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1、课题1)词汇复习2)M1U5-M2U3 重要词汇及短语的复习3)综合训练教学目标复习词汇;M1U5-M2U3 重要词汇及短语的复习;综合训练;重点、难点帮助学生提高词汇;考点及考试要求高考对综合技能的复习;教学内容Step I Introduction Step II Words D2 1.differ_(adj)_(n) 2.difficult-_(n.) 3.disadvantage- _(adj.) 4.disagree- _ (adj.); _ (n.) 5.disappoint- _ (adj.); _ (n.) 6.discourage- _ (adj.); _ (n.) 7.di

2、scover- _ (n.) 8.discuss- _ (n.) E 1.educate _ n. _n. (人) 2.effect _ adj._(v) 3.employ _n. _n. (人)4.encourage _n. _ (反)5.enjoy . _ adj._(n) 6.enter v. _ n. _ n. 7.equip . _ n. _(adj) 8.exact _ adv. 9.examine _n. 10.excite _ adj. _n. 11.exist _ n. 12.explain . _n. 13.express _ n. 14.extreme _ adv. F

3、1.fail _ n. 2.fair_ n. 3.fluent _ n. 4.fog _ adj G 1. gentle _adv. 2. gift _ adj. 3. govern _ n. _(人 ) 4. graduate _ n. 5. guide _ n._(人) 6. guilt _ adj. _(形反)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 17 页Step III M1U5-M2U3 Step II Review Book1 Unit5 词汇部分词语辨析1. fight for/against/with 2. r

4、eward / award 3. accept / receive 4. since / because / as / for 词形变化1. cruel adj. cruelty n. 2. hope n. v. hopeful adj. 有希望的 , 顺利的 , 有前途的hopeless adj. 没有希望的 ; 令人绝望的3. educate vt. 教育education n. 教育 ; 教育体制educated adj. 受过教育的 ; 受过训练的重点单词1. devote vt. 投入;献身2. vote v. 投票(决定) ;选举n. 投票 , 选票 ,表决 , 得票数3. rew

5、ard n. 报酬,奖金vt. 酬谢,给以报答4. equal adj. 平等的;相等的5. advise v. 建议重点词组be in prison 在狱中,被监禁out of work 失业 ,出问题lose heart 丧失勇气或信心重点句子We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 重点语法定语从句(见

6、语法部分) 词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. fight for/against/with 【解释】fight for/against/with fight for 为 而斗争;努力争取fight against 与 作斗争fight with 和 并肩作战,和 打仗 /打架 /斗争【练习】用正确的fight 短语填空1). We will have to _ difficulties. 2). They told the workers to _ their rights. 3). During World War II, the British _ Frenchmen again

7、st Germans. 2. reward / award 【解释】精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 17 页award 用作名词时,意为“ 奖品 ” 、 “ 奖金 ” 、“ 奖”;reward 作名词时,作“ 报酬 ” 、“ 奖励 ” 、“ 报答 ” 讲。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). The film _ are presented annually 2). A _ was offered for the return of the passport 3. accept / receive 【解释】a

8、ccept (接受 )表示主观上乐意接受。还表示“ 答应 ” 、“ 同意 ” 、“ 认同 ” receive (收到 ,得到 ), 表示客观收到 , 还不能断定是否接受。还表示 “ 接待 ” 、 “ 接收 ” 、“ 欢迎 ”【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空I _ his letter of invitation, but I didnt _ it. 4. since / because / as / for 【解释】since =now that 意为 “ 由于 ,既然 ”,常表示已知的或大家都清楚的原因。because表语气最强 , 经常表听者不知的原因,它能回答why 的提问。a

9、s 可和 because互换 ,但语气不够它强,也不能回答why 的提问。for 是并列连词 ,与后面的分句对前一句话起到补充说明的作用,其前常有逗号隔开。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). I can t go _ I m ill.2). _ the rain has stopped, let s go out for a walk.3). _ I m leaving tomorrow, I ve bought you a gift.4). It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet. II 词性变化(旨在提供语法填空

