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1、安诚教育 英语教学1 小学音标与辨音一、英语国际音标。长元音: /:/ /?:/ /?:/ /i:/ /u:/短元音: /?/ /?/ /?/ /? / /?/ /e/ /?/ 双元音: /e?/ /a? / /? / /? / /e?/ /?/ /?/ /a?/ 清辅音: /p/ / t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ /?/ / h/ /ts/ /t? / /tr/ 浊辅音: /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e / /z/ /?/ /r/ /dz/ /d?/ /dr/ 鼻 音:/m/ /n/ /?/半元音: /j/ /w/ 边 音:/l/ 二、 26个字母发音规律。A a /e? /:na

2、me; cake;table;/?/ :apple;cat;map;am;/ :/ :want; dance;/o/;what;watch;B b /b/ :book;big;bag; box ;C c /k/ :cat;cake;cup;clock;car;/s/:face;nice;pencil;books;D d /d/ :desk;doll ;dog;dad;E e /i:/ :he;she; meet;me;/e/:elephant;egg; bed;pen;F f /f/ :fine;friend;fly ;foot;fan;G g /g/:gun;glass;glad;glove

3、;/d?/:age;orange;H h /h/ :hat;he; house;hand;I I /a? /:fine;bike;five ;ice;/? /: is;sit;miss;pig; picture;J j /d?/:jeep;jam; jacket;jar;K k /k/ :kite;cake;black; thank;L l /l/ :leg;left;ruler ;flag; lamp;/l/:apple; bowl ;tell;old;M m /m/ : am;map;my;mouth;milk ;N n /n/ :no;know;new;hand ;O o /?/:old

4、;home;nose;coke;/o/:dog;not;clock;box; /?/:son;month;mother;love ;P p /p/: map;jeep;pig;pen;apple;Q q /kw/ : quite;quilt ;quick;R r /r/:red;radio;brother;racket;S s /s/:sit; miss;this; smile;books;/z/:nose;those;rose;rulers;T t /t/ :it;sit;not;that;table;little ;U u /ju:/ :use;usually; excuse;/?/:bu

5、s; us;sun; duck; /?/:put;pull ;push;V v /v/ :five ;vase;very;seven;元音辅音精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学2 W w /w/ : we;window ;watch;want;X x /ks/ :box;six; fox;Y y /a? /:my;fly ;why;bye;/j/ yes;yellow ;/? / happy;baby;very;Z z /z/: zoo;zero;三、常用字母或字母组合发音规律。(一)与元音字母A

6、相关的单词:1.e? a 在开音节中,发字母音,后面有不发音的e : face;grade;cake;lake;make;take;snake;name;plane;date;plate;2.? a 在闭音节中: dad;sad;bag;can;fan; man;and;hand;thank;map; cat;fat; that;hat;family ;3. : ar组合: car;far; star;card;scarf;market;hard;park; arm; farm;4.e? ai 组合: tail; rainy;train;wait;waiter;waitress;5.e? ai

7、r 组合: air;hair;chair;stairs;6.e? ay 组合: day;today;play;may;May; say;way;stay;7.? ay 组合: Monday;Tuesday;Friday;8.?: al 组合: talk;walk ;chalk;9.?:l all 组合: all;ball;small;tall;wall ; mall; call;fall;10. :s as或 ass组合: ask;class;glass; pass ; grass;last;11.? a 在 w 后面: wash;what;watch;want ;12.?: aw 组合: d

8、raw;(二)与元音字母E 相关的单词:1.i: e 在开音节中,发字母音:be;he; she;me;we;these;Chinese;2.e e 在闭音节中:bed;red;leg;spell;hen; then;when;pen;ten; dress;let;3.? ere 组合: here;4.e? ere 组合: there; where 5.i: ea 组合: sea;tea;peach;teacher;read;please;eat;meat;seat;dream;6.e ea 组合: head; bread;feather;weather;7.? ear 组合: ear; de

9、ar;hear;near;8.e? ear 组合: bear;pear;9.?: ear 组合: early;year; learn;10.i: ee 组合: bee;three;tree;see;need;feel;green; sleep;feet;meet;feed;(三)与元音字母I 相关的单词:1.a? i 在开音节中,发字母音:hi;ice;nice;rice;ride;bike;like ;time;fine;nine;write; kite;2.? i 在闭音节中:which;chick;sick;big;pig;milk ;him;swim;in;begin;ship;is;

