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1、关关键词汇知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航1. 广告 (n.)_2. 滑稽的;好笑的 (adj.)_3. 创造;创作 (v.) _ 4. 电话;电话机 (n.)_5. 使人舒服的;舒适的 (adj.)_6. 世纪 (n.)_advertisement funny create telephone comfortablecentury关关键词汇知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航7. 乘客;旅客 (n.)_ 8. 发明;创造 (v.)_9. 有用的;适用的 (adj.)_ 10. 从以后;自以来(prep.)_11. 距离;间距 (n.)_ passenger inventpractical sin

2、cedistance关关键词汇知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航12. 在任何时候;随便什么时候 (adv.)_ 13. 开发;研制 (v.)_14. 白天;日间 (n.)_ 15. 特殊的;特别的(adj.)_ 16. 引言 (n.)_anytime developdaytime specialintroduction重要词组知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航1. 过更好的生活_2. 自那以来_3. 允许某人做某事_4. 与保持联系 _5. 在白天 _6. 想象做某事_ live a better life since then allow sb. to do sth. keep in touc

3、h with in the daytime imagine doing sth. 重要词组知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航7. 使不接近(或远离)_ 8. 同时 _ 9. 代替;作为的替代 _10. 搞成一团糟 _11. 许多说英语的国家 _12. 指代 _ keep . off at the same timeinstead of make a messmany English-speaking countriesrefer to典型句子知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航1. 伟大的发明改变了世界。(inventions; change)_2. 在其发明后,旅行变得更快、更舒适。(faster

4、 and more comfortable)_3. 几千年前,人们开始在车上使用车轮。(a few thousand years ago)_Great inventions change the world. After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable.A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages.典型句子知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航4. 自那以来,人们已经可以长距离相互交谈了。(since then)_5. 今

5、天,世界各地数以百万的人拥有自己的移动电话。(across the world)_Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones.典型句子知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航6. 它们使得人们在任何时间、任何地点都能彼此保持联系。(keep in touch with)_7. 1879 年,托马斯爱迪生研制出第一个实用的电灯。(develop)_Thomas Edison

6、developed the first practical light bulb in 1879.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.典型句子知识导航知识导航知识导航知识导航8. 有了灯泡,人们可以在晚上做和在白天做的一样多的事情。(with; as as)_ With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabula

7、ry Vocabulary【要点1】 advertisement思维导图要点精讲举例Advertisements are often used to push the sale. 广告常常被用作商品促销的手段。The company advertised goods for sale. 这家公司为推销产品而做广告。You can post the advertisement of your products in newspapers. 你们可以把你们产品的广告刊登在报纸上。要点精讲举例We should consider investing more on advertising. 我们应当

8、考虑增加广告的投入。要点精讲应用(1) _ (advertise) can be made in many ways.(2) ( )How many ways of _ are mentioned in the meeting? A. advertiseB. advertiserC. advertisingAdvertisementsC要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点2】funny思维导图要点精讲举例The little boy looks very funny when he knots his eyebrows. 那个小男孩皱着眉头的

9、样子很有趣。 It could be fun to watch them. 看它们会是有趣的。He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily that even the ambassador was fain to burst out. 他狼狈而可笑地从马上滚翻下来,甚至使得大使也不由得放声大笑。要点精讲举例Wish you have fun learning English this term. 希望这学期你们能享受到学习英语的乐趣。Dont make fun of the disabled! 不要戏弄残疾人!要点精讲应用(1)Ill tell

10、you a _(funny) story than Lucys.(2)Making_(funny)of others is impolite.funnierfun要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点3】 create思维导图要点精讲举例You can create a website for your organization. 你可以为你们的组织创建一个网站。The bathroom is entirely my own creation. 这个浴室完全是我个人的创作。Like many creative people, he was ne

11、ver satisfied. 正如许多有创造力的人一样,他永不满足。要点精讲应用( )The dish was _ by our chef Jean Richard and has been popular since then. A. produced B. invented C. createdC要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点4】 comfortable思维导图要点精讲举例She lives a happy and comfortable life. 她过着幸福而舒适的生活。Thank you for your letter to