10、所需材料)1. cruel adj. 残暴的 , 残忍的cruelty n. 残暴 , 残忍2. hope n. v.希望 ; 期望hopeful adj. 有希望的 , 顺利的 , 有前途的hopeless adj. 没有希望的; 令人绝望的3. educate vt. 教育education n. 教育 ; 教育体制educated adj. 受过教育的; 受过训练的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) She is a highly _ woman (educate) 2) Parents should _ their children to behave well. (educa

11、te) 3) A child receives its early _ at home. (educate) 4) Many a young _ went to Hollywood. (hope) 5) Our _ for fine weather were not disappointed. (hope) 6) Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a _ case. (hope) 7) Dont be _ to animals. (cruel) 8) He saw a lot of _ in the p

12、rison camp. (cruel) 重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. devote vt. 投入;献身精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 17 页典例 1). He devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。2). Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick. 玛丽献身于为病人服务。重点用法 devote to 献身于;专心于在 devote to 短语中, to 是介词,后面接名词或动词-ing。常见的类似短语还有:

13、pay attention to(注意 ); stick to(坚持 ); lead to(导致 ); prefer to(相比 更喜欢 ); look forward to(盼望 ); 练习 中译英1). 她深爱她的孩子。2). 我们应全力以赴地工作。2. vote v. 投票(决定) ;选举n. 投票 , 选票 ,表决 , 得票数典例 1). We voted Democrat in the last election. 我们在上次的选举中投了民主党的票。2). We ll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.

14、 我们会先听取双方的论证后再作表决。3). The votes are still being counted. 选票仍在统计中。重点用法 vote down 投票否决;投票击败vote in 投票选出;选举vote through 表决通过put to the vote 将 付诸表决take/have a vote on 对 进行表决vote for/against 投票赞成 /反对练习 用恰当的介词或副词填空。1). The suggestion was voted by a large majority. 2). Shall we take a vote the question? 3)

15、. The issue was put the vote. 4). Was the vote or the matter? 3. reward n. 报酬,奖金vt. 酬谢,给以报答典例 1). He worked hard but without much reward. 他工作很努力,但是报酬很少。2). He rewarded me with a prize. 他用一个奖励来报答我。重点用法 in reward (for ) 作为(对 的)报酬、报答give a reward to sb. for sth. 为 给某人报酬、赏金reward sb. for (doing) sth. 因

16、报答、奖赏某人reward sb. with sth. 用 报答、奖赏某人练习 中译英1). 她的善良没有得到任何回报。_ 2). 她向他报之以一笑。_ 4. equal adj. 平等的;相等的典例 1). Women demand equal pay for equal work. 女性要求同等工作获同等报酬。2). All people are born equal. 人人生来平等。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 17 页重点用法 be equal to 与 相等be equal with 与 平等练习 中译英1)

17、. 一单位酒精等于半品脱啤酒。_ 2). 他们认为,在上帝眼中穷人和富人是平等的。_ 5. advise v. 建议典例 1). I have advised you on that subject. 在那个问题上,我给过你建议. 2). Christie advises us to practise oral English as often as possible. Christie建议我们要尽可能多练口语. 3). I advise that yo u (should) not eat fruit that isn t ripe. 我建议你不要吃那些没有熟的水果. 重点用法 advise

18、 sb. on sth. 就 给某人出主意advise +n. /pron. 建议 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人干 advise (one s) doing sth. 建议(某人)干advise + (that) sb. (should) do advice n. 建议;意见a piece of advice一条建议go to sb. for advice = ask sb. for advice向某人寻求建议;征询某人的意见give advice to sb. on sth.就 对某人提供建议follow sb s advice = take sb s advice

19、接受某人的建议练习 中译英1). 我建议换个方式。_ 2). 我们建议他们应该及早开始。_ Review Book2 Unit1 重点词组(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. in return 回报 ,作为报酬典例 What can we do for them in return for all the help they have given us? 我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢? 短语归纳 in turn 轮流地 ,依次 ; 反过来by turns 轮流地 ,时而 时而 练习 中译英1). 我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。_ 2). 向您献花聊表谢忱。_ 2. rather tha

