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1、unit-4-body-language-unit-4-body-language-readingreadingspeakingringingwritingtypingSpoken languageWritten languageWays of communicatingEye contactFacial expressionGesturePostureHow can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example.Body languageLOGOUnit4Unit4 Body languageBody la

2、nguageWhat is body language?Body language is one form of nonverbalcommunication without _. Eye contact (眼神交流眼神交流)or _, _, and_, or the ways you stand are different kinds of body language.saying wordsfacial expressions expressionsgesturespostures anger fear joy sorrow/sadness contempt 轻视轻视 surprisedi

3、sgust厌恶厌恶Readonesmind(Readonesmind(察言察言观观色色) ) Well-doneOk stopquiet/silentvictory!GuessCome here!Moving his hand up and down with the palm facing upGuessMe?Putting the fingers on the chestGuessGood luck!Keeping his fingers crossedGuessI dont know!Shrugging his shoulders handshake Kiss hugshake nodb

4、ow kiss your hand to sb.Question timeDoes the body language stay the same in different countries? Some body language is similar in most countries.As one coin has two sidesSome body language is in different countries.differentI am full.In ChinaIn Americagesturecountrymeaninga way to showones interest

5、rude or disrespectfuleye contactsome countriesother countriesgesturecountrymeaningThumbs-upNigeria尼日利亚the number One 数字1great or good jobthe USGermanyJapanrudegesturecountrymeaningJapanZeroBrazilGermanymaking a circle with ones thumb and index fingerOKmost countriesMoneyFranceRudegesturecountrymeani

6、ngcrazyYou have a phone call.moving the index finger in a circle in front of the earsome countriesBrazilDifferent ways to meet or parthandshakea loving huga kiss on the cheeknose- kisstwo palms togetherbowingDo you think we will have any difficulty in communication around the world using body langua

7、ge ?Reading P26Communication: No problem? 1represent vt.代表;代表; 2greet vi. & vt.迎接;迎接;3association n社社团;联系;系;联想想4curiously adv.好奇地好奇地5approach vt. & vi.接受;靠近接受;靠近 6. defend vt.保保护;保;保卫 7major adj.主要的主要的8misunderstanding n.误解;解;误会会 9. be likely to do 很可能做很可能做;10. in general 总的来说;通常总的来说;通常 =Be on behal

8、f of.representation nThe Student associationThe Student uniondefence n.majortity n.大多数大多数 昨天我昨天我 代表代表 岱山中学去岱山中学去 迎接迎接 英国的一个英国的一个 社社团 到我到我们学校学校 交流交流, 出于出于 好奇好奇 我我们 靠近靠近 他他们,但同,但同时由于潜意由于潜意识地地 保保护 自己,我自己,我们出出现了了 主要主要 的的 误会会 。 这是是真真实 发生生的。的。representgreetassociationcommunicatecuriosityapproachdefendmajo

9、rmisunderstandingtrulyedededBackground Who?When?Where?What?international students at the airport yesterday greet Yesterday another student and “I” greeted international students at the airport and watched them greeting each other. another student, and “I” (Para. 1)模仿课文第一段翻译下列句子 昨天,我和另一个同学代表我们学昨天,我和另

10、一个同学代表我们学校的学生会去岱山汽车站迎接今年的校的学生会去岱山汽车站迎接今年的国际学生。他们来岱山中学学习。我国际学生。他们来岱山中学学习。我们会首先把他们带到宿舍,然后去饭们会首先把他们带到宿舍,然后去饭堂。堂。 peoplepeople countrycountry Tony GarciaTony GarciaColumbiaColumbiaJulia SmithJulia SmithBritainBritainAkira NagataAkira NagataJapanJapanGeorge CookGeorge CookCanadaCanadaAhmed AzizAhmed Aziz

11、JordanJordan Darlene Coulon Darlene CoulonFranceFranceTony Tony GarciaGarciaAhmed Ahmed AzizAzizJulia SmithJulia SmithAkiraAkiraNagata Nagata GeorgeGeorge CookCookDarleneDarlene Coulon CoulonFast reading: find the characters “I” meet and where they are from?Do all members of all cultures behave the

12、same way ?Mr Garcia (Columbia)Julia Smith (Britain)Visitor (Japan)George Cook (Canada)Madame Coulon (France)Match the people and their different ways of greeting (para2&3)1.shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheek2.bows3.shakes hands4.approaches others closely and touches their shoulder an

