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1、1 四年级英语下册Unit 1 My Neighbourhood 1.across from 对面2. next to 紧邻 3.between 在之间4. restaurant 餐馆 5. post office 邮局6.bank 银行 7. grocery 食品杂货店8.turn left 向左转9.turn right 向右转10.go straight 直行11.crossroads 十字路口12. neighbourhood 街坊; 附近13.send 寄; 发送 14.get 得到 15.money 钱16.get to 到达 17.before 在之前18.leave 离开 19

2、. toy 玩具 20.hospital 医院21.bookshop 书店 22.school 学校23.supermarket 超市 24. ball 球25.drugstore 药店26.arrive in 到达(后接大地点)arrive at 到达 后接小地点27.reach 到达 后面可直接接地点28.in the neighbourhood 在街区里,在附近29.get there 到那30.take(the) medicine 吃药31.coffee shop 咖啡店32.gas station 加油站33.go away 走开 34. go home 回家1. Excuse me

3、 . How can I get to the post office? 打扰一下。我怎样才能到达邮局?2. Go straight . It s on your right. It s next to the restaurant. 直走。它在你的右边。它紧邻餐馆。on one s /the right 在右边3. Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. It sbetween the bookshop and the grocery. 直走,在第一个十字路口左转。它在书店和食品杂货店之间。the first crossroads

4、 第一个十字路口4. Is there a post office in the neighbourhood? Yes ,there is.在街区里有邮局吗?是的,有。5. Thank you . You are welcome. 谢谢你。不客气。6. Bill asks Lucky to send a book to his friend. 比尔让幸运给他的朋友寄一本书。ask sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事send sb. sth. =send sth to sb 给某人寄某物。7. Lucky, get some money from the bank, and then g

5、et to the post office before 4:30. 幸运,从银行取一些钱,然后在四点三十分之前到达邮局。get some money 取一些钱8. Lucky leaves at 3:30.幸运在三点三十分离开。时间点前用介词at leave (Liaoyang) for Beijing 离开(辽阳)去北京。9. He sees the bank next to a restaurant. 他看到银行紧邻餐馆。10. He gets some money and then goes into the restaurant. 他取了一些钱,然后进入餐馆。get into the

6、 restaurant 进入餐馆11. Then he sees a toy shop across from the restaurant. 然后他看到一家 玩具店 在餐馆对面。12. Lucky wants a toy, so he buys a ball. 幸运想要一个玩具,所以他买了一个球。buy sb sth =buy sth for sb 给某人买某物13. It s time for fun. It s time to play. 到娱乐的时间了。到玩耍的时间了。it s time for sth/doing sth it s time to do sth 到做某事的时间了。14

7、. Joy s mum has a busy morning. 乔伊的妈妈度过了一个忙碌的早晨。busy 忙的 反义词 free be busy doing sth be busy with sth 忙于做某事15. First ,she takes Joy to school. 首先,她送乔伊去学校。take to 把带到16. Then , Joy s mum goes to Happy Shop to buy a pair of shoes. 然后,乔伊的妈妈去快乐商店买一双鞋。 a pair of shoes 一双鞋做主语谓语用单数two pairs of shoes 两双鞋 做主语谓

8、语用复数shoes 做主语谓语用复数17. She buys some food for dinner there . 她在那里买了一些晚餐食物。hairdresser s 理发店表示诊所,店铺或某人的家等地点名词,其名词所有格后的被修饰语常常省略。hairdresser s (shop) 理发店the doctor s (office) 诊所18. You can buy gas in the gas station. 你能够在加油站加油。19. I m in front of the restaurant. 我在餐馆前面。in front of 在.前面 (在外部的前面)in the fr

9、ont of 在前部 (在内部的前部)20. David and Bob want to visit the museum together. 戴维和鲍勃想一起参观博物馆。get together 相聚,聚会21. Is Bob playing a trick on David? 鲍勃在戏弄戴维吗? play a trick on sb 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页2 Unit 2 Cities 1.city 城市 2. street 街道 3.sports centre 体育中心4.h