20、n 不是别的,而是典例 1). I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想喝冷饮 , 不想喝咖啡 . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 17 页2). Its management thats at fault rather than the work-force. 错在资方而不在劳方. 短语归纳 would rather do st h than do sth宁愿做 ;而不愿做 =prefer doing to doing)other than = excep

21、t for 除了 ; 而非练习 中译英1). 他是跑来的而不是走来的。_ 2). 她除了他以外没有好朋友。_ think highly of = have a good opinion of看重;高度评价典例 They think highly of your work abilities. 他们对你的工作能力评价很高。短语归纳 What do you think of sb./ sth.? 你认为某人 /物怎么样?think much/well of对 评价良好think nothing of对 无所谓;不把 当回事think badly/poorly of对 评价不高think of sb

22、./ sth. as把 某人 /物当作 练习 中译英1). 她觉得一天走三十英里无所谓。_ 2).他的作品深受评论家推崇。_ V 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)1. Frederick William I ,the King Of Prussia ,could never have imagined that his Greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history普鲁士国王胖特烈 威廉一世怎么也不会想到他送给俄罗斯人的厚礼会有这样一段令人吃惊的历史。解释 此句中含有 “ could + ha

23、ve done”结构, 用来表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、 反悔等。 它用在不同的句式中,表达的含义不同。1)用于疑问句中,表示对行为可能性的推测。如:Could he have been told the news? 他被告知这个消息了吗? 2)用于陈述句和肯定句,表示与过去事实相反的假设,意为“ 本来能够去做却没有做” 。否定句表示对过去事实的推测。如:- I stayed at a hotel while in New York 在纽约时我住在一家旅馆里。- Oh,did you? You could have stayed with Barbara 是吗 ?你本来能够和巴巴拉在一起

24、的。练习 中译英1). 别担心 -他们很可能只是忘了打电话。_ 2). 你本来至少可以寄张明信片来吧。_ 2. Later,Catherinehad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Peters-burg where she spent her summers后来,捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 17 页解释 1)此句是一个含有关系副词引导的定语从句的主从复合句。主句中的谓语had the Amber Room

25、 moved 是 have sthdone 结构,该结构中done 是过去分词作补语,意为“ 使某事被做 ”“让别人做某事” ,而不是主语自己做。例如:1) I had my hair cut yesterday 昨天我理发了。2)where she spent her summers为定语从句,修饰先行词St Petersburg,关系副词where 在从句中作地点状语。又如:This is the place where 1 was born 这是我的出生地。练习 中译英1). 我要去医院检查眼睛。_ 2). 我不知道他们碰头的确切地点。_ 课文要点1 课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单

26、词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:The Amber Room, 1 (装饰 ) with gold and jewels, is one of the great 2 (wonderful) of the world. Frederick William I , 3 whom it belonged , decided to give it to Russian people 4 a gift. 5 (sad), although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders , it is 6 (m

27、iss) now and its story remains 7 (神秘的 ). 2 课文大意概括(旨在训练用 30 个单词概括大意的能力)阅读课文,试着用30 个单词概括课文大意,再比较答案这篇课文讲述了琥珀屋的历史,它是用琥珀做成的。作者描述了琥珀屋制作的过程,为什么它会到了俄国人手里和它成了世界奇迹之一以及它是怎样丢失的。The passage tells the history _ _ 3 课文佳句背诵与仿写(旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)1. 【 原句 】Frederick William l, the King of Prussia, could never have imagi

28、ned that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。模仿要点 句子结构 : 主语,加插入,谓语宾语从句【模仿 1】我们的老师John 没想到他所给的例子会跟入学考试有关。_ 【模仿 2】我的母亲,我生命中最重要的人,一直坚信我终有一天会取得成功的。_ 2.【原句】This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because sever

29、al tons of amber were used to make it. 这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用了好几吨的琥珀。模仿要点 句子结构 :名词+ 非限制定语从句+ 原因状语从句【模仿 1】礼物是一辆小汽车,我拒绝接受是因为它太昂贵了,而且,我没有必要开车去学校。_ 【模仿2】 2008 奥运会开幕式是极大的成功,它使世界感到震惊,因为它巧妙地把中国的历史成就和未来之梦结合在一起呈现给世界。_ 3【原句】There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which

