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1、1 初中英语动词用法A actv. 表演,演戏act as sb./ sth. 充任某角色,担任某工作I don t understand English, so you have to act as my interpreter( 翻译 )。其他用法: act for 代表某人,代理某人的职位During her illness, her lawyer has been acting for her in her business. 在她生病期间,她的律师一直代理她的业务。词语拓展: action n. 行为,行动;take action 采取行动actor n. 演员actress n.

2、女演员active adj. 活跃的,积极的,主动的,起作用的;actively adv. 活跃地,积极地;activety n. 活动性 , 活力;活动(activities 复数)accept v. 接受;赞同;欢迎;听从近义词辨析:accept 和 receive accept 是“ 接受、认可 “ 的意思,是收到并接受;receive 有” 收到 “ 的意思,但不一定接受。e.g. I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn t accept any.生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。achieve vt.

3、获得achieve a balance between and在和之间获得平衡add v. (1)加,增加,添加add sth. to sth. 往.里添加 . eg. If the tea is too strong, add some water to it. eg. He added his signature to the petition( 请愿书 )。add A and B (together) 加eg. If you add 5 and 5, you get 10. add to sth. 增加某事物eg. The bad weather only add to our diff

4、iculties. 这种坏天气更增加了我们的困难。(2) 补充;继续说eg. “ I ll come here later. he added. add in 包括 .在内eg. Don t forget add me in. 别忘了把我算上。add up 合计,加起来add up to 总计达到add fuel to the fire 火上浇油词语拓展: addition n. 加法;增加的人或事物in addition 加上 , 又, 另外,单独使用放在句首,逗号隔开eg: In addition ,there are six students. 除此之外,还有六名学生。in additi

5、on to 除.外还eg: In addition to high salaries, you will enjoy a paid holiday every year. besides 表示 “ 除 以外, (还,也) ” ,相当于in addition to. eg.Besides English, they also study math, physics and chemistry except 表示 “ 除外, (其余都) ” ,常与 all,every,no, none, nothing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

6、 - - - - - -第 1 页,共 40 页2 连用。eg.He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,所有的问题他都回答了。except for 也表示 “ 除 以外 ” ,但是和except 不同的是 : 与 except 连用的整体词和except 所跟的词常常是同类的,是指整体除去一部份; 而与except for 连用的整体词与except for 所跟的词往往不是同类的,是指整体中除去一个细节。例如: Your composition is good except for a few spelling

7、 mistakes. 除了几处拼写错误以外,你的作文写得很好。Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。apart from 表示 “ 除 之外 ” 。根据上、 下文的不同, 它既可用作besides, 也可用作except 和 except for。Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. (= except)除了他们以外,我没有人说话。Apart from other considerations, time is also a factor. (=besides

8、 )除了别的考虑之外,时间也是一个因素。(It is) Good work apart from a few slight faults. (= except for )除了几个小毛病以外,这是一篇佳作。aitional adj. 附加的,额外的,添加的advicen. 建义,劝告;信息a piece of advice 一条建议ask for advice 寻求建议give sb some advice = give some advice to sb 给某人提建议take/follow one s advice接受、遵照某人的建议advise v. 给 出主意;建议;通知advice sb

9、 to do sth 建议某人做某事suggestion n. (C) 建议offer sb. some suggestions Can you offer me some suggestions? affect v. 影响;感动eg Cold weather affected the crops. 词语拓展: effect n. 影响,作用;效果come/go into effect 实施,生效in effect 实际上take effect 生效,起作用have a good/bad effect on sb. 对某人有好的/坏的影响effective adj 有效的,生效的affecti

10、on n 喜爱,爱慕之情affordv. 负担得起( .的费用,损失,后果) ,买得起;抽得出时间(常与 can, could, be able to 连用)afford sth. eg. I d love to go on holiday but I can t afford the time. eg. They walked because the can t afford a taxi. afford to do sth. eg. They walked because they can t afford to take a taxi. eg. I have to work hard b

11、ecause I can t afford to loose my job. afford sb sth 提供,给与The tnsaction afforded him a good profit. 这笔交易使他赚了一大笔afford st 抽出多少时间I cant afford an hour for lunch. 我抽不出一小时吃午饭。afraid adj. 担心,害怕,恐怕. be afraid of 害怕e.g. Don t be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。be afraid for 担心e.g. I m afrai

12、d for my sister. 我担心我的妹妹。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 40 页3 be afraid /be afraid of sth./doing 害怕(做)某事eg I m afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。I m afraid of going out alone at night.be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事eg Don t be afraid to ask questions. 不要害怕问问题。I m afraid so. /I m afraid not. 我恐怕

13、是这样 /不是这样I m afraid that 我恐怕。 。 。 。 。 。. eg I have a lot of homework to do. I m afraid (that) I can t go with you.agreev. 同意,赞同agree with sb. 同意某人的意见eg. I agree with you. agree on + 表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动的词eg. We agreed on the plan. agree to do sth. 同意做某事eg. We agreed to start early. agree that + 宾语从句eg. S

14、he agreed that I was right. 其他用法: agree with sb. (尤用于否定或疑问句) (对某人的健康或胃口)适合eg. like mushrooms but unfortunately they don t agree with me. 我喜欢吃蘑菇,可惜吃了以后难受。eg.The humid climate in the south didn t agree with him. 他不适应南方潮湿的气候。词语拓展: agreement n. 协定,协议agreeable adj. 欣然同意的disagree v. 不同意,有分歧answer n. & v.回

15、答 ;解决方案 ;反应the answer to answer a question 回答问题solve the problem 解决问题replyn./v. 答复,回答reply to a question/letter My penfriend in the USA hasn t replied to my last three e-mails. aimv. 瞄准,对准aim at 瞄准,针对(直接的目的)eg.I aimed at the door but hit the window. eg. My remarks were not aim at you. 我的话不是针对你。aim a

16、t the target 瞄准目标 / 靶子;aim at a success 志在成功be aimed at 目的是,旨在,为了;较为委婉eg.Our marketing campaign should be aimed at young working couples 。我们的行销活动应该针对年轻的上班夫妇. aimed for 瞄准;以 为目标(长久以来的目标) eg.Your whole parenting has aimed for this moment. 你这个教育目标就是这一刻allowv. 允许,准许allow doing sth. 允许某人做某事eg. We don t a

17、llow smoking in our house. 在我们家不允许抽烟。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事eg. They allow her to go to the party. 他们允许她去参加晚会。allow sb not to do sth 不允许某人做某事注意被动: sb. be allowed to do sth. allow sb. in/ out/ up 允许某人进来/ 出去 / 起来allow for 考虑到,把 考虑进来,体谅eg.We must allow for his youth. 我们必须体谅他的年轻. (sth ) allow of 容许

18、eg. The situation allows of no dely. 情况不容拖延。词语拓展: allowance n. 津贴 , 补助 , 零用钱permit v. 允许,较为强硬n. 许可证permit sb.to do sth. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 40 页4 permit doing sth. permission n. 允许annoyv. 使恼怒,使生气annoy sb. 使某人生气,使某人心烦eg. I was annoyed by his remarks. 他的言论激怒了我。appearv.