10、otel 宾馆5.square 广场 6.buy toys 买玩具7.see a film 看电影 8.go boating去划船 9.busy忙碌的 10.station车站 11.place 地方 12.thing 事,事物13. stay 停留 14 star 星星 15. king 国王 16 central中心的 17. take photos 照像 18. museum 博物馆19dream 梦20.window 窗户21. goat 山羊22. bow 弓 蝴蝶结鞠躬23. low 低的,矮的24. goal 球门 目标a few 有一点,有几个,表示肯定,修饰可数名词few 几

11、乎没有,表示否定,修饰可数名词a little 有一点,表示肯定,修饰不可数名词little 几乎没有,表示否定,修饰不可数名词1. Where is the toy shop? I want to buy some toys 玩具店在哪?我想买一些玩具。toy shop 玩具店2. It s on Banana Street. 它在香蕉大街。在街道名称前用介词on,在门牌号前用介词at 3. There are a lot of interesting toys there . 那里有许多有趣的玩具。a lot of =lots of 许多,大量,即可修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。in

12、teresting 有趣的 (通常修饰事物, 表示事物本身具有的性质) interested 感兴趣的(通常修饰人)4. How can I get there ? 我怎样能到那?5. You can take a bus. 你可以做公共洗车。 take a /the bus 乖公共洗车6. Then I can see a film and go boating too. 那么我可以去看电影也可以去划船。see a film/go to the cinema/go to the movies 看电影 film 电影 胶片 胶卷take the/a subway 乖地铁 subway stat

13、ion 地铁站7. There are many fun places to see and things to do.有许多有趣的地方可以看,有许多事情可以做。8. Come stay with us at Star Hotel!=Come and stay with us at Star Hotel! 来和我们呆在星星宾馆。9. Our hotel is in the centre of the city. 我们的宾馆在这座城市的中心。in the centre of 在中心,中央10. You can play ball games and swim there. 你可以在那玩球类游戏并

14、且游泳。11. You can go there by subway. 你能乖地铁去那。12. You can fly kites and take photos there. 你可以在那放风筝,并且照相。fly kites/fly a kite 放风筝take photos /take a photo 照相13. The bus stop is between the hotel and the bookshop.公共汽车站在宾馆和书店之间。bus stop/ bus station 公共汽车站stop 动词 停止 名词 终止,车站stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事stop

15、doing sth 停止正在做的事情14. How can you get there from the hotel? 你怎样能从宾馆到达那里?15. What can you do there? 你在那里能做什么?16. Look , this is a map of my city. 看,这是我的城市的一张地图。map 地图17. I often play sports there. 我经常在那里做运动。play/do sports 做运动18. Can you find the square? 你能找到广场吗?find 寻找, (强调找的结果和偶然发现)look for 寻找,强调找的过

16、程find out 找到,查明,弄清(通过调查,研究,询问得出结果,结论)19. I often go boating with my parents in the park. 我经常和我的父母在公园里划船。go boating 去划船go swimming 去游泳 go shopping 去购物20. bicycle city 自行车城市subway city 地铁城市walking city 步行城市21. There are more bicycles than cars. ( 那里)有比小洗车更多的自行车.more 是 many/much 的比较级22. Many roads are

17、only for bicycles. 许多道路只可以用来骑自行车。23. London has the biggest subway in the world. 伦敦有世界上最大的地铁。in the world 在世界上24. There are no cars on many streets. 许多街道上没有小洗车。25. Walking is safe and healthy there. 在那里步行安全并且健康。safe 形容词 安全的safety 名词安全healthy 形容词 健康的 health 名词 健康 keep/stay healthy 保持健康26. The two mic

18、e walk to the cinema, but there are too many people there. 这两只老鼠步行去电影院,但是那里有太多的人mouse 老鼠 mice 老鼠(复数)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页3 too many 太多,修饰可数名词too much 太多,修饰不可数名词,也可修饰动词27. Country Mouse tries to cross the street by himself ,but the street is busy. 乡村老鼠尽力自己穿过街道,但是这条街

19、道太繁忙敢。by oneself 自己,独自try to do sth 尽力做某事try doing sth 试着做某事try on 试穿 have a try 试一试try /do one s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事28. Country Mouse gets back home. 乡村老鼠回家了。 get back 返回,回去Unit 3 1.sea 大海2.ski 滑雪3.eat seafood 吃海鲜4.visit the Mogao Caves 参观莫高窟5.West Lake 西湖6.row a boat 划船7.the Great Wall 长城8.

