优化方案高中英语 Unit 14 Careers Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课件 北师大版必修5

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1、Section Grammar & WritingUnit 14 Careers直接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语一、定义一、定义直直接接引引语语是是一一字字不不改改地地将将别别人人的的话话放放在在引引号号内内。间间接接引引语语是是用自己的话对别人的话进行转述,不用引号。例如:用自己的话对别人的话进行转述,不用引号。例如:He said,“Mudslide has caused great harm to the local people.”他他说说:“泥泥石石流流给给当当地地人人们们造造成成了了巨巨大大损损害害。”(引引号内的话为直接引语号内的话为直接引语)He said that mud

2、slide had caused great harm to the local people.他他说说泥泥石石流流给给当当地地人人们们造造成成了了巨巨大大损损害害。(that引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句为间为间接引接引语语)二、直接引二、直接引语语和和间间接引接引语语之之间间的的转换规则转换规则1人称的人称的变变化化直直接接引引语语变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,人人称称代代词词要要根根据据转转述述人人立立场场的的变变化作相化作相应应的改的改变变。直直接接引引语语变变间间接接引引语语人人称称变变化化口口诀诀:“一一随随主主,二二随随宾宾,第第三人称不更新。三人称不更新。”(1)“一一随随主主”

3、。指指在在直直接接引引语语变变间间接接引引语语时时,如如果果从从句句中中的的主主语语是是第第一一人人称称或或被被第第一一人人称称所所修修饰饰,从从句句中中的的人人称称要要按按照照主主句中主句中主语语的人称而的人称而变变化。化。2时态时态的的变变化化直接引直接引语变间语变间接引接引语时动词变语时动词变化如下表:化如下表:直接引直接引语间接引接引语句子句子时态一般一般现在在时一般一般过去去时现在在进行行时过去去进行行时现在完成在完成时过去完成去完成时一般一般过去去时过去完成去完成时过去完成去完成时不不变一般将来一般将来时过去将来去将来时直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语例例句句He said,“Th

4、e film had begun when I got to the cinema.”He said that the film had begun when he got to the cinema.I asked the teacher,“When shall we have our sports meeting?”I asked the teacher when we would have our sports meeting.在在下下面面几几种种情情况况中中,直直接接引引语语变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,时时态态不不发发生生变变化。化。(1)直接引直接引语语是客是客观观真理、真理、谚语

5、谚语和格言和格言时时,其其时态时态不不变变。“The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth,”the teacher told me.The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth.(2)直直接接引引语语中中有有具具体体的的表表过过去去的的某某年年、某某月月、某某日日作作状状语语,变为间变为间接引接引语时语时,时态时态不不变变。例如:。例如:Tom said,“I was born

6、on April 21,1980.”Tom said he was born on April 21,1980.3指示代指示代词词、时间时间状状语语、地点状、地点状语语及方向性及方向性动词动词的的变变化化引语引语用词用词直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语指示指示代词代词this这个这个that那个那个these这些这些those那些那些时间时间状语状语now现在现在then那时那时today今天今天that day那天那天this morning今天上午今天上午that morning那天上午那天上午tonight今天晚上今天晚上that night那天晚上那天晚上引语引语用词用词直接引语直接引

7、语间接引语间接引语时间时间状语状语tomorrow明天明天the next/following day第二天第二天yesterday昨天昨天the day before前一天前一天last night 昨天晚上昨天晚上the night before前一天晚上前一天晚上the day beforeyesterday前天前天two days before两天前两天前three days ago三天前三天前three days before三天前三天前next week 下一周下一周the next/following week第二周第二周引语引语用词用词直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语时间状语时

8、间状语ago(至今至今)以前以前before(那时那时)以前以前地点状语地点状语here这儿这儿there 那儿那儿方向性方向性动词动词bring带来带来take带走带走come来来go去去4.连连接接词词的的选择选择(1)直直接接引引语语是是陈陈述述句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,常常变变成成由由that引引导导的的宾语宾语从句。在口从句。在口语语中,中,that可以省略。例如:可以省略。例如:He said, “I was cooking when the earthquake happened.”He said(that)he was cooking when the earthqu

