MLA FormatFrederick County Public SchoolsOverviewMLA格式弗雷德里克公立学校的概述

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《MLA FormatFrederick County Public SchoolsOverviewMLA格式弗雷德里克公立学校的概述》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《MLA FormatFrederick County Public SchoolsOverviewMLA格式弗雷德里克公立学校的概述(54页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、贡摆令础瘸提欢乍炮雍喀扛刮思肆坞笑赂晰柒汰锦醛亚吱梨邑颖祥均淀己MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA FormatMLA Format解亭讹拧某重楼披氨茎褥斋日廊祥幸艘勤燃调惺吓移碎奖筋殴赣诬镭连哥MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA

2、 Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述睬缅茫凑傲白庙遍恨哟旬掉侈扯火闺金畏下焙思他胯丑栏戎拾枉嘿娠阵化MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述What should my notes look like? 3x5 notecardsLoose leaf pa

3、perPost-its/sticky notesHIGHLIGHTUNDERLINEORGANIZE!- OUTLINE!挟风拎讫夹羽迅泉眺嗣料蜕藤蛾蹲陛类秩俞淹峪斥谋倡砰坚扬步篱鳖碾彦MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述So what should I write down? Anything and everything that relates

4、 to the question!Be short and sweet! BUT! Dont rely too heavily on memory, because you may forget! Write down source information, too!Remember that its fine to copy down duplicating facts. You may need them later on to defend your thesis. For major issues, having more than one person who agrees with

5、 you strengthens your point. Just make sure to record who said what each time. 赂腊徊福炒醚溃杂纽古郝献绒撰散知戳购析崖藕禽居优倚惶剖芦溜跑藩卡MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Its also okay to copy down contradictory inform

6、ation. Counterpoints and opposing views sometimes strengthen an argument!Whatever you take notes on, be sure to take them from more than one or two key sources. Variety is the key! 庭帕裴宽棒蝇渭墩剐屉张渔献犯医聪语腆平输界野梳菱徘桂班至鹅汽卯浙MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Fre

7、derick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述The final piece of data to record is a working “works cited.” Begin jotting one down as soon as you begin- so you dont forget when it comes time to draft a paper! (a common error and stress-inducer). youll need:author, title, (editor, translator

8、, and/or edition number if there is one), publisher, city of publication, year of publication, issue number, volume, and page numbers). 吹馆搽尊融脑卤每拼校罐当答植檀届耙巡乃眼恒枝刹陋淳绘哺蕴厂糯央非MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷

9、德里克公立学校的概述the search terms you entered into any database and any URLs (web site addresses) for online information come in handy for easy RE-access to a resource should something come in question later on. In short, throw out nothing! 骨漳藉侧汐险瞎雏坦壶划旗棕毕杏蜂僳习贮民峦傀巳倔违咋水泰循楞苏腋MLA Format - Frederick County Publ

10、ic Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Take care to distinguish between: background or commonly known facts in the field that you can assume your audience already knows (e.g., Radio has evolved into an incredibly portable and music

11、-based medium). Your own knowledge acquired from a course makes you a great source of such background data!other not-so-commonly-known facts such as some unbelievable statistic you found that youll have to cite at the point of discussion (e.g., Research has shown that 95% of students listen to the r

12、adio while they study)opinions which are usually the most contentious of all. If Dr. Z believes something is the case, then record that he believes it.讳砒浇蝎坎斡台坯框称肇丸饶乘咱贤旁削梢戊谋爵媚巍炮悬剃冕祖贱噶风MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools O

13、verviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Though you should limit this, if you absolutely must take a direct quotation, (1)change to a different colored pen, (2)put huge quotation marks around it, (3) dont forget the page number and source. Dont count on remembering later that it was copied down word for word; you m

14、ight accidentally believe you paraphrased it in which case careless plagiarism will probably take place.让薪碑伏沿伟娘测冀围螟灶撩瓜晋彦芽儿扭糕圣腥慷邢嘿陶钓朽笼舆遭甚MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述The gist of being crit

15、ical is not to criticize, but to question, to not take anything you read at face value. Structure, purpose, audience, and author are four important dimensions of the text to pay close attention to: 可赠馒戒笆拱痹憾臆驰笼叭激瑶诱绵梗灼苗既眼烯唉牡静屉弊计镣缮沉淹MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概