20、take photos 照相9.summer vacation 暑假10.travel 旅游 旅行 (动词,名词 ) travelling/traveling (现在分词 ) 11. volunteer 自愿者 (n.);自愿做某事 (v.) 1. in the sea 在海里2. in Dunhuang 在敦煌3. delicious food 美味的食物4. summer vacation 暑假5. lots of =a lot of 许多,大量(修饰可数名词和不可数名词)6. travel plan 旅行计划7. have to 不得不,后接动词原形。8. have a nice dre

21、am 做一个美梦9. in the dream 在梦里10.volunteer travel 自愿者旅行11. space travel 太空旅行12. round the world travel 环球旅行13. travel into space 进入太空旅行14. first stop 第一站15. put on 穿上,背上;上演;增加(体重) ;把放在上(puton)16.catch a cold /have a cold 患感冒1. Where do you want to go this summer vacation? 这个暑假你想去哪?2. I want to go to We

22、st Lake with my parents. 我想和我的父母去西湖。3. What do you want to do there? 你想在那做什么?4. I want to swim in the sea and eat seafood. 我想在海里游泳并吃海鲜。5. We can row a boat on West Lake. 我们能在西湖上划船。6. My mother wants to take me to Harbin by train. 我妈妈想带我乘火车去哈尔滨。7. My grandmother wants to take me to visit the Mogao Ca

23、ves in Dunhuang. 我的奶奶想带我去参观敦煌的莫高窟。8. I have to go to school. 我不得不去上学。9. Hello from Hangzhou. 来自杭州的问候。10. I want to row a boat and take many photos there. 我想要划船并在那照很多照片。11. West Lake has lots of delicious food. 西湖有许多美味的食物。12. I want to try it all. 我想要全部试一试。13. You can go to a poor village to teach th

24、e children or you can clean the countryside. 你可以去贫穷的山村去教孩子或者你可以打扫乡村。14. Have fun and help the world! 娱乐并帮助世界。15. You can only stay there for a few minutes, but it is a very special trip. 你只能在那里停留几分钟,但这是一次非常特殊的旅行。16. Put on your backpack and see the world. 背上背包看看世界。17. How many countries will you go

25、to? 你要去多少个国家? how many 后加可数名词复数, 对可数名词的量进行提问。How much 对不可数名词的量进行提问或对价格进行提问。18. What a nice day! 多么美好的一天啊!感叹句对名词进行感叹:what+a/an+形容词 +名词( +主语+谓语) !感叹句对形容词进行感叹:how +形容词 +主语+谓语!19. It s winter in Australia now. 现在在澳大利亚是冬天。Revision1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页4 1. topic 主题;话题2

26、. dinosaur 恐龙 3. Mars 火星4. share 分享5. Martian 火星人;火星的5. treat 乐事,乐趣,款待(名词);对待,处理,治疗(动词)1. make a travel plan for 为制订旅行计划2. find out 找到,查明,弄清(通过调查,研究,询问得出结果,结论)3.my travel plan for the summer vacation 我的暑假旅行计划4. get on 上车5. get off 下车6. at the next stop 在下一站7. talk about 谈论8. talk to/with sb 和某人谈话7.

27、there will be/ there is 或 are going to be 将有8. be different from 与不同different 不同的( adj 形容词) difference 不同的( n 名词)The same as 与相同different topics 不同的主题9. prepare for 为 做准备10. do a show 去看戏;进行演出11. be interested in 对感兴趣12. outer space 外太空13. play a Martian 扮演一个火星人14. dress oneself 给自己穿衣服(dress要接人作宾语)1

28、5. as well 也; 还 (放在句末)16. play a cat from Mars 扮演一只来自火星的猫17. dress up 打扮,装饰;穿上盛装18. dress up like a dog 打扮得像一只狗19.have (a lot of ) fun =have a good/great time =enjoy oneself 后面如果接动词接动词的ing 形式20.plenty of 许多大量(既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词)1. How do you want to go? 你想怎样去? 5. Let s go together! 让我们一起去!2. In the

