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1、Treatment for snakebitetwo kinds of snakes Colubrid Poisonous snakes 竹叶青竹叶青trimeresurus gramineus Poisonous snakes 响尾蛇响尾蛇rattlesnakes 眼镜蛇眼镜蛇Cobra 五步蛇五步蛇Ancistrodon acutus New wordsn nColubridColubrid:kljubridkljubrid无毒蛇类无毒蛇类 rattlesnakes rattlesnakes:rtlsneikrtlsneik响尾蛇响尾蛇n nCobraCobra:kubrkubr眼镜蛇眼镜

2、蛇 copperheads copperheads:kphedkphed铜斑蛇铜斑蛇n ntrimeresurus gramineustrimeresurus gramineus:竹叶青蛇:竹叶青蛇 remote remote:遥远的,偏僻的:遥远的,偏僻的n nvictim: viktimvictim: viktim受害者受害者 vital vital:vaitlvaitl至关重要的至关重要的n nspreadspread:spredspred传播传播 For instance For instance:举例:举例n nwrapwrap:rprp包、裹包、裹 elastic elastic:

3、ilstikilstik有弹性的有弹性的n nbandagebandage:bndidbndid绑带绑带 pulse pulse:plspls脉搏、脉冲脉搏、脉冲n nwristwrist:ristrist手腕、腕部手腕、腕部 splint splint:splintsplint夹板夹板n nlimblimb:limlim肢体肢体 stretcher stretcher:stretstret担架担架n nanti-venomsanti-venoms:抗蛇毒血清:抗蛇毒血清 injection injection:indeknindekn注射物注射物n nprecautionsprecautio

4、ns:prik:nprik:n预防措施预防措施 allergic shock: allergic shock:变应性休克变应性休克n nexplainedexplained:解释,说明:解释,说明 folk remedies folk remedies:民间药方:民间药方n nfleshflesh:肉,肉体:肉,肉体 suck suck:sksk吸,吸允吸,吸允n nalcoholalcohol:lkhllkhl酒精酒精Treatment for Poisonous snakebiteCall 120 immediately! first-aid nFive Steps Stay quite,

5、 do not move the bitten part. The more that the bitten part is moved, the faster the poison will spread to other parts of the body. For instance if the snake bite is on the foot, which is a common place for snake bite while you are hunting or fishing, the person should not walk at all. Wrap the bitt

6、en area. You need to wrap the bitten area with a wide elastic bandage or clear cloth to slow the spread of poison. Keeping the arm or leg very still, wrap it tightly, but not so tight that it stops the pulse at the wrist or on top of the foot. If you cannot feel the pulse, loosen the bandage a littl

7、e. Wind the bandage. Over the hand or foot and up the whole arm or leg. Make sure you can still feel the pulse. Put a splint on. Once the whole arm or leg is wrapped tightly, then put a splint on that part of the body to prevent the limb from moving. Carry the person on a stretcher. If possible carr

8、y the person on a stretcher to the nearest hospital. The object here is to keep the person as still as possible to keep the poison from spreading. If possible,take the dead snake with you, because many different snakes take different kinds of anti-venoms. If anti-venom is needed leave the bandage on

9、 until the injection is ready, and take all precautions for allergic shock. Cut the skin or the flesh around the biteTie anything tight around the bite, or the persons body Put ice on or around the bite. Shock the person with electricity. Try to suck the blood or the venom out of the bite.Drink alcohol after a snakebite. It makes things worse!



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