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1、精心整理欢迎下载完型填空是一项综合性很强的题目,是集词语辨析、词的用法以及搭配、语法、句子理解、语篇理解的考查为一体的综合性考题。它不但要求学生具有扎实的基础知识,而且还要必须具备较强的分析理解能力、逻辑推理能力及语感。在平时练习中,多数学生都认为完型填空题很难做。其实,即使题目再难,也是有答题方法的。请同学们不妨试试下面的“ 三步法” 。第一步:通读全文,了解文章大意这是做完形填空的第一步,以快速阅读的方式浏览全文,了解文章大意,抓住主题和关键词,为解题做好准备。通过全文, 了解文章大意的好处在于对语篇有一个整体的了解,可以避免断章取义, 减少解题时的盲目性。但在迅速浏览全文的过程中,切忌被

2、生词缠住,停在有生词的地方,浪费时间。恰恰相反,碰到不明白的地方应该掠过去,等到填空需要细读时再去捉摸。完型填空的首句一般都是完整的,其目的是给答题者一个整体思路,我们顺着这个整体思路进行第一遍的 “ 跳读” ,也就是不看选项通读全篇。 虽然文章已经被 “ 挖” 的支离破碎, 但仍能大概分析出它所发生的语言环境。知道了这些以后,思维就会变得具体起来。在阅读时要特别注意文章的第一句和最后一句,因为它们通常是文章的主题句, 是全文的中心所在。从第一句中可以窥见作者的写作目的,把握作者的写作思路以及文章将要叙述的内容。而最后一句是作者对文章内容的归纳总结,表明作者的观点和态度,有利于加强考生对文章的

3、理解。第二步:各个击破,边看边选这个步骤最费时间, 但同时也最关键, 因为每选一个空, 都要考虑到有关的词语辨析、 语义搭配、固定句式、词组、时态等各个方面。比如,如果选项是动词,那么,考查的可能是时态,动词过去式、过去分词的规则、不规则变化或动词的非谓语用法;如果选项是介词,考查的可能是固定搭配或词组;如果选项是连词,则考的可能是上下文的衔接等。这就要求答题者有较深的基础知识功底,同时,要能做到上下呼应,左右连接。1. 联系上下文,进行逻辑推理解题做每个选项的时候, 在联系文章整体内容的前提下, 特别要结合每个选空所在句子的前一句和后一句来进行综合判断,理顺句与句之间的关系,确定合理的答案。

4、因为,完形填空中有些空格的四个选项从词汇搭配、语法和单句的角度考虑都通顺。但由于文章是一个完整的统一体,词、句、段三者存在着内在的逻辑关系,因此,结合上下文,只有一个选项正确,这就需要在上下文中寻找有关的提示或暗示。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载2. 根据语言知识和语法知识解题完形填空中有相当一部分题涉及各种句子结构、基本语法要点、固定搭配以及习惯用法。因此,在解题时需要运用掌握的语言知识和语法知识解题。3. 运用背景知识解题背景知识在解答填空题时往往具有重要的辅助作用。有些空格不需要花费太多的

5、时间去研究上下文,有些无论从上下文还是从词汇、语法着眼都无法找到解题信息,而运用背景知识也许很快能找到答案。因此,注意背景知识的运用是很有必要的。在具体的操作中应注意以下的问题:(1)看清上下文,找准定位词充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反义词。例如:1. Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very _ A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous 【解析】根据转折连词but 的提示,所填入的词应与shallow 相

6、反,因此答案为A。2. Mrs. ONeill asked_ questions and she didnt scold us either.A. no B. certain C. many D. more 【解析】 and 是一个并列连词; either 为副词,用在否定句或否定词后加强语势,由此可以确定所填的词也应是一个否定意义的词,因此答案是A。(2)通顺逻辑,寻求搭配注意固定的搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。例如:Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped

7、 himself_ so much money. A. for B. by C. to D. of 【解析】表示 “ 自取,随便拿 ” 这个意义的短语是help oneself to故答案为 C。(3)扎实基础,搞清辨异在此类试题的命制上,往往是以同类的词为主,我们不需要去进行具体的辨析,但是我们也要精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载根据文章的意思来进行推断。如:Soon I heard a_ like that of a door burst in and then a climb of feet

8、. A. sound B. cry C. voice D. shout 【解析】选项中的四个词都表示不同的声音,但B,C,D 项的三个词都是指从嗓子里发出的声音,而 sound则表示各种各样的声音。因此答案是A。When the papers were _ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered 【解析】根据文章的意思,应该是在试卷上交后,老师在阅卷的时候,发现的问题,所以可较容易排除 B 和 D 选项。而 examined和 marked 两

