湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第20讲 九年级 Units 910课件 人教新目标版

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《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第20讲 九年级 Units 910课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第20讲 九年级 Units 910课件 人教新目标版(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二十讲九年级第二十讲九年级Units 910类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1.inventn.1.inventn.发明家发明家 inventorninventorn. .发明发明 inventionadjinventionadj. .有有创造才能的创造才能的 inventiveinventive2 2operatenoperaten. .操作者操作者 operatornoperatorn. .操作;手术操作;手术operationoperation3 3ancient(ancient(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.现代的现代的 modernmodern4 4produ

2、cenproducen. .生产;制作生产;制作 productionnproductionn. . 产品产品 productproduct5 5activenactiven. .活动活动 activityadvactivityadv. .积极地;活跃地积极地;活跃地 activelyactively6 6createadjcreateadj. .有创造力的;有创新精神的有创造力的;有创新精神的 creativecreative7 7woodennwoodenn. .木材;树林木材;树林 woodwood8 8popularityadjpopularityadj. .流行的;受欢迎的流行的;受

3、欢迎的 popularpopular9 9fooladjfooladj. .傻的;愚蠢的傻的;愚蠢的 foolishfoolish1010announcenannouncen. .布告;公告布告;公告 announcementannouncement类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1111farmernfarmern. .农场;农庄农场;农庄 farmfarm1212thrilladjthrilladj. .令人激动的;震颤的令人激动的;震颤的 thrillingadjthrillingadj. .感到感到激动的激动的 thrilledthrilled1313marryad

4、jmarryadj. .已婚的已婚的 marriedmarried 重重点点短短语语记记忆忆1.be used for 1.be used for 用来做用来做2 2by mistake by mistake 错误地错误地3 3by accident by accident 偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地4 4according toaccording to根据;按照;据根据;按照;据所说;视所说;视而定而定5 5fall into fall into 落入;陷入落入;陷入6 6in this wayin this way这样这样7 7knock into knock into 与与相撞相撞重重

5、点点短短语语记记忆忆8 8by the timeby the time到到时候;到时候;到之前之前9 9go off go off 发出响声发出响声 1010run off run off 跑掉;迅速离开跑掉;迅速离开1111on time on time 准时准时1212break down break down 停止运转;出故障停止运转;出故障1313show up show up 出席;露面出席;露面1414set off set off 激起;引起激起;引起1515sell outsell out卖完;售光卖完;售光1616get married get married 结婚结婚 重重

6、点点句句型型整整理理1.Potato chips were invented by mistake.1.Potato chips were invented by mistake.2 2The customer was happy in the end.The customer was happy in the end.3 3It is believed that on December 21st,1891It is believed that on December 21st,1891,the the first basketball game in history was played.f

7、irst basketball game in history was played.4 4When she got to schoolWhen she got to school,she realized she had she realized she had left her backpack at home.left her backpack at home. 重重点点句句型型整整理理5 5What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?6 6Welles was so

8、convincing that hundreds of people Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story.believed the story. 1 1Potato chips were Potato chips were inventedinvented_ _byby_ _mistakemistake. .薯片是无意中被发明的。薯片是无意中被发明的。(Unit 9)(Unit 9)(1)invent(1)invent是动词,意为是动词,意为“发明发明”。He has invented a ne

9、w way of making silk.He has invented a new way of making silk.他发明了一种制造丝绸的新方法。他发明了一种制造丝绸的新方法。【辨析辨析】 invent invent与与discoverdiscoverinventinvent意为意为“发明发明”,表示发明原先不存在的东西,诸如机器或工,表示发明原先不存在的东西,诸如机器或工具等。具等。discoverdiscover意为意为“发现发现”,表示发现原来已存在但未为人所知的东西。,表示发现原来已存在但未为人所知的东西。Gilbert discovered electricityGilber

10、t discovered electricity,but Edison invented the but Edison invented the electric light bulb.electric light bulb.吉尔伯特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯。吉尔伯特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯。【拓展拓展】 invention invention n n发明;创造发明;创造inventor inventor n n发明家;创造者发明家;创造者(2)by mistake (2)by mistake 意为意为“错误地;无意地错误地;无意地”。与此类似的结构有。与此类似的结构有by by ac