10、3.?: ir 组合: bird;shirt;skirt;sir;girl ;circle ;thirty; thirteen;thirsty;4.a? igh 组合: light ;right; flight ;tight;(四)与元音字母O 相关的单词:1.? o 在开音节中,发字母音: go;no;so;phone;those;close;nose;rose;home;rope;hole;2.? o 在闭音节中:clock;dog;on;long;song;shop;stop;hot;not; donkey;3.? o:mother;brother; come;some;monkey;4

11、.?: or 组合: or;for;short;forty ;horse;store;5.? oa 组合: road;boat; coat;goat;soap;6.u: oo 组合: too;zoo; cool; school;room;moon;afternoon;spoon; kangaroo;7.? oo 组合: good;foot;classroom;look;book;cookies;8.a? ou 组合: cloudy; house;mouse; about;mouth;mountain;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

12、2 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学3 9.a? ow 组合: cow;how;now;brown;down;flower ;10.? ow 组合: slow; know;(五)与元音字母U 相关的单词:1.ju: u 在开音节中,发字母音: excuse;use;2.? u 在闭音节中:run;sun;cup;but;bus;cut;mum;under;hug;duck;3.?: ur 组合: nurse;turn;hurt;fur;(六) Y 与 I 的发音相似在开音节中读a? :sky;fly ; July;my;try;why;eye; bye;(七)辅音字母组合1.tr tr 组合:

13、 tree;truck;try;street;straight; traffic lights ;2.dr dr 组合: drink; dress;drive; driver;draw;dresser ;dream;hundred;3.f ph 和 gh 组合: elephant;telephone;laugh;photo;4.t? ch 组合: chicken; chair;China;Chinese;watch; 5.k ch 组合: school;Christmas;headache ;6.k ck 组合: chicken;duck;black;blackboard;sick;7.w w

14、h 组合: what;where; when;why;which ;white;wheel;附:五个元音因素练习。A a ( )1、cake A. take B. cat ( )2、name A. bag B. plane ( )3、China A. about B. want ( )4、after A. class B. wash ( )5、What A. watch B. father ( )6、cat A. flag B. baby ( )7、late A. game B. any ( )8、have A. happy B. past ( )9、animal A. apple B. pa

15、st ( )10、make A. plane B. away E e ( )1、me A. these B. bed ( )2、he A. Chinese B. egg ( )3、she A. best B. we ( )4、let A. evening B. red ( )5、lesson A. desk B. open ( )6、mess A. me B. letter ( )7、hen A. letter B. Chinese ( )8、vegetable A. hen B. apple ( )9、eng A. pen B. me ( )10、pen A. he B. egg I i (

16、 )1、ring A. shine B. miss ( )2、mistake A. big B. find ( )3、milk A. pick B. child ( )4、 nine A. line B. dish ( )5、 drive A. live B. bright ( )6、 pig A. finished B. pilot ( )7、 bike A. time B. city ( )8、 swim A. kite B. sit ( )9、 drink A. fish B. time ( )10、find A. high B. chicken O o ( )1、 nose A. do

17、g B. boat ( )2、 those A. go B. not ( )3、 lose A. stop B. old ( )4、 do A. who B. no ( )5、 home A. cold B. box ( )6、 whose A. who B. close ( )7、 also A. photo B. tonight ( )8、 cola A. most B. lose ( )9、 not A. cook B. clock ( )10、sock A. those B. shop U u ( )1、 duck A. hurry B. cute ( )2、 bus A. Tuesd

18、ay B. but ( )3、 cup A. lunch B. excuse ( )4、 blue A. ruler B. January ( )5、 autumn A. popular B. difficult辨音练习(一)一、找出画线部分读音与所给的单词画线部分读音相同的一项。 A B C ( )1. black come cinema chair ( )2. moon who open woman ( ) 3.art what garden apple 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学4 (

19、 ) 4.us but you music ( ) 5.milk five like in ( ) 6.teach tea learn dress ( ) 7.laugh uncle aunt house ( ) 8.doctor paper work horse ( ) 9.clean sleep behind help ( ) 10.dance day rabbit art ( ) 11.mother thirty kitchen this ( ) 12.nurse snake nose those ( ) 13.close who look phone 二、读音相同打 不同的打 。( )