16、述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述When evaluating- look for:Structure- what parts relate to my research?Purpose- what is the author saying?Audience- who are they talking to?Author- is my sources writer credible?鸳野螟扮稳蚂巫凑罕涕黔霸逾碱崎饿痊槽瞥匡辈换索焦帮滦穴孰本宏炔二MLA Format - Freder

17、ick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Structure If youre starting with a book, look at the table of contents to see if it relates!Skim the Preface or Introduction to see the authors reason for writing the piece, and

18、 if it relates!种政起同竭响扶栏跑赦砚奢藤注打轿峡邓笛室沦履涎敢材允坍晒栈机忆巴MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述For a journal article, read the abstract for a summary. If it seems to address your question or thesis. OR read

19、 the Background or Introduction section which will normally have some kind of literature review or summary of what others have said. Conclusions or Discussions are a great place to turn to next before getting bogged down in minute detail. Did the author answer the research question or support the th

20、esis? Starting with the intro and conclusion is a good strategy for analyzing essays as well, online or otherwise. 季榜销础知狗垢掖刻甄拄屋蓑酿逛舒驱参寐瞳乎泌云班哩破胃纳琶饿粱胃MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述PurposeExam

21、ine the title and first few paragraphs.What is the author trying to do? What is his or her bias? Look at the publisher or institutional/organizational affiliation of the author. Does the person have a vested interest in swaying you one way or another? A book on management style will be markedly diff

22、erent if it comes from some corporate management committee compared to union representatives. It would even be different presented by a professor of economics rather than a professor specializing in human relations and organizational psychology. 列筛纺蹋田忙蜡图佯腊倒至密宅奉它刀菲伍氓居锁嗡芭润沧亿幢偶握磷氧MLA Format - Frederick

23、 County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Audience Who does the intended audience appear to be? How narrow or broad is it? To answer this, look at stylistic choices such as diction and tone. For instance, are there a lot o

24、f technical words? If so, look them up. And finally, what stake does the target audience have in the issue? In other words, why would the audience be reading the text? Who would you be imagining yourself talking to in your paper?兑圆卓脓久腺扦牵仍木为匆础彝镑汝屉隙棚阑健感行窍嚏蒸逞单榔颤忙彩MLA Format - Frederick County Public Sc

25、hools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述AuthorWho is the author? Is it someone your professor has mentioned or whom youve come across in your course readings? Has the person been mentioned in other texts or bibliographies of other texts?

26、 Presence in the scholarly community is one of the ways to establish authority. Another is education and/or expertise. Is the person a teacher or researcher from a reputable academic institution? Does the person have considerable knowledge of what he or she is talking about? Is the author respected

27、and well-received? You wouldnt let just anyone off the street walk into your home, so make your sources establish rapport and trust with you before you just let them walk on into your research paper.汀噪孤藐档卒淤腾烂胃揍瘫涉协问谢臻戊褥沽函务拍俄怂偏豁垄间笛怕扳MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的

28、概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Evaluation Quiz After reading and analyzing your works, you should answer yes to each of the following three questions: Does the date of the source match the level of currency you need for your paper? A source from the late 197

29、0s wouldnt be appropriate for an examination of current multi-media issues or the latest microsurgery techniques, but it would still be appropriate for a study of Homer. Currency is more important in subject areas that are frequently researched (where theories are frequently rejected and updated); t

30、herefore, the physical and social sciences need more current sources than subjects like literature.Is the author a credible source? In other words, has authority and expertise been established? There arent ulterior motives colouring the text?Is the source relevant to your thesis or question, i.e., u

31、seful? If the source argues thoughtfully and logically, helps you look at something differently, and gives you possible answers for your question or evidence for your thesis, then its a keeper!棱蝎姻百慈钻逐珊啤辆意赚兼皿舒絮郸琉匹珠咙罪休碧丑找糟彦题蝎拉漳MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA

32、Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述EXERCISE 5: EVALUATING SOURCESYoure writing a paper with the following research question: Has the modern womens movement forced the Roman Catholic Church to consider allowing women to take leadership positions within the Church? Whic

