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1、个人资料整理仅限学习使用陕西省论文:陕西省核桃产业发展现状与基地建设对策研究【中文摘要】核桃位居世界四大坚果之首, 是我国主栽经济林树种之一。陕西省是我国核桃生产大省, 实现核桃良种化、规模化、标准化、产业化经营 ,是提高本区核桃产业综合竞争能力、实现当地群众收入快速增长的有效途径。本文通过对国内、外核桃产业发展现状的调查与分析 , 提出了陕西省核桃产业发展的对策与建设方案, 以期为本区核桃产业发展提供理论与技术支撑。本研究取得的主要结论如下 :1 、陕西省核桃产业发展中存在的主要问题陕西省核桃产业发展中主要存在 6 个方面的问题 ,即: 品种混杂 , 良种率低。林分质量差。总体生产规模不大

2、,资源分散 , 规模化经营程度低。果园管理不规范, 技术措施不到位 , 管理水平低。良种繁育体系不健全。产品档次低, 龙头企业带动力不强。 2、陕西省核桃产业发展的对策通过对陕西省核桃产业发展的SWTO 分析, 提出我省核桃产业持续发展的对策, 即: (1 大力扶持核桃良种基地和采穗圃建设, 推动核桃良种壮苗生产的规模化、良种化和市场化。(2加强对现有核桃低产林的抚育管理和技术改造 , 抓好新建良种核桃园的标准化建设, 实行标准化建园, 规范化生产。加快核桃丰产栽培等高新技术的推广应用, 提高核桃产品的质量和效益。 (3加强林农技能培训 , 大力推广科学种植、集约化经营等措施 ,提高林农整体栽

3、培水平。(4制定和完善核桃良种、栽培、加工和产品质量等级标准, 开展核桃原产地、环境管理标精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用志和绿色食品标志认证工作,完善产品质量跟踪服务体系, 不断提升核桃经济林发展的标准化水平。(5推广先进实用的核桃加工技术,开发以核桃为原料的食品、油脂化工产品、工艺品等, 推进核桃产品产业链的多功能延伸。 (6加大龙头企业培育力度 , 培育发展一批具有超强竞争力和带动力的龙头企业。(7整合、统筹各类支农资金,加快推进核桃经济林标准化进程。3、陕西省核桃基地建设方案根据陕西

4、省核桃产业发展现状, 提出了兴建核桃良种繁育基地和采穗圃以及省级示范县、县级示范点建设方案, 并提出了详细的低产低效林改造技术和丰产园栽培技术, 为陕西省核桃林基地建设提供理论与技术支撑。【英文摘要】 Walnuts is one of main economic forestry in China and the world. ShaanxiProvince is an important province cultivating walnut in China. It were the effective methods of improving the income lelevl of

5、the local people and the comprehensive competitiveness in the district that achieving the improved varieties, scale, standardization, and industrial management in walnuts production. Based on the survey and analysis of the domestic and foreign walnut industry, the strategy and building programs of w

6、alnut industry development in ShaanxiProvince were proposed, which could provide theoretical and technical support for the walnut industry development in this area. The main 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用conclusions of this research were as follows:1, there were

7、 the six main problems of the walnut industry in Shaanxi Province, namely: the low proportion of good species in market。 stand of poor quality。 small production extent and low level of scale operation。 non-standardized orchard management, the lower level of management, and not implemented technical

8、measures。 inadequate seed breeding system。 low product quality and driving force of leading enterprises.2, the development strategies of walnut industry in Shaanxi provinceThe sustainable development strategies of walnut industry in shaanxi province were provided based on the SWTO analysis, namely:(

9、1 to strong support for constructing excellent species base and the adoption orchard of walnut and promoting the scale and marketization of Superior walnut seedlings production.(2 to strengthen the cultivation and management and technological innovation of the existing low-yield walnut forests, good