19、 出现;露面;(公开)演出appear to do 好象是It appears that + 从句eg. It appears to me that you are all wrong. 我觉得你们全都错了。appearance n. 出现,相貌She made her final appearance on the screen. 她最后一次出 现在银幕上。disappear v 消失appreciatev. 感激appreciate sth. appreciate doing sth. arguev. 争论,争吵argue with sb. about/ over/ on sth. 与某人

20、争论某事eg. We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. 其他用法: argue sb. into/ out of doing sth. 说服某人做 / 不做某事eg. They argue his into giving up his plan. arrivev. 到达arrive in + 大地方eg. We arrived in Paris. arrive at + 小地方eg. We arrived at the station/ my nation town. 其他用法: arrive at sth. 达成或得出某事

21、物arrived at an agreement(达成协议 )/ a conclusion( 得出结论 ) eg What dicision did you arrived at? 你们做出了什么决定?arrive at/in 到达某地get to 某地reach a place / 数字到达某地 /数量arrivaln. 到达time of arrival 到达的时间askv. 询问,问ask sth. eg. May I ask questions? ask sb. sth. eg. He asked me the way to the supermarket. He asked me t

22、heir names. He asked me where he should go. ask sb. about sth. eg. He asked me about my health. ask sb.to do sth. eg. He ask me to stop smoking. He ask me not to swim here. ask for sth. (to do sth.) 请求eg. She asked for more time (to think it over). 她请求多一点时间(仔细考虑)。ask for sb. 找(某人)Did anyone ask for

23、me last week? ask sb for help=turn to sb 向某人求助ask sb for some advice 向某人征求意见ask sb for sth 向某人索要其他用法: ask the way 问路;ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃attemptv. 企图,试图精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 40 页5 试图做某事attempt to do sth. attempt doing sth. attention n. 注意,专心pay attention to 注意You

24、should pay attention to your spoken English. 你应该注意你的口语。asleepadj. 睡着的fall asleep 入睡He was too tired, so he fell fast asleep. 他太累了,很快就入睡了。sleep vi./n. 睡觉go to sleep After breakfast, I want to go to sleep. 吃完早饭后,我想去睡觉get enough sleep I don t get enough sleep. I feel sleepy in class. 我没有足够的睡眠,我课堂上感到想睡觉

25、。sleepy adj. 欲睡的,困倦的feel sleepy 感到困倦精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 40 页6 B beat v. 打败,战胜(beat, beaten) beat sb. (at sth.) 在某方面打败 / 胜过某人He beats me at chess. 他在下棋方面胜我一筹。beat sb. 打某人beat/defeat 一组同义词,它们的宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat 尤指在战场上打败敌人;beat 是游戏、比

26、赛的专门用词。二者常可换。eg. We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。In the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。win/gain 一组同义词。 gain 表示获得需要之物,它常跟的宾语有one s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration 等;win 表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle 等。eg.

27、We shall gain experience through practice. 我们将通过实践获得经验。They won the battle but lost many men. 他们取得了这次战斗的胜利,但牺牲了很多人。hit 指“ 打中 ” 或 “ 对准 来打 ” ,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。tap 一般是轰轰拍打的意思。eg:The stone hit him on the head. 石头击中了他的头部become v. 成为,变成become + 名词He became a doctor at last. become interesting in 变得对 .感兴趣其他用法

28、: What becomes/ will become of sb./ sth.? 某人某事的情况如何eg. What will become if I die? 假如我死了我的孩子会怎么样呢?beginv. 开始begin to do sth. = begin doing sth. 开始做某事begin /start with 由 .开始eg. We will begin with you. 从你开始。eg. The concert(音乐会 ) began with a piano solo( 钢琴独奏 ). beginning n. 开始at the beginning of 在。 。 。

29、 。的开始start v 开始;n. 开始start to do sth =start doing sth 开始做某事at the start of 在。 。 。 。的开始start off 动身,开始活动to start/begin with 第一,首先end n. 最后,末尾at the end (of)在 ( 的)末端eg At the end of the street you ll find the hospital. in the end =finally =at last 最后,终于eg In the end she married a singer by the end of

30、到。 。结束时,末尾时(用于完成时)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 40 页7 eg We had studied English for three years by the end of last term end with 以结束behavev. 举止,表现behave well/ badly 表现好 / 不好,举止良好/ 不好believev. 相信,认为believe sb. 相信某人说的话eg. I believe him. 我相信他的话。believe in sb. 相信 / 信任某人eg. I belie

31、ve in him. 我相信他。believe sb. + adj. eg. I believe him honest. 我相信他是诚实的。believe + 从句eg. I believe that he can do the job well. belongv. 属于belong to by prepby + 交通工具乘 交通工具1) take a/the 交通工具to sp. 乘 交通工具去某地=go to sp. by 交通工具2)on a bike =by bike 骑自行车on foot 步行3)on / in + 限定词 +交通工具4) v. +to +sp. e.g. fly

32、to sp. borrowv. 借,借入,借进borrow sth.( from sb.) 从某地 / 某人处借 . borrow a book (from library) lend vt. 借给lend sth. to sb./lend sb.sth. 把某物借给某人eg Excuse me,can I borrow a bike from you?/Can I borrow your bike? 我能借你的自行车吗?return v 归还,回到return to sp = go back to sp 回到某地return sth to sp 把某物还到某地in return 回报bow

33、v. 鞠躬bow to 服从bow to sb s oppinion 屈从某人的意见make a bow 鞠躬take a bow 鞠躬答谢breakv. 打破,违背break into 闯进break away (from ) (从 )逃脱break into/ to pieces 碎成片break up with sb. 与某人绝交break sth. off 突然中断、终止某事物break down 汽车抛锚break out 突然发生eg. Fire broke out last night. 夜间突然失火了。break through sth. 克服eg. break through

34、 the difficulties 克服困难breathe v 呼吸注意发音breathn 呼吸take a deep breath=breathe deeply 深呼吸breathe in 呼入breathe out 呼出精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 40 页8 be short/out of breath 上气不接下气bringv. 拿来,取来,带来bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth. 把某物带来给某人bring sb./ sth. (with one) 带着某物或某人来eg. He

35、 always brings a bottle of wine (with him) when he comes to dinner. bring sth./ sb. back 送回某人 / 某物eg. He brought me back in his car last night. 他昨天晚上开车送我回来的。Please bring back the book to me tomorrow. 请明天把书带来还我。bring sb. up 培养,养育eg. He was brought up by his aunt. 他是被他阿姨养大的。She brought up five childre

36、n all together. 她总共抚养了5 个儿女。其他用法: bring sth. up 呕吐bring about 带来,造成bring about great changes 带来巨大变化bring in 收获(庄稼等)bring in a good harvest 好收成build v. 建造,建筑build sth. build a factory 建厂房build sth. for sb. = build sb. sth. eg. His father built a model aeroplane for him. = His father built him a model

37、 aeroplane. build sth. of/ from/ out of sth. 用.(材料 )建造 . eg. Birds build their nests out of twigs. 鸟儿用细树枝筑巢。build sth. up 逐渐建立、增加、增强或发展某事物build up a big library 逐渐建立一座大的图书馆其他用法: Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。burn v. 燃烧,点燃burn out 烧坏,烧完,烧尽burn down 烧毁burn away 烧坏,烧掉; (逐渐)消灭,消失eg. The sunligh