20、 1. close go ( )2.chair hair ( ) 3. room book ( ) 4.girl first ( ) e dance ( ) 6.forget egg ( ) 7.father bathroom ( ) 8.woman man ( ) 9. pot stove ( )10. match blanket ( )11. cow show ( )12.telescope does ( ) 13. tin site ( )14. their thing ( )15.look book ( )16.fine fridge ( )17.have whose ( )18.gr

21、eat bread 三、找出划线部分与其余三个单词发音不同的选项。 A B C D ( ) 1.garden parent large laugh ( ) 2. play vase day make ( ) 3. study jump sun student ( ) 4. elephant of phone first ( ) 5. book moon zoo room ( ) 6. with thin math bathroom ( ) 7. sofa telephone over song ( ) 8. evening me chicken sweet ( ) 9.pig orange g

22、randpa together ( )10.children thing behind sit A B C D ( )11. help chess tent children ( )12. these bed me she ( )13. nice five hill beside ( )14. tiger ring picture thin ( )15. clothes over pot coat ( )16.school chess teach children ( )17.circle girl Tuesday nurse ( )18. of laugh fat fly ( )19.us

23、sun spoon watches ( )20.can class circle cat 四、找出划线部分与其余三个单词发音不同的选项。( )1. A. map B. family C. bag D. bed ( )2. A. eat B. meet C. ski D. his ( )3. A. dear B. their C. where D. pair ( )4. A. when B. here C. hat D. who 辨音练习(二)一、圈出划线部分的发音不同的选项。1. tree street great2. many any scarf 3. masks fathers class

24、rooms 4. his letter riddle5. forty shorts teacher6. ball park walk talk7. block soft glove8. socks hot whose9. shoes whose good10. book food football11. asks baskets grass12. arms stars markets13. classes glasses basketballs14. goat boat rain15. ninety time cinema16. dry fly happy17. here dear there

25、 18. picture sure 19. who whose when20. water wash watch box21. cow curtain coin cinema22. show snow yellow now23. where what white write24. can car cousin nice25. shoes sweaters jeans socks26. thank with that brother27. name game table father28. city ice dance doctor29. live fish cinema coin30. the

26、y eight rain key31. sweater bread tea breakfast32. number some photo puppet33. toy boy goat coin34. jacket rabbit panda stamp35. plane stand elephant orange36. love old cold hello37. chess she red vest38. lunch uncle number hungry39. thirty her turkey thirsty40. where there wear pear41. flower trous

27、ers blouse house42. when watch between write精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学5 43. A. that B. thirty C. Thursday D. math44. A. fast B. radio C. cake D. shape45. A. stove B. open C. go D. gloves46. A. mouth B. thank C. three D. this 二、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的的一项。( )1. black A.

28、 come B. grandma C. chair( )2.moon A. who B. open C. woman( )3. art A. what B. garden C. apple( )4. teach A. learn B. tea C. sweater( )5. dance A. rabbit B. afternoon C. day( )6. tomorrow A. phone B. sock C. tomato 辨音练习(六)一、找出划线部分与其余三个单词发音不同的选项。( )1. A. clothes B. home C. hello D. sorry ( )2. A. dut

29、yB. student C. bus D. excuse ( )3. A. clock B. those C. go D. coat ( )4. A. bus B. put C. cup D. up ( )5. A. downB. brown C. yellow D. how ( )6. A. deskB. next C. dress D. we ( )7. A. cakeB. hat C. baby D. same ( )8. A. look B. roomC. school D. broom ( )9. A. think B. thank C. they D. three ( )10. A

30、. school B. Chinese C. chair D. teacher ( )11. A. with B . then C. clothes D. month ( )12. A. mean B. meant C. bread D . heavy ( )13. A. popular B . half C. aunt D. last ( )14. A. food B. noodle C. foot D. broom ( )15. A. do n t B. hope C. ago D. body ( )16. A. down B. crow C. how D. town ( )17. A.