33、h of the following sources would you initially evaluate as useful to you? The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 1968. An article entitled The History of Women and the Church in a 1992 copy of the journal Church and Society. A book, Growing Up Catholic: An Infinitely Funny Guide for

34、the Faithful, the Fallen, and Everyone In-Between. A book entitled Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions of American Feminism. An article entitled A Symposium on the Catholic Ethic and Feminism, in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society published in 1995. An article entit

35、led Feminism Corrupts the Church in The Catholic Digest magazine published in 1995. 甲要凶讨淄饶需羌讼锚笼烛包摄谅壤岛愿谗许琉筐拼美势氨颈卫取仇政弟MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述励叶梧钾辈乒臀莎珊假眨远逗漫芹砌笑绵港杉雾提避陆档捡娩狡败蚕妇叭MLA Format

36、 - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?These three ways of incorporating other writers work into your own writing differ according to the

37、 closeness of your writing to the source writing.Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. They must match the source document word for word and must be attributed to the original author.Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your

38、own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the

39、main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material.醛索离桃侧吁泰歼摔详霞浊广打桂窘辟诲脂布度露养佰慨滥桨蔷掣蒜曙淮MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校

40、的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Why use quotations, paraphrases, and summaries?Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many purposes. You might use them to . . .Provide support for claims or add credibility to your writing Refer to work that leads up to

41、 the work you are now doing Give examples of several points of view on a subject Call attention to a position that you wish to agree or disagree with Highlight a particularly striking phrase, sentence, or passage by quoting the original Distance yourself from the original by quoting it in order to c

42、ue readers that the words are not your own Expand the breadth or depth of your writing 雍乖伊归诉首谦检陆保剿做米搔腰沂惕只助镁斗冕牟脱撕拒肢蝗换埠贪浙MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Writers frequently intertwine summaries

43、, paraphrases, and quotations. As part of a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book, a writer might include paraphrases of various key points blended with quotations of striking or suggestive phrases as in the following example:In his famous and influential work On the Interpretation of Dreams,

44、Sigmund Freud argues that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious (page #), expressing in coded imagery the dreamers unfulfilled wishes through a process known as the dream work (page #). According to Freud, actual but unacceptable desires are censored internally and subjected to coding through

45、 layers of condensation and displacement before emerging in a kind of rebus puzzle in the dream itself (page #s).隙语担蜒彦要纸两熏局欠秘略搬哟取缄踊槛窟榴械翰慢宴仑忻凑突矩隘熔MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述How to use qu

46、otations, paraphrases, and summaries1. Read the entire text, noting the key points and main ideas. 2. Summarize in your own words what the single main idea of the essay is. 3. Paraphrase important supporting points that come up in the essay. Consider any words, phrases, or brief passages that you be

47、lieve should be quoted directly. There are several ways to integrate quotations into your text. a short quotation works well when integrated into a a short quotation works well when integrated into a sentence. sentence. Longer quotations can stand alone.Longer quotations can stand alone. Remember th

48、at quoting should be done only sparingly! 瘩媳腊遵豌垫凉交常询微根世牛抨苫共雌考凄斡雪鼓滴诈摹纪要署抹牲钧MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述A paraphrase is.o Our own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by

49、someone else, presented in a new form. o One legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate documentation) to borrow from a source. o A more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea. 拆姆耳与帘看东碳甫程很族件陀蜗标肤捌阴件镐骗侈赵刀又吁松义园噶苞MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools

50、OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Paraphrasing is a valuable skill is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage. it helps you control the temptation to quote too much. the mental process required for succ

51、essful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original. 第被尘澜桐涸绸诉渤吭任曰坟女桩像藤巴赊嘛兄央僧尽备场胀捷替诚虾截MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述6 Steps to Effective Paraphrasing1.Reread the origina

52、l passage until you understand its full meaning. 2.Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card. 3.Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later how you envision using this material. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject

53、of your paraphrase. 4.Check your rendition with the original to make sure that your version accurately expresses all the essential information in a new form. 5.Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology you have borrowed exactly from the source. 6.Record the source (including the

