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1、国际商务英语重点总结第一章一、选择判断题1. What is communication? Transmission of information and meaning from one person or group to another. 二、简答题1.Why do you need good communication skills? (为什么你需要良好的沟通技巧)Good communication skills are essential for (良好的沟通技巧是的基本)Job placement (工作安排)Job performance (工作表现)Career advanc

2、ement (职业发展)Success in the new world of work (事业成功)2. How may the sender encode a message?(发件者通过什么方式发送信息)Verbally or nonverbally. By speaking, writing, gesturing. (口头或者非口头,类似说、 写、手势)3. What kinds of channels carry messages?(信息以什么方式承载)Letters, e-mail, memos, TV, telephone, voice, body. (信件、邮件、 备忘录、 电

3、视、电话、声音、躯体)4. How does a receiver decode a message?(接收者如何接收信息)Hearing, reading, observing. (听、读、观察)5. When is communication successful? (什么时候沟通被视为成功的)When a message is understood as the sender intended it to be. (当信息被理解为发送者所期望的时候)6. How can a communicator provide for feedback? (如何给沟通者提供反馈)Ask questi

4、ons, check reactions.(提问、检查反映)7. Keys to Building Powerful Listening Skills(建立强大倾听技巧的关键)Stop talking.(停止说话)Control your surroundings. (控制周围的环境)Establish a receptive mind-set. (建立一个尊重的态度)Keep an open mind.(保持一个开放的思维方式)Listen for main points. (聆听主要观点)Capitalize on lag time. (利用滞后时间)Listen between the

5、lines. (在范围内倾听)Judge ideas, not appearances.(从观点做出判断而不是外表)Hold your fire. (控制脾气)Take selective notes.(做简要笔记)Provide feedback.(提供反馈)8. Nonverbal Communication (非口头沟通包括哪些)Eye contact, facial expression, and posture and gestures send silent messages. (眼神交流、面部表情、姿势和手势发出的无声信息)9. Keys to Building Strong N

6、onverbal Skills(建立强大非口头沟通技巧的关键)Establish and maintain eye contact. (建立眼神沟通)Use posture to show interest. (用姿势表示兴趣)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页Improve your decoding skills. (提高接收信息的技巧)Probe for more information. (探索更多信息)Avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context. (

7、避免意思之外的非语言表达)Associate with people from diverse cultures. (将人与其对应的文化背景相联系)Appreciate the power of appearance. (对外在作出赞赏)Enlist friends and family. (争取朋友和家人的帮助)10. Improving Communication Among Diverse Workplace Audiences (提高与不同场所中对象的沟通技巧)Understand the value of differences. (理解价值观的差异)Create zero tole

8、rance for bias. (争取零偏差的理解对方观点和表达自己观点)Learn about your own cultural self. (了解自己的文化)Learn about other cultures (了解其他的文化)Make fewer workplace assumptions. (少做工作场所的假设)Build on similarities. (建立相似的对比)第二章一、选择判断题1. Choosing Communication Channels Face-to-face conversation , Telephone call , Voice mail mess

9、age , Fax , E-mail , Face-to-face group meeting , Video-or teleconference , Memo , Letter , Report or proposal . 二、改错题1.从观众的角度和利益出发,语气客气委婉2.强调使用第二人称you,而不是we,us,our 3.使用交谈语气但略显正式不要太口语化,同时要简洁4.使用积极的语言,即多使用肯定句,尽量不要出现强硬的must 和否定假设5.使用包容性词语,不要出现his/her 等易产生性别歧视的用词6.使用有礼貌的语言,不要过分命令化和粗鲁化第三章一、简答题1. Collect

10、ing Information (获取信息的途径)Search manually (books, magazines, journals). (手动搜索:书籍、杂志、期刊)Access electronically (Internet, databases, CDs).(使用电子方式:网络、数据库、CD)Go to the source (interviews, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups).(直接接触:采访、调查、问卷调查、小组调查)Conduct scientific experiments (measure variables using

11、control groups).(科学实验:设立对照组、实验组进行比较)2.Tips for Making Outlines (制作大纲的技巧)Define main topic in title. (将主题定义为标题)Divide the topic into three to five main points.(将主题分为三到五个主要论点)Break the components into subpoints. (进行分段)Make each component exclusive (no overlapping).(每一个段落进行分别论述:段落内容不重复)Use details and