31、bag B. map C. thank D. class ( )18. A. no B. row C. one D. old ( )19. A. five B. bike C. fine D. English ( )20. A. desk B. yes C. eleven D. pencil ( )21. A. good B. book C. afternoon D. goodbye ( )22. A. go B. some C. son D. mother ( )23. A. window B. how C. now D. down ( )24. A. us B. mum C. duty D

32、. but ( )25. A. China B. school C. chair D. teacher ( )26. A. come B. nice C. coat D. clock ( )27. A. think B. thank C. English D. student ( )28. A. bus B. put C. cup D. up ( )29. A. mother B. thirty C. father D. brother ( )30. A. my B. family C. duty D. sorry ( )31. A. please B. meet C. friend D. j

33、eep ( )32. A. nice B. license C. come D. pencil ( )33. A. sister B. sit C. son D. his ( )34. A. daughter B. morning C. or D. wrong ( )35. A. father B. dad C. bag D. family ( )36. A. team B. jeep C. yellow D. me 二、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的的一项。( )1. reason A. breakfast B. greatly C. reach D. really ( )2. nativ

34、e A. advice B. grammar C. base D. master ( )3. improve A. progress B. move C. political D. follow ( )4. started A. landed B. grasped C. forced D. stayed ( )5. praise A. newspaper B. mouths C. base D. grasp ( )6. houses A. faces B. horses C. buses D. roses ( )7. forced A. improved B. grasped C. staye

35、d D. limited ( )8. breathe A. clothes B. health C. eighth D. tenth ( )9. machine A. million B. possible C. wrist D. police ( )10. sorry A. report B. foreign C. order D. important 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学6 ( )11. refuse A. question B. stupid C. true D. trunk (

36、 )12. smooth A. wood B. stood C. book D. food ( )13. forward A. order B. forehead C. sensor D. quarrel ( )14. spear A. heard B. chair C. deer D. bear ( )15. exactly A. exhibition B. exercise C. excuse D. example ( )16. hammer A. granted B. astronaut C. snake D. surface ( )17. conclude A. understood

37、B. stupid C. refuse D. prove ( )18. observe A. officer B. wonder C. seldom D. object ( )19. exactly A. express B. examine C. excited D. excellent ( )20. feather A. leant B. breathe C. greatly D. break ( )21. suppose A. cost B. improve C. whose D. only ( )22. possible A. thinker B. machine C. terribl

38、e D. police ( )23. worth A. theory B. southern C. within D. smooth ( )24. debt A. object B. excuse C. ever D. scene ( )25. rather A. surface B. necklace C. grant D. palace ( )26. banker A. million B. plant C. unkind D. angry ( )27. found A. mouse B. trouble C. country D. southern ( )28. nature A. in

39、ternational B. nation C. natural D. national ( )29. northern A. lawyer B. sorry C. horrible D. sorrow ( )30. reunite A. rebel B. return C. regard D. remarry ( )31. banker A. million B. point C. plant D. angry ( )32. Russian A. piece B. official C. excellent D. officer ( )33. looms A. grasp B. knocks

40、 C. maps D. design ( )34. found A. famous B. country C. south D. trouble ( )35. forced A. fetched B. pleased C. pretended D. ordered ( )36. uncle A. undress B. plant C. bank D. unfit ( )37. marry A. branch B. plant C. bath D. banker ( )38. breathe A. breath B. feather C. pleased .D. heavier ( )39. b

41、ear A. wear B. spear C. fearless D. research ( )40. pleasure A. Russian B. conclusion C. pleased D. sure ( )41. grant A. branch B. entrance C. danger D. banker ( )42. row A. flower B. known C. tower D. cow ( )43. sweat A. breakfast B. greatly C. weave D. meal ( )44. worm A. storm B. word C. warm D.

42、worn ( )45. loom A. foot B. foolish C. took D. brook ( )46. troop A. look B. good C. took D. cocoon ( )47. bury A. thus B. gunshot C. column D. meant ( )48. column A. climb B. angry C. think D. within ( )49. period A. message B. serious C. defend D. reality ( )50. wonder A. column B. discover C. acr

43、oss D. dragon ( )51. anxious A. change B. unkind C. round D. banker ( )52. measure A. greatly B. weave C. break D. sweat ( )53. fellow A. address B. reject C. resist D. select ( )54. watch A. stranger B. wander C. favor D. snatch ( )55. hotel A. contrary B. clothing C. cloth D. wonder ( )56. nature

44、A. branch B. battle C. danger D. natural ( )57. industry A. number B. excuse C. bury D. support ( )58. scarce A. warm B. regard C. harmful D. prepare ( )59. health A. real B. cheat C. realize D. thread ( )60. nurse A. increase B. wise C. nose D. suppose ( )61. already A. along B. altogether C. allow

45、 D. chalk ( )62. roll A. cost B. lonely C. canoe D. produce ( )63. message A. material B. landed C. island D. savage ( )64. wander A. watch B. plant C. sank D. sand ( )65. shallow A. cow B. powder C. sorrow D. flower ( )66. tongue A. angry B. singer C. English D. stronger ( )67. increase A. visit B.

