大学外贸英语chapter 17 xport and Import Financing

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1、Chapter 17Export and Import Financing进出口融资进出口融资What do you know about the mechanisms for financing exports and imports ?Can you name some of them?New words1. financing n. 融资2. mechanism n. 机制,途径 3. to evolve vi. 逐渐形成,发展4. acute a. 严重的 5. device n. 方法,手段6. to trace vt. 探索,描绘 7. conversely adv. 相反地8.

2、defective a. 有毛病的,有缺陷的 9. to exacerbate vt. 加剧10. distance n. 距离 11. to enforce vt. 强制执行12. preference n. 偏爱,选择机会,优先 13. to configure vt. 使成形14. alternatively adv. 两者挑一地 15. reputable a. 声誉好的16. to reimburse vt. 偿还,付还 17. beneficiary n. 受益人18. issuance n. 开立(信用证等) New words19. to undertake vt. 承担,进行

3、,从事20. creditworthiness n. 信誉卓著 21. collateral n. 担保,附属担保物22. merchandise n. 货物,商品 23. to attach vt. 附加,使附上24. to contain vt. 包含 25. to honor vt. 承兑(汇票等)26. distributor n. 销售商 27. to facilitate vt. 推进,促进,使便利28. to initiate vt. 发起,开始实施 29. drawee n. 受票人,付款人30. prevailing a. 流行的,普遍的 31. to finance vt.

4、 为筹措资金,供资金给32. shortfall n. 亏空,不足,缺少 33. receipt n. 收据34. to indicate vt. 指出,表明 35. carrier n. 运输公司,承运人36. to release vt. 让与,允许交给Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 1. over the centuries 在几个世纪中2. in response to 对的反应3. to put faith in sb. 相信某人4. to cope with 对付,妥善处理5. in the context of 在方面6. (to

5、 be) engaged in 从事7. to abide by 遵守,服从(comply with; obey)8. to track down 找到,发现9. to default on an obligation 不履行法律义务,违约10. to ship the products to France 向法国发运产品11. to take delivery of the products 提取产品,提货12. to act as an intermediary 扮演中介人的角色13. in the form of 以形式14. in the remainder of 在其余部分15. i

6、n more detail 更详细地16. on presentation of particular, specified documents 在呈递所规定的特定单据时17. to apply to 向申请18. to charge sb. a fee for sth. 因向收取费用19. to amount to 达,总共达20. to draw a draft on sb. against sth. 向开立汇票21. to forward sth. to sb. 向发送或寄发22. to collect payment from sb. 从收取付款23. to pay out 付出(款项

7、等)24. (to be) referred to as 作为被提及25. to fall into (可)分成26. at a discount 打折扣,低于正常价格27. to hold onto sth. 留有,保留住28. in transit 在运输中29. in return for 作为的交换30. to function as 作为发挥作用Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 1. letter of credit 信用证(有时也用L/C)2. draft n. (美)汇票(英国人用bill of exchange)3. bill o

8、f lading 提单(一种装运单据)4. legal system 法律制度5. contractual obligations 合同义务6. a third party 第三人,第三方当事人7. credit check 信用检查,资信检查8. terms of the letter of credit 信用证条款9. not unusual很平常的,很通常的10. cash flow position 现金流动情况11. pre-export financing出口前的资金筹措12. funds n. 资金(用单数时常表示“基金”)Notes13. a financial liabili

9、ty against sb. 针对某人的财务责任或债务14. on an open account 以记账方式15. sight draft 即期汇票16. time draft 远期汇票(美国人常用usance draft)17. bankers acceptance (bank acceptance) 银行承兑汇票18. trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票(In trade acceptance it is the importer who accepts the bill of exchange; the exporter may subsequently sell it i

10、n the market at a discount, provided the importer has a good credit.)19. negotiable instruments 流通票据(documents of title that can be freely negotiated. Checks and drafts are negotiable instruments.)20. discount rate 贴现率21. common carrier 公共承运人,公用运输业者22. a document of title 所有权凭证,所有权文件NotesExport and

11、Import FinancingLack of TrustLetter of CreditA letter of credit, abbreviated as L/C, stands at the center of international commercial transactions. Issued by a bank at the request of an importer, the letter of credit states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary, normally t

12、he exporter, on presentation of particular, specified documents.Export and Import FinancingDraftA draft, sometimes referred to as a bill of exchange, is the instrument normally used in international commerce to effect payment.Bill of LadingThe bill of lading is issued to the exporter by the common c

13、arrier21 transporting the merchandise. What financial devices have evolved to cope with the problem of lack of trust existing in international trade?Why cant exporters and importers trust each other completely?What is the method used to solve the lack of trust between an importer and an exporter in

14、different What is a letter of credit?What are the main steps involved in a typical export-import transaction with the use of a letter of credit?What is the great advantage of using a letter of credit in international trade?Is there any drawback in using a letter of credit for the importer? What is i

15、t?How do you define “draft”? How many types of drafts do you know?Can you tell the difference between a bank acceptance and a trade acceptance?What is meant by bill of lading? What are its major functions?What can an exporter do with an accepted time draft if he/she needs money badly?This is the end of Chapter 17



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