38、t has burnt away the haze. 日光使雾消散了。buyv. 购买,买buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. sellv 卖sell out 卖光sell sth. to sb. =sell sb. sth. 卖给某人某物精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 40 页9 C call v. 打电话;称作,取名;呼唤,叫喊;要求,命令call sb. =give sb. a cal 给某人打电话call + 电话号码打某个电话号码call sb. at + 电话号码打某个电话号码找某人

39、call sb. sth. 把某人称为 . call him a walking-dictionary 把他称为活字典call on sb. 拜访某人call at s.p. 拜访某地call by 顺便拜访call for 要求,需要eg. Success calls for hard work. 成功需要努力。call sth. off 取消或放弃某事call up 回想起This book calls up happy memories of his childhood. 这本书唤起了他对童年幸福的回忆。calledadj. 叫做 的(后置)be called /named 被叫做car

40、ev. 对.在意,对 .在意take care of sb. 照顾take care of sth. 处理,负责take care to do sth. 小心,当心take care that 小心care about 关心He doesn t care about anything we say. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 40 页10 care to do sth. 愿意做某事 (多用于否定句和疑问句) eg. Would you care to go for a walk? 你愿意去散步吗?carry v.

41、搬运,携带carry sth. with sb. 随身携带carry away 运走,拿走carry back 运回,拿回,使回想起carry into effect 实现,实行carry on 继续进行eg. We ll carry on our discussion tomorrow. 明天继续我们的讨论。carry sth. too far 做的太过分了catchv. 赶上(车船等) ,捕获catch up with sb. in sth. 在某方面追赶上某人eg. If you don t work hard, he will catch up with you in study. 区

42、别: keep up with 跟上,不落后于keep up with him 跟上他catch sb. doing sth. 逮住某人正在做什么eg. I caught him stealing. 我发现他正在偷东西。catch up sb s attention/ eyes 引起某人的注意I was caught in the rain. 我被雨淋了。catch (a) cold 伤风;catch fire 着火causev. 造成,使发生cause sth. eg. The cat caused this terrible accident. cause sb. sth. eg. The

43、 new car caused me a lot of troubles. cause sth. to sb. eg. The new car carsed a lot of troubles to me. cause sb. to do sth. eg. The illness caused him to miss the game. 其他用法: Take care! 当心!chatv. 聊天,闲谈chat with sb. 和某人聊天cheer v cheer up 使振奋cheer sb up 使某人高兴checkv. 核对,检查check out 检查,核对,核查chopv. 剁,砍,

44、劈chop in 插嘴,多嘴cleanv. 打扫,清除clean sth. up 把.收拾干净check in 登记combinev. 结合,组合combine with 和.组合comev. 来;来到come after sb. 追赶或追逐某人come back 回来come from = be from 从.哪里来,来自. come by 从 .旁边走过come down (雨、雪等 )落下; (价格 )下降eg. The price of petrol is coming down. 汽油价格正在下跌。come on 加油come for 为.而来eg. I am coming for

45、my books which were lent to you last year. 我为了去年借你的那些书而来。(我想要回去年借给你的书) come out 出来;发芽come through 经历(困难等)come to an end 结束come up with sb. 赶上,追上communicatev. 交流,沟通精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 40 页11 communicate with sb. 与某人交流comparev. 比较compare A and B = compare A with/ to B

46、 加以比较,两者相比较eg. If you compare her work with his, you will find hers is much better. compare A to B 把 A 比作 B eg. Poets have compared sleep to death. 诗人把睡眠比作死亡。compare notes (with sb.) 交换意见、观点、看法等complain v. 抱怨complain to sb. about / at sth. 投诉,抱怨,发牢骚eg. She often complain to me about her partner. con

47、centratev. 集中,聚集concentrate on/ upon 集中精力considerv. 考虑,思考,认为consider sth. 考虑 . consider doing sth. 考虑 . eg. I am considering changing my job. 我正考虑换个工作。consider sb./ sth. as 把.当.来对待eg. We consider him as our friend. consider sb./ sth. to be 把.当作 . eg. We consider him to be our best friend. continue v

48、. 使继续,坚持下去To be continued. 未完,待续。go on / continue to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)go on / continue doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)go on / continue with sth. 继续copy v. 复制,抄袭copy sth. from sb. 抄袭某人的 . copy sth. down/ out in/ into sth. 把 .抄写在 .上eg. The students copied the sums (算术题 ) down in theirn notebooks. 学生把算术题抄在他们的笔记本上

49、。cover v. 覆盖be covered with sth. 被 覆盖under the cover of 在的掩护下,以 为幌子cover up 掩盖,掩饰,隐藏take cover 隐蔽,躲避criticizev. 批评,批判criticize sth. eg. He criticized my taking risk. 他批评了我的冒险行为。criticize sb. for sth. eg. He criticized me for my rudeness. 他因为我的卤莽而批评了我cross v. 穿过,横过,越过cross over sth. 穿过,穿越注: (1)与 acro

50、ss的区别(2)与 through 的区别crowdv. 挤满,充满be crowded with 充满eg. The room is crowded with people. 屋里挤满了人。costv. 价值,花费(时间、金钱等)sth. cost sb. some money. 某物花费某人多少钱eg. This fur coat he bought for his girlfriend last year cost him $4000. cost sb. sth. eg. Careless driving cost him his life. 开车时粗心大意要了他的命。精选学习资料 -

51、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 40 页12 cutv. 切,割cut sth. for sb. = cut sb. sth. 切.给某人eg. Please cut a piece of cake for me. = Please cut me a piece of cake. cut sth. from sth. cut off 切断cut off the power 切断电源cut down 砍倒;删减cut down a tree 砍树eg. Your article is too long, please cut it dow

52、n to 1000 words. 你的文章太长了,请把它删件到1000 字。D dealv. 处理,应付deal with 处理精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 40 页13 decidev. 决定,下决心decide to do sth. = make up one s mind to do sth. 决定做 . decide (not)to do sth 决定不做某事make a decision( to do sth)做一个决定做. decide on sth./ sb. 决定某事 / 某人decision n.

53、决定make a decision 做决定come to a decision = arrive at a decision 决定下来depend v. 依赖,依靠depend on/ upon sth./ sb. 视某物而定,取决于某物eg. Wheather we will have the sport-meeting tomorrow depends on the weather. 明天我们是否举行运动会取决于天气情况。describe v. 描述,形容describe sth. as sth. 把.描述成 .;称作,称为eg. He describes himself as a doc

54、tor. 他把自己称为医生。design v 设计be designed to do sth 被设计来做 be designed for 为.而设计designern 设计师die (died,dying) v.死die of hunger 死于内因die from accident 死于外因dead adj.死的,无生命的deathn.死亡dyingadj./分词discussv. 讨论,议论discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事eg. He was still discussing the game when I got there. discuss doing sth

55、. 讨论做某事eg. They discussed selling the house. 他们在讨论卖房子的事情。dislikev. 不喜欢,讨厌dislike sth. 讨厌某事dislike to do sth. 讨厌做某事dislike doing sth. 讨厌做某事注:与 unlike 的区别unlike adj. 与.不同的,不相象的dividev. 分开,划分divide sth. into 把.分成dov. 做,干,行动精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 40 页14 do one s best 做出最大努

56、力do business 做生意do sb. a favour 帮某人的忙do wrong 做错do with 处理eg. What can I do with it? 我怎么处理它?have something/ nothing to do with 与.有关 /无关eg. It has nothing to do with you. 这和你没有关系。dreamv. 做梦,梦到dream of/ about 做梦,梦见with a dream of 怀着 .的梦想drop v. 落下,掉下,使落下drop sb. off 让某人下车drop back = drop behind (sb.)