12、evidence to support subpoints. (使用细节和证据证明论点)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页3.The advantages of direct strategy and indirect strategy (直接策略和间接策略的优点)Direct strategy: (直接策略)Saves reader s time(节约读者时间)Sets a proper frame of mind (树立的观点鲜明)Prevents frustration (避免歧义)Indirect stra

13、tegy : (间接策略)Respects feelings of audience(尊重读者感受)Encourages a fair hearing(鼓励平等的倾听)Minimizes a negative reaction (减少抵触情绪)4.When direct strategy and indirect strategy use? (直接策略和间接策略使用的合适时间)Direct strategy : (直接策略)Receiver is receptive(接收者是易接受的)Receiver requires no education about topic (接受信息不需要该主题的

14、相关知识作为基础)Message is routine (常规消息)Indirect strategy : (间接策略)Receiver may be upset or hostile (接收者是不安或敌对的)Receiver must be persuaded or educated (接收者必须被说服或教育)Message is sensitive(信息比较敏感)二、改错题1.用分号和逗号将长句分开易于浏览2.主动语态与被动语态间的转换,主动语态更多用于商务写作,被动语态强调动作而非动作执行者,被动语态也常用于宣布坏消息3.并列与平行架构间的省略,并列式尽量主语一致4.词序、主语引起的歧义

15、需要改正第四章一、简答题1. Designing Documents for Readability (设计文章使文章更具有可读性)(1)Employ white space. (留出空白)Headings(标题)Short paragraphs(短小的段落)Ragged-right margins(右边距合适)(2)Choose appropriate typefaces. (选择合适的字体)Useful for body text (用于正文的字体)Times New Roman、宋体Useful for headings(用于标题的字体)Arial、方正姚体(3)Use bulleted

16、 and numbered lists. (使用项目标号或标号列表)Break up complex information into smaller chunks.(把复杂的信息分成更小的块)Use numbered lists for sequences. (使用标号列表)Use bulleted lists for items that don t require a certain order.(使用不需要标号的列表)2. How to Proofread Complex Documents (如何校对复杂的文件)Allow adequate time. (留出足够多的时间)Print

17、 a copy and set it aside for a day. (打印一份复印件至于旁边)Be prepared to find errors. (做好寻找出错误的准备)Read once for meaning and once for grammar/mechanics.(一遍从语法出发一遍从结构出发)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页Reduce your reading speed.(减慢你的阅读速度)For documents that must be perfect, have someone

18、read the message aloud.(对于文件必须是完美的,应该有人能够大声的将上面的信息读出来)Note names, difficult words, capitalization and punctuation.(注意名称、生僻词、大小写和标点符号的正确运用)二、改错题1.避免句子冗长,将宾语从句that 或其他动词前的内容删去2.避免使用there is/was 或 it is/was,尽量将其删去3.移除重复词或用其他词进行简略化的代换4.将术语转化成普通话语5.将带 ment 或 tion 的名词转化为动词6.去掉不必要的副词7.用更清晰的话替换模糊词,例如用名字而不是T

19、he man,明确的计划而不是The plan,清晰的形容词而不是笼统的形容词,具体的方式而不是一个动词8.使用数字标号代替First,图标进行更加清晰的描述,尽量用首词进行段落或topic 的概括第五章一、选择判断题1. Writing Plan for Information and Procedure E-Mail Messages and Memos Subject line: Summarize the message content. Opening: Expand the subject line by stating the main idea concisely in a f

20、ull sentence. Body: Provide background data and explain the main idea. In describing a procedure or giving instructions, use command language (do this, dont do that). Closing: Request action, summarize the message, or present a closing thought. 2. Writing Plan for Requests Subject line: Summarize th

21、e request and note the action desired. Opening: Begin with the request or a brief statement introducing it. Body: Provide background, justification, and details. If asking questions, list them in parallel form. Closing: Request action by a specific date. If possible, provide a reason. Express apprec

22、iation, if appropriate. 3. Writing Plan for Replies Subject line: Summarize the main information from your reply. Opening: Start directly by responding to the request with a summary statement. Body: Provide additional information and details in a readable format. Closing: Add a concluding remark, su