9、ake happened.直直接接引引语语是是陈陈述述句句时时,若若变变为为间间接接引引语语,主主句句谓谓语语动动词词“said to sb.”常改常改为为“told sb.”。She said to me,“I came back an hour ago.”She told me (that) she had come back an hour before.(2)直直接接引引语语是是一一般般疑疑问问句句、选选择择疑疑问问句句或或反反意意疑疑问问句句时时,间间接引接引语语中用中用whether(.or.或或.or not)或或if引引导导。He said,“Are you intereste

10、d in English?”He asked(me)if/whether I was interested in English.如果主句中如果主句中谓语动词谓语动词是是said,则则将其改将其改为为asked。(3)直直接接引引语语为为特特殊殊疑疑问问句句时时,间间接接引引语语仍仍用用原原句句中中的的特特殊殊疑疑问问词词来来引引导导,其其余余的的变变化化遵遵照照直直接接引引语语和和间间接接引引语语之之间间的的转转换规则换规则来来进进行。行。“Whats your name?”he asked me.He asked me what my name was.疑疑问问句句的的直直接接引引语语变变


12、dvise,suggest等等词转词转述。述。(3)引述表示引述表示请请求的祈使句,常用求的祈使句,常用ask,beg等等词转词转述。述。 (4)引述表示警告或提醒的祈使句用引述表示警告或提醒的祈使句用remind,warn等等词转词转述。述。6一般疑一般疑问问句的直接引句的直接引语变间语变间接引接引语语若若直直接接引引语语中中的的一一般般疑疑问问句句是是由由表表示示委委婉婉语语气气的的would,could等等构构成成的的疑疑问问句句,转转换换为为间间接接引引语语时时句句子子的的谓谓语语动动词词常常用用asked。例如:。例如:7感感叹叹句的直接引句的直接引语变间语变间接引接引语语直直接接引

13、引语语是是感感叹叹句句时时,间间接接引引语语可可以以用用what或或how引引导导也也可可以用以用that引引导导。有些感叹句的转述要根据原句的意思采用适当的动词变陈述有些感叹句的转述要根据原句的意思采用适当的动词变陈述句。句。“Happy New Year!”he said to me.He wished me a Happy New Year. 单句语法填空单句语法填空1He told me that he _ (go) to see his parents the next week.2Mr. Li asked me _ I would go to spend my holiday in

14、 Hainan.3The teacher said that the sun _ (rise) in the east and _ (go) down in the west.4The old man told me that he _ (like) popular music very much.would gowhether/whyrisesgoesliked5She often says that she _ (not forget) the kind woman forever.6He asked me if I would go to the beach _ next month.7

15、He said that he _ (have) supper when the doorbell rang.will not forgetthewas having8The guide said that he _ (travel) many places so far.9The little girl told me that she _ (draw) two pictures already.10The writer told us that he _ (travel) around the world the next year.had travelledhad drawnwould

16、travel 单单句改句改错错1The mother asked her son close all the windows at once._2He asked me whether I will go to see the film with him._3My friend told me that he is listening to music when the teacher came in._4The old man said that he has given away most of his money so far._5 The teacher ordered the stu

17、dents stay in the classroom today._close前加前加towillwouldiswashashadstay前加前加to如何写求职信如何写求职信 文体感知文体感知求求职职信信分分为为推推荐荐信信和和自自荐荐信信两两种种,写写求求职职信信可可按按下下列列步步骤骤进进行。行。1介绍消息来源介绍消息来源介介绍绍消消息息来来源源实实际际上上是是求求职职信信的的开开篇篇交交代代句句,它它可可使使求求职职信信显得自然、顺畅。显得自然、顺畅。2表明求表明求职职心愿心愿介介绍绍完完消消息息来来源源后后,应应向向收收信信人人表表明明自自己己的的求求职职心心愿愿,即即写写信的目的。