13、d kisses them on the cheek 5.does not stand very close to others or touch strangers Part 2get close toNameDescriptionBody LanguageTo WhomTony Garciaeveryoneno touchingman from Japanman fromColombiaapproaches othersclosely and touchestheir shoulder andkisses them on the cheekbowingeveryoneeveryoneJul

14、ia SmithAkiraNagatawoman fromBritainComplete the chart.NameDescription Body LanguageTo WhomGeorge Cookto men to womenshake hands and kiss twice on each cheekman fromCanadashakinghandsshaking hands noddingAhmedAzizDarleneCoulonman fromJordaneveryonewoman from Francepeople she knowsRead para2 and find

15、 out the two cultural mistakesTony Garcia Julia SmithThe first mistake(Columbia )(Britain)He approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _.She _ _ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.shouldertouchedherkissedcheekstepped backsurprisedin defenceThe second mistakeAkira Nagata(Japanese)George Cook(C

16、anada)He _ his hand _ to the Japanese student.He _ so his nose _Georges _ _.bowedtouchedmovinghandreached out Mr. Garcia (Columbia)Julia Smith (Britain)George Cook (Canada)a Japanese1.How do men from Muslim countries greet others ?2. How did Tony and Darlene greet each other? Why?Para3:They shook ha

17、nds and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, and this is the French custom when adults meet people they know.To men:To women:stand close, and shake handsNod/not touch3. Why did “I” move back from Ahmed Aziz?Because he is standing too close to you as you introduce yourself to him. (As a Chines

18、e, people are not accustomed to standing too close to strangers.)Para3 Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?Male. Because Ahmed Aziz moved close to the author and shook hands with him while he only nodded at the girls.People in the country/area Ways to greet each otherEnglis

19、h peoplePeople from Spain, Italy and South American countriesJapanese Most people around the world_others closely and are more likely to_.Do not stand _to others or touch _ when they meet. BowShake handsFill in the table according to Para4:very closestrangersApproachtouch them1. All cultures dont gr

20、eet each the same way.2. Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing .3. Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries body language are bad.4. Its necessary to study body language because it helps us to get better understanding among people from different cult

21、uresTrue or false?T F FT Para4-5:Not all cultures greet each other in the same wayNone of these actions is either good or bad.1. Can we expect people everywhere to act the same? Why? 2. Why do you think we need to study body language?No. Because people from different culture or countries act quite d

22、ifferently sometimes.It is quite necessary for us to study body language if we dont want to cause any misunderstanding in communication /so that it can help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads.Para 4-5 I have seen, however, that cultural customs for body language are very not a

23、ll members of a culture behave in the same way. general general A. common to the public 通常的;常见的通常的;常见的 B. affecting all or most people, places or things 广泛的广泛的C. showing the main aspects of sth, not detailed 笼统的笼统的-Understanding What shall we do to help avoid problems in communication when we are in

24、 a foreign country? ActionStudy Attitude Respect and accept When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Manners make the man.礼貌造就人。礼貌造就人。Do in Rome as Romans do.入乡随俗。入乡随俗。(Para.1)(Para. 23)(Para. 4)(Para. 5)Different people have different body language. Meet the visitors at the airport.Summary of body languag

25、e. Match the main idea of each part with lines.Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. People from different countries express greetings in different ways. I _ our universitys student _ to meet this years_ students. After half an hour of waiting for their _ , I saw them_ looking around _. I stood watching a

26、nd then went to _ them . The first one to arrive is Mr. Garcia from Columbia with Julia Smith, a British lady, _behind closely. I _ them to each other and Im _to see Mr. Garcia come up to Ms Smith. Just then, in comes a visitor from Japan, smiling at the time when the Canadian, Gorge Cook _out his h

27、and to him. followingintroducedsurprisedreachedText retelling:representedassociationinternationalflightsenter the waiting areacuriouslygreet It happened that Mr Cooks hand _ the Japaneses nose as he bows and they both_ So you see, people from _ cultures may not _others in the same way. English peopl

28、e usually do not _very close to others or touch the _as people from Spain, Italy and South American countries do. Most People around the world _hands when they meet while _people will bow. People from Jordan stand quiet _to other men and shake hands and kiss others on the_.touchedapologizeddifferent

29、greetstandstrangersshakeJapaneseclosecheek These are examples I learned about cultural “_ _”. Not all cultures _ each other the _ way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or _ between people. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unsp

30、oken “language” through _ distance, actions or _. In a word, body language differs in different _ and is widely used in _. body languagegreetsamedistancecommunicateexpressphysicalpostureculturescommunication1.Body language plays an important role in daily communication. 2.Different cultures have different body language.3.So it is very important to understand and use it correctly. 结束结束



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