lifting 涂漆paint 推荐尺寸preferred size 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

35、- -第 5 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆推力thrust 推力比thrust ratio 椭圆度ovality 外部检查visual inspection 外函道by-pass duct 外螺纹external screw thread 外形outline 外圆磨床circular grinding machine 位置location 位置公差positional tolerance 蜗杆worm 蜗轮work wheel 卧式钻镗床horizontal boring & drilling machine 误差error 习惯表示法conventional representa

36、tion 铣床milling machine 铣刀milling 现场site / spot 相当的equivalent 相应值equivalent 消除应力stress relieved / stress released 消耗consumption 销钉pin 销孔bore / pin hole 销子pin 斜度angularity (tolerance) 压板clamp (plate)氩弧焊argon-arc welding 应变strain 应变时效strain ageing 应力stress 应力腐蚀裂纹stress corrosion crack 应力消除stress reliev

37、ing 应力 -应变曲线stress strain curve 应力 -应变图stress strain diagram 圆度circularity / roundness 圆滑smoothness 圆心center of circle 圆柱度cylindricity 直径diameter 制度system 制造manufacture 质量quality 质量验收标准quality acceptance standard 中心距center distance 中心孔center hole 轴shaft 轴承bearing 轴线axis 轴线axis 主喷咀main nozzle 铸造casti

38、ng 铸造组织casting iron structure 专门技术know-how 专门铣床planomilling machine 专用工具special tool 专用工装special tooling 专用设备special purpose machine 专用铣床production machine 转换reset 转子叶片blade 装备device 装夹mount 装配assembly / mount 装配车间assembling shop / assembly shop / erecting shop / fitting shop 装配间隙fit clearance 装配件as

39、sembly 装配图assembly drawing / erection drawing 装箱退火close annealing 装置device 锥齿轮bevel gear 锥度taper 锥螺纹taper thread 锥面conical surface 锥体slow object / taper 总尺寸外形尺寸overall dimension 总体布置图general layout 总装车间assembly department 总装件assembly / general assembly 总装图general layout 组合件joint 组件assembly 组装件sub as

40、sembly 钻drill 钻床drill machine 钻具jig 钻孔drill 钻套drill jig bush 钻头号drill number 最大长度max length 最大间隙major clearance 最大推力full thrust / top thrust 最大直径major diameter 最小长度min length 最小间隙minor clearance 最小直径minor diameter 缺陷解释Interpretation of Defects 凹陷undercutting (在母材上沿焊接边的沟槽或充填不足)变形deformation (在加工时未能保持

41、住形状不精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆变或与相邻部有不顺滑转接)电解腐蚀electrolytic action (不同金属间的电蚀作用造成的缺陷)断裂fracture(受力过大造成的破坏)开裂flaw 外贸常用词语和术语Everyday Vocabularies of Foreign Trade 询盘Inquiry 把某物交付给某人to deliver sth to sb 把询价记录在卷to keep the inquiry on file 办理交货to effect delivery

42、/ to make delivery 还盘Counter Offer 还盘counter offer 享有盛誉enjoy great popularity 与某人达成交易conclude business with sb. 达成交易close business / close a deal / close a transaction / close a bargain 价格Price成本加保险费运费价cost, insurance & freight (C.I.F.) 成本加运费价cost & freight (CFR) 船上交货free on board (F.O.B) 底价floor pr

43、ice 货币currency 价格偏低on the low side 价格条件price terms 廉价出售a bargain sale 市场价market price 讨价还价bargain 为某事拼命讨价还价drive a hard bargain over sth. 与某人成交make a bargain with sb 最低价rock-bottom price 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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