57、落后drop out (of sth.) 从 .退出E enjoyv. 享受 .的乐趣,欣赏enjoy doing sth. 享受做某事enjoy oneself = have a good time= have fun 玩的高兴,过得愉快enterv. 进入,参加enter +表地点的名词进入 . enter the room 进入房间 (注:不能说enter into the room) exchangev. 交换exchange student 交换生exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换 exchange the seat with sb. 和某人换位置;exchan

58、ge experience 交流经验精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 40 页15 exchange A for B 用 A 来交换 B eg. He exchanged his health for money. excusev. 原谅,宽恕excuse sb. 原谅某人excuse sb. (for sth./ doing sth.) 宽恕某人做某事eg. Excuse me for coming late. 原谅我来晚了。expectv. 预期,预料expect sth. expect to do sth. exp

59、ect sb. to do sth. experimentv. 实验,试验experiment on/ upon 在.上做实验explain v. 解释,说明explain sth. 解释某事explain a difficult problem 解释一个难题explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释 /说明某事情explain oneself 把自己的意思解释清楚escapev. 逃跑,逃走escape from 从.逃跑F famous adj. 著名的出名的.be +famous/well-known+for 因出名be +famous/well-known+as 作为出名be

60、+famous/well-known +to 对于出名failv. 失败精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 40 页16 fail to do sth. 没能做成功某事eg. She failed to pass the English test. 她没能通过英语考试。fail doing sth 做某事失败了fallv. 下降,落下fall back 后退fall behind (sb.) 落后fall /dropdown from= fall off 从什么上掉下来fall off 数量或质量下降fall over=f

61、all down 摔倒fall in love with sb 爱上marry sb (动)和 .结婚get / married (状) 结婚fear v. 害怕,担心fear sth. 害怕 . fear death/ illness 害怕死亡 / 疾病fear to do sth. 害怕做某事eg. He feared to speak in public. 他害怕当众讲话。fear for sb./ sth. 对某事物 / 某人感到担忧或关心eg. I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气里我很担心她的安全。feedv. 喂养,饲养eg.

62、She has a large family to feed. 她要养活一大家子人。feed sb./ sth. (on sth.) 用.喂养 . eg. I feed my dog on fresh meat. 我用鲜肉喂我的狗。feed sth. to sb./ sth. 给某人 /某物喂 . eg. I feed fresh meat to my dog. feel v. 感到,觉得feel sth. doing 感觉到某物 . feel the heart beating 感觉到心脏在跳动feel + adj. (feel 是感官系动词,后面可以直接接形容词做表语。类似的词还有:sou

63、nd, look, smell, taste) feel like doing sth 想要做某事=want to do sth =would like to do sth want(would like )sb to do sth 想让某人做某事want(would like )sth 想要某物feeling n. 感觉fightv. 打架,争吵fight for + 抽象名词 (如:事业,真理,自由等)为.而斗争,为 .而战斗fight with 与.并肩战斗fight a good fight 打一场漂亮仗fight an enemy 打敌人fill v. 装满,添满fill in 填充

64、findv. 发现,找到find sb. to do sth. 发现某人做某事(强调发现某人做某事的全过程)find sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事(强调发现某人正在做某事)find out 发现固定句式: find it + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth. find it beautiful/ difficult/ important 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 40 页17 find it important/ necessary for sb. to do sth. fi

65、nish v. 完成,做完finish doing sth. 做完某事,完成某事fitv. 适合,适应fit sb. 适合某人Does the coat fit? 这件大衣合适吗?The coat doesn t fit me. 这件大衣不适合我。(注:不能说成:The coat dosen t fit for/ to me.) adj. 合适的,恰当的be fit to do sth. 适合eg. The dried grain is fit to store. 晒干的谷物可以储藏。be fit for sb. to do sth. (be fit for sb. ; be fit to d

66、o sth. )The food is not for human to eat. 这食物不适宜人吃。fixv. 修理fix up 修补,修理好flyv. 飞行fly a kite 放风筝How time flies! 时间过的真快啊!时光如梭。followv. 跟随,追随follow sth. 跟着 . eg. Spring follows winter. 冬去春来。follow sb. 跟踪follow one s example 照 .的榜样,以 .为模范follow the advice 遵照指示forbid v. 禁止,不许forbid sth. eg. People forbid

67、this meeting. 人们禁止这次聚会。forbid sb. sth. eg. She forbade him wine. 她禁止他喝酒。forbid sb. to do sth. eg. The school forbids the students to smoke. 学校禁止学生抽烟。forgetv. 忘记forget sth. 忘记某事forget to do sth. 忘记做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事remember v 记得,记起,想起remember to do sth (未完成 )记得要去做remember doing sth (已完成 )记得做

68、过精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 40 页18 G getv. get along (well) with 和.相处(的好)get on (well) with 和.相处(的好) ;进展(顺利)get back 回来,返回get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系(表动作)be in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系(表状态)get off 下车get on 上车get over 克服(困难等)make / have / let sb do sth 让某人做某事=get sb to do s

69、th givev. 给,送给give sb.sth. = give sth. to sb. give away 分发,赠送give in 交上,屈服give up 放弃give off 发出(气味,光,热等)go v. go after 追赶go on 继续精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 40 页19 go on with sth. 继续做某事(前后做的是同一件事)go on doing sth. 继续做某事(前后做的是同一件事)go on to do sth. 接着做某事(前后做的是不同的事)go over 复习,温

70、习;仔细查看go through 浏览,翻阅go up 上涨,上升;攀升go against 违反,反对growv. 生长,成长grow up 长大,成长H hand n. 手;前腿v. 交给。hand in 交上来。The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.老师叫学生将试卷交上来。.hand out 分发;发放They are having out emergency things. 他们正在分发紧急物品。hands up 举手,举起手来on hand 在手边 (随时可用 ) by hand 用手工 (即不是用机器或其它手段

71、) on the one (other) hand 一方面 (另一方面 )。hand sb sth / hand sth to sb 把某物递给某人give/lend a hand to :帮忙,支援;帮忙,增援;帮忙,支援。do sb a favor 请帮我一个忙做.好么give sb a hand 请求某人帮忙词语拓展:handbag n.手包handsome adj.英俊的;漂亮的handwriting n. 手写;书法hang (hung, hung) v.使悬挂;使吊起上吊;绞死;处以绞刑(hanged, hanged )hang out (俚语)闲逛;闲荡happen v. 发生;

72、出现sb. happen to do sth. 某人发生某事eg. She happened to be out when he called. 他打电话是,她恰好不在家。sth. happen to sb. 碰巧;恰巧;恰好eg. If anything happens to him, let me know. 如果他有什么不测,就通知我词义辨析: happen/ take place (无被动,无进行) happen 指偶然发生的或未经筹划的。eg The accident happened at about 9:30. 事故发生在9 点 30 分左右。take place 表示必然性的“

