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1、WTO: Technical Barriers and SPS Measures.(Book review).世贸组织:技术性贸易壁垒和卫生和植物检疫措施。(书评)American Journal of International Law 102.4 (Oct 2008)(2199 words) Show details 美国国际法杂志102.4 (2008 年 10 月)(Author(s): Tomer Broude. Document Type: Magazine/JournalBookmark: Bookmark this DocumentRecent years have witne

2、ssed an increasingly abundant publication of new legal literature on the World Trade Organization -a welcome development in view of the complexity and relative opaqueness of the WTO Agreements and (no less, if not more so) WTO jurisprudence. As a case in point, the WTOs EC-Approval and Marketing of

3、Biotech Products dispute resulted in a panel report that was approximately 1300 single-spaced pages in length and whose intelligibility remains clouded even to the patient and more expert reader. At the time of this writing, the most recent WTO Appellate Body report-in the continued transatlantic ho

4、rmones disputes, United States-Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC-Hormones Dispute-is over 300 pages in length, copiously littered with new judicial opinions on enduring legal problems and setting aside many findings of an equally lengthy panel report issued just a few months before. Thes

5、e and other WTO reports do not make for light reading, to say the least, and indeed, each of them has its particular jurisprudential context in the legal history of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the WTO, a context that is, at times, still difficult for students of WTOlaw, let alone

6、non-WTO specialists, to penetrate. 近年来,在世界贸易组织的新的法律文献中日益丰富的出版物-中的复杂性和世贸组织协定的相对模糊性和(同样,如果不是更多的话)认为值得欢迎的发展世界贸易组织裁决。作为一个例子,世界贸易组织的欧共体-批准和生物技术产品市场营销的争端导致了小组的报告,大约是1300 单页长间隔,其清晰度依然笼罩甚至病人和更多的专家读者。在撰写本文时,最新的世贸组织上诉机构报告的时候,在继续大西洋激素争端,美国-继续暂停对欧盟的义务,激素的争议-超过 300 页的长度,也大量充斥着新的司法在长期的法律问题,并拨出同样长期小组的报告发表意见,许多研究结果

7、仅仅几个月前。这些和其他世贸组织报告不作轻读,至少可以说,事实上,他们都有其特别是在关税和贸易总协定的世界贸易组织,一个方面是,法律的历史背景下的法理有时,还很难对世贸组织法律的学生,更不用说非世贸组织的专家,渗透。The inaccessibility of these international judicial decisions belies their importance, as decisions like these affect not only international commerce, but also international legal regulation i

8、nvolving, for example, the environment, health, culture, differences in morality, human rights, and labor, not to mention the evolution of international law as a whole. Indeed, given that a central goal of WTO law is the provision of security and predictability to traders, and that the transparency

9、of international trade law is vital for the achievement of its legitimacy, WTO jurisprudence would sometimes seem to be counterproductive, even detrimental. For better or worse, it therefore falls to the secondary literature to explicate the law. In some cases, as with the volume under review, one r

10、egrets that the writings of the most highly qualified publicists (per Article 38(1)(d) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页have only subsidiary status as sources of international law, for the analysis and presentation improve

11、upon many of the primary texts, both statutory and judicial, that the authors examine. 这些国际司法判决偏远,掩盖其重要性,因为这样的决定不仅影响国际贸易,而且还涉及国际法律规则,例如,环境,卫生,文化,道德差异,人权,劳动,而不是提到国际法作为一个整体的演变。事实上,由于对世贸组织法律的中心目标是安全和可预测性交易的规定,而且对国际贸易法律的透明度,是为实现其合法性至关重要,世贸组织的裁决有时似乎是适得其反,甚至是有害的。是好还是坏,因此,它落在了中学文学阐明法律。在某些情况下,与所审查量,一个遗憾的著作“

12、 最资深的 ” (占第 38 条( 1)(四对国际法院规约)的来源,仅作为附属地位国际法,改善分析和介绍后,许多主要的文本,无论是法定与司法,提交审查。It is beyond a doubt that a detailed, well-organized reference work on the international law governing sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures and technical barriers to trade (TBT) was sorely needed, though the present vol

13、ume does not in any way purport to present the roots or results of either new thinking or novel research, but rather a systematic and formal review of what already exists. The book rarely strays from a strict lex lata approach。 when it does, it briefly points out important criticisms and possible di

14、rections in the future (see, for example, the discussion (p. 54) of responsibility for private actions in the context of GATT Article XI). Both of the previously mentioned WTO cases, EC-Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products and United States-Continued Suspension, were by no coincidence disputes

15、 over SPS issues posing some of the most difficult legal questions in contemporary WTO law. The cases indirectly demonstrate the importance of issues of food safety in international trade law today, and the book goes a long way toward providing concise, comprehensible explanations of the relevant in

