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1、读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思单词短语天天见,背你千遍不厌倦句型单选天天做,争取一个也不错基础知识回顾专项训练Book 4 Module 1 (一) 一、单词拼写1.The man has made great progress since he entered our company. E _ he became the manager of his department. 2.He always studies very hard, so I can d_ tell you that he can pass the coming exam. 3.These factors will

2、 influence the children and _ (塑造 )their beliefs and attitudes. 4.They cannot _( 预测) what will happen in the following years. 5.The President says she is _( 乐观的 ) that an agreement can be reached soon. 6.A d_ is a machine that washes dishes. 7. It is r_ to buy a car without any good advice. 8.Wood a

3、nd stone are the only raw m_ on the island. 9.You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two a_. 10. Most young people like u _life and dont like rural life.二、完成句子1. 原文再现 No one knows _ _, and_ _is a risky business. 2.原文再现 Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth th

4、at will never change _ _ _ they live. 3.原文再现 Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles sway,_ each city _its own telesurgery outpatient clinic. 4.原文再现 _ _ ! (小心) We re having/re going to have an accident ! 5.This style of dress is _ _ _ _.(即将被淘汰 ) 三、

5、单选题1.-Have we _ food? -Yes,_, we d better buy some.A run out of; we have run it out B run out of; our food has run out C run out; our food has been run out D run out; our food has run out 2.-Do you think Linda is going to attend the party? -_ not .She is not used to this kind of thing. A. Exactly B.

6、 Nearly C. Really D. Definitely 3.The club had only six members _ A for a start B to start with C start with D start off 4.The children were left _ charge of a nurse. A in B to the C in the D with 5.It s impossible for all the people to get the job because _ of them are not fit for it.A none B all C

7、 not all D every one 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思句型单选天天做,争取一个也不错单词短语天天见,背你千遍不厌倦基础知识回顾专项训练Book 4 Module 1 (二) 一、单词拼写1. Its impossible to _(预料) what will happen. 2.All passengers are_(要求) to show their tickets. 3.Sarah_ (拒绝) her brothers offer of help.4.I

8、ndia was once a British_ (殖民地)5.He_ (造成形状) the sand into a mound( 小丘) 6.The c_ was caught and put into prison the day before yesterday. 7. The society is always developing and we cant make exact _(预测 ) of the future. 8.He hated being in the army because he had to obey_(命令) here. 9.This country is ri

9、ch in natural _( 资源), such as oil,coal,natural gas,etc. 10._( 系上) the rope to the branch of a tree and you can dry your clothes. 二、完成句子1.我们应该去掉这种坏习惯。We should _ _ _ the bad habit. 2.我们的食物很快吃完了。Our food soon _ _. 3.校长命令所有的老师按时签到。The headmaster _ _ _ _ _ sign on time. 4.他命令我们立即过河。He commanded that _ _

10、 the river at once. 5.首先,我想自我介绍一下_ _ _,Id like to introduce myself.三、单选题1.What _nice weather it is! Lets go for _ picnic.A. /;the B .the; the C. the; a D. /;a 2.It is _that our wallets might be replaced by mobile phones in the future. A. adopted B. admitted C. informed D. predicted 3.I firmly believ

11、e your dream will come true _ as long as you try your best. A. in fact B. for sure C. by chance D. above all 4.At the foot of the mountain there are signs that warn people to _ for falling rocks. A. turn up B. look up C. turn out D .look out 5.These photographs will show you _ A. how our hometown lo

12、oks like B. how does our hometown look like C. what does our hometown look like D. what our hometown looks like 基础知识回顾专项训练精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思单词短语天天见,背你千遍不厌倦句型单选天天做,争取一个也不错Book 4 Module 1 (三) 一、单词拼写1.When building _( 材料)cost more, the price of h

13、ouses increases. 2.The results of the experiment confirmed our _(犯罪) 。3.He was _( 逮捕)by the police for his crime. 4.She _( 贴)a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 5.All shopping might be done _( 联机地 )in the future. 6.It is hard for them to work o_ in such hot weather. 7.His only r_ are playing ches

14、s and watching football. 8.The machine is p _by a gasoline engine. 9.Dont always r _ on others. You should learn to depend on yourself.10.Oil is one of our most important natural r _. 二、完成句子1.你最好别等钱花光了再回家。You d better go back home before you _ _ _ the money. 2.我们应该把这些旧玩具全部丢掉。We should _ _ _ all the

15、old toys. 3.政府订购了新武器。The government _ _ _ _ new weapons. 4.在北京,老年人可以免费乘坐公交车。In Beijing, old people can take the bus _ _ _ . 5.我们需要进行更多的研究。We need to _ _ more researches. 三、单选题1.One can always manage to do more things , no matter _full ones schedule is in life. A .how B .what C. when D. where 2.If I

16、ruled the world, I would _ the world _everything that is bad. A. get rid of; by B. be rid of; by C. rid ; of D. get rid; of 3.The picture _ the wall was drawn by Picasso. A. attached to B .attaching on C. attached on D. attaching to 4.Robert can be always _; he is honest and loyal to friendship. A.

17、depended B. relied on C. turned on D. taken on 5.Wake me up at 5 oclock tomorrow morning if I _. A .sleep B .will be sleeping C. will sleep D .am sleeping 基础知识回顾专项训练精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思单词短语天天见,背你千遍不厌倦句型单选天天做,争取一个也不错Book 4 Module 1 (四) 一、单词拼写 : 1

18、.The d _ may be caused by a medical accident, or may be the result of an accident. 2.The government should take certain measures to protect the natural r _ _ 3.All the c _ have been arrested and sentenced to death. 4.You the taking a big r _ _ driving so fast. 5.Fishing is a common r _ _ when people

19、 want to relax. 6.Organ transplantation not only needs exact _ (外科手术 ), but also needs steady source of organ. 7.The football player was wounded. The team leader had to allow an _ (可替换的 )player to join in the match. 8.The police _ _ (逮捕) the man who had stolen a car. 9.The admission _ (费用) for the c

20、oncert is 150 yuan.10.Do you take seriously his _ _ (预测) of a government defeat? 二、完成句子1.将来,除了可以利用再循环材料,我们可以依赖可替换能源。ln the future, besides using recycled materials, we should also _ _ (依赖) alternative energy. 2. 一旦我们意识到那些坏习惯,我们应该下决心改掉它们。We should make up our mind to _ _ _( 改掉 ) some bad habits once

21、we realized them. 3.他们把我的家具装到卡车上。They are _ the truck _ my furniture. 4.他既聪明又努力所以他一定能通过这次考试。He is intelligent and hard-working so he will pass the examination _ _ _ _ (肯定) 5.政府在执行新政策方面遇到了一些困难。The government has some difficulty_ _ _ _ _ (执行)the new policy. 三、单选题1.- I didn t pass the driving test.-_Yo

22、u will make it next time. A. Help yourself. B .Enjoy yourself! C. Cheer up! D. No problem! 2.You needn t pay an extra_ for the lunch because it is included in the cost of the ship ticket. A. attention B. value C .charge D. change 3.-It s a good idea. But who is going to _ the plan? -I think Tom and Greg will. A. set aside B .carry out C. take in D. get through 4.He commanded that all the gates _. A. should shut B. would be shut C. shut D. be shut 5.Police have found _appears to be the lost ancient statue. A. which B. where C. how D .what精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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