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1、名师精编欢迎下载高中二年级上学期英语期末考试试题(时量: 120 分钟满分 100 分)Part 1 知识运用(共两节,满分25 分)Section A (15 marks) Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four chokes marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21. We ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _to ach

2、ieve the final success. A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do 22. That s the new machine_ parts are too small to be seen. A. whose B. which C. that D. in which 23. Time, _ correctly, is money in the bank. A. to use B. used C. using D. use 24. Bicycling is good exercise; _, it does not pollute t

3、he air. A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. besides 25. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn t matter _you have lived there for a short or a long time. A. why B. how C. whether D. when 26. _ made them very disappointed. A. His not coming back B. Not his coming back C. He not to com

4、e back D. Not he comes back 27. What surprised me was not what he said but_ he said it. A. in the way B. in the way that C. the way D. the way which 28. hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. A. Whenever B. Whatever C. Whichever D. However 29. _ the dia

5、mond, he had to look for a place to hide it. A. Having stolen B. Stealing C. Stolen D. Having been stolen 30. The temple _ in the Qing Dynasty is in good condition and is still the main tourist attraction in this city. A. being rebuilt B. rebuilt C. to be rebuilt D. having rebuilt 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

6、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载Section B (20marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Someone says, “ Time is money. ” But I think time is31 im

7、portant than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 32 , it ll never 33 . That s 34 we mustn t waste time.It goes without saying that the 35 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 36 useful. But it is

8、 a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and 37 they do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own 38 . In a word, we should save time. We shouldn t 39 today s work for tomorrow. Reme mber we have n

9、o time to 40 . 31. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more 32. A. cost B. bought C. gone D. finished 33. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring 34. A. what B. that C. because D. why 35. A. money B. time C. day D. food 36. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 37. A. reading B. writing C.

10、playing D. working 38. A. time B. food C. money D. life 39. A. stop B. leave C. let D. give 40. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take Part 2 阅读理解(满分30 分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements for each of them there are four ch

11、okes marked A. B. C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.Text 1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载I consider my father a hero, not only because he is brave but also because he is always ready to help others. My father i

12、s a truck driver. One evening, he took me to meet my mother from work. We were waiting in the truck when my father smelled something smelly(焦味的) . He looked behind and saw smoke coming from a house not far from our truck. He quickly ran to the house. I saw fire when he opened the door and went insid

13、e. He came out with a woman and rushed back in for her children. He didn t stop until all the children were out. When the firemen arrived, we went back to wait for my mother. My father didn t tell this matter to my mother. The next day, the story in the newspaper said that the people saved from the

14、house fire were trying to find the man and to thank him. My father just said that they had more important things to be concerned with. My father has a mental detector(金属探测器 ). He has found a lot of change, jewelry and junk( 旧物 ). The most valuable thing he found was a gold badge( 徽章 ) which was give

15、n to a nurse when she graduated. It had a last name and a date in the early 1950s. He did some research and knew that the owner was now in a nursing home several hundred miles away. The next Sunday, he drove to see the owner. The old woman was very happy. The badge had been lost for over 50 years. S

16、he asked my father how much he wanted for the badge and he refused any reward ( 酬金 ). Any one of these events makes my father a hero, but he never stops. I have learned from him that being a hero means doing whatever you can whenever you can. I can t wait to see what he will do next. 41. Which of th

17、e following words can best describe the author s father? A. Harding-working but silly B. Brave and helpful C. Patient but impolite D. Careful and shy 42. When the firemen arrived at the house, _. A. the fire had already been put out B. only the woman was saved by the author s father C. the house was

18、 burned down to the ground D. all the children were out of the house 43. According to the passage, the gold badge the author s father found_. A. belonged to a woman several hundred miles away B. had no name or date on it at all 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载C. was

19、not worthy of being put away D. had been lost for 30 years 44. We know from the passage that the author_. A. thinks highly of his father B. knows little about his father C. looks down upon his father D. can t understand his father 45. By saying “ I can t wait to see what he will do next ” , the auth

20、or means that_. A. he wants to hear another story told by his father. B. his father promised to find more change and badges. C. he believes his father will never stop helping others. D. he wants to know what people think about his father. Text 2 What does it take to touch a generation? It s a questi