23、mmary, offer of further assistance, or request for further action. 二、简答题1. Components of E-Mail and Memos (E-mail 和备忘录的组成部分)(1)Subject Line(标题)Summarize message clearly and concisely.(清晰概括地总结信息)Avoid meaningless one-word headings, such as Help or Urgent.(避免使用单词作为标题例如Help 或者 Urgent )(2)Opening(开头)Fro

24、ntload main idea immediately. (立即表达出中心思想)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页Avoid reviewing background. (避免重复背景)(3)Body(主体)Organize information and explanations logically. (将信息和解释有逻辑地组织起来)Cover just one topic. (紧紧围绕着一个主题展开叙述)Use numbered and bulleted lists. (使用标号或顺序表)Consider a

25、dding headings for visual impact. (考虑添加小标题带来视觉上的的更深印象)(4)Closing options(结尾)End with action information, dates, and deadlines.(以活动信息、日期、截止期限等结尾)Summarize the message.(总结全部信息)Provide a closing thought. (避免封闭式的思想)2. Using E-Mail Smartly, Safely, and Professionally(如何聪明地、安全地、专业地使用E-mail)(1)Getting Star

26、ted (开篇)Consider composing off line. (考虑好整篇的思路)Type the receiver s address correctly.(正确输入接收者的地址)Avoid misleading subject lines. (避免对主题有任何误导)(2)Content, Tone, Correctness(内容,语调,正确性)Be concise.(简明)Don t send anything you wouldn t want published.(不要发送任何你不想公开的信息)Don t use e-mail to avoid contact. (不要用电

27、子邮件避免联系)Care about correctness and tone. (关注语气是否合适)Resist humor and rage.(避免过分地幽默和愤怒)(3)Netiquette (礼节)Limit any tendency to send blanket copies. (限制对使用复制的倾向)Never send “ spam. ”(永远都不要发送垃圾邮件)Consider using identifying labels, such as ACTION, FYI, RE, URGENT.(考虑使用合适的标签)Use capital letters only for em

28、phasis or for publication titles.(仅用于强调和标题时使用大写字母)Seek permission before forwarding. (在转发前寻求许可)(4)Reading and Replying(阅读和回复)Scan all messages before replying.(回复前阅读所有信息)Acknowledge receipt. (确认收到)Don t automatically return the sender s message.(不要自动送回发件人的消息)Revise the subject line if the topic chan

29、ges. (如果主体变更要修改主题行)Provide a clear, complete first sentence. (使用清晰完整的首句)Never respond when you are angry. (永远不要在愤怒时回复)(5)Personal Use(个人使用)Don t use company computers for personal matters unless allowed by your organization.(除非组织允许,不要使用公司电脑进行个人事务)Assume that all e-mail is monitored. (假设所有邮件都被监控)(6)O

30、ther Smart Practices(其他小技巧)Consider cultural differences. (考虑文化差异)Double-check before hitting the Send button.(在发送前再做一次检查)第六章精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页一、简答题1. Why are letters still important in business? (为什么在商务中信件仍然很重要)They produce a permanent record. (可以形成永久性的记录)Unli

31、ke e-mail, they are confidential. (相比于邮件更加机密)They convey formality and sensitivity. (可以表述更敏感的信息也更正式)They deliver persuasive, well-considered messages.(他们传递更具有说服力和更深思熟虑的消息)2. Goals in Adjustment Letters (调整信件的目的)To rectify the wrong, if one exists (如果存在错误可以纠正)To regain the confidence of the customer

32、(重拾顾客的信心)To promote future business and goodwill (促进未来的业务和商誉)3. Using Sensitive Language(使用敏感语言需要注意的)Don t use negative words (trouble, regret, misunderstanding, fault, error, inconvenience, you claim).(不要使用负面词语)Don t blame custo merseven when they may be at fault. (就算顾客有错误也不要指责客户)Don t blame indivi

33、duals or departments within your organization. (不要指责你组织中的部门或个体)Don t make unrealistic promises. (不要许不切实际的诺言)第七章一、简答题1. When is persuasion necessary?(何时需要进行劝说)Requests for time, money, information, special privileges, and cooperation require persuasion.(需要时间,金钱,信息,特权和合作的时候需要进行劝说)2. Why are requests g

34、ranted? (为什么请求是理所当然的)Requests may be granted because the receivers: (请求是理所当然的因为接收者)are genuinely interested in your project.(对你的项目很感兴趣)see benefits for others. (看到了别人的利益)expect goodwill potential for themselves.(对他们自己很有潜力)feel obligated as professionals to contribute their time or expertise to pay t