11、cidentaccidentby chanceby chance,意为,意为“偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地”。mistakemistake是名词,常见是名词,常见词组有词组有make (a few) mistakes make (a few) mistakes 犯犯( (若干若干) )错误。错误。I did it by mistake.I did it by mistake.我一时搞错才这样做了。我一时搞错才这样做了。2 2ItIt_ _isis_ _believedbelieved_ _thatthat on December 21st,1891 on December 21st,1891,

12、the first the first basketball game in history was played.basketball game in history was played.人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在18911891年年1212月月2121日举行的。日举行的。(Unit 9)(Unit 9)It is believedIt is believedthatthat从句是英语中常用句型,这个句型的意思为从句是英语中常用句型,这个句型的意思为“据认为据认为;人们认为;人们认为”,相当于,相当于people believe that.peop

13、le believe that.。【拓展拓展】 此类用法还有此类用法还有Its said that.Its said that.据说据说;Its thought Its thought that.that.人们认为人们认为;Its known that.Its known that.众所周知众所周知;Its Its reported that.reported that.据报道据报道;Its suggested that.Its suggested that.据建议据建议Its said that he saved two boys from the river.Its said that h

14、e saved two boys from the river.据说他从河里救了两个男孩。据说他从河里救了两个男孩。3 3By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.当我出去时,公共汽车已经离开了。当我出去时,公共汽车已经离开了。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)本句是过去完成时,它表示在过去某一时间或动作之前完成的动作或本句是过去完成时,它表示在过去某一时间或动作之前完成的动作或状态,其构成是状态,其构成是“主语主语hadhad

15、动词过去分词动词过去分词”。在由。在由by the time, when, by the time, when, before, after, untilbefore, after, until等连接的复合句中,如果主句谓语等连接的复合句中,如果主句谓语和从句谓语表示的过去动作是在不同时间发生的,那么先发生的动作用过和从句谓语表示的过去动作是在不同时间发生的,那么先发生的动作用过去完成时。去完成时。When I came in, he had finished his homework. When I came in, he had finished his homework. 当我进来时,他

16、已完成作业了。当我进来时,他已完成作业了。By the time I got there, the train had left.By the time I got there, the train had left.当我到那儿时,火车已离开了。当我到那儿时,火车已离开了。4 4When she got to schoolWhen she got to school,she realized she had she realized she had leftleft her backpack her backpack atat_ _homehome. .当她到达学校时,她意识到她把书包忘在家里

17、了。当她到达学校时,她意识到她把书包忘在家里了。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)leaveleave在句中用作动词,意为在句中用作动词,意为“留下;丢下;落下留下;丢下;落下”,所用句型,所用句型leave leave sthsth. .地点,意为地点,意为“把某物忘在某地把某物忘在某地”。He left his umbrella on the train.He left his umbrella on the train.他把伞忘在火车上了。他把伞忘在火车上了。【拓展拓展】 leave for leave for离开前往离开前往leave sb. aloneleave sb. alone

18、让某人独自呆着让某人独自呆着leave offleave off停止;结束停止;结束leave behind leave behind 不带走;丢下不带走;丢下be on leavebe on leave休假休假 leave about leave about乱放乱放( (东西东西) )【辨析辨析】 leave leave与与forgetforgetforgetforget意为意为“忘记忘记”,forget forget sthsth. .意为意为“忘记某事忘记某事”;forget to do forget to do sthsth. .意为意为“忘了去做某事忘了去做某事”。I forgot

19、to turn off the lights when I went out.I forgot to turn off the lights when I went out.我出门时忘记关灯了。我出门时忘记关灯了。leave leave sthsth. .地点地点 意为意为“把某物落在某处把某物落在某处”。5 5Welles was Welles was soso convincing_convincing_thatthat hundreds of people believed hundreds of people believed the storythe story,and panic

20、set off across the whole country.and panic set off across the whole country.韦尔斯讲得如此令人信服,以至于成百上千的人都相信这件事是真的,韦尔斯讲得如此令人信服,以至于成百上千的人都相信这件事是真的,从而引发了全国范围的恐慌。从而引发了全国范围的恐慌。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)so.that.so.that.意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,常用来引导结果状语从,常用来引导结果状语从句。句。The little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk further.T