10、 grasp of the standardization of new varieties of walnut orchard, build standardized orchards and normalized production, accelerate the use of high yield techniques of walnut, and improve the walnut products quality and efficiency.(3 to strengthen technical training 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

11、 - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用in forestry and agriculture, promote measures such as scientific cultivation and intensive management, and improve the overall cultivation level in walnut forestry.(4 to develop and improve the walnut varieties, cultivation, processing and product quality grade sta

12、ndards, carry out the certification in the origin country of walnut, environmental management and green food signs, perfect product quality tracking service system, and improve the standardization level of walnut forest development. (5 to promote advanced and practical walnut processing technology,

13、develop the food, oil chemical products, handicrafts of walnut, promote multi-functional extension of industrial chain.(6 to strengthen the cultivate efforts of leading enterprises and breed a number of super-competitive and driving force of leading enterprises.(7 to integrate and coordinate all kin

14、ds of fund for agriculture and forestry, actively seek for financial resources from different levels, and accelerate the standardization process of walnut forestry.3, walnut base construction scheme in Shaanxi provinceAccording to walnut industry development of Shaanxi province, the construction of

15、seed breeding base, the adoption of walnut orchard, provincial demonstration 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用counties, county-level demonstration building programs, detailed reconstruction technology of low yielding and efficiency forestry, and cultivation techniq

16、ues of high yielding orchard were proposed, which could provide theoretical and technical support for walnut base construction in Shaanxi province.【关键词】陕西省核桃产业基地建设【英文关键词】 Shaanxi province walnut industry base construction【目录】陕西省核桃产业发展现状与基地建设对策研究摘要4-6ABSTRACT 6-7第一章 综述 10-211.1 研究背景及意义10-121.1.1 研究背景

17、10-111.1.2 研究的意义11-121.2 国内外核桃产业发展现状12-211.2.1 国外核桃产业发展现状12-141.2.2 国内核桃产业发展现状14-181.2.3 陕西省核桃产业发展现状18-21第二章 研究区简况与研究方法21-262.1 研究区范围212.2 研究区简况21-242.2.1 自然资源条件21-232.2.2 土地资源条件23-242.2.3 社会经济条件242.3 研究内容242.3.1 研究内容242.3.2 拟解决的关键问题242.3.3 创新点 242.4 研究方法24-262.4.1 数据来源242.4.2 研究方法24-26第三章 市场需求预测与SW

18、OT 分析 26-313.1 产品市场需求预测26-273.1.1 国内市场 263.1.2 国际市场26-273.2 核桃产业发展的 SWOT 分析精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页个人资料整理仅限学习使用27-293.2.1 优势分析27-283.2.2 劣势分析28-293.2.3 机会分析293.2.4 威胁分析293.3 陕西省核桃产业发展的对策 29-31第四章基地建设思路、依据和原则31-344.1 指导思想与发展思路314.1.1 指导思想314.1.2 核桃产业发展思路 314.2 建设依据31-3

19、24.3 建设原则324.4 建设目标32-34第五章 核桃基地建设措施研究34-435.1 良种繁育基地采穗圃)建设345.1.1 良种繁育基地345.1.2 采穗圃建设技术345.2 示范县 点)建设34-365.2.1 省级示范县建设355.2.2 县级示范点建设35-365.3 低产低效园改造技术36-375.3.1 低产、低效园改造365.3.2 低产、低效园改造技术 36-375.4 新建丰产园栽培技术37-415.4.1 核桃园栽培技术 37-385.4.2 核桃园)林营造技术措施38-395.4.3 抚育管护技术措施39-415.5 技术支撑与技术培训415.5.1 技术培训415.5.2 技术支撑415.6 品牌建设绿色产品认证41-43第六章 效益分析43-456.1 经济效益分析436.1.1 直接经济效益436.1.2 间接效益436.2 生态效益分析436.3 社会效益分析43-45第七章结论与建议45-47参考文献47-49附表 49-55致谢 55-56作者简介56精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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