16、ternational law. 这毫无疑问是一个详细的,良好的国际管理卫生检疫(SPS的法律组成的参考资料)的措施和贸易技术壁垒(三丁基锡)的迫切需要,但目前的数量并没有以任何方式声称本根或对新的思维,新的研究成果,而是一个已经存在的东西系统和正式审查。这本书很少偏离从严格的现行法的做法,如果这样,简单地指出,重要的批评和未来可能的方向(见,例如,讨论(第54 页)为在关贸总协定范围内的私人行为负责第十一条)。前面提到的世贸组织的情况下,欧共体-批准和生物技术产品和美国市场-继续暂停两个,共为超过卫生和植物检疫问题不是巧合构成在当代世界贸易组织法中最困难的法律纠纷的一些问题。这些案件间接证明

17、所谓的食品安全问题在国际贸易中法的重要性的今天,这本书去走向,提供简明很长的路,在相关的国际法理解的解释。The editors have prudently chosen to include commentaries not only on the relevant WTO treaties themselves-the SPS and TBT Agreements-but also on the highly relevant GATT context, which includes Article III (National Treatment), Article XI (Genera

18、l Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions), and Article XX (General Exceptions) (including a separate commentary on each exception, plus the chapeau). The drawback of including this additional material (which takes up roughly one-third of the volume) is a certain loss of substantive focus. Several

19、of the sections that were included to provide complete coverage (itself a benefit for some readers) have only peripheral or contingent relevance to the topic of SPS measures and TBT. Such topics will, one can anticipate, be covered more extensively, and to much greater advantage, in the forthcoming

20、volume (in this same series) on trade in goods. 编辑了审慎的选择,不仅包括在世贸组织的有关条约本身-的 SPS和 TBT 协定的评论 -而且在关贸总协定范围内高度相关,其中包括第三条(国民待遇),第十一条(一般取消数量精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页限制),和第20 条(一般例外)(包括对每个异常的独立评论,加上开头语)。有必要把这个补充材料缺陷(这会占用大约有三分之一的数量的三分之一)是一个实质性重点某些损失。认为已列入提供完整的覆盖面第几个(本身就是对一些读者的利

21、益)只有外设或队伍相关的卫生和植物检疫措施和贸易技术壁垒问题。这样的主题将,一个可以预见,覆盖更广泛,并且非常大的优势,在即将量(在同一个系列)在货物贸易。A few words on the style and format of the volume (and the series in general) are in order. Though written in English and aimed at the international legal market, the book is organized in true German Kommentar fashion, on

22、an article-by-article basis, and self-consciously so (p. vii). The series editors mention in passing that the closest corollary to the Kommentar in American legal culture are the Restatements developed by the American Law Institute. Although for institutional reasons there is little chance that any

23、WTO law commentary will ever come to have the same authority that the Restatements enjoy in U.S. case law or even, say, that of the Pictet commentary in international humanitarian law, this analogy is useful in identifying the intended role of the series. That is, the volumes are intended as referen

24、ce works that serve, like the Restatements, to tell judges and lawyers what the law was. This goal is reflected both in the format and organization of the volumes, enabling the reader to find answers quickly to specific questions raised by the GATT, TBT, and SPS texts, and in the writing itself, whi

25、ch is generally crisp, concise, and analytical. 风格和数量(以及整个系列)格式几句符合规定。虽然用英文写成,在国际市场为目标的法律,这本书是真正的德国举办Kommentar的方式,就一篇文章,逐条,自觉做(第七页)。该系列编辑顺带一提,在最近的必然结果,美国法律文化的Kommentar是由美国法律研究所开发的重述。虽然体制的原因很少有机会,任何世贸组织法律来评注都不会有同样的权威的重述美国判例法,甚至享有发言权,在国际人道主义法皮克泰评论说,这个比喻是有用的识别该系列的应有作用。也就是说,卷仅供参考的服务,如重述,以“ 告诉法官,律师什么是违法的

26、。” 这个目标反映在形式和组织,在册,使读者能够迅速找到答案了关贸总协定,贸易技术壁垒提出的具体问题,和SPS文本,并在写作本身,通常是清晰,简明,和分析。It is also clearly the aspiration of the editors to position this series not just as a commentary, but as the Grosskommentar of WTO law, with the consequence that most of the other reference material available will prove t

27、o be comparatively superficial, useful only for general purposes as handbooks, or Kurzkommentare. To this end, no less than twenty experts (especially German, but also with representatives from other parts of Europe and North America。 for example, Lorand Bartels of the University of Cambridge, Steve

28、 Charnovitz of George Washington University, and Gordon LaFortune, in practice in Ottawa) have contributed commentaries to the book. Despite this diversity, the editors have succeeded in maintaining a remarkable degree of consistency (in both quality and style) throughout the volume. At the beginnin

29、g of each chapter, one conveniently finds the text of the article it deals with, followed by an article-specific academic bibliography and references to relevant GATT/WTO case law. An especially thoughtful addition-despite their secondary status-is a list of other GATT/WTOdocuments that affect the i

30、nterpretation and application of the provision in question, such as notes by the WTO secretariat, guidelines produced by various WTO committees, and formal reviews. Where applicable, cross-references between WTO provisions and non-WTO agreements are included (though essentially limited to the North