35、heir dues.(觉得有义务为为专业人士贡献时间或对方会支付相关费用)3. Persuading Within Organizations (组织内部的劝说)(1)Persuading subordinates (说服下属)Instructions or directives moving downward usually require little persuasion. However, persuasion may be necessary to : (指令或命令通常只需要较小的说服力,然而说服仍然是必要的)ask workers to perform outside their

36、work roles(要求下属扮演工作之外的角色)accept changes not in their best interests (such as pay cuts, job transfers or reduce benefits).(要说服的事情不影响其利益,如:削减工资,工作调整,削减福利)(2)Persuading the boss(说服上级)In requests moving upward : (说服上级的基础)provide evidence. (提供证据)don t ask for too much. (不要求太多)use words such as “ suggest

37、” and “ recommend. ”(使用“建议”和“推荐”等词语)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页Sentences should sound nonthreatening, for example, “ It might be a good idea if.” (语句中不携带威胁的成分,例如“如果这样,这将是一个很好的办法”)4. Gaining Attention (如何吸引注意力)Question(设问)Benefit (达成相关利益)Offer(提供一个选择)Quotation or proverb

38、 (引用谚语)Related fact(相关事实)Testimonial(客户评价)Startling Statement (令人吃惊的例子)5. Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs(马斯洛的需求层次理论)Physiological needs include the need for food, clothing, and shelter.(生理需求保罗对食物、穿衣和居住的需要)Security and safety needs include the need to be free from physical danger and to be secure in the

39、 feeling that physiological needs can be met.(安全需求包括对身体安全和安全感还有心理安全的需要)Social needs involve the need to be loved, to be accepted, and to belong. (社会需求包括被爱,被接受和归属感的需要)Ego needs involve the need to be heard, to be appreciated, and to be wanted.(尊重需要包括被倾听背心上和被需要的需求)Self-actualizing needs involve the ne

40、ed to achieve one s fullest potential.(自我实现需要包括实现个人目标的需求)6. Eliciting Desire(如何激发顾客欲望)Testimonials(客户评价)Names of satisfied users (with permission) (满意的客户名称:被允许提供的情况下)Money-back guarantee or warranty (退款保证或保修)Free trial or sample (免费试用的样品)Performance tests, polls, or awards (性能测试、投票、抽奖)Objections and

41、 questions (对反对意见的反馈和解答)7. Motivating Action (增加积极性的方法)Offer a gift(赠送礼物)Promise an incentive (承诺奖励)Limit the offer (限量供应)Set a deadline(设立截止日期)Guarantee satisfaction (保证满意)第八章一、简答题1. Guidelines for Developing Informal Reports (撰写非正式报告的步骤)Determine problem and purpose. (决定主题)Gather data.(收集数据)Organi

42、ze data.(整理数据)Write first draft. (初稿撰写)Edit and revise.(编辑和修改)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页2. Gathering Data for Reports (为报告收集数据的来源)Company records(公司记录)Personal observations(个人观察)Surveys and questionnaires(调查问卷)Interviews (采访)Printed material (印刷品)Electronic resources(电

43、子资源)二、作文题1.Information Report (信息报告)Information reports provide findings without analysis or persuasion. For example, your boss asks you to investigate prepaid legal services as a possible employee benefit.(信息报告提供无分析或说服的结果。例如,你的老板要求你调查预付费法律服务作为一个可能的员工福利。)(1)Introduction (介绍)Explain why you are writi

44、ng; define purpose. (介绍写作的目的)Describe credibility of data methods and sources. (描述数据、方法的来源及可信度)Provide background. (提供选题的背景)Preview what is to follow. (预览接下来的内容)(2)Findings(调查结果)Organize alphabetically, topically, by importance, or by journalism style (who, what, when, where, why, and how).(按新闻或者重要性

45、有顺序地罗列:谁、什么、什么时候、什么地点、原因、如何)Use appropriate headings. (使用适当的标题)(3)Conclusion(结论)Summarize findings. (总结调查结果)Suggest action to be taken. (提出建议)Express appreciation.(致谢)2. Progress Reports(进度报告)Progress reports explain the progress of continuing projects. For example, you must report on the progress o