21、he little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk further.那个小女孩太累了,以至于不能再往前走了。那个小女孩太累了,以至于不能再往前走了。【拓展拓展】 so.that. so.that.和和such.that.such.that.so.that.so.that.中的中的soso是副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,如果跟名是副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,如果跟名词只能用词只能用“sosoadjadj. .a(ana(an) )可数名词单数可数名词单数thatthat从句从句”形式。形式。such.that.such.that.中的中的such

22、such是形容词,后跟名词或名词短语,可用是形容词,后跟名词或名词短语,可用“suchsucha(ana(an) )adjadj. .可数名词单数可数名词单数thatthat从句从句”或或“suchsuchadjadj. .可数可数名词复数名词复数/ /不可数名词不可数名词thatthat从句从句”形式。形式。It is so good a book that we all like reading it.It is so good a book that we all like reading it.It is such a good book that we all like readin

23、g it.It is such a good book that we all like reading it.那是一本如此好的书,以至于我们都爱读。那是一本如此好的书,以至于我们都爱读。如果名词前有如果名词前有manymany,muchmuch,littlelittle,fewfew时,常用时,常用soso,而不用,而不用suchsuch。I bought so many books that I couldnt wait to read them.I bought so many books that I couldnt wait to read them.我买了很多的书,以至于我迫不及待

24、地想去读。我买了很多的书,以至于我迫不及待地想去读。注意:下列三个句式可以相互转化。注意:下列三个句式可以相互转化。sosoadjadj././advadv.that.that否定句否定句.tootooadjadj././advadv.to do .to do sthsth. .not.notadjadj././advadv.enough to do .enough to do sthsth. .6 6She was thrilledShe was thrilled,because she really wanted to because she really wanted to getget

25、 marriedmarried. .她很激动,因为她真的想结婚。她很激动,因为她真的想结婚。(Unit 10)(Unit 10)marrymarry一般用作及物动词,可作一般用作及物动词,可作“娶娶”讲;也可作讲;也可作“嫁嫁”讲,其后直讲,其后直接跟宾语,不能说接跟宾语,不能说marry with sb.marry with sb.。She married a man with a lot of money.She married a man with a lot of money.她嫁给了一个很有钱的人。她嫁给了一个很有钱的人。She married her daughter to a d

26、octor.She married her daughter to a doctor.她把女儿嫁给了一个医生。她把女儿嫁给了一个医生。【拓展拓展】 get married get married意为意为“结婚结婚”,表示动作,不能与表示一段,表示动作,不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。时间的时间状语连用。When did she get marriedWhen did she get married?她什么时候结婚的?她什么时候结婚的?be marriedbe married意为意为“结婚结婚”,表示状态,能与表示一段时间的时间状,表示状态,能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。语连用。They h

27、ave been married for five years.They have been married for five years.他们结婚已经五年了。他们结婚已经五年了。相同点:二者都可以和介词相同点:二者都可以和介词toto连用,但不能接连用,但不能接withwith。九年级九年级(910单元单元)(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)基础知识过关基础知识过关一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子(9(9分分) )1 1He has He has _ _ ( (发明发明) a new way of making silk.) a new w

28、ay of making silk.2 2She She _( (尝尝)the soup and sees if it needs more salt.)the soup and sees if it needs more salt.3 3We all know that there are 100 years in a We all know that there are 100 years in a _ _ ( (世世纪纪) )4 4The boys were The boys were _( (投投)stones into the river when I )stones into th

29、e river when I passed there.passed there.5 5The children The children _ _ ( (冲冲)out of the classroom at the )out of the classroom at the end of their lesson.end of their lesson.inventedtastescenturythrowingrushed6 6Make sure to Make sure to _ _ ( (锁上锁上)the door before you leave the )the door before

30、you leave the classroom.classroom.7 7The teacher asked who The teacher asked who _( (打破打破)the window last night.)the window last night.8 8The sun The sun _ _ ( (升起升起)in the east and sets in the west.)in the east and sets in the west.9 9After the match most of us felt After the match most of us felt

