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1、Unit6Unit6课时一终结版资料课时一终结版资料 What do you want to bewhen you grow up(长大)(长大)? ? 你长大后打算做什么?你长大后打算做什么?I want to be a/an我打算当一个我打算当一个表示将要发生的动作,含有表示将要发生的动作,含有“打算打算”的意思。的意思。tomorrow , next week/Sunday , this evening主语主语 + be going to + 动词的原形动词的原形She is going to play football.He is going to go fishing.http:/

2、do you want to be when you grow up? ? I want to be a/an a basketball playera doctorWhat do you want to be when you grow up? ? I want to be a/an a reporter a cookWhat do you want to be when you grow up? ? I want to be a/ana pianista violinistWhat do you want to be when you grow up? ? I want to be a/a

3、na policewomana policemana computer programmeran astronaut电脑设计师电脑设计师a computer programmer an engineera pilotan actoran actressa waiter(男男)a waitress(女)女)a teacher a scientista writer a bus drivera soldierPair work:What are you going to be when you grow up?长大长大Pair work:A: What are you going to be wh

4、en you grow up?B: Im going to be a/anA:How are you going to do that?B:Im going to.A:Where are you going to work?B:Im going to work in1c Pair work A:Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup?B:Imgoingtobeabasketballplayer.A:Howaregoingtodothat?B:Imgoingtopracticebasketballeveryday.engineerstudy math hard-What

5、 are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be an engineer.- How are you going to do that?- Im going to study math really hard. actortake acting lessons-What are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be an actor.-How are you going to do that?-Im going to take acting lessons.2d Role-pl

6、ay the conversation.Andy:What are you reading, Ken?Ken:The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.Andy:Wow, now I know why youre so good at writing stories.Ken:Yes, I want to be a writer.Andy:Really? How are you going to become a writer?Ken:Well, Im going to keep on writing stories , of course. What do yo

7、u want to be?be good at擅长于干擅长于干keep on doing继续,坚持干继续,坚持干正在进行时Andy:My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that.Ken:Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want!Andy:Yes, youre right.be sure about对对有把握,

8、确信有把握,确信make sure确信,证实确信,证实try ones best尽最大努力尽最大努力海明威(Hemingway,18991961)故事简介;在古巴,风烛残年的渔夫-桑提亚哥,一连84天都没有钓到一条鱼,几乎都快饿死了;但他仍然不肯认输,而是充满着奋斗的精神,终于在第85天钓到一条身长18英尺,体重1500磅(5.5m,1654斤)的大马林鱼。经过两天两夜之后,他终于杀死大鱼,把它拴在船边。但许多鲨鱼立刻前来抢夺他的战利品,大鱼仍难逃被吃光的命运,最终,老人筋疲力竭地拖回一副鱼骨头。但却得到了人们的赞赏。海明威塑造了“桑提亚哥”这个令人敬佩的硬汉形象,赞扬了他面对困难百折不挠的拼

9、搏精神。小说语言简洁,情节激动人心,洋溢着英雄主义精神,深深吸引着世界各国的读者。1954年,老人与海使海明威获得了诺贝尔文学奖,这部小说从此成为家喻户晓的世界文学名著。Im a usual boy. But I have a dream.Im going to be a famous actor whenI grow up. 我只是一个普通男孩我只是一个普通男孩, 但我有但我有自己的梦想自己的梦想: 长大后做一名演员。长大后做一名演员。明星讲述明星讲述 So I learn Chinese Kungfu really hard. 所以我刻苦的学习功夫。所以我刻苦的学习功夫。I never g

10、ive up. 我从不放弃。我从不放弃。At last, I become a very famous actor. 我终于成为了一位著名演员。我终于成为了一位著名演员。Wang BaoqiangWhere there is a will, there is a way.有志者有志者, ,事竟成。事竟成。Work hard, You can make your dream come true!努力吧努力吧, 你可以梦想成真!你可以梦想成真! Grammar Focus 1.1. 当你长大后,你想做什么?当你长大后,你想做什么? What do you want _ _ When you _ _

11、? What do you want _ _ When you _ _? 我想成为一名工程师。我想成为一名工程师。 I want to _ _ _. I want to _ _ _. 你打算如何做?你打算如何做? How _ you _ to _that? How _ you _ to _that? 我打算努力地学习数学。我打算努力地学习数学。 I Im _ _ _ _ really hard. 想去哪里工作?想去哪里工作? _ _ you going to work? _ _ you going to work? 我打算搬往上海。我打算搬往上海。 IIm _ _ _ to Shanghai.