12、comfort me. 谢谢你来信安慰我。Choose some words and repeat them over and over again until you are comfortable with them.挑选一些单词,一遍遍重复读这些单词,直到你读得顺口为止。 要点精讲应用The car is _ (comfort) than that one.more comfortable要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点5】 invent思维导图要点精讲举例I dont know who invented the televisio

13、n.我不知道电视是谁发明的。Thomas Edison is a great American inventor. 托马斯爱迪生是一位伟大的美国发明家。Fax machines were a wonderful invention at that time. 传真机在那时是一项了不起的发明。要点精讲举例Thomas Edison invented the practical light bulbs.托马斯爱迪生发明了实用的灯泡。The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. 警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。要点精讲应用(

14、1)( )She _ that they had escaped.A. discover B. invented C. discovered(2)( )The compass was a great Chinese_.A. invent B. inventor C. invention.CC要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点6】 practical思维导图要点精讲举例Your invention is very practical. 你的发明很实用。She practised playing the piano in the primary

15、 school basement. 她在小学的地下室里练习弹钢琴。She takes her daughter to basketball practice every day. 她每天带她的女儿去进行篮球训练。要点精讲应用(1)( )_ is very important for learning English well, so you should _ speaking English every day.A. Practical; practise B. Practise; practice C. Practice; practise(2)_ (practice) experience

16、 is often very important.PracticalC要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点7】 distance思维导图要点精讲举例There is a long distance from his home town to his new home.从他的家乡到他的新家距离很远。The foreign visitors came from a distant country. 这些外国游客来自一个遥远的国家。要点精讲应用A smile is the shortest _ (distance) between two peop

17、le.distance要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabulary【要点8】 develop思维导图要点精讲举例Will they develop their own machines?他们是否将开发出自己的机器呢?Its hard to say at this stage how the market will develop.在现阶段很难说市场会如何发展。Development of new energy takes time.开发新能源需要时间。要点精讲举例In the developing world, cigarette consumption

18、is increasing.在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。China is a developing country, not a developed one. 中国是一个发展中国家,而不是发达国家。Most cities of this country are undeveloped. 这个国家的大多数城市都是不发达的。要点精讲应用( )America is one of the most _ countries in the world.A. developB. developingC. developedC要点精讲第第第第1 1课时课时课时课时 Vocabulary Vocabul

19、ary【要点9】 introduction思维导图要点精讲举例There are introductions in most books.大多数书籍都带有引言。I would like to introduce myself to everyone.我想向大家介绍一下自己。I want to make a simple introduction to all of you.我想向大家做一个简单的介绍。I want to make an introduction of this kind of music. 我想向大家介绍这种音乐。要点精讲应用 ( )Thank you for your _ o

20、f your hotel.A. introduct B. introduction C. introduce B课堂练习一、根据要求写出相应的单词1. funny_ (比较级) 2. creation _(v.)3. comfort _(adj.)4. century_ (复数形式) 5. invention_ (v.)6. introduce _(n.) funniercreatecomfortable centuries invent introduction课堂练习7. distant _(n.)8. develop _(现在分词)9. specially _ (adj.)10. pas

21、senger _(复数形式)11. advertise _(n.) 12. dusty_ (n.)distancedeveloping special passengers advertisement dust课堂练习二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. Why do you want to buy that kind of car?Because it is very practical for my family.A. useful B. popular C. fantastic A课堂练习( ) 2. He created

22、a new way of painting. How great he is!A.enjoyed B. made C. followed( ) 3. Why do you look unhappy?I dont know how to improve my spoken English.A. make fewer B. make worseC. make better B C课堂练习( ) 4. Did you make any friends during the educational exchange?Yes. Although I have come back, I keep in t