31、American Free Trade Agreement, EC Treaty, and Mercosur。 given the contemporary proliferation of bilateral and regional trade agreements, a comprehensive cross-精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页referencing would be a Herculean task). Each chapter then includes a brief general de

32、scription of the provisions function, typically followed by sections relating to its scope of application (whether temporal, institutional, or otherwise). The obligations of each article are then explained in detail, with reference to case law. In some cases (for example, SPS Article 11) the substan

33、tive commentary adds information on procedural aspects of applying the provision in dispute settlement, such as the standard of review and the burden of proof. 还清楚的愿望的编辑定位这一系列不仅是一个评论,但作为世贸组织的法律Grosskommentar ,其结果是其他参考材料可将被证明是较为最肤浅的,只作普通用途有用作为手册,或Kurzkommentare。为此,不少于20 名专家(尤其是德国,但来自欧洲和北美其他地区的代表也,例如,

34、什罗兰巴特尔斯剑桥大学,史蒂夫乔治华盛顿大学Charnovitz 大学和戈登拉福蒂纳,在实践中在渥太华)作出了贡献的评注本书。尽管这种多样性,编辑成功地保持了相当程度的一致性(在质量和款式整个卷)。在每章开始,一方便找到的文章所处理的,其次是一篇文章,具体的学术书目和引用有关关贸总协定/世贸组织的判例法文本。另外一个特别周到,尽管他们的次要地位- - 是其他协定清单/世界贸易组织文件影响的解释和有关规定,如世界贸易组织秘书处说明,应用,由世贸组织各委员会制定的准则和正式评论。如果适用,交叉引用与世贸组织的规定,非WTO 协议包括(但基本上限于北美自由贸易协定,欧共体条约,南锥体共同市场,考虑到

35、双边和区域贸易协定,更全面的跨时代的扩散参照将是一个艰巨的任务)。每一章,然后包括对条款的功能进行简要的一般性描述,一般是通过有关其适用范围的部分后(无论是时间,机构,或其他)。每篇文章的义务,然后详细解释,参照判例法。在某些情况下(例如,卫生和植物检疫第11 条)的评注增加了实质性的应用,如审查标准和举证责任,在解决争端,提供程序方面的信息。This excellent and necessary resource book, in its first edition, is not free of minor imperfections, such as some editing quir

36、ks and typographical errors. As for substance, a close reading will reveal some repetition (regarding, for example, the many discussions of burden of proof issues in different sections) and some inconsistency (regarding, for example, differences in how to understand the current status of process and

37、 production methods as justifications for trade discrimination, though these differences do actually reflect the uncertainties associated with such issues, both in practice and within the academy). These flaws, which are unavoidable in any multi-authored work as ambitious as this one, neither compro

38、mise the editors achievement nor the volumes utility to practitioners, academics, and other researchers. 这一出色的书和必要的资源,在其第一版,是不是免费的,轻微的缺陷,如一些编辑怪癖和印刷错误。至于实质内容,仔细阅读,就会发现一些重复(关于例如,举证责任问题讨论的许多不同的部分)和一些不一致(关于例如,差异如何理解的过程和生产现状作为贸易歧视的理据的方法,但这些差别,实际上反映了这些问题的不确定性,无论是在实践和学院内)。这些缺陷,这是不可避免的,在任何多的作者像这一个雄心勃勃的工作,既不

39、损害编辑的成就,也没有量的效用的从业人员,学者和其他研究人员。I would like to add a final comment and query directed not only at the reviewed volume itself, but at the broader genre of printed legal commentaries and reference books. Consider the following factors: the comparatively high price of a book such as this one。 the massi

40、ve, collective effort involved on the part of its editors and other contributors。 the constant updating needed if such a work is to be kept current 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页with ongoing judicial developments。 the desirability of making corrections when they occur。 and

41、the need for continually updated cross-referencing, both within the volume itself and to external treaties and other legal materials. Taking all these considerations into account, especially in the current, digital age, wouldnt works such as these be more efficient if their content were marketed and

42、 supplied online rather than in print form? The series might be available in e-book format, but more progressively one might consider some sort of wiki format in which a select group of authors would be in a position to change and contribute article entries on a rolling basis. The knowledge and tech

43、nology exist。 what remains to be developed, perhaps, is a viable business plan. 我想补充最后的评论和查询不仅针对审查的数量本身,但在印制法律评论和参考书更广泛的流派。考虑以下因素:一本书比较高的像这样的价格,大规模的集体努力,就其编辑和其他捐助者的一部分工作。需要不断更新,如果这样的工作是保持目前的发展与正在进行的司法,是使这种情况发生时更正的可取性,并需要不断更新的相互参照,无论是在数量本身和外部条约和其他法律材料。考虑到所有这些因素,特别是在当前,数字时代,也不会像这样更有效率,如果其内容是销售和供应,而不是印刷形式的网络作品?该系列可提供电子书格式,但更逐渐可以考虑一些“ 维基 ” 格式,其中一组选定的作者将有能力改变和贡献的基础上滚动条工程排序。在知识和技术的存在,还有什么要发展,或许是一个可行的商业计划。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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