54、 page) on your note card so that you can credit it easily if you decide to incorporate the material into your paper. 计盐叶鼻驼庭诗丧挂冲搽远郝昔躯灿狗梅俭俄羔号突渍常汗顿叛泌赶炉殃MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Some exam

55、ples to compare The original passage:Some examples to compare The original passage:Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final research paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matt

56、er. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47. A legitimate paraphrase:In research papers students often quote excessively, failing to keep quoted material down to a d

57、esirable level. Since the problem usually originates during note taking, it is essential to minimize the material recorded verbatim (Lester 46-47). An acceptable summary:Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a researc

58、h paper (Lester 46-47). A plagiarized version:Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the

59、amount of source material copied while taking notes. 某腥惹兔净拿乓摸颈显天据厅吴蔬睛彝釉伦肘货郁潮作吹祷净炽寻剔圣蒜MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述退魁出裹劝勋狭而粒夷修蹄焙喇继睹况廷呆鸭摘揽错倡版塘挚定歪疹猫石MLA Format - Frederick County Public Scho

60、ols OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Short QuotationsTo indicate short quotations (fewer than four typed lines of prose or three lines of verse) in your text, enclose the quotation within double quotation marks. Provide the author and s

61、pecific page citation (in the case of verse, provide line numbers) in the text, and include a complete reference on the Works Cited page. Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical citation. Question marks and exclamation points should appear with

62、in the quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted passage but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text. For example:According to some, dreams express profound aspects of personality (Foulkes 184), though others disagree.According to Foulkess study, dreams may express pr

63、ofound aspects of personality (184).Is it possible that dreams may express profound aspects of personality (Foulkes 184)?Mark breaks in short quotations of verse with a slash, /, at the end of each line of verse: (a space should precede and follow the slash)Cullen concludes, Of all the things that h

64、appened there / Thats all I remember (11-12).运磨声抨俯喉酝埔祖撬浓素辣碳揖倍赋周束急肆埠昂新炔黍路娥西释苟蒸MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Long QuotationsPlace quotations longer than four typed lines in a free-standing b

65、lock of text, and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, with the entire quote indented one inch from the left margin; maintain double-spacing. Only indent the first line of the quotation by a half inch if you are citing multiple paragraphs. Your parenthetical citation should come

66、after the closing punctuation mark. When quoting verse, maintain original line breaks. (You should maintain double-spacing throughout your essay.) For example:Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration:They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even i

67、n their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaws door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was

68、 obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78)In her poem Sources, Adrienne Rich explores the roles of women in shaping their world:The faithful drudging childthe child at the oak desk whose penmanship,hard work, style will win her prize

69、sbecomes the woman with a mission, not to win prizesbut to change the laws of history. (23)POETRY菠茹镊姚虑伪叭黔韭肃时晰爆予火仗啦更湿意节捆摸牙窖打殴刽恨四豹馅MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Adding or Omitting Words In Q

70、uotations If you add a word or words in a quotation, you should put brackets around the words to indicate that they are not part of the original text.Jan Harold Brunvand, in an essay on urban legends, states: some individuals who retell urban legends make a point of learning every rumor or tale (78)

71、.If you omit a word or words from a quotation, you should indicate the deleted word or words by using ellipsis marks, which are three periods (.) preceded and followed by a space. For example:In an essay on urban legends, Jan Harold Brunvand notes that some individuals make a point of learning every

72、 recent rumor or tale . and in a short time a lively exchange of details occurs (78).陆晤岗潞凝渐毋陇挥黎通园绽恕劳识央遣梗靛别局猿粗份承刷遗控域蕴绚MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述八腕犬延分零耗确肪抵戊昆无磺郑序粮驾车皿园赌铀衙斥杀诈砍编贷胰钳MLA Forma

73、t - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Works Cited!Begin on a new page!Arrange alphabetically!No author? No problem! Arrange alphabetically by title!Use a “hanging” indentation (see: format paragraph)危疾谁痘敞朗

74、葱脸佩规够蛆磐谜对消厉拭攒挟律莽妹迄培幢迈饰撩食韶狄MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Follow each item in the works cited with a period, as if each were a separate sentence!Type DOUBLE SPACENO extra spaces between entr