73、发生”或者是计划安排好“举行”。eg Great changes have taken place in my home town recently. 最近我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。hatev. 讨厌,憎恶hate sth. ; hate to do sth. ; hate doing sth. have v. have a good time 过得愉快精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 40 页20 have something/ nothing to do with sb. 与某人有关 / 无关have sth.on

74、穿着,戴着hearv. 听见hear sb. to do sth. 听见某人做某事(强调听见做事情的过程)hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事hear from sb. 收到某人的来信= receive a letter from sb. hear of 听说= hear about eg. I heard that you are ill. 听说你病了。heatv. 变热,加热heat up 加热helpv. 帮助,帮忙help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事can t/ couldn t help

75、 doing sth. 情不自禁做某事with the help of 在.的帮助下help oneself (on sth.) 自用(食物)help sb. out 帮助某人解决难题,摆脱困难等hit v. 打击,撞击,碰撞hit sb. on the head 打某人的头holdv. hold on (打电话时)不挂电话hold one s breath 屏息,不出声get hold of 抓住,得到hopev. 希望hope to do sth. 希望做某事eg. We hope to see soon. 我们希望不久以后就见到你。hope for 希望eg. I hope for su

76、ccess. 我希望成功。in hope of ; in the hope of ; in the hope that 怀着 .的希望注:没有hope sb. to do sth. 的用法。希望某人做某事用:wish sb. to do sth. wish v. 希望n 愿望,祝愿wish (sb.) to do sth. 希望(某人)做wish for sth. 希望得到wish(that)从句wish sb.+ n./adj. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 40 页21 I imaginev. 想象,猜想,料想i

77、magine doing sth. imagine sb. to be imagine sb. doing sth. impressv. 使感动,使印象深刻impress sb. with sth. 给某人留下 .的印象eg. The girl impressed her friends with humour. impress sth. on sb. 给某人留下 .的印象eg. The girl impressed humour on her friends. improvev. 进步,改善improve sth. eg. He has improved his health. eg. Hi

78、s health has been improving. improve on/ upon sth. 对.做出改进improve oneself 提高某人自己increasev. 增大,增加increase to 增加到 .(后接增长后的数目) eg. The number of the students in this school has increased to 2000. 学生人数增加到了2000 人。increase by 增加了 .(后加倍数或百分数)eg. The number of the students in this school has increased by 10

79、percent. 学生人数增加了10% influencev. 影响,对 .起作用influence sth. n. 影响,作用,影响力influence on sth./ sb. interestv. 引起 .关注,使 .感兴趣interest sb. in sth. 使某人对 .感兴趣eg. He interested me in football. Be interested in doing sth interviewv. 面视,采访,会见interview sb. (for sth.) 对某人进行面试或面谈interview sb. (about sth.) 对某人进行采访精选学习资

80、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 40 页22 do an interview with sb 采访某人invitev. 邀请invite sb. 邀请某人invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事invite sb. to (介词 ) eg. We invited Tom to our party. invitation n 邀请J join v. 加入,参加join sth. 加入 . join the party join sb. in sth. eg. Will you join me in buying

81、a present for her? 和我一起去给她买个礼物好吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 40 页23 K keepv. 保持,保留keep in touch with 保持联系keep off 远离keep on 继续做keep silent 保持安静keep up with 跟上,不落后knock v. 敲,碰撞knock at 敲. knock down 击打,把 .击昏knock into sb. 撞到know v. 知道,了解,认识know about 了解,知道 .的情况= learn about

82、know of 听说过eg. I don t know Mr. Smith, but I have known of him. 我不认识 .但我听说过 . be known as 作为 .而出名eg. The Great Wall is known as the longest wall in the world. be known for 因.而出名eg. China is known for the Great Wall. be known to sb. 为 .所熟知eg. The Great Wall is known to all the people in the world. 精选

83、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 40 页24 L laughv. 笑,大笑laugh at 嘲笑eg. I left my book in the classroom yesterday. smellv 微笑smell at 对某人微笑lead v. 引导,引诱lead to (介词 ) 引起,导致lead sb. to sth. 引导某人learn v. 学习,学会learn about = know about 了解learn sth. 学. learn of / about sth. 得知 . learn how t

84、o swim learn by heart 记住,背诵learn one s lesson 吸取教训谚语: It s never too late to learn. 学习不嫌晚。Live and learn. 活到老学到老。leave v. 离开n 休假leave + 地点for sp 离开某地leave for + 地点动身去某地leave sth. 落下某东西ask for leave lend v. 借给,借出lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. 把.借给某人区别: borrow sth. from 从某人处借出 . let v.让let sb. do st

85、h. 让某人做某事liev. 卧,躺,位于(lie, lay, lain )lie in ( 位于一个范围内) eg. China lies in the east of the Asia. lie on (与.相邻,紧挨着) eg. China lies on the south of Korea. lie to ( 不接壤,隔 .相望 ) eg. China lies to the west of Japan. like v. 喜欢like sth. ; like to do sth. ; like doing sth. like sb. to do sth. ; like sb. doi

86、ng sth. listenv. 听listen to sb. 听某人的话livev. 活,生存,生活live on 靠.生存,以 .为主食精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 40 页25 live a happy life 过着幸福的生活look v. 看look at 看look after 照顾= take care of look for 寻找look down on sb. 看不起 look through 浏览look out ( of ) 向()外面看look out 小心 = be careful look

87、 around 环视look up 查阅look up the word in the dictionary look it up in the dictionary look back 回顾look like 看起来像be like (人的内在性格)怎么样look over 检查look on 旁观look forward to sth. / doing sth. 期待 /盼望 (做)某事look down upon 瞧不起look up to 看得起M makev. 做,制造make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. eg. He made me a coat. =

88、 He made a coat for me. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事eg. He made the little girl cry. make sth. + 形容词eg. We must make our country strong. be made of 由.制成(能看出材料)be made from 由 .制成(看不出材料)be made up of 由.组成be made in + 地点某物生长在某地make up 编造;化妆make up one s mind 下决心make up for 弥补make sb.adj 使某人怎么样make sb.n. 选某人

89、当 make the bed 铺床marryv. 嫁,娶,与 .结婚marry sb.和.结婚eg. She married a rich man. 她嫁给了一个有钱人。He married a yong lady. 他娶了一个年轻的女子。marry sb.to sb. 把 .许配给 . eg. He married his daughter to a foreigner. 他把女儿许配给了一个外国人。get married 结婚(强调动作)eg. They will get married next year. 他们明年结婚。be married 已婚,结婚(强调状态)eg. They ha

90、ve been married for 20 years. 他们已经结婚20 年了。matterv. 重要,要紧,有关系What s the matter with . ?= What s wrong with.? = What s up with.? . 怎么了?as a matter of fact 事实上mean v. 表示 .的意思,作 .的解释mean to do sth. 打算做 . eg. I didn t mean to start a fight with you. 我不打算跟你打架。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

91、 25 页,共 40 页26 mean doing sth. meaning n含义意义the meaning of的含义mention v. 提及,说到Don t mention it. 不用客气。mention sth. to sb. 对某人提及某事mean doing sth. 意味着 . mind v. 介意Do/ Would you mind doing sth. 用来客气地提出请求eg. Do you mind giving me a glass of water? Do/ Would you mind sb. s doing sth. 用来提出询问,征求对方的意见eg. Do y