30、 was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。模仿要点 句子结构 : There is no doubt that + which + at that time+ 定语从句【模仿 1】毫无疑问我在家乡度过的童年时期,自行车对我作用非常大,当其时我的家乡是长江边的一个小城市。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 17 页_ 【模仿 2】毫无疑问这幅唐代的画价值连城,它为当时的一位名家所画。_ Boo

31、k2 Unit2 词汇部分词语辨析1. make sure/be sure/for sure 2. in charge of/in the charge of 3. compete / contest 4. basis / base / foundation(顺序未调)词形变化1. advertise vt. 做广告; 登广告advertisement n. 广告advertising n. 做广告(作定语 ) 2. replace v. 代替 , 取代replacement n. 代替 , 取代replaceable adj. 可代替的 ; 3. interview v. n. 面试 , 面

32、谈 ; 采访interviewee (面试中)受审核者 ; 被接见者 ; 被采访者interviewer 主持面试者 ; 接见者 ; 采访者重点单词1. admit vt. & vi. 许可某人 /物进入;接纳,接受某人(入院入学等);承认,招认2. charge n. 费用; v. 指控;收费3. bargain n.协议;廉价物;v.(与某人)讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判4. promise v. & n. 允诺;答应5. deserve vt. & vi. 应得 ; 值得重点词组1. take part in 参与;参加2. stand for stand for 代表;象征;表示3

33、.used to 过去常做某事4.one after another one after another/the other 一个接一个地重点句子1. How often do you hold your Games? 2. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. 重点语法一般将来时的被动语态(见语法部分) 词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. make sure/be sure/for sure 【解释】make sure 意为“确保” “弄清楚”,后接介词短语或从句。be sure 后接不定式时,意为“

34、一定”“必定”“准会”;若跟 of、about 短语或从句时,作“肯定”“有把握”解释; to be sure 作插入语时,意为“的确”“诚然”。for sure 意为“肯定的” “毫无问题地” 。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). Have you _ of the time of the train?2). _ to write and tell me all the news. 3). She is not pretty, _, but she is very clever. 4). She won t lend me any money,and that s _. 2.

35、in charge of/in the charge of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 17 页【解释】in charge of 表示“主管” , “看管”, “负责”。in the charge of 表示“在 掌管之下;由 掌管”【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). He is _ the school. 2). The school is _ him. 3. compete / contest 【解释】compete 表示“为了争得名次、奖金,合同等”,并不含有将对手征服的意思。contest 所表

36、示的竞赛可以是友谊赛,也可以是有敌意的竞赛,旨在比试技能、 能力、 力气、耐力等,此外还可以表示赢得选举。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). The children _ against each other t reach the other end of the pool. 2). The soldiers _ every inch of ground. 4. basis / base / foundation 【解释】basis 主要用作抽象或引申意义。base 侧重指构成或支撑某一物体的基础,也可指军事基地或用作比喻意义。foundation 用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结

37、实的建筑物的基础或地基,用作比喻意义时,与basis 基本相同。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). All dams need sound _. 2). The vase falls over a lot because the _ is too small. 3). The _ of her opinion is something she read in the magazine. II 词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1. advertise vt. 做 广 告 ; 登广告advertisement n. 广告advertising n. 做广告 (作定语 ) 2. r

38、eplace v. 代替 , 取代replacement n. 代替 , 取代replaceable adj. 可代替的 ; 3. interview v. n. 面试 , 面谈; 采访interviewee (面试中)受审核者 ; 被接见者 ; 被采访者interviewer 主持面试者 ; 接见者 ; 采访者精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 17 页【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) Cigarette _ should be banned. (advertise) 2) They _ their servic

39、es on TV. (advertise) 3) If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an _ in the local paper? (advertise) 4) They will find a _ for Sue while she is ill (replace) 5) Can anything _ a mothers love? (replace) 6) Can you find a _ book? (replace) 7) We _ 20 people for the job. (interview) 8) Ive got

