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1、1 数词一、 数词的种类数词分基数词和序数词基数词是表示自然数列的词, 例如; one 、two、three 、four . 序数词是表示先后顺序的词, 例如: first、 second、 third 、 fourth 二 基数词和序数词的表示法1基数词单词的拼写: 112 为单词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 1319 都以后缀 -teen 结尾,20 至 90 这样的整十数都以后缀 -ty 结尾,其他基数词中间加连字符号“-”再按照上述的变化进行。例:21twenty-one 56fifty-

2、six 85eighty-five 三位数的构成为:几+百+and+末两位(或末一位)数例:132one hundred and thirty-two 205two hundred and five 千以上的数字的读法: 从后面往前, 每三位数作为一个单位, 分别为thousand、million. 32、548、652、读作: 1.thirty two million 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页2 2.five hundred and forty eight thousand 3.six hundred a

3、nd fifty two 2. 序数词 =基数词 +th (1 、2、3 为 first、 second 、third)。数词分基数词和序数词但以下几种情况要注意:1) fifth (第五) 、 eighth (第八) 、 ninth (第九) 、twelfth(第十二)2) 以 ty 结尾的基数词变词尾为tieth 例: twentytwentieth ninetyninetieth 序数词表示十位与个位数时,十位与个位之间用“”3)复合序数词只需要将相应基数词中最后一位变成序数词,其余不变。例:第二十一 twenty-first 第二百四十五 two hundred and forty-f

4、ifth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页3 三 基数词序数词的用法1. hundred 、thousand、million 与数字连用,表示一定量的具体数字,不用复数,但表示不定概念可用复数例:three hundred people millions of people 2. 基数词表示时刻。例:7 点 seven o clock 7:20 seven twenty 3. 给某些事物编号例:Lesson One=the first lesson 7月 1 日=July I (July Ist) 1996年 6

5、月 3 日=June 3, 1996 =June the third, nineteen ninety-six 4.in+one s+整数数词的复数形式表示年龄例:The old woman is in her nineties. He is his early forties. 5. 有关倍数表示法两倍用 twice, 三倍以上用数词 +times, 要注意倍数在句子的位置。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页4 例:例:The door is three times the size of this. He is

6、double my age. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页5 数词 Practice 练习吧1.写出下列数词对应的英语形式。2.单项选择() 1. There are_days in a week. A.the seven B. seventhC. the seventh D. seven () 2. I think that the _ century ( 世纪) will bring us more hopes. A. twenty-oneB. twentieth-first C. twenty-first

7、D. twentieth-one () 3. -How many students are there in your school? -_ the students in our school_ over two thousand. A. The number of ; is B. The number of ; areC. A number of ; is D. A number of ; are () 4. The new student is in_ . A. Class 2B. Class Second C. 2 Class D. class 2 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

8、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页6 () 5. -How many teachers are there in your school? - _,but Im not sure.A. Hundreds B. Hundred C. Hundreds of D.One hundred () 6. _of the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and of them are _ women teachers. A. The number, two-thirdsB. The number, two-

9、thid C. A number, halfD. A number, three-quarters () 7. - Dad , when will you be free? - I am sorry, Jean. But I think I will have a _holiday soon. A. four-daysB. four-dayC. four daysD. four day () 8. Fan Zhiyis transfer to Dundee Football Club at the end of last year aroused (激起) _Chinese people s

10、interest.A. thousand ofB. thousand C. thousands of D. thousands () 9. This story happened on_ . A. 1989, Oct 21st B. Oct. 21st ,1989C. 21 Oct, ber , 1989 D. 21st of Octber, 1989 ()10. Seven five can be written_. A. five sevens B. five to sevenC. seven fives D. five past seven () 11. The English for

11、10,440 is_ . A. ten thousand , four hundreds and forty B. ten thousand, four hundred and forty C. ten thousands, four hundred and forty D. ten thousand and four hundred, forty 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页7 () 12. _of the workers in the factory is about two hundred, _of th

12、em are _women workers. A.The number, first-thirdB. The number, one-third C. A number, halfD. A number, three quarters () 13. - Can you write the number eighty- five thousand , six hundred and twenty-six? - Yes, it is_ . A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 85006 D. 85620 () 14. About _of the books in our school lib

13、rary are written in Chinese. A. Fourth -fifthsB. four fifth C. four fifthsD. fourths-fifth () 15. The road is over_ meters long. A. six hundred and fifty-twoB. six hundreds and fifty two C. six hundred, fifty twoD. six hundred, fifty and two () 16. January_ is New Years Day. A. one B. two C. the first D. the second () 17. Take the_ turning on your night. A. nine B. ninth C. nineteen D.nineth 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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