31、_( (筋疲力尽的筋疲力尽的) )二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子(16(16分分) )1 1汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。Tom must have taken your dictionary Tom must have taken your dictionary _. .lockbrokerisesexhaustedby mistake2 2根据今天的报纸,下星期将有冷天气。根据今天的报纸,下星期将有冷天气。_ todays newspaper, we shall have cold weather todays newspaper, we

32、 shall have cold weather next week.next week.3 3如果你撞到某人,你应该说如果你撞到某人,你应该说“对不起对不起”。If you If you _ somebody, you should say somebody, you should say “Im sorry.Im sorry.”4 4哪里工作艰苦,他们就出现在哪里。哪里工作艰苦,他们就出现在哪里。They _ wherever the work is difficult.They _ wherever the work is difficult.5 5机器坏了。我将找人帮我修理一下它。机器

33、坏了。我将找人帮我修理一下它。The machine The machine _. Ill ask someone to help me repair . Ill ask someone to help me repair it.it.According toknock intoshow upbroke down6 6那种鞋我们只有小号的了,大号的全卖完了。那种鞋我们只有小号的了,大号的全卖完了。We have those shoes in small sizes onlyWe have those shoes in small sizes only,weve weve _ all all t

34、he bigger ones.the bigger ones.7 7只有用这种方法你才能赶上其他的同学。只有用这种方法你才能赶上其他的同学。_ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _.8 8即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。_ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _.三、用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空三、用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空(10(10分分) )sold outYou can catch up with the other students only in this wayHe will come on time even though it rains1 1The t

35、eacher will The teacher will _ all the students all the students _ six groups. six groups.2 2My grandfather is My grandfather is _ ninety years old. ninety years old.3 3Many young people Many young people _ becoming popular singers in becoming popular singers in the future.the future.4 4Its dangerou

36、s to skate on the river in winter because Its dangerous to skate on the river in winter because you may you may _ it. it.5 5During this summer vacationDuring this summer vacation,Im going to visit my aunt Im going to visit my aunt and live with her for and live with her for _. .综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单

37、项选择(10(10分分) )divideintomore thandream offall intosome time1 1The robots are _ for doing housework. They are The robots are _ for doing housework. They are really amazing.really amazing.A Aused used B Bsent sent C Casked asked D Ddiscovereddiscovered【解析解析】考查动词词义辨析。考查动词词义辨析。useuse“用来用来”;sendsend“派遣,安

38、排派遣,安排”;askask“要求要求”;discoverdiscover“发现发现”。be used forbe used for表示表示“被用来干某事被用来干某事”,句意为句意为“这些机器人被用来做家务,真让人惊奇。这些机器人被用来做家务,真让人惊奇。”故选故选A A。【答案答案】A A2 2(2011(2011沈阳沈阳)Im going to be late for )Im going to be late for work.Thererework.Therere _ buses on this route(_ buses on this route(线路线路) )A Atoo few

39、too few B Btoo littletoo littleC Ctoo many too many D Dtoo muchtoo much【解析解析】考查词语辨析。根据前句考查词语辨析。根据前句“我上班将会迟到的我上班将会迟到的”可知,这条可知,这条路线的公交车很少,又因为路线的公交车很少,又因为busbus为可数名词,应该用为可数名词,应该用fewfew来修饰,故选来修饰,故选A A。【答案答案】A A3 3PaperPaper making is _ of ancient China.making is _ of ancient China.A Aone of greatest inv

40、entorone of greatest inventorB Bone of the greatest inventorsone of the greatest inventorsC Cone of greatest inventionone of greatest inventionD Done of the greatest inventionsone of the greatest inventions【解析解析】考查考查one ofone of形容词最高级名词复数的用法。形容词形容词最高级名词复数的用法。形容词greatgreat的最高级的最高级greatestgreatest前面需要

41、加前面需要加thethe。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D4 4(2011(2011邵阳邵阳) )I _ something wrong just I _ something wrong just now.Maynow.May I I use your eraser?use your eraser?Of Of course.Herecourse.Here you are. you are.A Awrite write B Bwrote wrote C Cam writingam writing【解析解析】考查时态的用法。由句中的时间状语考查时态的用法。由句中的时间状语just nowjus