40、an _ with National Chemicals. (interview) 重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. admit vt. & vi. 许可某人 /物进入;接纳,接受某人(入院入学等);承认,招认典例 1). The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year. 这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生。2). He was admitted to hospital with minor burns. 他因轻度烧伤而入院。3). I admit (that) you have a point. 我承认你有理。4). Georg

41、e would never admit to being wrong. 乔治从不认错。重点用法 admit (doing)sth.承认某事 /做了某事admit that + 从句承认练习 中译英1). 他招认偷了那辆汽车。_ 2). 不准那个人进来。_ 2. charge n. 费用; v. 指控;收费典例 1). All goods are delivered free of charge. 一切物品免费送货。2). He was charged with murder. 他被控犯谋杀罪。重点用法 in/under the charge of 在某人照看(掌管)下in charge of

42、处于控制或支配(某人某事物 )的地位 : 练习 中译英1). 这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗。_ 2). 这儿谁负责 ? _ 3. bargain n.协议;廉价物;v.(与某人)讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判典例 1). If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain. 若你方经销我们的货物, 我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报。2). Its a bargain. 这可是便宜货。3). Never pay the advertised price for a car; al

43、ways try to bargain. 千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 17 页重点用法 make a bargain with sb about/over/for sth 就某事与某人达成协议bargain with sb about/over/for sth 就某事与某人讨价还价练习 中译英1). 你做了一笔很上算的交易。_ 2). 工会为缩短工作周而(与资方)讨价还价。_ 4. promise v. & n. 允诺;答应典例 1). I told him the tru

44、th under a promise of secrecy. 我在他答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他。2). She promised me (that) she would be punctual. 她向我保证一定准时。重点用法 promise to do sth.答应做某事promise sb. sth.答应某人某事promise +that 从句答应make a promise 许下诺言keep a promise 遵守诺言carry out a promise 履行诺言break a promise 违背诺言练习 中译英1). 我得让你遵守诺言。_ 2). 我不能保证做到, 但我一定尽力

45、而为。_ 5. deserve vt. & vi. 应得 ; 值得典例 1). The article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。2). They deserve to be sent to prison. 他们应该入狱。重点用法 deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得做练习 中译英1). 她积极努力 , 应得到奖赏。_ 2).如果你做错事就应受到惩罚。_ Book2 Unit3 Computers 语言要点单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. personal / private /

46、individual 2. after all/above all/at all/in all 3. type / kind /sort 4. deal with/do with (未调顺序)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 17 页词形变化(未调顺序)1.explore vt. & vi. 勘探; 探测 ; 探险exploration n. 勘探 ; 探测 ; 探险exploratory adj. 勘探的 ; 探测的 ; 探索的2. universe n. 宇宙 ; 世界universal adj. 全体的; 共同的

47、;普遍的;宇宙的3. appear v. 出现 ; 显现; 呈现appearance n. 出现 ; 显现 ; 呈现 外表 ; 外貌 ; 外观重点单词1. sum n. 金额 ; 款项 ; 总数 ; 总和2. advantage n.优点;优势;有利条件3. goal n. 球门;进球得的分;目标4. signal n. 信号 , 手势 , 声音 , 暗号v. 发信号 ; 用信号传达 ; 用信号与 通讯5. arise vi.(arose, arisen)出现;发生重点词组in common 共同的;共有的;共用的in a/one way 在某种程度上, 从某种意义上说watch over 看

48、守 ; 监视 ; 照看make up 化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)重点句子1. By the1940s 工 had grown as large as a room, and I wondered if I would grow larger! 2. However , this reality also worried my designers 重点语法现在完成时的被动语态(见语法部分) 词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. personal / private / individual 【解释】personal 指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。private

49、指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。individual 与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). Will you do it for me as a _ favour? 2). If you go to a _ hospital, you must pay. 3). We traveled together, but each _ bought his own ticket. 2. after all/above all/at all/in all 【解释】after all 意为 “ 毕竟 ”“尽管 ”“到底 ”“