46、f a golf contest your organization is planning.(进展报告解释了持续性项目的进展。例如,你必须报告一个你正在计划组织的高尔夫比赛的进展。)(1)第一段:介绍Specify in the opening the purpose and nature of the project.(阐明项目的目的和性质)Provide background information if the audience requires filling in.(提供读者需要了解的背景信息)Describe the work completed. (介绍已完成的工作)(2)第二

47、段:主体Explain the work currently in progress, including personnel, activities, methods, and locations.(阐述正在进行的工作包括人员、活动、方法、地点)Anticipate problems and possible solutions. (预期可能遇到的问题和解决方案)Discuss future activities and provide the expected completion date.(讨论未来的活动并给出预期完成时间)(3)第三段:附录Literature review (文献综

48、述)Field trip report (实地考察报告)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页Courses(相关课程)3. Justification/Recommendation Reports (推荐报告)Justification/recommendation reports are written to justify or recommend something, such as buying equipment, changing a procedure, hiring an employee, cons

49、olidating departments, or investing funds.(推荐报告是为了证明或推荐一些东西,例如购买设备,改变程序,雇用员工,合并部门,或投资基金。)(1)Direct Pattern (直接形式)Problem(问题)Recommendations(建议)Facts(事实)Discussion(讨论)步骤:Identify the problem or the need briefly.(简要的叙述问题和需求)Announce the recommendation, solution, or action concisely and with action ver

50、bs.(用简明的动词或动作来表述建议的方式方法)Explain more fully the benefits of the recommendation.(解释更多此推荐带来的益处)Present a discussion of pros, cons, and costs.(列出目前讨论的优点、缺点和成本)Conclude with a summary specifying the recommendation and action to be taken.(总结一个指定的建议或结论和采取的行动)(2)Indirect Pattern (间接形式)Problem(问题)Facts(事实)Di

51、scussion(讨论)Recommendations(建议)步骤:Make a general reference to the problem in subject line. (从学科的角度对问题进行一般性的参照)Describe and establish credibility for the seriousness of the problem.(描述并建立一个严谨的,可信度较高的模型)Discuss alternative solutions, beginning with the least likely to succeed. (从最不可能成功的方案开始讨论,讨论其他解决问题

52、的方案)Present most promising alternative your recommendation last.(将最有前景的建议即你的建议置于最后)Show how the advantages of your recommendation outweigh its disadvantages.(显示出你建议的优点大于它的缺点)Summarize your recommendation and any action required. (总结你的建议及所需要的一切行动)Ask for authorization to proceed if necessary. (如果需要,请

53、求授权)4. Feasibility Reports(可行性报告)Feasibility reports examine the practicality of following a course of action. For example, your company must decide whether to add a copier. (可行性报告审查了一个行动过程的实用性。例如,你的公司必须决定是否要添加一台复印机。)Begin by announcing your decision immediately. (在开始立即宣布决定)Describe the background a

54、nd problem. (描述问题和背景)Discuss the benefits of the proposal. (讨论目标的益处)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页Describe any problems that may result. (描述可能导致的任何后果或可能产生的任何问题)Calculate the costs associated with the proposal, if appropriate. ( 如果可以, 计算出相关的费用)Show the time frame necessary

55、for implementation of the proposal.(显示实施行动所需要的时间范围)第九章一、简答题1. Informal Proposals (非正式建议书的格式)Introduction should provide “ hook ” to capture reader s interest.(介绍要像一个钩子一样引起读者的兴趣)Background section identifies problems and goals of project.(背景部分介绍问题和项目目标)Proposal discusses plan and schedule for solving

56、 existing problem. (建议讨论解决问题的计划和日程安排)Staffing section describes credentials and expertise of project leaders.(人员配置部分介绍了项目领导的资格证书和专业知识)Budget indicates project costs. (预算用于估计项目成本)Authorization asks for approval to proceed. (授权要求进行批准)2. Web Search Tips and Techniques(网络查找的步骤和技巧)Use two or three search

57、 tools. (使用两到三个搜索引擎)Use the right keywords. (使用合适的关键词)Use quotation marks. (使用引号)Omit articles and prepositions. (省略文章和介词)Save the best.(选取最好的结果)Keep trying.(多次尝试)3. Generating Primary Data (采集原始数据的方法)(1)Interview (采访)Locate an expert. (对象是专家)Prepare for the interview. (为采访做准备)Maintain a professiona