21、on faced hundreds of times by Xiao Yang, whose online film Old Boys is resonating (共鸣 ) deeply with Chinese born in the 1970s and 1980s. In the movie, Xiao plays a wedding party host who loves singing, while his real -life business partner Wang Taili plays a hairdresser who loves dancing. But their

22、youthful dreams have been replaced by reality. At the end of the movie, the two old boys walk onto a talent show to realize their dreams, even though everyone is making fun of them. The film has been viewed online more than 26 million times since its Oct 28 debut. “I didn t see that coming,” said Xi

23、ao, 31, who makes a living by shooting commercials(拍摄商业广告), but who had long considered shooting a film. The old boys story came easily. As fans of Michael Jackson, Xiao and Wang told a story about ordinary people recapturing (获取,实现)their lost dreams-performing Michael Jackson s songs on the stage-

24、in memory of their icon and their own dying dreams. “ In 2009, when Michael Jackson died, so many young people were sad, perhaps not so much because the person had died, but that since their idol (偶像) was dead, they feel that this signals the end of youth, ” Xiao recalled. “ At that time, I was work

25、ing like crazy and I didn t know why. I wanted a way to express this feeling, and this film is the result.”What comforted (安慰) the two men most was that this film changed some people s lives. Many citizens, who cried during the final scenes, say the film reawakened their dreams. Wang said he wept (

26、哭泣 ) many times while writing the lyrics(歌词) , which to some extent were mainly 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载based on his own decades-long singing dream. Just like the hairdresser he plays in the film, in reality, Wang can only sing as a hobby. 46. What does the p

27、assage mainly talk about? A. The creation process of the film Old Boys. B. The character introduction of the film Old Boys . C. The online film Old Boys touches a generation. D. The connection of youthful dreams and reality. 47. Which of the following statements is true about the film Old Boys? A. I

28、t turns out a success as expected B. Everyone looks down upon the two old boys C. It was based on an imaginary tale. D. It has a great effect on some people s lives. 48. The film Old Boys is made in order to_. A. encourage more youths to learn dancing and singing B. be in memory of the idol star Mic

29、heal Jackson C. advise more people to take up acting D. show an empty and lonely feeling in reality 49. What does Xiao Yang mainly do in reality? A. Direct films B. Sing songs C. Shoot commercials D. Take up a hairdresser 50. What is likely to be the next paragraph? A. How the two old boys began to

30、cooperate to create the film. B. What worldwide influence the film will make. C. The future filming career of the two old boys. D. The necessity and importance of realizing dreams. Text 3About 100 million Chinese use microblogs( 微博 ), according to a leading Chinese research center. It s estimated(估计

31、) that at the beginning of 2013, there could be as many as 240 million microbloggers in China. Clearly, microblogs become a growing phenomenon( 现象 ). 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载Microblogs are becoming a powerful and efficient way of effecting change and drumming

32、 up(争取 ) publicity for different causes. Take Peng Gaofeng for example. In February, Peng s 3 year-old son was abducted( 诱拐 ) in Shenzhen in 2008. Peng spent three fruitless years searching for him. Finally, the police advised Peng to give up hope. But a friend decided to take matters into his own h

33、ands and posted a photo of Peng s son on his microblog. Peng later received a tip-off from an Internet user in Jiangsu Province, who commented that he had seen a boy who looked like Peng s son. Happily, this led to peng and his son being reunited. So, why are microblogs so powerful in the modern med

34、ia age? In an interview with The Beijing News , Professor Yu showed four main reasons why micro-blogs can outstrip(超过 ) other forms of media. Speed: Microblogs are a relentlessly fast medium. “ This represents the new direction of Web development, ” said Yu. Fragmented: “ Micro blog users might be a

35、t the scene of an unfolding story, alongside or ahead of traditional media. ”Direct: “ Microblogs are direct because there is no mediator , ” said Yu. Micro-power: “ Microblogs is nothing more than each individual taking responsibility, ”said Yu. Some commentators(评论家 ) have criticized services such

36、 as Twitter and micro-blogs, saying that there are no checks to separate rumors( 谣言 ) from reality. For instance, rumors that iodized salt could help guard against radiation poisoning spread on microblogs in March. This followed fears that radiation could spread to China from Japan s crippled Daiich

37、i Nuclear Plant. Online rumors triggered(引起 )the panic buying of salt in some Chinese cities. However, it would appear that micro-blogs are here to stay, and some commentators even put microblogs ahead of media for popularity and reliability. 51. Which of the following is true about Peng Gaofeng? A.