50、究竟 ” ;above all 意为 “ 最重要的是 ”“尤其是 ” ;at all 一般用在否定句中,用以加强否定语气。at all 用在疑问句、 条件句中, 起强调作用, 意为 “ 真的 ”“确实”“竟然 ” 等。另外, not at all 用来表示 “ 不用谢 ” ;in all 表示 “ 总共 ”“总计 ” 。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). So you see,I was right _. 2). _,he wanted to succeed. 3). It will do you no harm _. 4). We visited, _, 20 universi

51、ties in the US. 3. type / kind /sort 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 17 页【解释】1) kind 系普通用语,其含义较模糊,它所指的种类可用任何标准区分,但着重以事物的自然属性和内在性质为标准来区分。2) type 常和换用kind ,但在表示动植物的种类,以及牌类游戏时,不能用type 代替3)sort 也为普通用语,比kind 更口语化,其概念同kind 一样很不严密,两者常可互换,但 sort 常掺杂说话人的主观色彩,带有轻蔑与贬低的含义。如:We talked of al

52、l sorts of subjects. 我们谈了各种话题。These sorts of people are ready to eat anywhere.这种人总是走到哪里吃到哪里。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). He s quite a pleasant _, really.2). All _ of difficulties have to be overcome. 3). I ll never do this _ of thing.4) There are different _ of animals in Shanghai Wild Animal Park. 4.de

53、al with/do with 【解释】deal with 和 do with 二者可译为 “ 处理 ” , 但在特殊疑问句中, do with 与 what 配合使用, 而 deal with 与 how配合使用。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). How would you _ an armed burglar? 2). What have you _ my umbrella? 词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1.explore vt. & vi. 勘探 ; 探测 ; 探险exploration n. 勘 探 ; 探 测 ; 探险exploratory adj. 勘探的

54、; 探测的 ; 探索的2. universe n. 宇宙 ; 世界universal adj. 全体的 ; 共同的;普遍的;宇宙的3. appear v. 出现 ; 显现 ; 呈现appearance n. 出 现 ; 显 现 ; 呈现 外表 ; 外貌 ; 外观【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) We ll take a voyage of _. (explore)2) Columbus discovered America but did not _ the new continent. (explore) 3) They re making _ _ medical tests. (

55、explore) 4) Television provides _ entertainment. (universe) 5) There are lots of stars in the _. (universe) 6) Dont judge by _ can be misleading. (appear) 7) He promised to be here at four oclock but didnt _ until six. (appear) 重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)1. sum n. 金额 ; 款项 ; 总数 ; 总和典例 1). He was fined the sum

56、 of 200. 他被处以200英镑罚金。2). The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. 5 加 3 的和是 8。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 17 页重点用法 in sum 简言之 ; 总而言之sum sb/sth up 形成对某人 某事物 的看法练习 中译英1). 总之 , 计划告吹了。_ 2). 我认为她是个很能干的经理。_ 2. advantage n.优点;优势;有利条件典例 1). He has the advantage of a steady job. 他有工作稳定的有利条件。2). The

57、y took full advantage of the hotels facilities. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。重点用法 take advantage of 对 加以利用;欺骗to sb. s advantage 对某人有利have /get/win an advantage over ( of)胜过;优于练习 中译英1).协议对我们有利。_ 2).她利用了我的慷慨。_ 3. goal n. 球门;进球得的分;目标典例 1). He headed the ball into an open goal. 他乘虚把球顶入球门2). We won by three goals to one

58、以三比一获胜。3). You d better set a goal before you start. 开始前最好设定一个目标。重点用法 score/kick a goal 得 踢进一球得 一分keep goal 守球门life goal/ one s goal in life生活目标achieve / realize one s goal实现目标练习 中译英1).他已经实现了他的目标。_ 2).我的人生目标是帮助他人。_ 4. signal n. 信号 , 手势 , 声音 , 暗号v. 发信号 ; 用信号传达 ; 用信号与 通讯典例 1). A red light is usually a

59、 signal for/of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。2). He signaled (to) the waiter to bring the menu. 他示意要服务员把菜单拿来。重点用法 signal to sb/sth for sth 用信号传达(某信息); 用信号与(某人)通讯精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 17 页signal with用 发信号练习 中译英1).铁路红灯亮了, 所以火车停下了。_ 2).他用红旗发信号。_ 5. arise vi.(arose, arisen)出现;发生典例 1