23、ouch with them.A. stay in touch with B. look out C. find out A课堂练习( ) 5. Ann and I joined in a painting competition last year. Since then, we have been good friends.Wonderful. You two are real friends.A. At first B. From then on C. At last B课堂练习( ) 6. Our company is developing a new machine. Its eas

24、y to control.Really? I cant wait to have a try.A. producing B. protectingC. comparing A课堂练习( ) 7. Did Tom go to the cinema?No, he went to the museum instead of the cinema.A. in front of B. in place ofC. in the place of B课堂练习( ) 8. You should keep off the dangerous animals in the zoo.OK, I will.A. st

25、ay with B. go nearC. stay away from C课堂练习ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。( )9. The _ is a public notice that tells people about things to buy.A. advertisement B. news C. offer A课堂练习( )10. The good weather makes me feel _ means I feel relaxed because of the weather.A. funny B. confused C. com

26、fortable ( )11. I want to have _ like birds to fly in the sky. Why? I think you just want to be free.A. eyes B.legs C. wings CC课堂练习( )12. Do you know the _ between your home and your company? No, I just know my home is not far from my company.A. distance B. length C. height A课堂练习( )13. Who finished

27、the work first, Tom or Betty?They finished the work_.They both did a good job.A. for a long timeB. at the same timeC. a long time ago B课堂练习( )14. How much are these dictionaries? The price of these dictionaries is _ than before.A. much cheaper B. more expensiveC. much higher C课堂练习( )15. I missed the

28、 beginning of The Voice of China yesterday evening._! But you can watch the replay tonight.A. Hurry up B. What a pity C. Try your best B要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading1.Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. 自那以来,人们已经可以长距离相互交谈了。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading R

29、eading用法:用法:(1)since then意为“自那以来”,“since+某时间(某个时间点或者过去时态的一个句子),sb. have done sth. ” 意为“自从某个时间以来,某人已经做了某事”。Since then, I have learnt how to play the piano. 自那以来,我已经学会了弹钢琴。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading用法:用法:(2)be able to do sth.=can do sth. 能够做某事My little brother is able to walk now. 我的弟弟现在会走路了。

30、要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading应用:应用:(1)We have learnt English_ (since / in / from)2008. (2)虽然从那时起,很多东西都发生了变化,但我们仍然是朋友。(汉译英)_sinceAlthough much has changed since then, we are still friends.要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading2.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.

31、它们使得人们在任何时间、任何地方都能彼此保持联系。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading用法用法:(1)allow sb. to do sth. 意为“允许某人做某事”。My parents dont allow me to go out in the evenings. 我的父母不允许我晚上出去。(2)keep in touch with意为“与保持联系”。Do you still keep in touch with your old friends? 你还和你的老朋友保持联系吗?(3)each other 意为“互相”。As friends, we sho

32、uld help each other. 作为朋友,我们应该互相帮助。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading拓展:拓展:(1)allow doing sth. 意为“允许做某事”。It doesnt allow taking pictures here. 这里不允许拍照。(2)keep in touch with=stay / be in touch with指“与保持联系”,强调一种状态;而get in touch with则指“与取得联系”,强调动作。(3)each other=one another,意为“互相”。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 R

33、eading Reading应用应用:(1)我们老师不允许我们上学迟到。(汉译英)_(2)公园里允许抽烟吗?(汉译英)_(3)微信使我们能够互相保持联系。(汉译英)_Our teacher doesnt allow us to be late for school.Does it allow smoking in the park?WeChat helps us keep in touch with each other.要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading3.With this pair of glasses, you can look behind and

34、 in front of you at the same time. 有了这种眼镜,你可以同时看你的后面和前面。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading用法用法:at the same time=in the meantime=at one time=meanwhile,意为“同时”。Dont talk at the same time. 大家不要同时说话。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading拓展拓展:(1)at the same time在句中作副词短语时,意为“同一时间”,与meanwhile可以互换使用。Im the bes