46、 practice C. mouths D. presently 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学7 ( )68. extra A. except B. explain C. exhibition D. exam ( )69. column A. tongue B. produced C. pollute D. fond ( )70. should A. trouble B. could C. route D. shoulder ( )71. meant A. says B. paid C. re

47、main D. break ( )72. serve A. heard B. astonish C. terrible D. proper ( )73. proud A. dangerous B. brought C. enough D. powder ( )74. broad A. boat B. astonish C. coat D. shore ( )75. demand A. answer B. wander C. practice D. grand ( )76. fishes A. grades B. halves C. bridges D. stories ( )77. smoot

48、h A. theory B. northern C. cloth D. healthy ( )78. Asia A. area B. straight C. extra D. diamond ( )79. ocean A. space B. poison C. nation D. percent ( )80. recent A. resist B. reject C. reunite D. Suez ( )81. arrow A. flown B. flower C. powder D. crowd ( )82. extend A. examine B. exact C. expect D.

49、exist ( )83. special A. percent B. patch C. punish D. pace ( )84. tough A. surround B. courage C. thought D. through ( )85. calm A. hall B. grand C. example D. although ( )86. position A. design B. distant C. increase D. measure ( )87. bury A. ahead B. bullet C. pollute D. salute ( )88. national A.

50、operation B. nature C. natural D. nation ( )89. hero A. heard B. letter C. period D. measure ( )90. captain A. orphan B. chicken C. certain D. aim ( )91. package A. plant B. announce C. shake D. imagine ( )92. captain A. certain B. portrait C. paint D. Britain ( )93. copybook A. constantly B. hello

51、C. moment D. month ( )94. closet A. feverish B. tremble C. English D. engineer ( )95. least A. ocean B. breathe C. meant D. really ( )96. irrigate A. wild B. wipe C. pipe D. crisp ( )97. soft A. produce B. comfort C. cocoon D. hollow ( )98. cool A. blood B. wood C. bloom D. foot ( )99. brush A. bury

52、 B. butter C. pupil D. busy ( )100. ankle A. answer B. many C. dragon D. balance 三、找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的的一项。( ) 1. A. bed B. pen C. he D. desk ( ) 2. A. hat B. hand C. bag D. again ( ) 3. A. cup B. minus C. bus D. up ( ) 4. A. desk B. deer C. fridge D. door ( ) 5. A. nice B. cat C. coat D. cake ( ) 6. A.

53、 orange B. gate C. girl D. goose ( ) 7. A. ink B. nice C. pink D. live ( ) 8. A. let B. tail C. loose D. lunch ( ) 9. A. map B. moon C. room D. mother ( ) 10. A. nose B. rain C. nurse D. neck ( ) 11. A. love B. box C. clock D. fox ( ) 12. A. six B. sure C. seven D. sit ( ) 13. A. yes B. yellow C. my

54、 D. yo-yo ( ) 14. A. body B. my C. by D. fly ( ) 15. A. name B. table C. paper D. bag ( ) 16. A. house B. trouble C. mouse D. shout ( ) 17. A. how B. low C. window D. pillow ( ) 18. A. photo B. box C. cop D. block ( ) 19. A. here B. near C. dear D. hair ( ) 20. A. sure B. four C. door D. your ( ) 21

55、. A. who B. white C. what D. when ( ) 22. A. what B. hand C. apple D. ax ( ) 23. A. head B. leaf C. feather D. sweater ( ) 24. A. monkey B. money C. key D. donkey ( ) 25. A. he B. me C. be D. red ( ) 26. A. Monday B. say C. ray D. way ( ) 27. A. farm B. car C. park D. warm ( ) 28. A. father B. cat C

56、. rabbit D. bag ( ) 29. A. again B. around C. another D. hand ( ) 30. A. o clock B. box C. clock D. frog ( ) 31. A. her B. sister C. mother D. father ( ) 32. A. doctor B. pork C. morning D. short ( ) 33. A. world B. word C. actor D. work ( ) 34. A. put B. bus C. umbrella D. under ( ) 35. A. food B.