60、). A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新的困难。2). Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。重点用法 arise from /out of 由 引起;由 产生练习 中译英1). 夜间起风暴了。_ 2). 由于缺乏交流而产生了问题。_ Part IV 综合训练第一节、完形填空 ( 共 10 小题;每小题2 分,满分20 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130 各题所给的A、B、C 和 D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Many older brothers and sisters h

61、ave an irritating (恼人的 ) tendency to take charge, a habit 21 while growing up. We can easily see this pattern in Martha, the older sister of Mary and Lazarus. She had a strong 22 to do everything exactly right and was 23 to being in control. The fact that Martha, Mary, and Lazarus are remembered for

62、 their hospitality takes on added significance when we note that hospitality was a social requirement in their culture. It was considered 24 to turn anyone away from your door. 25 Marthas family met this requirement very well. Martha worried about details. She wished to 26 , to serve, to do the righ

63、t thing, but she often succeeded in making everyone around her uncomfortable. Perhaps as the oldest she feared shame if her home didn t measure up to 27 . She tried to do everything she could to make sure that wouldnt happen. As a result, she found it hard to relax and enjoy her guests and even 28 t

64、o accept Marys lack of cooperation in all the preparations. Martha s frustration ( 挫折感 ) was so intense that she finally asked Jesus to settle the matter. He gently corrected her attitude and told her that getting caught up in 29 can make us forget the main reasons for our actions. In fact, the pers

65、onal attention she gave her guests should be more important than the 30 she tried to provide for them. 21. A. achieved B. begun C. got D. developed 22. A. desire B. hobby C. action D. ambition 23. A. devoted B. used C. meant D. contributed 24. A. regretful B. ashamed C. shameful D. unforgivable 精选学习

66、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 17 页25. A. Fortunately B. Closely C. Simply D. Apparently 26. A. please B. sacrifice C. support D. tease 27. A. standards B. expectations C. levels D. criteria 28. A. rarer B. rougher C. harder D. easier 29. A. generosity B. details C. preparations D

67、. divisions 30. A. warmths B. civilizations C. conditions D. comforts 第二节、语法填空 ( 共 10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为3l40 的相应位置上。 Scientists have found “significant” amounts of water in a crater (火山口 ) at the moon s south pole, a major 31 (dis

68、cover) that will dramatically revise the description of the moon 32 a dead world and likely make it a more attractive destination for future human space missions. “The moon is alive,” declared Anthony Colaprete, the chief scientist for the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission, 33 u

69、sed a rocket on Oct. 9 to punch a hole about 100 feet across in the moon s surface, and then measured about 25 gallons of water in the form of vapor and ice. 34 thats not enough to swim in, it could indicate sufficient water in permanently shaded craters at the poles for future astronauts to live of

70、f the land. NASA s plans, currently under review by the Obama administration, call for 35 return to the moon at the end of the next decade, and 36 (construct) of a lunar base in which astronauts could live and work for months at a time. The presence of large quantities of water would make that plan

71、more 37 (practice), since water could be used for drinking, breathing and even making rocket fuel. 38 , a resource-rich moon could also serve as the perfect low-gravity launch-pad ( 发射台 ) for missions that would carry astronauts and 39 families elsewhere in the solar system, 40 (realize) the dreams

72、of generations of science-fiction writers. Part V HomeworkH 1.health _adj. 2.heat _adj. 3.high _n. 4.help _ adj._ adj. 5.hesitate _n. 6.honest _ adj. _ n. 7.honor _adj. _ adv. 8.hope _ adj. _ ( 形反 ). 9.horror _ adj. _ adv. 10.humo(u)r _adj._(形反 ). _ (人) . 11.hunger _ adj._adv. I 1. ignore _ n. _ adj

73、. 2. legal _(反)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 17 页3. ill _ n. 4. imagine _n._ adj. 5. immigrate _ n. 6. important _(反形 )_ adv. 7. impossible _ (反形 ). _adv_(反名 ). 8. impress _ n. _ adj. _ adv. 9. introduce v. _ n. 10. invent _ n._( 人) 11. invite v. _ n.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 17 页



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