35、t student in our school, at the same time/meanwhile, Im also the president of the Student Union. 我是我们学校最优秀的学生,同时,我也是学生会的主席。要点精讲第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading拓展拓展:(2)at the same time在句中作连词短语时,意为“并且;此外”,与besides意思相近。At the same time/Besides, I want you to promise me one thing. 此外,我要你答应我一件事。要点精讲第第第第2

36、2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading应用应用:( )Swimming is good for our health, but_, we mustnt forget the danger.A. however B. at the same time C. at the momentB课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He is _ (young) than his two sisters. 2. The _(old) I get, the _ (strong) I seem to feel. 3. The wea

37、ther is getting _ (warm) and _ (warm). youngerolder stronger warmer warmer课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading4. Summer is the _ (hot) season of the year.5. Shall we go and _ (comfortable) him?6. Edison, the great _ (invent), has _(invent) over 1,000 _ (invent) in his life. 7. Scientists are _ (devel

38、op) new drugs to treat cancer. hottestcomfortinventorinventedinventionsdeveloping课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading8. Its _ (fun) to see a man walk with his hands and head. 9. It seemed to be the most _(distance) way in the world.10.They were sitting side by side on the _(dust) floor. funnydistantd

39、usty课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading二、阅读理解 Everyone celebrates Fathers Day a bit differently, but if you are looking for something a bit different, here are some things or ways you might consider. FlowersYes! How many ties does one Dad need?If you know your dad has a special, then a 课堂练习第第第第2 2课时

40、课时课时课时 Reading Readingbunch of flowers would be nice. If you are unsure what type of flowers, then a single rose will let him know your care. Handmade Card/PictureIt doesnt matter if youre 8, 28 or 48. A handmade card or note from the heart speaks more of your feelings than the things you bought fro

41、m the store. 课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading Home CookingGive Mum the day off as well and invite them both over for a good home-cooked meal. But remember today is not the day to test out a new recipe. Play it safe and stick to Dads taste. DinnerIf youre not the home cooking type, then nothing is

42、 better than being treated to a tasty meal at a nice restaurant surrounded by the ones 课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Readingyou love. It doesnt have to be anywhere fancy, depending on your dad, it could be the neighbourhood dinner.( )1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Flowers

43、. B. A watch. C. A handmade note.D. A tie.B课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading( )2. According to the passage, we can infer_ might often cook at home. A. son B. Mum C. Dad D. daughterB课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading( )3. What does the writer advise you to do on Fathers Day?A. You must take your f

44、ather to a fancy restaurant.B. You should test out a new recipe.C. You have to buy a tie for your father.D. You can buy your father a single rose to show your care.D课堂练习第第第第2 2课时课时课时课时 Reading Reading( )4. Which statement is NOT true?A. If you are 38, you cant make a card for your father. B. A handm

45、ade card expresses more your feelings than the things from the store.C. Its a good idea to invite both of your parents for a home-cooked meal. D. You should cook the food your father likes best.A语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar一、形容词比较级、最高级的不规则变化语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar二、(not)as as的用法【知识点思维

46、导图】语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar【常考知识点详解】 as as 的习惯用法(1)as soon as意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句。如:Ill call you as soon as I finish my homework. 我一完成功课,就会给你打电话。(2)as long as意为“长达之久;只要”。如:Well help you as far as possible. 我们会尽可能帮你。 语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar如:She has played computer games on the Internet

47、 as long as four hours. 她在因特网上玩游戏已经长达四个小时了。As long as there is life, there is hope.留得生命在,不怕没希望。(3)as much as意为“高达;与一样多”,用来表达极其多的语气。语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar如:Some of the stamps worth as much as one million yuan.有些邮票价值百万元。 (4)as as possible意为“尽可能”。如:Please call me back as soon as possible. 请尽

48、快给我回电话。 (5)as well as意为“也;和一样”。如:She sings as well as her mother does.她歌唱得跟她母亲一样好。语法聚焦第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar(6)as far as 意为“就(而论);尽;至于(表示程度或范围)”。课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The black mobile phone is as _ (expensive) as the white one.2. He spent _(much) money than me duri