92、ou mind my smoking? miss v. (1)想念miss sb. 想念某人miss doing sth. 想念做某事eg. I miss living in the country. 我怀念住在乡下的日子。(2) 错过,遗失eg. He missed the last bus, so he had to walk home. miss one s way = lose one s way 迷路move v. 移动,搬动move in 搬家move on 继续前进N needv. 需要need sth. 需要 . need to do sth. 需要做 . need sb. t

93、o do sth. 需要某人做 . in need of 需要eg. He was in need of money at that time. 那个时候他需要钱。need doing (主动语态表被动,通常物作主语)eg.This chair needs repairing. 椅子需要修了。eg.The classroom needs cleaning. 教室需要打扫了。句型: There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. 对某人来说没有必要. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 40 页2

94、7 O offendv. 冒犯,得罪,使生气offend sb. 惹某人生气be offended with/ by sb. for sth. 因.而对某人生气be offended at sb. s words 对某人的话感到生气offer v. 提供offer sb. sth. =offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物eg. I offered him a glass of wine. 我给了他一杯酒。offer sth. to sb. 奉献 给 eg. He offered his life to his country. 他把生命献给了祖国。offer to do sth. 主

95、动提出做某事eg. She offered to carry the boxes for her mother. operatev. (1)操作,作业eg. The machine doesn t operate. 机器不工作 / 运转了。(2)动手术operate on sb. 给某人动手术operation n. 手术perform an operation on sb. (医生 )给某人 (病人 )动手术have an operation (病人 )做手术order v. (1) 预定,点 (菜) order sb. sth. = order sth. for sb. 为某人订做 . e

96、g. I have ordered you a new suit. 我给你订做了一套新西装。(2) 命令order sb. to do sth. 命令 / 要求某人做某事in order 整齐,秩序井然eg. Put your books in order. 把你的书摆放整齐。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 40 页28 P pass v. 通过pass through 通过,经过pass by 从 .经过传递pass sth. to sb. = pass sb. sth. 把.给某人递过来Please pass me

97、 the salt. 帮我把盐递过来。pay v. 支付,付钱pay sb. 支付给某人钱pay for sth. 为某物付钱pay sb. some money 付给某人多少钱pay sb. some money for sth. 为某物付给给某人多少钱pay sb. to do sth. 雇佣某人做某事pay a bill 支付帐单pay attention to 注意pay back 偿还pay sb. a visit = pay a visit to sb. 拜访某人pick v. 挑选pick off 摘下来pick out 挑选pick up 捡起来;收拾;好转,恢复生机;开车接某

98、人eg. I will pick you up this evening. 今晚我来接你。plan v. 计划,打算plan on/ for sth. 为.做准备plan to do sth. 打算做某事plan on doing sth make a plan to do sth pointv. 用.指,指向point to 指向(较近之物)point at 指向(较远之物)point out 指出eg. My teacher pointed out my mistakes. point of view 观点,看法to the point 切题,中肯practice v. 练习,实践prac

99、tice doing sth. 练习做某事,习惯做某事prefer v. 更喜欢,更喜爱prefer sth.= like better 更喜欢eg. I prefer ice-cream. prefer sth. to sth. 与什么相比更喜欢什么eg. I prefer apples to pears. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 与什么相比喜欢什么eg. I prefer staying at home to going out with you. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth .宁愿做。 。eg. I p

100、refer to stay at home rather than go out with you. preparev 准备精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 40 页29 get/be ready for sth. 为。 。 。做准备get/be ready to do sht 准备做。 。=prepare for be prepared for sth be prepared to do sth 某人为做某事做好了准备pretendv. 假装pretend to do sth. 假装做某事pretend to be d

101、oing sth. 假装正在做某事eg. The students pretended to be reading when the teacher came in. pressv. 按,挤,压,逼迫,强迫press sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事provide v. 提供,供应,供给produce food and clothes for one s family 养家糊口provide for (sb.) 赡养eg. He has a big family to provide for. putv. 放置put away 把 收拾起来put back 把(表等)拨慢put d

102、own 镇压put forward 把(表等)拨快put off 推迟,延期put on 穿上,戴上反义: take off 脱下put through 接通(电话等)put up 搭建(帐篷) ;张贴(广告)put up with 忍耐,忍受put the fat in the fire 火上浇油put into = translate into 把翻译成 put out 熄灭,关(灯等) ;出版,发布Q R raise v. 筹集,募捐raise money 捐款raise an army 招兵举起,升高raise one s hand 举手raise one s glass to sb.

103、 举杯祝福某人raise prices 涨价raise one s voice 提高声音rise read v. 阅读read out 宣读read aloud 朗读read sb. s mind 看出某人的心思read sb. s hand 看手相read between the lines 体会字里行间的意思,领会言外之意refusev. 拒绝,回绝refuse sth. 拒绝某事eg. He refused my gift. 他拒绝了我的礼物。refuse sb. sth. 拒绝某人某eg. She can t refuse him anything. 他什么也不能拒绝他。refuse

104、to do sth. 拒绝做某事regard v. 将.视为regard as 将.视为 . eg. I regard you as my best friend. n. 尊重,尊敬give sb. s regards to sb. 把某人的祝福带给精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 40 页30 remain v. 留下,被遗留,剩余,保持不变eg. I remained three days in that country. 我在那个国家逗留了三天。remain in one s mind 留在某人的记忆里rememb

105、er v. 记得remember to do sth. 记得要做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事rent v. 出租rent sth. to sb. 把.租给某人repairv. (1) 修理,修补repair sth. 修理 . (2) 纠正,补救repair a mistake 纠正错误(3) 赔偿,补偿repair the loss 赔偿损失(4) 恢复repair one s health 恢复健康reply v. 回答,答复reply to sb. 回答某人n. 回答in reply to 为答复 . report v. 报道,报告report to 向.报告

106、It is reported that . 据说rest v. 休息have a rest 休息= take a rest rest one s hopes on sb. 把希望寄托在某人身上retirev. 退休,离职retire from one s position 离职retire from the world 隐居return v. 返回,归来return to s.p. 回到某处return to school 返校return home 回家return sth. to sb. 把.还给某人= return sb. sth. return sth. to s.p. 把.还给某处h

107、ave a great regard for sb. 非常尊重某人review v /n 检查,回顾,评论review sth= go over 复习=revise for do some reviews about 关于 做评论ride v. 骑,乘ride a horse 骑马ride a bicycle 骑自行车ride on/ in a bus/ a train 乘公交车 / 火车= take a bus/ a train rollv. 卷,裹roll sb. over 把某人打翻在地(或撞倒在地)roll by 流逝The years rolled by. 岁月流逝。roll ove

108、r 翻滚runv. 跑run a factory 开工厂run across 无意间碰到run after 追逐,追求run away 逃走,离家run away from 逃跑run out of 用完run into (1) 陷入run into danger 陷入危险(2) 偶遇run into an old friend 遇见一个老朋友rushv. 冲,奔rush toward 向前冲rush at/ on 冲向 . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 40 页31 rush into (the room) 冲进(

109、房间)rush up to 冲向rush to do sth. 冲着去做某事(积极地去做某事) S save v. 挽救,节省save sb. / sth. from 从里把 救出来eg. He saved the little girl from the fire. 他从大火中救出了小女孩。save sb. sth. 节省,免去eg. That saved us a lot of trouble. 那省去了我们很多麻烦。save sb. doing sth. 省去某人做某事eg. I ll telephone and that will save me writing a letter. 我