57、room C. good D. moon ( ) 36. A. classroom B. cookie C. zoo D. look ( ) 37. A. lie B. die C. piece D. pie ( ) 38. A. thank B. in C. pink D. into ( ) 39. A. television B. six C. silver D. some ( ) 40. A. how B. cow C. low D. now 辨音练习(七)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学8

58、 一、判断下列各词划线部分发音是否相同,相同打“”,不同 “”。1、 first her ( ) 2 、fifth there ( ) 3 、today Saturday ( ) 4 、say says ( ) 5、 eat keep ( ) 6、April May ( ) 7 、look cartoon ( ) 8 、blow touch ( ) 二、单词辩音。( )1. A. ruler B. her C. teacher ( )2. A. bear B. dear C. hear ( )3. A. hobby B. over C. pocket ( )4. A. front B. mon

59、th C. orange ( )5. A. grass B. cage C. skate ( )6. A. recorder B. October C. sports ( )7. A. sign B. bike C. public ( )8. A. moment B. phone C. stop 三、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。( )1. A. must B. public C. question D. cup ( )2. A. danger B. her C. litter D. Mother ( )3. A. great B bread C. ready D. head ( )4. A.

60、dear B. bear C. here D. nearby ( )5. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot 四、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“”或“”表示。 1. there here ( ) 2. year hear ( ) 3. dear bear ( ) 4. where hair ( ) 5. pear near ( ) 6.their parents ( ) 五、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。( )1.A.first B. birthday C. her D. worker ( ) 2.A.July B. June C. blue D.

61、costume ( )3.A.April B. candle C. January D. back ( )4.A.near B. year C. pear D. hear ( )5.A.third B. there C. fifth D. three ( )6.A.read B. ready C. team D. sea 六、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. bear pear ( ) 2. there here ( ) 3. race have ( ) 4. just must ( ) 5. then they ( ) 6. mobile pocket

62、( ) 7. ground cousin ( ) 8. ball roll ( ) 9. shoot look ( ) 10. video diary 辨音练习(九)一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项。( ) 1.A.family B. dance C. happy D. handkerchief ( ) 2.A.brother B. her C. remember D Peter ( ) 3.A.year B. hear C. there D. earphone ( ) 4.A.usually B. just C. under D. up ( ) 5.A.sweater B. team C. b

63、read D. head 二、判断下列每组单词的划线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或 “”表示。( ) 1. pocket nose ( ) 2. age cage ( ) 3. ear pear ( ) 4.use costume ( ) 5. baby my ( ) 6. bear pear ( ) 7. up cut ( ) 8. race have ( ) 9. just must ( ) 10. then they ( ) 11. mobile pocket ( ) 12. ground cousin ( ) 13. ball roll ( ) 14. there here ( ) 15

64、. year hear ( )16. dear bear ( ) 17. where hair ( )18. pear near 三、选出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的单词。( ) 1.A. pick B. in C. site D. it ( ) 2.A. pear B. there C. where D. here ( ) 3.A. her B. skirt C. first D. sister ( ) 4.A. plant B. map C. blanket D. hand ( ) 5.A. pulled B. milked C. picked D. cooked ( ) 6. A. ba

65、g B. map C. grade D. can ( ) 7. A. farm B. warm C. far D. park ( ) 8. A. collect B. carrot C. o clock D. h oliday ( ) 9. A. bird B. girl C. skirt D. firefly ( ) 10. A. class B. grass C. taste D. last 辨音练习(十)练习一( )1. A. make B. late C. map D. male ( )2. A. famous B. found C. shout D. ground ( )3. A.

66、rice B. like C. live D. bike ( )4. A. mouth B. round C. group D. ground ( )6. A. glass B. fast C. pass D. want ( )7. A. shine B. police C. wife D. tie ( )8. A. name B. face C. safely D. many 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页安诚教育 英语教学9 ( )9. A. water B. want C. wash D. watch (

67、)10.A. dance B. change C. basket D. father ( )11.A. idea B. dead C. head D. ready ( )12.A. beat B. each C. really D. weak ( )13.A. live B. unkind C. fine D. smile ( )14.A. film B. child C. wish D. think ( )15.A. most B. shop C. cost D. copy ( )16.A. some B. woman C. cover D. above ( )17.A. you B. to