9、个词词义非常接近。 examine意为“ 检查,查看 ” ,mark 是“ 批分数,评成绩 ” ,因此,应选 C。(4)看清执行者,确定所选词And video cameras can be used to people s actions at home.A. keep B. make C. record D. watch 【解析】句中动作的发出者是video cameras 因此答案是 C,意思是 “ 记录” 。(5)寻求上下逻辑,从容确定关系It has been many years since I was last in London_ still remember somethin

10、g that happened during that visit. A. and B. for C. but D. as 【解析】根据句前的many years和句后的 still remember 答案应选表示转折的连词but. (6)了解生活常识,确定相关知识(Immediately ) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the hospital. A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest 【解析】在这样的紧急情况下,人们的第一个反应是到最近的医院就医,因此答案为D。第三步:通读全文

11、,复查纠错在填完所有的空之后,就进入到了第三遍的纠错过程。初选过后,可能还会留下一些空当,此时,再重读文章,从语义和逻辑的角度审视全文,看其是否通顺流畅、条理清晰、符合逻辑。与此同时,将未填的空当全部补齐。由于选答案时讲求一气呵成,初选过后还应根据上下文对有疑问或精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载把握不准的答案进行推敲。这时所有的选项都已经一一对应到相应的空中,可以把它作为一篇完整的阅读文章来通读、复查。许多学生经常会忽略或意识不到这一步的重要,其实,通过最后一遍的通读,可以通过语感分析出选项是否与

12、语境相吻合,是否与原文协调一致,是否符合应有的逻辑关系。所以,这一遍绝对重要,不可或缺。总之,完形填空是对考生英语水平的综合测试,是对学生英语词汇的掌握、 阅读理解能力以及写作能力的综合考查。要想取得好成绩,除了运用必要的解题技巧之外,考生应更注重平时语言知识的积累,扩大知识面,提高阅读理解能力。下面让我们来一次 “ 实战演习 ” ,一定会有所提高,有所感悟的。Kate and Sandy are American students. They 1 sisters. They live 2now. Kate is 3 than Sandy. She likes living in town v

13、ery much. Kate thinks living in town is 4 than 5 in the country. There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country. She especially likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights 6 are more beautiful than the stars. She likes to read and reads 7 than Sandy. Often Kate reads until ve

14、ry late at night. Sandy likes the country 8. She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewer cars. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt 9 her work. Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate. In the country,Sandy can run longer than in town. She also thi

15、nks running in the country 10 the most exciting thing to do. 1. A. am B. is C. are D. 2. A. in the town B. in town C. in the country D. in country 3. A. old B. olderC. more old D. more older 4. A. interesting B. more interesting C. beautiful D. more beautiful 5. A. live B. living C. to live D. is li

16、ving 6. A. at night B. at the night C. in night D. in the night 7. A. quickly B. more quickly C. quicklier D. more quick 8. A. good B. well C. better D. best 9. A. for B. at C. to D. with 10.A.am B. is C. are D. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载感叹句一、由 what 引导的感叹句,其句子结

17、构可分为以下三种:1. 可用句型: “ What + a/an 形容词可数名词单数主语谓语!” 。如:What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊!What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!2. 可用句型: “ What 形容词可数名词复数主语谓语!” 。如:What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子啊!3. 可用句型: “ What 形容词不可数名词主语谓语!” 。如:What fine weathe

18、r it is today! 今天天气多好啊!What important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊!二、由 how 引导的感叹句,其句子结构也分为三种:1. 可用句型: “ How 形容词/ 副词主语谓语! ” 。如:How careful she is! 她多么细心啊!How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!2. 可用句型: “ How 形容词a/an 可数名词单数主语谓语!” 。如:How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!3. 可用句型: “ How 主语谓语! ” 。如:How time flies! 光阴似箭!由 wh

19、at 引导的感叹句与由how 引导的感叹句有时可以转换,但句中部分单词的顺序要有所变化。如:How beautiful a girl she is! What a beautiful girl she is! What delicious cakes these are! How delicious these cakes are! 三、有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句、陈述句等构成。如: Good idea! (好主意!)wonderful! (太精彩了!)Thank goodness! (谢天谢地!)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

20、 - -第 5 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载感叹句巧解:感叹句要看后面,即看形容词后的东东,1) 若形容词后紧跟可数名词单数,就用what a/an;是不可数名词或可数名词复数,只用 what。2)若形容词后后紧跟a/an/the/my/your/this/that/Toms等等乱七八糟的东西,想都不用想,直接用 how就 OK 了。如:例句 1:What agood boy he is! 他是个多么好的男孩啊!/ 形容词单数名词例句 2:What good boys they are! 他们是多么好的男孩啊!/ 形容词复数名词例句 3:What cold weather it is! 多