29、 evening, he wants to see the film Toys 在晚上他想去看电影玩具兵团 。3. You can take a bus from here and get off at the next stop. 你能从这乘公共汽车然后在下一站下车。4. How can I get to the cinema? 我怎样才能到过达电影院?5. There will be a Halloween show next week. 下周将有一场万圣节前夕的表演。6. My topic is holidays and festivals. 我的主题是假期和节日。7. Look! Th

30、ere he is! 看!他在那里!Unit 4 Hobbies 1. read 读书2. skateboard 名词 n 滑板 ;动词 v 参加滑板运动3.sing 唱歌4. dance 跳舞5. do jigsaw puzzles 拼拼图6. make modles 制作模型7. collect 收集(动词)collection 收集,收集物,收藏品(名词)8. collect erasers 收集橡皮9. different 形容词 adj 不同的10.hobby 爱好11. stamp 邮票12. catch 抓住,接住 13. special 特殊的,特别的;特色菜;特别节目;特价品

31、14. practise 练习;实践15. messy 脏乱的;混乱的( adj 形容词)mess 脏乱 杂乱 (n 名词)16. sticker 贴纸 张贴物17. both 两者都18. or 或者;否定句中的“和” ;否则1. collect stickers 收集贴纸2. collect stamps 收集邮票3. ask sb a question 问某人一个问题question 问题(需要回答的问题和文科的问题)problem 问题 (需要解决的问题和理科的问题)4. be good at 擅长 同义词组 do well in be good at 强调一种笼统的情况, 而 do

32、well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。Mary is good at English.=Mary does well in English. 玛丽擅长英语。Tom did well in that English test/sports meeting. 汤姆在那次英语考试中 /运动会中考得很好。5. all day long 整天, 一天到晚6. make model planes 制作飞机模型7. children s stories 儿童故事read children s stories 读儿童故事8. play music 演奏音乐9. music star

33、 音乐明星10. in the future 将来in future 今后11. school play 校园剧12. on TV 通过电话on the radio 通过收音机on the phone 通过电话13. in one s home 在某人的家里14. play with sb 和某人玩play with sth 玩弄某物15. ride a unicycle /ride one s unicycle 骑独轮车16. a long time 很长时间17. in English 用英语1. What are your hobbies? 你们的爱好是什么 ? 精选学习资料 - - -

34、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页5 2. I like doing jigsaw puzzles. 我喜欢玩拼图。like doing /like to do 喜欢做某事I like collecting erasers. 我喜欢收集橡皮。3. What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?I like singing and dancing. 我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。4. I like skateboarding. 我喜欢玩滑板。5. I m with School News. 我在做学校新闻。5. What about =H

35、ow about 怎么样,以为如何(提出建议或用以引出话题) ,后面如果接动词要接动词的 ing 形式。 What about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?Why not=Why don t you 为何不 (用来提建议 ) 后面接动词原形。What about you ? 你呢? 表示在自己观点表达后问他人的看法。6. This is my family s hobby book. 这是我的家庭爱好册。7. I have over 200 stamps. 我有超过 200张邮票。 over=more than 超过8. I think it is very cool . 我

36、认为他是很酷的。 it is very cool 句子做宾语叫做宾语从句。9. She is really good at it. 她真的擅长它。10. He often goes fishing but never catches any fish. 他经常去钓鱼但是从没抓到过鱼。11. She often goes with my father , but she never gets any fish! 她经常和我的爸爸去(钓鱼) ,但是她从没得到鱼。fish 鱼 可数名词复数为 fish ; fishes 表示各种各样的鱼。12. I go to a skateboarding clu

37、b every week. 我每周去滑板俱乐部。13. We want to be famous music stars in the future! 我们想在将来成为著名的音乐明星。14. I always act in our school plays. 我总是在学校剧中表演。15. I want to act on TV, too! 我也想在电视上表演。16. My hobby is riding my unicycle. 我的爱好是骑独轮车。17. It is not easy to ride a unicycle. 骑独轮车是不容易的。 It is adj to do sth. 18

38、. I can sing songs in English and Chinese . 我能够用英语和汉语唱歌。19. I like collecting stickers. I have a big collection now. 我喜欢收集贴纸。我有丰富的收藏品。20. Bill and Lucky both like playing football. 比尔和幸运都喜欢踢足球。21. Bill cant find his stickers or Lucky. 比尔找不到他的贴纸和幸运。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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