18、信的目的。3介介绍绍个人个人简历简历介介绍绍个个人人简简历历主主要要是是介介绍绍自自己己有有哪哪些些长长处处,为为什什么么觉觉得得自自己己能能胜胜任任这这个个职职位等。位等。4交代交代联联系方式系方式你你应应当当提提供供你你的的通通讯讯地地址址、邮邮政政编编码码、电电话话号号码码、电电子子信信箱箱等。等。5表明感激之情表明感激之情无无论论你你的的请请求求是是否否能能够够得得到到满满意意的的答答复复,你你给给用用人人单单位位写写信信就是就是给对给对方添了麻方添了麻烦烦,因此你,因此你应应向向对对方表明感激之情。方表明感激之情。 增分佳句增分佳句1I learned from the newspa

19、per/sb. that your company wanted to hire.2I was told that.3I have just read in the newspaper that.4Now Id like to introduce myself to you.5My name is.Im.years old . Im.cm tall.6I graduated from.University in 2015.7I like swimming,singing and dancing in my spare time.8I work hard and I can get along

20、well with others.9Thank you for your consideration of my application.10If you agree with me,Ill work hard and try to be a .11I am available for an interview.12I look forward to hearing from you. 写作要求写作要求假假如如你你是是Mary,在在报报纸纸上上看看到到一一则则招招聘聘售售货货员员的的广广告告,你你觉觉得得这这个工作很适合你,于是决定写一封个工作很适合你,于是决定写一封应应聘信。聘信。内容:内容

21、:1.信息的来源及你的想法;信息的来源及你的想法;2自我介自我介绍绍;3你的你的设设想或想或计计划。划。注意:注意:1.语语言通言通顺顺;2可适当增加可适当增加细节细节,以使行文,以使行文连贯连贯;3词词数数100左右,开左右,开头头和和结结尾已尾已给给出,不出,不计计入入总词总词数;数;4不得使用真不得使用真实实姓名或学校名称。姓名或学校名称。Dear Mr.Smith,My name is Mary. Im very glad to write to you._I hope to get your reply soon. Thank you!Yours sincerely,Mary 审题谋

22、篇审题谋篇项目项目结论结论体裁体裁应用文应用文(应聘、求职信应聘、求职信)话题话题求职求职时态时态以一般现在时为主以一般现在时为主人称人称第一人称第一人称be fit for 词句推敲词句推敲1词汇词汇合适;适合合适;适合_健康,活泼,具有创造性健康,活泼,具有创造性 _自自毕业毕业 _不仅不仅而且而且 _友好、外向友好、外向 _乐于助人乐于助人 _能力能力 _机会机会 _healthy,active and creativegraduate fromnot only.but alsofriendly and outgoingbe ready to help othersabilitychan

23、ce2句式句式我健康、活我健康、活泼泼、有、有创创造力,因此有能力把工作做好。造力,因此有能力把工作做好。一般表达:一般表达:Im healthy,active and creative.Im able to do my job well.高高级级表达:表达:(使用使用so连连接接)_Im healthy,active and creative,so I have the ability to do my job well.我不我不仅仅会写英会写英语语文章文章还还能能说说流利的英流利的英语语。一般表达:一般表达:I can write English essays and I speak fl

24、uent English too.高高级级表达:表达:(使用使用not only.but also.连连接接)_I can not only write English essays,but also speak fluent English.我我周周围围的的人人都都喜喜欢欢和和我我交交朋朋友友,因因为为当当别别人人遇遇到到困困难难时时我我乐于帮助他们。乐于帮助他们。一般表达:一般表达:People around me all like to make friends with me.Im always ready to help them when they are in trouble.高

25、级表达:高级表达:(使用使用because连接连接)_People around me all like to make friends with me,because Im always ready to help them when they are in trouble. 妙笔成篇妙笔成篇_One possible version:Dear Mr.Smith,My name is Mary.Im very glad to write to you.I know from the newspaper that you want a salesgirl.I think Im fit for

26、the job and want to get the job.First,I am healthy,active and creative,so I have the ability to do my job well.Second, I graduated from university,and my English is very good.I can not only write English essays,but also speak fluent English.Third,_Im friendly and outgoing.People around me all like t

27、o make friends with me,because I am always ready to help them when they are in trouble.Last but not least,I have the ability to make the goods attractive.If you are willing to give me the chance to work in your company, please write to No.176, Sunlight Rd,Changsha City or call me at 1378643.I hope to get your reply soon.Thank you! Yours sincerely, Mary



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