21、么冷的天气啊!/ 形容词不可数名词例句 4:How good the boy is! 这男孩多好啊!/ 形容词乱糟糟 若没有形容词,而出现副词或是句子,直接用how. 例:How well he plays the guitar! 他吉他弹得多好啊!/ 副词(what 不可以修饰副词,看到副词直接用how)How time flies! How fast Liu Xiang runs 打油诗一首 : 感叹句往后看形容词后是名单就用 what a 或 what an 形后若是不可数或名复数精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 1

22、1 页精心整理欢迎下载只用 what 就可以形容词后乱糟糟只写 how 就 OK 了课堂练习:一、填入适当的词完成下列感叹句。1)._ difficult homework we had yesterday! 2)._cute dog it is! 3)._ interesting the story is! 4)._ bad the weather in England is! 5)._ honest boy Tom is !6)._ tasty smell the cake gave off! 7)._ good time we had on the beach yesterday! 8)

23、._ exciting news youve brought us! 9)._cool your new car is! 10)._ scary these tigers are! 二、选择题( ) 1._a clever boy he is ! A. What B. How C. Whats( ) 2._she dances! A. How good B. How well C. What well ( ) 3._quiet the park is! A. What a B. How C. How a ( ) 4._his father works! A. How careful B. Ho

24、w carefully C. What careful ( ) 5._noisy they are making! A. What B. How C. How a ( ) 6._delicious soup! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载 A. How B. What C. What a ( ) 7._heavy snow! A. What a B. What C. How ( ) 8._old bike Li Lei is riding! A. What a B. What an C. Ho

25、w ( ) 9._exciting moment it is! A. How B. How an C. What an ( ) 10._supper were having today! A. What a delicious B. How delicious C. What delicious ( ) 11._fine weather it is today! A. How B. What a C. What ( ) 12._fast the boys are running! A. What B. What a C. How ( ) 13._the moon cakes are! A. H

26、ow delicious B. What delicious C. What a delicious ( ) 14._surprising news it is! A. How B. What C. What a ( ) 15._time were having today! A. What a good B. How good C. What good ( ) 16._I miss you! A. What B. How C. How do ( ) 17.Look! _beautiful that lake is! A. How B. What C. What a ( ) 18. _ slo

27、wly Tom runs! A. How B. What C. What a ( ) 19._lovely the snow looks! A. What B. How C. What a ( )20._useful information it is! A. What an B. How C. What 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载三、完形填空题Mr. Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big c

28、ity. He goes to work by train every morning and comes _1_ the same way. One morning while he was _2_ his newspaper on the train, a man _3_ him came up to him. Mr Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ _4_ ” to him and then _5_ to talk to him. The man said, “Your _6_ isnt interesting, is it? Yo

29、u got on the same train at the same station at the same time _7_ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” When Mr. Smith _8_ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and _9_ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?” “Because I m _10_ sitting in t

30、he same seat behind you,” the man answered. 1. A. family B. house C. village D. home 2. A. seeing B. look C. reading D. finding 3. A. before B. behind C. beside D. next to 4. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Hello D. Goodbye 5. A. refused B. stopped C. ordered D. began 6. A. life B. work C. office D. child 7.

31、A. one B. every C. this D. yesterday 8. A. heard B. listened C. found D. felt 9. A. asked B. said C. told D. talked 10. A. never B. hardly C. always D. sometimes 三、课后作业一、单选题( ) 1._beautiful flowers they are! A. How B. What C. What a ( ) 2._lovely a girl she is! A. What B. How C. What a ( ) 3._they l

32、ove their country! A. What B. How C. What a ( ) 4._long hair she has! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载A. What a B. What C. How ( ) 5._beautiful music we are listening to! A. How B. What a C. What ( ) 6._exciting a football match it is! A. What B. How C. What an ( ) 7

33、._hard-working Chinese people! A. How B. What C. How do ( ) 8._a lovely view! A. Is it B. Isn t it C. Arent they ( ) 9._time they had yesterday! A. How wonderful B. What wonderful C. What a wonderful ( ) 10._worried they looked! A. What B. How C. How are 二、完形填空 (10 分) Someone says, “Time is money.”

34、But I think time is21 important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 22 ,it will never 23 . This is 24 we must not waste( 浪费) time. We think that 25 is usually limited(有限). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 2

35、6 useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and 27 . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own 28 . In a word, we should save time We should not29 today s work for tomorrow.

36、 Remember we have no time to 30 . ( )21.A.much B.less C.much less D.much more ( )22.A.cost B.bought C.gone D.finished ( )23.A.return B.carry C.take D.bring ( )24.A.what B.that C.because D.why 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页精心整理欢迎下载( )25.A.money B.time C.day D.food ( )26.A.nothing .B.something C.anything D.things ( )27.A.reading B.writing C.playing D.working ( )28.A.time B.food C.money D.life ( )29.A.stop B.leave C.let D.give ( )30.A.lose B.save C.spend D.take 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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