42、t now知用一般过去知用一般过去时态。故选时态。故选B B。【答案答案】B B5 5(2011(2011湘潭湘潭) )Do you know _ tomorrow?Do you know _ tomorrow?SorrySorry,I dont I dont know.Youknow.You may surf the Internet. may surf the Internet.A Awhether will it rainwhether will it rainB Bif it will rainif it will rainC Cwhether does it rainwhether

43、does it rain【解析解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句要用陈述语序。根据题意考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句要用陈述语序。根据题意“你知不知道明天是否会下雨?你知不知道明天是否会下雨?”“”“对不起,我不知道,你可以上网查一下。对不起,我不知道,你可以上网查一下。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B6 6(2011(2011清远清远)We want to know _ to help them.)We want to know _ to help them.A Awhat can we do what can we do B Bwhat we can dowhat we can doC

44、Chow can we do how can we do D Dhow we can dohow we can do【解析解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除A A和和C C。句意为。句意为“我们想知道能做什么来帮助他们。我们想知道能做什么来帮助他们。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B7 7On the 19th Earth Day, Dr Wang gave us a talk on the On the 19th Earth Day, Dr Wang gave us a talk on the importance of _ the ea

45、rth.importance of _ the earth.A Apracticing practicing B BpreventingpreventingC Cpolluting polluting D Dprotectingprotecting【解析解析】考查动词词义辨析。考查动词词义辨析。practicepractice“实践实践”;preventprevent“阻止阻止”;pollutepollute“污染污染”;protectprotect“保护保护”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D8 8Did you watch the basketball match this morni

46、ng?Did you watch the basketball match this morning?Oh, my alarm clock didnt _. When I woke up, the Oh, my alarm clock didnt _. When I woke up, the match had been over.match had been over.A Ago on go on B Bgo up go up C Cgo off Dgo off Dgo awaygo away【解析解析】考查词组辨析。考查词组辨析。go ongo on“以以作为行动依据,凭作为行动依据,凭判

47、断判断”;go upgo up“上升,上涨上升,上涨”;go offgo off“作响,发出巨响作响,发出巨响”;go awaygo away“离开离开”。故选。故选C C。【答案答案】C C9 9(2011(2011福州福州) )Could you tell me _Could you tell me _?Sure.The day after tomorrow.Sure.The day after tomorrow.A Awhen will you leave for the Uwhen will you leave for the US.A.S.A.B Bwhen Mr.Lee will

48、comewhen Mr.Lee will comeC Cwhen your father returnedwhen your father returned【解析解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句中要用陈述语序,排除考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句中要用陈述语序,排除A A。由答语句意由答语句意“后天后天”可推测前句问的是将来的事情,故问句用一般将来时。可推测前句问的是将来的事情,故问句用一般将来时。句意为句意为“你能告诉我李先生将何时回来吗?你能告诉我李先生将何时回来吗?”“”“可以,后天。可以,后天。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B1010Its _ late _ walk there n

49、ow. I think Its _ late _ walk there now. I think youd better take a taxi.youd better take a taxi.A Aso; that you can so; that you can B Btoo; for you totoo; for you toC Cso; that you may so; that you may D Dtoo; you cantoo; you can【解析解析】考查考查so thatso that和和too.to.too.to.的用法。句意为的用法。句意为“现在对你来说现在对你来说步行

50、去那里太迟了,我认为你最好打一辆出租车。步行去那里太迟了,我认为你最好打一辆出租车。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B二、完形填空二、完形填空(30(30分分) )Do you know who invented teaDo you know who invented tea?In factIn fact,teatea,the most popular the most popular drink in the world(after water)drink in the world(after water),was invented by accident(was invented by

51、accident(偶然偶然) )According to an ancient Chinese legend(According to an ancient Chinese legend(传说传说) ),the emperor Shen the emperor Shen Nong _Nong _1 1_ tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open _ tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush(fire.

