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1、Unit 17 The missing necklace Lesson 65A:Whoistheboy/girl/man/woman?B:Whichone?A:TheonewhoB:Oh,he/sheisA:Whatsthisanimal?B:Whichone?A:TheonethatB:Itsa/an/Sorry,IdontknowhowtocallitinEnglish.Fill in the blanks with that, which or who.1. The magazine _ I borrowed from the library was newly published.2.

2、 The ID card _ I lost last week was found in a supermarket.3. The newspapers _ we have collected will be recycled.4. Most of the cars _ were stolen have not been found yet.5. The students _ are visiting the natural museum are very interested in the dinosaurs.6. The girl _ is taking care of the baby

3、is my aunts baby-sister.7. All the woman _ were working in that factory had a day off on Women Day.that/whichthat/whichthat/whichthat/whichwhowhowhoGame1:Whoishe/she?TheonewhoGame2:Whatisit?TheonethatRead the dialogue and answer these questions: 1. What are the man and the woman talking about?2. Whe

4、n did the story happen?3. Did the woman see the man who stole her necklace? Why?4.What did the woman do after she found her necklace was stolen?Listen and complete:HELEN: Someone has _ my _!JEFF: Which necklace?HELEN: The one _.JEFF: The one _?HELEN: Yes!JEFF: _ was it stolen?HELEN: Last night.JEFF:

5、 Did you see the person _?HELEN: No, I couldnt see him. It was too _,but I heard him _.JEFF: What did he say?HELEN: He said,“_!Ill shoot anyone _!” JEFF: Have you _ the police?HELEN:Yes, of course I have.JEFF: What _ then?HELEN: Nothing. Im waiting. stolennecklaceyougavemeformybirthdaythatcostathous

6、anddollarsWhenwhostoleitdarkspeakHandsupwhomovescalledhappenedFill in the blanks with the proper words: One night when Mrs Turner was _ in her bedroom, a big noise in her sitting-room _ her up. She opened her eyes, but she couldnt see anything, because it was _. When she was trying to _ on the light

7、, a man suddenly grabbed her hand and said in a low voice: “ Dont move! Ill _ you if you move!” Mrs Turner was _ frightened that she did not know _ to do. “Dont kill me! Ill _ you whatever you want.” She begged the man. “Give me your _! Quick!” the man said to her in a low voice. “I dont have any ca

8、sh (现现金金) on hand, _ I have a necklace. It _ worth $200,” said the woman. “Give me your necklace then!” the man ordered her. The woman took out her _ and give it to the man. He took the necklace _ got out of the house quickly. As soon as she _ him running away, she picked up the phone and _ the police.sleepingwokedarkturnkill/shootsowhatgivemoneybutisnecklaceandsawcalledHomework:1.Takesomephotosofyourfamilies.Talkaboutthemwithyourpartners.2.RewritethedialogueonSsbookLesson65intoashortpassage.



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