五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 1课件 冀教版

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1、Unit 1 sportsFish /fi/ n. 鱼肉Help yourself to some fish.吃点鱼肉吧。I dont like eating fish.我不喜欢吃鱼肉。How about some fish?来点鱼肉怎么样?Chicken /tikin/ n. 鸡肉鸡肉Get me some chicken salad, please. 请来点鸡肉色拉。请来点鸡肉色拉。 Beef /bi:f/ n. 牛肉 The beef is delicious.牛肉很好吃。牛肉很好吃。 Meat 肉类Fruit /fru:t/ n.水果水果I like eating fruits.我喜欢

2、吃水果。我喜欢吃水果。Apple /pl/ n. 苹果苹果I want some apples.我想要些苹果。我想要些苹果。Pear /p/ n. 梨How much is the pear?梨多少钱一斤?梨多少钱一斤?Banana /bna:n/ n. 香蕉香蕉Monkeys like bananas. 猴子喜欢吃香蕉。猴子喜欢吃香蕉。 Orange /rindrind/ n. 橘子橘子There are some oranges on the table.桌子上有几个橘子。桌子上有几个橘子。重点单词重点单词: :see, look , pointJenny is looking out t

3、he window of the train.What does she see?1See 看看强调强调看的结果看的结果Look看强调看的动作 如: I am looking , but I see nothing.2a tall green tree一棵高的绿色的树。一棵高的绿色的树。3Jenny is pointing at the little red school.Does Danny see it?No!Danny is not looking out the window.a little red school一一个个小小的的红红色色的的学学校校What is Danny look

4、ing at ?1234Mrs. says, “ Danny, please dont point!”“Okay, Mrs. I,” says Danny. “Im sorry.”Point 指1.Look out ;向外看向外看。例:Dont look out of the window when youare on a bus.当你在乘车的时候不要往窗外望。2.在英语中在英语中,如果表示大小的和表示颜色如果表示大小的和表示颜色形容词同时修饰名词时形容词同时修饰名词时,要用这样的词序要用这样的词序,“冠词冠词+形容词形容词(大小大小)+形容词形容词(颜色颜色)+名词名词”.如如: a tal

5、l green tree.3.Point at;指看指看(较远之物较远之物),同时还有同时还有Point to 译为指向译为指向(较近之物体较近之物体)。4.Have fun ;玩得愉快。同玩得愉快。同have a good time 和和enjoy oneself. 如如: We have fun in the party. 我们在聚会上玩得很高兴。我们在聚会上玩得很高兴。根据提示填空。根据提示填空。1.Jenny is_(指) at the little red school . Does Danny _(看) it ? No , Danny is not _(看) out the window.汉译英汉译英一个大的棕色的奶牛一个大的棕色的奶牛_一个小的粉色的猪一个小的粉色的猪_pointingseelookinga big brown cowa little pink pig1.找出课文中包含下列单词的句子并用下列单词各造一个句子:quiet, loud.2.2.熟读课文。熟读课文。



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