52、Some leaves from a nearby bush(灌木丛灌木丛)fell into the water )fell into the water and remained there for _and remained there for _2 2_.The emperor noticed that the leaves _.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a _in the water produced a _3 3_ smell.Later he decided _ smell.Later he

53、 decided _4 4_ the _ the hot mixture(hot mixture(混合物混合物) )It was quite delicious.And _It was quite delicious.And _5 5_,one ofone of the the worlds favorite drinks was invented.worlds favorite drinks was invented.China is the home of teaChina is the home of tea,_6 6_ has more than 4,000 years_ has mo

54、re than 4,000 years history.People throughout China drink tea daily._history.People throughout China drink tea daily._7 7_ the three _ the three major drinksmajor drinksteatea,coffee and cocoacoffee and cocoa,tea is drunk by _tea is drunk by _8 8_ people _ people in the world.Tea from Chinain the wo

55、rld.Tea from China,along _along _9 9_ silk and porcelain_ silk and porcelain,began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export _been an important Chinese export _1010_._.Tea leaves _Tea l

56、eaves _1111_ mainly in the area of south of the Yangtze _ mainly in the area of south of the Yangtze RiverRiver,in the provinces of Zhejiangin the provinces of Zhejiang,Jiangxi and FujianJiangxi and Fujian,because because of the mild _of the mild _1212_ and rich soil there.Longjing_ and rich soil th

57、ere.Longjing,WulongWulong,Puer Puer and Tieguanyin are all _and Tieguanyin are all _1313_kinds of tea._kinds of tea.Over the past centuriesOver the past centuries,Chinese people _Chinese people _1414_ their unique _ their unique tea culturetea culture,which includes tea plantingwhich includes tea pl

58、anting,teatea leaf pickingleaf picking,tea tea making and so on.Tea is_making and so on.Tea is_1515_ a popular topic which is often _ a popular topic which is often mentioned in dancesmentioned in dances,songssongs,poems and novels.poems and novels.1 1A.invented BA.invented Bfound out Cfound out Cdi

59、scovered Ddiscovered Dtried outtried out【解析解析】茶本身就是生长着的一种植物,第一次认识到了茶是茶本身就是生长着的一种植物,第一次认识到了茶是“发发现现”而不是而不是“创造;发明创造;发明”,故用,故用discovereddiscovered。【答案答案】C C2 2A.sometimes BA.sometimes Bsome timesome timeC Csome times Dsome times Dsome dayssome days【解析解析】sometimessometimes意为意为“有时有时”;some timesome time意为意

60、为“一段时间一段时间”;some timessome times意为意为“几次几次”;some dayssome days意为意为“几天几天”。句意为。句意为“附近一个灌附近一个灌木丛的叶子落进水里并保留了一段时间木丛的叶子落进水里并保留了一段时间”,故,故B B项正确。项正确。【答案答案】B B3 3A.pleasant BA.pleasant Bpleased Cpleased Cbad Dbad Dterribleterrible【解析解析】由句意可知由句意可知“落进水里的叶子产生了一种令人愉快的味道落进水里的叶子产生了一种令人愉快的味道”。pleasantpleasant“令人愉快的令

61、人愉快的”;而;而pleasedpleased意为意为“喜悦的喜悦的”,故选,故选A A。【答案答案】A A4 4A.not to taste BA.not to taste Bto tasteto taste C Ctasting Dtasting Dtastetaste【解析解析】由下句由下句“它相当美味。它相当美味。”可知此句句意为可知此句句意为“后来,他决定尝后来,他决定尝一下这一热的混合物一下这一热的混合物”。“决定做某事决定做某事”用用decide to do sth.decide to do sth.。【答案答案】B B5 5A.by the way BA.by the way

62、Bon the wayon the way C Con its way Don its way Din this wayin this way【解析解析】in this wayin this way意为意为“用这种方法用这种方法”,也就是上文中提到的用,也就是上文中提到的用水煮茶叶的方法。水煮茶叶的方法。【答案答案】D D6 6A.who BA.who Bwhich Cwhich Cwhere Dwhere Dwhenwhen【解析解析】考查定语从句。先行词是考查定语从句。先行词是teatea,故用关系代词,故用关系代词whichwhich来引导来引导定语从句。定语从句。【答案答案】B B7