12、 你打算从什么时候开始?你打算从什么时候开始? When _you _ to _? When _you _ to _? 我打算完成中学和大学时开始。我打算完成中学和大学时开始。 I Im going to _ _I _ high school and _. 2. 2. 用正确的形式填空。用正确的形式填空。 1 1)We are _ (play) basketball tomorrow. 2 2)They _ (visit) their aunt next week. 3 3)_Lucy_(watch)movie with Lily tomorrow? No, _ _. 4 4)There _

13、(be) a football match tomorrow. 1. How are you going to be ? Im going to practice basketball every day. A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot2. _ does he want to be when he ? He wants to be a computer programmer. A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up D. How, grow

14、up3. The boy wants to be a(n) . He studies math really hard. A. writer B. cleaner C. engineer D. artist3.Heisgoingto_forhisparents.A.cookB.cookingC.cooksD.tocook3a Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do._1. My friend wants to be an engineer. _2. My brother wants to be an a

15、ctor. _3. I want to be a scientist. _4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. _5. Those boys want to be soccer players. _6. My friend and I want to be singers. _7. My cousin wants to be a cook. _8. I want to be a race car driver. ehfdacgbhttp:/ going to practice every day.b.Im going to buy a fast

16、carc.Were going to take singing lessons.d.Shes going to study education.e.Shes going to study math.f.Im going to study science.g.Hes going to a cooking school.h.Hes going to take acting lessons.http:/ Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation.A: Kelly, what do you want to be you grow up?B:

17、I to be a doctor.A: Wow! are you going to do that?B: Im to study medicine at a university.A: Hmmsounds difficult. _are you to study?B: Im going to in London.A: are you going to start?B: Im going to next September. whenwantHow goingWhere studyWhen starthttp:/ plan for lifeIm going to beWhere there is

18、 a will, there is a way.be going to的基本用法的基本用法be going to+be going to+动词原形动词原形be going to是是一般将来时一般将来时的一种表现形式,表示的一种表现形式,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,意思为在的状态,意思为打算,将要打算,将要。其中其中be会根据主语的人称变化成会根据主语的人称变化成is,am,are等等形式。形式。to是是不定式符号不定式符号,跟在它后面的动词必须是动词原形跟在它后面的动词必须是动词原形。在肯定句中,。在肯定句中,be going to模样是:主语模样

19、是:主语+be(am / is / are) + going to +动词原形动词原形+其它。其它。如:如:1. I am going to work hard this term.我打算这学期努力学习。我打算这学期努力学习。 否定句要在否定句要在be的后面加的后面加not.2. I am not going to play football.我不打算踢足球。我不打算踢足球。3.3.We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排)今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排)4.Look at the black cl

20、ouds. Its going to rain. 看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测)看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测)根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子1.1.他打算学习教育。他打算学习教育。He _goinggoing _ _ _ education.education.2 2.Mary.Mary打算去上表演课。打算去上表演课。Mary is going to _ _ _ _ _ . .4.4.你打算什么时候学习医药?你打算什么时候学习医药? _ _ you going you going toto _ medicine?medicine?5.5.他到哪里工作?他到哪里工作? _ _ h he g

21、oing to e going to ? ? 6.-6.-你打算今天下午做作业吗?你打算今天下午做作业吗?_ you _ _ _ your homework _ _? Unit6 IUnit6 Im going to study computer science.m going to study computer science.grow upgrow up成长;长大成长;长大 every day every day每天每天 be sure about be sure about对对有把握有把握 make sure确信;务必确信;务必sendsendtoto把把送到送到 be able to

22、be able to能能 the meaning of the meaning of的意思的意思 write downwrite down写下;记下写下;记下 different kinds ofdifferent kinds of不同种类的不同种类的have to do withhave to do with关于;与关于;与有关系有关系 take up开始做;学着做开始做;学着做hardly everhardly ever几乎不;很少几乎不;很少 too toototo太太而不能而不能; ;/ /太太以至以至于不能于不能 be going to+be going to+动词原形动词原形 打算

23、做某事打算做某事 practice doing练习做某事练习做某事 keep on doing sth.不断地做某事不断地做某事learn to do sth.learn to do sth.学会做某事学会做某事 finish doing sth.做完某事做完某事 promise to do sth.许许诺去做某事诺去做某事help sb. to do sth.help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 remember to do sth.记住做某事记住做某事 agree to do sth.同意做某事同意做某事love to do sth.love to do st

24、h.喜爱做某事喜爱做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事想要做某事 1b Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the puter programmer a. take _ lessons2.basketball player b. study_ science3.engineer c. practice _ every day4.actor d. study _ really hardactingcomputerbasketballmath2a Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check (

25、 ) the correct boxes in the picture.2b Listenagain. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the chart.He is going to be a teacher.He is going to move to Beijing.He is going to learn how to teach children. He is going to finish high school and college first.B: He is going to be a teacher.B

26、: He is going to move to Beijing.B: He is going to learn how to teach children.B: He is going to finish high school and college first.A: What is Cheng Han going to be?A : Where is Cheng Han going to move?A: What is Cheng Han going to do?A: When is Cheng Han going to start?2c Ask and answer questions结束结束



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