38、 He lost his son in Jiangsu in 2008 B. The police helped him find his son C. He finally gave up looking for his son D. He found his son through the Internet 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载52. It is estimated that by the beginning of 2013, microbloggers in China will

39、 increase by_? A. 240 million B. 100 million C. 340 million D. 140 million 53. The author takes Peng Gaofeng for example to_. A. introduce to us the functions of microblogs B. show the power and effect of microblogs C. convince us of the popularity of microblogs D. criticize the police not finding h

40、is son 54. One disadvantage of microblogs is that_. A. it s a very fast medium B. it s direct without mediator C. there may be many rumors on it D. it can involve each individual 55. In the opinion of the author, microblogs will _. A. grow and develop despite their disadvantages B. be forbidden by a

41、uthorities C. have fewer and fewer users in the future D. spread more and more rumors in the future.Part 3 Writing(共二节,满分35 分)Section A短文改错(满分10 分)Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. And every year more and more people start a stamp colle

42、ction of your own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime . Starting your collection of stamps are easy because they are nowhere. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. So once youve started collect

43、ing seriously, you will probably want to join in the Stamp CollectorsClub which exist to add more stamps to your collection. Section B写作(满分25 分)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 林书豪( Jeremy Lin)在 NBA 的优异表现在全球掀起了一股“林旋风”。近期某网站就林书豪现象对网民进行了一次调

44、查,结果见下表。 请根据下面的表格的文字内容,用英语写精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载一篇短文,短文内容必须包括表中提供的所有信息。成功因素1. 勤奋未来成就是否会超过姚明?2. 天赋不好说10% 3. 教育不可能20% 4. 运气一定能70% 你能向他学什么?(不少于两点)注意:1、 不能对所给提示进行简单的翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;2、 词数: 80-100 字;3、 提示词: 成功因素: factors of success; 天赋:talent; 教育:education; 成就:

45、 achievement; 不好说: have no idea about; 品质: quality; 实现梦想: realize dreams; 网民: netizen. 4、 开头已给出,不计入总词数。Recently, a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted among netizens on a website. _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载高中二年级上学期英语期末考试答题卡Part II 知识运用:第 2140小题,每小题1 分,共 2

46、0 分。请将答案填写在答题纸上。Part III 阅读理解:第 4155题,每小题 2 分.Section A第一行: age改为 ages 第二行: interested 改为 interesting 第三行: your 改为 their;what 改为 which/that 题 号21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答 案C A B D C A C D A B 题 号31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 答 案D C A D B B C D B A 题 号41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 答 案B D A A C C

47、D B C A 题号51 52 53 54 55 答 案D D B C A 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页名师精编欢迎下载第四行: lifetime 前加 a;are 改为is 第五行: nowhere 改为 everywhere 第六行: for 改为 with ;So 改为 But 第七行:去掉in 第八行: exist 改为 exists Section C: 写作,共 15 分。请将答案填写在答题纸上。Recently, a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted

48、 among netizens on a website. People surveyed have various opinions about his success and his future. Some of them consider diligence as an important factor of his success. Some of them think Lin possesses a remarkable talent for basketball. It is also believed that education he has received contrib

49、utes to his success. Others think of luck as one of the factors leading to his success. As for Lin s possible achievements in the future, 70% of them believe that he will make more achievements in NBA than Yao Ming while 20% of them hold the opposite opinion. The rest have no idea about the matter.

50、Jeremy Lin has many good qualities that we can learn from. We are supposed to aim high and make every effort to achieve great success. In addition, we should try our best to overcome whatever difficulties we meet, instead of losing heart. Only by doing so can we realize our dream in the future. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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