63、7A.In BA.In BFor CFor COf DOf DByBy【解析解析】of the three major drinksof the three major drinks“在这三种主要的饮料中在这三种主要的饮料中”,此处此处ofof表示范围。表示范围。【答案答案】C C8 8A.the number of BA.the number of Ba number ofa number ofC Ca large number of Da large number of Dthe largest number ofthe largest number of【解析解析】茶、咖啡与可乐这三种饮

64、料相比较,应用最高级形式。故选茶、咖啡与可乐这三种饮料相比较,应用最高级形式。故选D D。【答案答案】D D9 9A.between BA.between Bwith Cwith Cexcept Dexcept Dbesidesbesides【解析解析】along withalong with意为意为“同同一道一道”,此处意为,此处意为“来自中国的茶来自中国的茶同丝绸和瓷器一道,同丝绸和瓷器一道,”。【答案答案】B B1010A.at that time BA.at that time Bfrom now onfrom now on C Csince then Dsince then Dsin

65、ce nowsince now【解析解析】since thensince then意为意为“从那时起从那时起”,与现在完成时态连用。,与现在完成时态连用。【答案答案】C C1111A.produce BA.produce Bare producedare produced C Cmake Dmake Dare madeare made【解析解析】tea leavestea leaves与动词与动词produceproduce之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,故用被动语态。用被动语态。【答案答案】B B1212A.climate BA.climate Bweather Cwe

66、ather Ccondition Dcondition Denvironmentenvironment【解析解析】此处考查名词的辨析。此处考查名词的辨析。climateclimate“气候气候”,指一个地区天气,指一个地区天气的总情况,如气温、降水量等。的总情况,如气温、降水量等。weatherweather“天气天气”,指特定一天或某个时节,指特定一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷、暖、阴、晴等。句意为的天气的具体情况,如冷、暖、阴、晴等。句意为“因为温和的气候因为温和的气候与肥沃的土壤。与肥沃的土壤。”故选故选A A。【答案答案】A A1313A.interesting BA.inter

67、esting Bimportant Cimportant Cfamous Dfamous Dnormalnormal【解析解析】句意为句意为“龙井、乌龙、普洱和铁观音都是几种著名的茶龙井、乌龙、普洱和铁观音都是几种著名的茶”,故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C1414A.had developed BA.had developed Bhave developedhave developed C Cdeveloped Ddeveloped Dare developingare developing【解析解析】由时间状语由时间状语over the past centuriesover the pa

68、st centuries“在过去的几个世纪在过去的几个世纪里里”知,本句应用现在完成时态,故选知,本句应用现在完成时态,故选B B。【答案答案】B B1515A.too BA.too Bas well Cas well Ceither Deither Dalsoalso【解析解析】A A、B B两项常用于肯定句的末尾;两项常用于肯定句的末尾;C C项常用于否定句的末尾;项常用于否定句的末尾;只有只有alsoalso常用于肯定句中间。故选常用于肯定句中间。故选D D。【答案答案】D D三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(10分分) )(2011(2011天津天津) )阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表

69、格。阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格。An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853,although that was not his intention(although that was not his intention(意图意图) )He was a chef(He was a chef(厨师长厨师长)at a beautiful restaurant in Saratoga Springs)at a beautiful

70、restaurant in Saratoga Springs,New York.A New York.A regular dish on the menu was fried(regular dish on the menu was fried(油炸的油炸的)potatoes)potatoes,which was an which was an idea that had started in France.At that timeidea that had started in France.At that time,French fried French fried potatoes we

71、re cut into thick slices(potatoes were cut into thick slices(片片) )One dayOne day,a dinner guest at the restaurant sent back his a dinner guest at the restaurant sent back his fried potatoes to the chef because he did not like themfried potatoes to the chef because he did not like themso thick.So Mr

72、Crum cut the potatoes a little thinner and fried so thick.So Mr Crum cut the potatoes a little thinner and fried them.The guest did not like those either.That made Mr Crum angrythem.The guest did not like those either.That made Mr Crum angry,so he thought he would just show the man.He sliced the pot