49、ng the trip to Ningxia.3. Miss He has _(little) experience, but she is _(good) teacher in the school. expensivemorelittlethe best课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar4. The weather today is much _(bad) than yesterday.5.I think this story is much_ (interest) than that one.6. Alice got a _(good) mark than

50、 Bella in the English test.7. I drew as many _(picture) as Penny last year.worsemore interestingbetterpictures课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar8. This advice is not as_ (use) as that one.9. The _(far) distance she has run is ten kilometres.10. Joe made_ (many) mistakes of all the students.usefulfart

51、hestthe most二、选择填空( )1. Its believed that playing computer games too much does_ harm than good.(2017 广东)A. many B. muchC. more D. most第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammarC( )2. Daniel is _his twin brother. They are both 1.75 metres tall. (2017 宿迁)A. taller than B. shorter thanC. as tall as D. so tall as第第第

52、第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammarC( )3. How are you today, Tom?Im even_. I dont think this medicine is good for me. (2017 呼和浩特)A. worse B. badlyC. better D. well第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammarA( )4. When is the _time to visit Brazil?In August and September, I think. Not too cold, not too hot. (2017 阜康)A. hot

53、test B. hotter C. best D. better( )5. How do you like the song Chengdu sung by Zhao Lei?Oh, I have never enjoyed a_ one before. (2017 连云港)A. worst B. best C. worse D. better第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammarCD课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammar三、语法填空 Nowadays, people seem to depend on the Internet so much.

54、 They are busy 1. _(surf)the Internet, but how many of them know about 2. _ history of the Internet? The Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were a lot larger and much3. _(expensive). Computer networks (网络)didnt surfingthemore expensive 课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课时GrammarGrammarwork wel

55、l. If one computer in the network4. _(break)down, the whole network stopped. 5. _ a new network system was set up. It was good enough to be used by many different computers. At 6. _(one), the Internet was only used by the government, but7._ the early 1970s, hospitals brokeSofirstin课堂练习第第第第3 3课时课时课时课

56、时GrammarGrammarand banks were allowed to use it, too. By the start of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software8. _ made “surfing” the Internet more convenient. Today it is easy to get on the Internet and it is said that9. _(million)of people use t

57、he Internet every day. The Internet has now become one of the most important10. _(part)of peoples life. that/which millions parts口语无忧第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking本单元我们学习了如何谈论生活中的发明及创造。许多伟大的科技发明和创新使我们的生活发生了巨大的变化。随着人类知识的增长,更多意想不到的新发明将会不断出现。现在,让我们就这一话题展开口语练习吧!口语无忧第第第第4 4课时

58、课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking话题四 如何讨论生活中的发明及创造 相关词组相关词组 (请大声朗读以下词汇,看谁读得更标准、地道)create,develop,produce,spread,about 2,000 years ago,at the beginning of 11th century,invention,change our lives,be used for,make better,computer,mobile phone口语无忧第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingLis

59、tening and speaking 你问我答你问我答请运用下列句子与你组内的一个同伴进行你问他(她)答,然后互换角色,再进行问答。1. What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?2. When was invented?3. Who invented it?口语无忧第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking4. How does it change our lives?5. What is it used for? 情景说话情景说话在了解了各种各

60、样的科技发明后,你与你小组中另一名同学讨论你们各自想制作的小发明:S1: What invention would you like to create?S2: I would like to 口语无忧第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speakingS1: What will it look like and how will it work?S2: It will look like It will help S1: What will it be used for?S2: If we have trouble , it

61、will 接下来,向全班同学介绍你或者你搭档的小发明。口语无忧第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speakingReport like this:_ I want to invent a machine to help the blind read words more easily. It will look like a ring on a persons finger. It will scan (扫描) the words on the paper. When people have trouble reading,

62、the computer in it will read the words loud. It will work more quickly than any other reading machine. 课堂练习第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking一、中英文互译1. a pair of glasses_2. 在的前面 _3. 保暖 _4. talk about _5. 同时 _6. 使更漂亮 _一副眼镜 in(the) front ofkeep warm谈论at the same timemake more b

