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2、楼有报告告厅;4特点:特点:设备现代,代,环境境优美;美;5开放开放时间:早上:早上6:30到晚上到晚上10 00;周末照常开放。;周末照常开放。Dear Bob, I was so glad to hear that you are coming to study in our school. The Gym of our school has a history of 40 years and was rebuilt in 2006.Facing the school gate, it is located on the left of the school classroom build

3、ing, and on its east lies the playground. It is a three-storied building with very modern equipment and excellent surroundings, which covers an area of 750 square meters. On the first floor is the swimming pool, on the second are the volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis courts and on t

4、he third, the lecture hall. The opening time is from 6:30 10:30 p.m. on weekdays, and it works as usual on weekends. Sincerely yours, Liu Feng 要点:要点:1.我校体育馆有我校体育馆有40年的历史,年的历史,2006年重建。年重建。 (be rebuilt)_.2.位于教学大楼的左边,大操场的西边,面朝学校大门。位于教学大楼的左边,大操场的西边,面朝学校大门。(be located on the left of; on its east lies )_.

5、3.占地面积占地面积750平方米,共三层。平方米,共三层。(be a three-storied building with) _.4.一楼有游泳池;二楼有排球、篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球场;一楼有游泳池;二楼有排球、篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球场;三楼有报告厅。三楼有报告厅。 (On the first floor is ) _.5.开放时间:早上开放时间:早上6:30到晚上到晚上10 00;周末照常开放。;周末照常开放。(the opening time is; work as usual)_.例二:你校将出版校庆英文特刊介绍学校的相关情况,你将例二:你校将出版校庆英文特刊介绍学校的相关情况,你将参与编

6、写工作。参与编写工作。【写作内容】【写作内容】请根据以下构思图,写一份关于你校植物园的英语简介:请根据以下构思图,写一份关于你校植物园的英语简介:参考词汇:植物园参考词汇:植物园 botanical gardenLocated at the south-west corner of our school, the botanical garden is spread over an area of approximately 1,000 .The garden is over 20 years old and was rebuilt in 2008.As you walk through th

7、e garden, you can see various kinds of beautiful flowers, trees and herbs. If youre planning to explore the garden, set aside at least one hour. The garden makes our school more beautiful and its a fantastic place for students to study and learn more about plants or simply to relax for a while.要点:要点

8、:1.我校植物园有20年的历史,2008年重建。_.2.位于校园西南角,占地1,000平方米。 (be spread over an area of)_.3.植物园里有各种花卉、树木、药用植物。(herbs) .4.观赏需要至少一小时。(spend/ it takes sb to do/ set aside) _.5.美化了校园,是研究植物的场所和休闲之地。 ( a fantastic place for to do )_.例三:例三:2010年,第十六届年,第十六届亚运会将在广州运会将在广州举行。行。 广州广州亚组委正在委正在为宣宣传册征集稿件。册征集稿件。 请你根据以下信息,用英你根据以下

9、信息,用英语写一篇介写一篇介绍主主办城市城市广州市的文章参与投稿。广州市的文章参与投稿。概况概况中国第三大城市;中国第三大城市;别称:花城;广称:花城;广东省省会,政治、省省会,政治、经济、科学、教育,文化中心。、科学、教育,文化中心。全市面全市面积7,434. 4平方公里,人口平方公里,人口1,100多万。多万。地理地理 广广东省中部、珠江三角洲北省中部、珠江三角洲北缘,珠江从市中心穿,珠江从市中心穿过,气候温暖湿气候温暖湿润。历史史 2,200多年多年历史的名城,史的名城,历史上海上史上海上丝绸之路的始之路的始发港。港。旅游旅游 风光旖旎,旅游光旖旎,旅游资源丰富。源丰富。参考参考词汇:

10、珠江三角洲珠江三角洲 the Pearl River Delta 海上海上丝绸之路之路 the Maritime Silk Road 始始发港港 a starting port Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, also known as City of Flowers, serves as the capital city of Guangdong and the center of its political, economic, scientific, educational, and cultural life. Covering

11、an area of 7,434.4 square kilometers, it is home to more than 11 million people. Located in the middle of Guangdong, north of the Pearl River Delta with the Pearl River winding its way through the city, Guangzhou enjoys a warm and wet climate. Besides, it is a famous city with a history of more than

12、 2,200 years and a starting port of the Maritime Silk Road. With its beautiful scenery, Guangzhou is also abundant in traveling resources.要点:要点:1.广州是中国第三大城市,也叫花城。广州是中国第三大城市,也叫花城。 (the third largest city;be known as)2.广州是广东省省会,政治、经济、科学、教育,文化中广州是广东省省会,政治、经济、科学、教育,文化中心。心。(serves as the capital city of,

13、the centre of)3. 全市面积全市面积7,434. 4平方公里,人口平方公里,人口1,100多万。多万。 (cover an area of ; is home to/have a population of) ) 4. 广州位于广东省中部,珠江三角洲北缘。广州位于广东省中部,珠江三角洲北缘。 (be located in) 5. 珠江从市中心穿过,气候温暖湿润。珠江从市中心穿过,气候温暖湿润。 (wind its way through蜿蜒穿过蜿蜒穿过; enjoys a climate)6. 广州是广州是2,200多年历史的名城,历史上海上丝绸之路的多年历史的名城,历史上海上丝

14、绸之路的始发港始发港 。(have a history of)7. 风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富。风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富。( be abundant inresources )常用短语句型归纳总结常用短语句型归纳总结be located/situated at/in/on.位于位于 cover an area of.占地占地面积面积have/with a population of有有人口人口have/with a history of 有有的历史的历史 enjoy a warm and wet climate 气候温暖湿润气候温暖湿润serve as the capital of.是是的首都的首都

15、be abundant in natural recourses自然资源丰富自然资源丰富 enjoy the reputation of有有的盛誉的盛誉on the left/right side of,at the back of在左在左/右右/后面后面on the north of在在的北边的北边go straight forward to 直走直走 turn left after 50 metres 50米后左转米后左转at the third crossing在第三个十字路口在第三个十字路口 at the opposite of 在在的对面的对面 take Subway Line 2 乘坐地铁乘坐地铁2号线号线 after three blocks经过三栋大楼经过三栋大楼(街区街区)后后 marked with.上面有上面有的标识的标识with. river winding its way through the city 河蜿蜒穿过这座城市河蜿蜒穿过这座城市(非谓非谓语语)



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