68、uch C. country D. trouble ( )18.A. music B. adult C. student D. June ( )19.A. star B. party C. warm D. March ( )20.A. word B. work C. worry D. worse 练习二( )1. A. India B. silence C. blind D. tie ( )2. A. headache B. chair C. teach D. change ( )3. A. white B. right C. give D. behind ( )4. A. face B. s

69、kate C. wake D. have ( )5. A. cake B. plane C. name D. many ( )6. A. ask B. agent C. cave D. statue ( )7. A. suburb B. sunshine C. unkind D. statue ( )8. A. may B. day C. says D. pay ( )9. A. smoke B. note C. scone D. homeless ( )10.A. guard B. war C. cartoon D. arm ( )11.A. dead B. already C. leave

70、 D. heavy ( )12.A. speak B. leaf C. really D. beat ( )13.A. beat B. each C. idea D. teach ( )14.A. beat B. dead C. head D. ready ( )15.A. decide B. smile C. give D. nice ( )16.A. time B. live C. size D. nine ( )17.A. film B. kind C. think D. wish ( )18.A. die B. tie C. piece D. lie ( )19.A. smoke B.

71、 rose C. shoe D. hold ( )20.A. soft B. cost C. song D. post 练习三( )1. A. woman B. come C. some D. none ( )2. A. group B. would C. through D. you ( )3. A. trouble B. country C. enough D. mouth ( )4. A. thousand B. ground C. shout D. young ( )5. A. snow B. window C. how D. grow ( )6. A. knowledge B. do

72、wn C. town D. how ( )7. A. blue B. ruler C. true D. busy ( )8. A. music B. June C. student D. pupil ( )9. A. sugar B. cut C. just D. hunt ( )10. A. card B. star C. warm D. party ( )11.A. large B. March C. quarter D. far ( )12.A. moon B. noon C. cook D. food ( )13.A. twice B. city C. bicycle D. hike

73、( )14.A. living B. music C. nice D. history ( )15.A. carry B. gate C. page D. game ( )16.A. large B. age C. German D. ground ( )17.A. school B. change C. cheap D. teacher ( )18.A. headache B. Christmas C.chair D. school ( )19.A. what B. whole C. which D. White ( )20.A. warm B. parcel C. charcoal D.

74、far 练习四( )1.A.form B. word C. born D. story ( )2.A. foot B. good C. flood D. look ( )3.A. walk B. talk C. chalk D. calm ( )4.A. five B. give C. dive D. drive ( )5.A. watch B. match C. catch D. snatch ( )6.A. few B. new C. knew D. sew ( )7.A. house B. south C. soul D. mouth ( )8.A. wall B. shall C. f

75、all D. call ( )9.A. none B. chose C. note D. close ( )10.A. grown B. known C. thrown D. town ( )11.A. glass B. grass C. stand D. ask ( )12.A. very B. desk C. we D. shelf ( )13.A. with B. kite C. white D. ride ( )14.A. block B. note C. shop D. from ( )15.A. puzzle B. June C. jump D. brush ( )16.A. pa

76、lace B. save C. fan D. stamp ( )17.A. lake B. race C. name D. cat ( )18.A. like B. live C. nine D. rice ( )19.A. close B. clock C. rose D. coke ( )20.A. grow B. know C. show D. now 练习五( )1. A. that B. thirty C. Thursday D. math ( )2. A. fast B. radio C. cake D. shape ( )3. A. stove B. open C. go D.

77、gloves ( )4. A. mouth B. thank C. three D. this ( )5. black A. come B. grandma C. chair ( )6. moon A. who B. open C. woman ( )7. art A. what B. garden C. apple ( )8. teach A. learn B. tea C. sweater ( )9. dance A. rabbit B. afternoon C. day ( )10. tomorrow A. phone B. sock C. tomato ( )11. A. bag B.

78、 map C. grade D. can ( )12. A. farm B. warm C. far D. park ( )13. A. collect B. carrot C. o clock D. holiday ( )14. A. bird B. girl C. skirt D. fire ( )15. A. class B. grass C. taste D. last ( )16. A. must B. public C. question D. cup ( )17. A. danger B. her C. litter D. mother ( )18. A. stay B. away C .today D. Saturday ( )19. A. great B bread C. ready D. head ( )20. A. cook B. room C. food D. shoot 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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