110、会打电话,那就省得我写信了。save one s life 救命save money 省钱,存钱see v. 看见see sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth. 类似用法的单词还有:find, hear,notice,look at,listen to,see, see.as. 把.看做 . =regard.as. =treat.as. =look upon / on. as. seekv. 寻找,探究seek for / after 寻求,追求seemv. 看上去It seems that. 看上去 . eg. It seems that he is ill. 看上去他

111、好像病了。seem to do sth. 看上去 eg. I seemed to have seen you before. 我以前好像见过你。= It seemed that I have seen you before. servev. 为 .服务,招待serve sb. 为某人服务serve the people 为人民服务serve sb. sth. 为某人提供 serve the customers tea 给客人们上茶sell v. 卖sell sth. ; sell sb. sth. = sell sth. to sb. 把.卖给某人sell sth. to sb. for so

112、me money 把 .以 .(多少钱 )卖给某人send v. (1) 送,寄send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. (2) 打发,派遣send sb. to do sth. 派某人做某事eg. I have sent her to buy some milk. send for sb. 派人去请 eg. We must send for a doctor. 我们必须去请个医生。send up 发射send away 驱赶send off/away 把 送往另一方shake v. 震动,摇动shake one s head ( at / over sth. ) 不赞

113、成精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 40 页32 shake hands with sb. 和某人握手= shake sb. by the hand shoot v. 投篮,射击shoot at 向 射击shoutv. 叫,喊shout at sb. 冲某人大喊大叫(不礼貌地 ) shout to sb. 冲某人大喊= call out to sb. shout for help 高声呼救show v. 展示,给 .看be on show 展览show sth. 出示 . eg. Please show your tic

114、ket. 请出示你的票。show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看 . ;出示 .给某人show off 炫耀,卖弄show sb. around = take sb around 带某人四处参观shutv. 关上(门,窗等)shut off 关掉shut up 闭嘴sit v. 坐下sit up ( late ) = stay up ( late ) 熬夜sleepv. 睡觉sleep late 睡懒觉区别: stay up late 熬夜fall asleep 入睡go to sleep 去睡觉speak v. 说话speak + 语言说某种语言eg. He

115、 can speak English. 他能说英语。speak in + 语言用某种语言说eg. Please speak in English. 请用英语说。speak to / with sb. 和 .说话speak about sth./ of 谈到 . speak on sth. 谈某方面的问题honestly speaking 诚实地说spend v. 度过 (时间 ),花费 (时间、金钱等) sb spend 时间 /钱( in)doing sth 某人花费时间 /钱做sb spend 钱/时间on sth 某人在 上花费 钱/时间sb spend 时间with sb( in sp

116、)和某人(在某地)度过多长时间eg. She spends 5 hours on her study every day. 他每天在学习上花5 个小时。eg. He spent 1000 dollars on this book yesterday. 昨天他买书花了1000 美元。eg. He spent 3 days with his mother last week. 上周他花了三天的时间陪他母亲cost v. 价值为物 + cost(s) + 人 + 钱.物花了(人)钱e.g. The book costs me $100.(这本书花了我100 元) . It + cost(s) + 人

117、 + 钱 + to +do买物花了(人)钱eg It cost me $100 to buy the book. payv 支付sb pay(s) for sth pay to sb 付给某人。 。 。钱pay sb. 付钱给某人take v 花费It takes sb +时间 +to do sth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 40 页33 eg. She spends 5 hours on her study every day. 他每天在学习上花5 个小时。eg. He spent 1000 dollars o

118、n this book yesterday. 昨天他买书花了1000 美元。eg. He spent 3 days with his mother last week. 上周他花了三天的时间陪他母亲stand v. (1) 站立stand up 起立(2) 忍受stand sth. 忍受某事stand to do sth. 忍受做某事( can t ) stand doing sth. 无法忍受做某事stand for 代表 . stay v. 逗留,保持stay up = sit up 熬夜stay away from 不在,缺席;逃避stay with sb. 和某人在一起stay at

119、home 呆在家里stay out 呆在外面stay+adj. 保持 stop v. 停止stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事store v. 储存in store 储存eg. We have a lot of food in store. 我们储藏了很多食物。succeedv. 成功succeed in doing/sth. 在 . 取得成功faii v 失败successful adj. 成功的successn. 成功suggest v. (1) 建议suggest st

120、h. 建议某事eg. He suggested a walk. 他建议散步。suggest doing sth. 建议做某事eg. He suggested going for a walk. suggest sth to sb 向建议suggest that+ 主语 + (should) +V 原eg. He suggested that we d better go for a walk. (2) 表明,暗示eg. Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy. 她打哈欠表明她困了。suggestion(n) sure adj. 确定的,确信的精选学习资料 -

121、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 40 页34 be sure 确定be sure of sth 对确定be sure doing sth be sure to do sth 一定要做 make sure of sth 确信 make sure that 确保 make sure to do sth 一定要做sure=certainly=Of course 当然surely adv 的确supposev. 假定,认为,期望suppose that. eg. They supposed that he was dead. 他们认为他死了。s

122、uppose to do eg. They supposed him to be dead. support v. 支持,帮助support sb. / sth. 支持某人 /某事support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人T take v. (1) 乘,搭乘take a taxi/ bus/ train/ plane/ air 区别: pick sb. up 开车接某人(2)拿走,带到take sth. (with sb.) 随身携带 . take sth. to sb./ s.p. 把.拿给某人,拿到某地方去take away 拿走(3) 吃take the medicine

123、吃药(4) 记录take notes 记笔记;take one s temperature 量体温(5) 买I ll take this sweater. (6) 花费It takes sb. some money/ time to do sth. It took sb. some money/ time to do sth. eg. It took him 1000 dollars to buy this ring for his girlfriend. It takes me 2 hours to do my homework. 扩展词组take . for . = mistake . f

124、or . 误认为take great trouble to do sth. 不辞辛劳做某事take (good) care of 照料 = look after take care 当心,小心,注意take off 取消,拿去take a day off 请一天假take one s seat 就坐take one s time 不急take out 起飞,拿出,取出take back 收回take part in 参加,参与take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事take place 发生,产生take the place of 代替,取代take on a new look

125、呈现新面貌take sth. seriously 认真对待某事take a photo/ picture of 照一张 .的照片take notes 做笔记,做记录take aim 瞄准take an action 采取行动take pride in 以.自豪take an interest in 对 感兴趣= be interested in take after (外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等 )相像take up 占据eg. The desk takes too much room. 这张桌子占了太多空间。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

126、 - -第 34 页,共 40 页35 take sth. out of sth. 从中拿出talk v. 谈论talk with sb. 与.交谈talk to sb. 和.谈话talk about 谈论关于talk of 谈到,说到talk over 商量,讨论talk in a high /lowvoice 高(低)声说话give a talk 作报告have a talk 听报告speak v 说话谈话speak +语言 /to sb 说什么语言,和某人说话(无内容,可用于电话用语)say v 表达,写到say sth. to sb. 向某人说什么(有说话的内容)tell v 告诉,讲

127、述tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人做某事tell a lie=tell lies 说谎tell a story=tell stories 讲故事speech n 演讲do/make a speech 做一个演讲teach v. 教teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb. 教给某人某事teach sb. to do sth. 教给某人做某事teach oneself = learn by oneself 自学tell v.