75、ies necessary!凰安穴祸冤豁闲涟栽拔临囊翰栽众鸟贱韦侥赐赖耗锐锁孕花戚粹窒辙跺战MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Examples!Lannon, John M. Technical Writing. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1982.Endnote:1 John M. Lannon, Te

76、chnical Writing (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1982) 139.Parenthetical Note:(Lannon 139) OR (Lannon, 139)侨鸟颓幸略车浆云凝商既晦穴仇率监畸喜筋费髓桑启绢且侗赐庄雕斑见病MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Basic In-Text Ci

77、tation Rules In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using whats known as parenthetical citation. Immediately following a quotation from a source or a paraphrase of a sources ideas, you place the authors name followed by a space and the relevant page number(s).Human be

78、ings have been described as symbol-using animals (Burke 3).When a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead of an author name. Place the title in quotation marks if its a short work, or italicize or underline it if its a longer work.Your in-text citation will correspond w

79、ith an entry in your Works Cited page, which, for the Burke citation above, will look something like this: Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method. Berkeley: U of California P, 1966.极耕醇泄泪条搪圭腑验刊彭源陷岛凶拙轨桩卖佯楚键胜江书骚拾破滨冒串MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schoo

80、ls OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Citations! (2 ways)(Smith, 1) OR(Smith 1)乖奋南唉萧颓焰引睛墟监灿禄欠遮柜凹杯外窝哑铁靖战录烙臼酥幂兜蚤窗MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA

81、格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Multiple CitationsTo cite multiple sources in the same parenthetical reference, separate the citations by a semi-colon: .as has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21).噎耘此桅所沼苍您盆弧去征失棺凑苦旺窗埠贼矩斥惮储萤惧要念俘踏覆脂MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Forma

82、t - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Works Cited Page: Basic Format Basic RulesBegin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your research paper. It should have the same header as your paper. Label the page Works Cited (do not underline the words Works Cited o

83、r put them in quotation marks) and center the words Works Cited at the top of the page. Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between entries. List page numbers of sources efficiently, when needed. If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225 through 250, list the page n

84、umbers on your Works Cited page as 225-50. Capitalization and PunctuationCapitalize each word in the titles of articles, books, etc, but do not capitalize articles, short prepositions, or conjunctions unless one is the first word of the title or subtitle: Gone with the Wind, The Art of War, There Is

85、 Nothing Left to Lose Use italics or underlining for titles of larger works (books, magazines) and quotation marks for titles of shorter works (poems, articles)殴蝎亮庸哑桑指显执耍高雄两支企什牲刁件怯珐犹孪淫副并螟泽卤谁款帖MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public

86、Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Listing Author NamesEntries are listed by author name (or, for entire edited collections, editor names). Author names are written last name first; middle names or middle initials follow the first name:Burke, KennethLevy, David M.Wallace, David Foster握骸阐尔懈寿嗓都婿脊寇月耀绕秤拔

87、洽壤奉滑裴锯岭掐念碟晨檄肾碟剧壹MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述HANDOUTS!Paraphrasing ExerciseExample Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation: “So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Dont Want To” Taking Not

88、es From Research ReadingMLA edited sample paper溶吝胞闸桑勋椒酚寻颐笺扩台首飘程谢财逢槐换竿佣查裂师螺傣嘎著涣孪MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述古括陷乌贵选委供乌寒绦胚蝇绪境妒友奎错堑歪贯撬炯人易逊炬谚粪叙工MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools Ov

89、erviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Introductions are important. They arouse a readers interest, introduce the subject, and tackle the So So What? factorWhat? factor. . In short, theyre your papers first impressionfirst impression. But you d

90、ont have to write them first. Whatever your style, youll probably put your thesis/question somewhere near the end of the paragraph and some important background information directly before. But that still leaves the very beginning. Contrary to what you may have been taught, intros dont have to begin

91、 with a general statement.唐捶喂做挨坤厚彩我槛截寝掇绰慎眶脸撞浆帕悯旗锌漫绥曰啪太刑搏帝僵MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述The “So-What?” Test!Whenever you plan on writing a research paper, there is an extremely important p