63、eautiful 课堂练习第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking二、思维导图复述根据教材P51的课文内容完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇课文的内容。Travelling became faster and more comfortablesCarriages, trains and cars Alexander Graham Bell, 1876People could speak to each other over long distancesThomas Edison,1879People can

64、 do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking课堂练习课文复述:_ There are many great inventions in history, such as the wheel, the telephone and the light bulb. After the wheels invention, travelling became faster and more comfortabl

65、e. People used wheels on carriages, trains and cars.In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. It made people can speak to each other over long 第第第第4 4课时课时课时课时Listening and speakingListening and speaking课堂练习课文复述:_ distances. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.

66、With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting写作乐园话题四话题四 网上购物网上购物【短文写作】时下,网上购物已风靡全国,通过网络几乎可以买到你想要的一切物品,而中国网民的网上购物热情也节节高涨。你或你身边的亲戚朋友应该或多或少都经历过网上购物。请以“Shopping online”为题写一篇短文,谈谈你对网上购物的利与弊的认识。 要求:语意连贯,条理清楚;80词左右。Shopping online_第第

67、第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting写作乐园【写作指导】此篇作文为半提示性的命题作文,主要内容是就网上购物的利与弊来写一篇议论文。 在写作过程中要明确以下几点:1. 若是从自己的角度谈论,可以用第一人称;若是从对方的角度谈论,可以用第二人称。2. 时态选用一般现在时,先介绍网购的背景,之后提出优缺点,最后总结自己的看法和观点。3. 为增加文章的可读性,可适当使用关联词和复合句。第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting写作乐园【范文赏析】 Shopping online Online shopping is a new way of shopping. It

68、has a lot of advantages. First, online shopping is fast and convenient, so you can save a lot of time. Second, you can buy cheaper products. Besides, you can shop whenever you like because the online shops are open 24 hours a day. 第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting写作乐园 But on the other hand, it has some

69、disadvantages. For example, while shopping, we cant check the goods by ourselves, so we dont know whether the quality of the goods is good or bad. Whats worse, it is not safe to pay online. In my opinion, we should learn how to make good use of the Internet resources, but we must think twice before

70、we decide to buy goods on the Internet. 第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习一、翻译下列句子1. 电脑是20世纪最伟大的发明之一。_2. 第一台电脑很大且价格昂贵。_3. 电脑变得越来越小且越来越便宜。_Computer is one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century. The first computer was very big and the price was very high. Computer is becoming smaller and cheap

71、er.第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习4. 现在,电脑在人们日常生活中被广泛地使用。_5. 电脑使得我们的生活越来越丰富多彩。_ Computers are widely used in peoples daily life now. Computers make our life much more colourful.第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习二、书面表达现代科技飞速发展,各种高科技产品为我们的生活带来了极大的便利,尤其是电脑,请以“Computer”为题,并根据下面的内容要点,写一篇短文。内容包括:1. 电脑是20

72、世纪最伟大的发明之一。2. 第一台电脑在1946年诞生于美国。它体积庞大且价格昂贵,只允许在银行和一些政府机关使用。第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习3. 现在,电脑越来越小,且价格越来越便宜。它被广泛地运用于人们的日常生活中。语句通顺,意思连贯,书面规范。要求:1. 词数:80词左右(标题已给出,不计入总词数)。2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。3. 条理清楚,第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习_ Computer Computer is one of the greatest inventions in the

73、20th century. The first computer was invented in America in 1946. It was very big and the price was very high. It was only used by banks and government organizations. Now, computer is becoming smaller and smaller and the price is 第第第第5 5课时课时课时课时WritingWriting课堂练习_lower and lower. It is widely used in peoples daily life. It is used for helping us to work and study. People can use it to chat online, search for information, watch movies, shop online and so on. It has become one of the most necessary things in our life.谢 谢广 东 学 导 练



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