128、告诉,讲述tell sth. 讲述 . tell a story / a lie/ the truth tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于 . tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. tell sb.(not) to do sth. thankv. 感谢thanks for sth./doing sth. 因为某事而心存感激thank sb. for sth./ doing sth. 因为某事而感谢别人thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为eg. Thanks to the doctor, he recovered quickly. 多亏了医生,他恢复

129、的很快。think v. 想,考虑think over 仔细考虑think of 考虑,关心think about 考虑think up 想出throw v. 投,掷throw about 到处乱扔throw at 向.扔去throw oneself into 投身于 .,积极从事translatev. 翻译translate A into B 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 40 页36 =turninto=change into 把 A 翻译成 B translationn . treat v. 对待treat s

130、b. well/ badly 对某人好 / 不好treat sb./ sth. as 把.当.对待eg. Don t treat me as a child. trouble v. 使烦恼,麻烦,打扰be troubled by 为.而烦恼eg. Don t trouble about it. 别为此而烦恼。n. 烦恼ask/ look for trouble 自找麻烦be in trouble 处于不幸 /困难 /困境中try v. 尝试try out 试验try sth. on 试穿try (not) to do sth 试图,努力,试着做某事try doing sth 试着做某事try

131、one s best to do sth =do one s best to do sth 竭尽全力做某事have a try, have a go, want a try, want a go 试一试n. have a try 试一下turn v. 转turn to sb. for help 向某人求助turn + 颜色变成什么颜色turn on 打开turn off 关上turn up 把.的声音调大turn down 把.的声音调小turn in 上交,上床睡觉turn out 驱逐,把 .赶走turn out to be 结果是,证明eg. It turned out to be a

132、fine day. 结果,那天是个好天气。turn over 打翻,反复思考turn left/ right 左/右转n. 转动,轮流,时机by turns 轮流,交替take turns 轮流,交替It s sb. s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事U urge v. 强烈要求,竭力主张urge sb. to do sth. 怂恿某人做某事urge sb. into doing sth. 怂恿某人做某事urge against sth. 极力反对某事use v. 使用use one s brain 动脑筋eg. He used his brain and found a wa

133、y. use sth. to do sth. 用.做. eg. I use knife to cut the apple. 我用刀子切苹果。use sth. up 用尽,耗尽n. 用法,用途;价值,效用;习惯,惯例come into use 开始被使用eg. Computers have come into wide use. 计算机开始被广泛使用。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 40 页37 be out of use 不再使用,废弃make (good/ full/ little) use of (好好 / 充分

134、/ 不充分 )利用We must make full use of our books. 我们必须充分利用我们的书籍区分: (1) used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(现在不做了)只用于过去时态He used to get up early. 他过去总是起的很早。(2) be used to do sth./ doing sth. 习惯做某事可用于多种时态中He has been used getting up. 他已经习惯早起了。He will be used to getting up early. 他将会习惯早起的。(3) be used to do sth. 被用于做某事被

135、动语态Wood is used to make paper. V visit v. 参观,访问,拜访visit sb. 拜访某人visit s.p. 拜访某地n. 参观,拜访pay a visit to sb./ s.p. 拜访某人 /某地= pay sb./ s.p. a visit 有关“拜访”的说法:call at + s.p. call on + sb. be on a visit to sp W wait v. 等待wait for sb./ sth. 等待某人 /某事can t wait to do sth. 等不及要做某事wait sth. for sb. (为等候某人 )推迟

136、. eg. I shall be home late tonight, so don t wait dinner for me. 今晚我回来的晚,别等我吃饭。keep sb. waiting 使某人等候或耽搁某人(如因对方不准时)eg. I m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。wait and see 等着瞧wait to do sth 等着做某事wait a moment/minute 等一会wake v. 醒wake up 醒来wake sb. up 把某人叫醒 / 吵醒wake the dead 把人吵死精选学习资料 - - - - -

137、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 40 页38 walk v. 走,步行,散步walk up and down 走来走去walk along 沿着 .走a walking dictionary 活字典wantv. 想要,需要want sth. want to do sth. want sb. to do sth. wash v. 洗刷eg. The cloth washes well. 这布很耐洗。wash away 冲走,冲垮wastev. 浪费,滥用waste sth. 浪费 . eg. Don t waste electricity. It s

138、a waste of 浪费 . eg. It s a waste of time. waste one s breath 浪费口舌waste pipe 污水管,废水管waste water 废水waste paper 废纸watchv. 观察,监视watch sb. do sth. watch sb. doing sth. watch out 当心,小心watch over 守卫,看守,监视watch one s time 等待时机way n 方式,方法,道路on one s/the way to sp. 在某人去某地的路上in this/that way 用这、那种方法in the/one

139、s way 挡住某人的路all the way 一路上by the way 顺便说一下make one s way to sp. 朝某地走去in a way 从某种程度上lose one s way 迷路=be lost=lose oneself wearv. 穿着wear off 消失,渐渐减弱wear out 消瘦;穿坏,用坏,用旧;耗尽wearv (状态)穿戴put on/take off(动作)dress v (状态、动作)dress sb. 给某人穿衣dress oneself 穿衣dress up be in +颜色(状态)have sth. On (状态)无进行时态try on

140、试穿weigh v. 称,称 .的重量精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 40 页39 weigh oneself 称体重,称自己的重量weigh one s words 斟词酌句weigh sth. in one s mind 考虑某事winv. 赢得,获胜win sth. 获胜win the race/ game/ match win sth. from sb. 在 .中胜过某人区分:我们赢了他们。We won them. (错误 ) We beat them . (正确 ) welcome v 欢迎n. 欢迎welc

141、ome sb +地点副词 / to sp 欢迎某人来某地welcome (sb) back (to sp) 欢迎某人回到某地sb be welcome to do sth /sp 欢迎某人做某事(来某地)eg .you are welcome to (visit) our sschool. give sb a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人give a wonderful / warm welcome to sb 热烈欢迎某人=give sb a wonderful / warm welcome wonder v. 觉得奇怪,想知道wonder at sth. 感到惊奇wonder a

142、bout sth. 感到好奇workv. 工作eg. My watch doesn t work. 我的表不走了(不工作了)。work out 算出,解决work at 从事,学习,攻读work on 从事work as 作为工作work for 为效力n. 工作(不可数名词)a piece of work 一项工作out of work 失业brain work 脑力劳动jobn. 工作two jobs 两份工作worry v. 使烦恼,使焦虑worry about sb./ sth. (对某人、困难、前途等)感到担忧,担心,发愁eg. Your parents are worrying a

143、bout you: do write to them. worry sb. (with sth.) 烦扰或打扰某人eg. Don t worry her; she is busy. worry sb. for sth. 缠着某人要某物Don t worry. 不要担心。 = Don t be worried. be worried about sth. 担心 . writev. 写write to sb. 给某人写信= write a letter to sb. = write sb. a letter recive (get) a letter from sb = hear from sb 收到某人的来信精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 40 页40 write down =take down=put down 写下来,记下来write sth. (about) 写. (关于) . write an article/ a novel 写一篇文章,写一部小说X Y Z 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 40 页



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