58、l attitude. (保持专业的态度)Prepare objective, friendly questions. (准备友好客观的问题)Watch the time. (注意时间)End graciously.(和蔼地结束)(2)Surveying(调查)Develop questions, conduct trial. (设计问题并尝试)Work in person or online. (当面调查或网络调查)(3)Observing(观察)Be objective.(客观)Quantify observations. (量化观察)(4)Experimenting (实验)Develo

59、p careful research design.(认真地进行实验设计)4. Levels of Headings in Reports(报告标题的等级)The main points used to outline a report often become the main headings of the written report.(大纲的主要观点经常是报告的主标题)Major headings are centered and typed in bold font.(主标题是在最上方和最中间的)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

60、-第 10 页,共 12 页Second-level headings start at the left margin. (二级标题是左对齐的)Third-level headings are made part of the paragraph. (三级标题是每段的小总结)5. Illustrating Report Data (说明报告数据)Reasons to use visual aids(使用视觉帮助的原因)To clarify data(澄清数据)To summarize important ideas (总结重要观点)To emphasize facts and provide

61、 focus(强调事实并提供论据)To add visual interest(增加视觉上的冲击)6. Matching Visual Aids With Objectives (使用视觉图标的种类)Table(表格)Bar Chart(柱状图)Line Chart(折线图)Pie Chart(饼状图)Flow Chart(流程图)Organization Chart(组织架构图)Photograph , Map , illustration (照片、地图、插画)第十章一、简答题1. Nonverbal Tips(非语言的表达方式)The following suggestions focus

62、 on nonverbal tips. (下面的建议是关于非语言的表达方式的)Look professional.(看起来比较职业)Animate your body. (使用身体动作)Punctuate your words. (强调需要强调的话)Use appropriate eye contact. (使用适当的眼神)Vary your facial expressions.(适当的变化面部表情)2. Preparing a Visually Appealing PowerPoint Presentation (使准备的PPT能够在演讲时更加吸引人)(1)Adapt your text

63、and color selections. (为文字选择合适的颜色)6-rule: Maximum of six bullets per screen (6-原则:每屏幕最多加粗六处)Combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and fonts.(协调的字体、边框颜色、加粗)Use light text on dark background for darkened rooms.(暗色背景,亮色字体)Use dark text on light background for lighted rooms.(亮色背景,暗色字体)(2)Co

64、mpose your slideshow. (撰写幻灯片)Create a template to serve as background. (创建一个模板作为背景)Find a template that complements your purpose.(选择合适的模板融入你的观点)Choose layout and design options. (选择布局和设计选项)(3)Organize your slides.(整理幻灯片)Translate major headings into slide titles. (把大标题转换成幻灯片标题)Build bullet points wi

65、th short phrases.(将关键点加粗)Numeric information is easier to understand when shown in graphs and charts.(数字信息更容易被理解时,用图片表示)(4)Use PowerPoint effectively. (有效地使用幻灯片)Allow plenty of time to set up and test equipment.(留出足够多的时间测试)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页Always bring backup

66、s.(携带备份)Consider transferring your presentation to a USB flash drive. (考虑将幻灯片放入U 盘)Look at the audience, not the screen. (注视观众而不是屏幕)3. Combating Stage Fright(克服上台的紧张)Convert your fear into anticipation and enthusiasm.(将你的恐慌转化为期待和热情)Select a familiar, relevant topic. (选择一个相对熟悉的话题)Prepare 150 percent.

67、 (150%的准备)Use self-talk.(自我交谈)Shift the focus from yourself to your visual aids. (把焦点从你自己转移到你的视觉辅助)Ignore stumbles; keep going. (忽略错误,继续)Dont admit youre nervous. (不要承认紧张)Reward yourself.(自我鼓励)第十一章一、简答题1. Preparing for Employment (找工作的准备)Identify your interests. (定位你的兴趣)Evaluate your qualifications.

68、 (评估你的资质)Recognize the changing nature of jobs. (认识到工作性质的变化)Learn about careers and choose a path. (对职业生涯有认识并选择道路)Search for a job electronically. (寻找合适的工作)第十二章一、简答题1. Types of Employment Interviews (面试的种类)One-on-one(一对一面试)Panel(多人面试)Group(小组讨论)Sequential(顺序面试)Stress(压力面试)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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