73、atoes so he thought he would just show the man.He sliced the potatoes paperpaper thin and fried themthin and fried them,thinking that the man would say thinking that the man would say nothing about it.Howevernothing about it.However,to his surpriseto his surprise,the man loved the thin the man loved

74、 the thin potatoes very much.Other guests tried them and also liked them.Sopotatoes very much.Other guests tried them and also liked them.So,Mr Crums potato chips were added to the menu.They were called Mr Crums potato chips were added to the menu.They were called Saratoga Chips.Saratoga Chips. Fina

75、lly Finally,Mr Crum opened his own restaurant to sell his famous Mr Crum opened his own restaurant to sell his famous chips.Now potato chips are packaged(chips.Now potato chips are packaged(包装包装)and sold in stores.)and sold in stores.Who invented _1_?_2_ was an American chef at a restaurant.A dinner

76、 guest _3_ his fried potatoes to the chef because they were so thick.The chef was probably glad in the end because _4_.Now potato chips are packaged and sold _5_.【答案答案】1 1potato chipspotato chips【解析解析】由第一段第一句中由第一段第一句中“An American named An American named Crum invented potato chips in 1853.Crum invent

77、ed potato chips in 1853.”可知答案。可知答案。2 2Mr Crum(Crum)Mr Crum(Crum)【解析解析】由第一段的第二句由第一段的第二句“He was a chef at He was a chef at a beautiful restaurant in Saratoga Springsa beautiful restaurant in Saratoga Springs,New York.New York.”可知可知CrumCrum是美国纽约一家餐馆的厨师长。是美国纽约一家餐馆的厨师长。3 3sent backsent back【解析解析】由第二段的第一句

78、由第二段的第一句“One dayOne day,a dinner a dinner guest at the restaurant sent back his fried potatoes to the guest at the restaurant sent back his fried potatoes to the chef because he did not like them so thick.chef because he did not like them so thick.”可知答案。可知答案。4 4he opened his own restaurant to sell c

79、hipshe opened his own restaurant to sell chips【解析解析】由最由最后一段的第一句可知,最后,后一段的第一句可知,最后,CrumCrum自己开饭店来卖他的炸薯片,这可能自己开饭店来卖他的炸薯片,这可能是令这位厨师长高兴的原因。是令这位厨师长高兴的原因。5 5in storesin stores【解析解析】由文章的最后一句由文章的最后一句“Now potato chips are Now potato chips are packaged and sold in stores.packaged and sold in stores.”可知答案。可知答案

80、。四、书面表达四、书面表达(15(15分分) )现在的科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不现在的科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不可缺少的东西,如电脑、笔记本电脑可缺少的东西,如电脑、笔记本电脑(laptop)(laptop)、手机、手机(mobile phone)(mobile phone)、MP4MP4、数码相机数码相机(digital camera)(digital camera)、数码摄影机、数码摄影机(DV)(DV)等。请以等。请以My Favorite My Favorite InventionInvention为题描述你最喜欢的一种发明,并说

81、明理由为题描述你最喜欢的一种发明,并说明理由( (理由至少有两个方理由至少有两个方面面) )。词数在。词数在8080词左右。词左右。_ _My Favorite InventionMy Favorite InventionAmong all the modern inventionsAmong all the modern inventions,laptop is my laptop is my _ favorite favorite one.Ione.I think it is the most amazing invention in the think it is the most am

82、azing invention in the 21st 21st century.Laptopscentury.Laptops are light and are light and small.Theysmall.They are easy to are easy to carry.Withcarry.With a a laptoplaptop,wewe can can workwork,studystudy and entertain and entertain everywhere.Aeverywhere.A laptop can get to the Internet laptop c

83、an get to the Internet outsideoutside,whichwhich enables us to get the latest information whenever we enables us to get the latest information whenever we want.Usingwant.Using a a laptoplaptop,I I can keep in touch with my friends and family through can keep in touch with my friends and family through e e mails and QQ at any time and in any mails and QQ at any time and in any place.Iplace.I think in the think in the futurefuture,everybodyeverybody will have his or her own laptop. will have his or her own laptop.



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