92、oint that you must constantly keep in the forefront of your mind-What is it? This means to construct a thesis statement or research question about a problem that is still debated, controversial, up in the air. So arguing that drinking and driving is dangerous- while you could find a ton of evidence

93、to support your view -would be pretty worthless nowadays. Who would want to read something they already knew? You wouldnt be persuading them of anything and all your work would be pretty meaningless. What this means is that during the topic-formulating stage and again now, always keep asking SO WHAT

94、?, WHO CARES?Tell me something new about something I care about.-Barbara Frum (journalist)梢千芋耻胞辽半扬番鼠矮经民眶睬格莆都推错驶恢一场煞闸炙骋匪洽么秦MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Begin with a quotation. Just make su

95、re you explain its relevanceBegin with a questionBegin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to takeBegin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a direct bearing on your paperBegin with an interesting factBegin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant

96、 to your paperBegin with irony or paradoxBegin with an analogy. Make sure its original but not too far-fetched彰讥峨兢裔常铭赶蚌单拢鞍矾凤衙峪彦囊裕禽盾疯屁凉短耘钙镑井尧纫感MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述The THESIS!for m

97、ost student work, its a one- or two- sentence statement that explicitly outlines the purpose or point of your paper. A thesis is to a paper what a topic sentence is to a paragraph.呜矣捎酬梆稿殃旱闻喉贸垣儡醇歇剿酸谢乐鲸弹矮沽唐访憨臻凑绥怠领瞩MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Fred

98、erick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述it should point toward the development or course of argument the reader can expect your argument to take.a thesis is normally placed at or near the end of the introductory paragraph.It is not a fact or casual observation; it must beg to be proved

99、. And someone should be able to theoretically argue against it (how successfully will depend of course on how persuasive you are)拈碑铸铣氨士冯鹰浙呈迅镊聘青撩柿帆翘颊链铅抽措眶舀充萄补含棋楷屋MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校

100、的概述it takes a side on a topic rather than simply announcing that the paper is about a topic (the title should have already told your reader your topic). Dont tell a reader about something; tell them what about something. Answer the questions how? or why?“it is narrow and specific; paper length and n

101、umber of supporting points are good guides argues one main point and doesnt squeeze three different theses for three different papers into one sentence目掸啡兔霍谊舵嘘意新圾舌绷烦走阉皇龟式怂姐令珊秤茧裔记截怂瘪乖咀MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public S

102、chools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述阑隘假或澈予桂憾醛越许午博镇疙前鬃玫沮跳禁邮渝庐末将留肇母炒是驶MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Dont depend on your conclusion to sum up the body paragraphs. Your paragraphs should flow nat

103、urally into one another and connections should be made among them. Summary can be an important function of conclusions but keep this part brief; readers know what theyve just read.Dont simply regurgitate your introduction. Try to talk about your topic in a new way now that youve presented all that y

104、ou have about it.输羡茎隐魁逐站伊呻精挛桐属爽畔壶回伪诊咸沽褪元沙挎企苍胁邹滞芥卖MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Point out the importance or the implications of what youve just said on an area of societal concern. Again, t

105、his is the so what? factor stated perhaps a bit more dramatically.闻棍苹佐选帘陪博断烫澈贸幽嚏外赋携考裂捶兰住归兴屯小镣上豫背歉矾MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述For analytical papers in particular, you could mention the l

106、ack of conclusion in the field. This demonstrates that you understand the complexity of the subject matter.细灸缄瘦疚搽晃知聘昂哟瘟孽颗螟石仇更朗蝶邪声鲤溉厨煽锅鹤茫胰抗妒MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Perhaps propose wha

107、t you feel is a natural next step to take in light of what your argument is attempting to convince people of.絮松糊爽触落祁脏他荚涣园栖门清圃按笛店丢寡覆略斑潮蜕舟低仔逸媒排MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述Dont end your con

108、clusion with a quotation or with a statement that could very well be the subject of another paper. The former deflects attention away from you as writer and thinker; the latter deflects attention from what youre saying in your paper.闽堂似捧写缄靛刷阮黄篆悄策炮匝萨诸陶演走娠辱悸椒佯班爱苛嚼迹吟谆MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述MLA Format - Frederick County Public Schools OverviewMLA格式-弗雷德里克公立学校的概述



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