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1、1 Unit5 Lesson3 He goes to school by school bus 一、教材分析本节课要求用所学单词及句型谈论乡村生活,同时练习上学方式。最后拓展部分用绘本,农场生活的画面,会使本课所学得到升华。二、学情分析学生在前面 2 课已经会用“ there are ”及一般疑问句 “Are there ?”答语: Yes,there are。 No,there aren t 。为这节课的话题做了铺垫。三、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1. 能听懂、会说并认读单词:grade field cow orchard pick cherry2. 能听懂、会说并认读句子: How doe

2、s Guo Liang go to school ?By school bus。(二)能力目标:学会运用 How does Guo Liang go to school?来询问交通方式。(三)情感目标:通过各种教学活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立学好英语的自信心,提高用英语沟通的能力。四、教学要点分析(一)教学重点 : 1. 能听懂、会说并认读单词:grade field cow orchard pick cherry2. 会用 How does Guo Liang go to school?。 。 。By school bus 。的语言结构。(二)教学难点:1. How does G

3、uo Liang go to school?By school bus 。的语言运用及意思。2. 学生能够运用所学知识在真实的语言环境中进行交流。五、教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片,实物樱桃牛奶等。六、教学过程Step1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk T; let us enjoy a country picture,red houses ,clean river what a beautiful country! This boy is Guo Liang ,he is in Grade four,(讲Grade).Does Guo Liang

4、like his country life?First listen then answer:【设计意图: 通过师生打招呼, 引入本节的学习内容, 创设英语学习氛围】Step2.Presentation1. Leading in (1) (课件放本节课的听力 ) 学生听,回答问题总领课文。Does guoliang like his country life?【设计意图:一个问题总领全文,学生大体了解课文】(2)T:Read the four pictures then mark:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页2

5、 课本四副图片出现词组,让学生标上序号根据幻灯片中的图片讲解cow 跟 pick cherry 三个新单词。【设计意图:学生初步接触课文,形成整体理解印象,知道Guo Liang 都干了什么每天】2. Text (1)T: Open your books , please .read the text silently,find out when and where Guo Liang does it. Then match。发检测纸让学生连线feed the cows at the weekend have science classes after school go to .orchar

6、d now pick cherry in the field 运用超链接,讲解orchard 跟 field 两个新单词。【设计意图:通过连线,让学生进一步了解在什么时间, 什么地点做这些事,进一步了解课文内容,查读整篇】 3.T:You did a good job, so I think you have the abilities to answer my questions. Read the passage silently,underline the answers a.How does Guo liang go to school? b.What does he often do

7、 after school? c.What does he usually do at the weekend? 学生一组一组回答完毕后,老师继续提问:Any questions can you ask?学生又从课文里找出其他问题。【设计意图:通过细读,让学生深入了解本课内容。】4. 放第二遍 flash ,学生跟读。布置任务: Read in groups 小组分工读课文,后小组展示读课文。【设计意图:通过细读,让学生将本课内容内化。】Step3:Finish part three.Step4: Enjoy a song 【设计意图:用农场歌曲,引入绘本阅读down on the farm。

8、 】Step5: 拓展绘本先领学生阅读 picture 1。1.Mary has many things to do on the farm, look through the picture books,answer me:Mary does the same things(相同的事) as Guo Lianng _. A feed cows B put the eggs in a basket 【设计意图:用学生感兴趣的问题方式引领孩子迅速浏览全文,找出 Mary 跟Guo Liang 干的相同的活在农场里。 】2.Mary and Guo Liang both have a countr

9、y life,What s the life there? Read the story carefully ,then fill in the form: Mary Guo Liang How does she/he go to the farm/school? She goes to the farm_. He goes to school_. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页3 What does she/he help his grandfather/his parents do? She helps he

10、r grandfather_. He helps his parents_. 【设计意图:让学生自读故事,填表比较2 个人的生活情况, 通过细读了解绘本大体意思,同时绘本跟课文有效结合,加深对课文的巩固】3. 用一个填空结束绘本,作为作业学生课后做。Fill in the blanksfeed the cows by bus put the eggs She goes to her grandfather s farm _ in the morningGrandfather takes the cows into the barn, She helps his grandfather _.Th

11、e hens are in the henhouse, They are sitting on their eggs. Grandfather asks her to get the eggs.She helps him_ in a basket. Then she has eggs for breakfast. How happy she feels!【设计意图:让学生回家做完readingcard ,加深对绘本的理解。 】Step5: Summary 齐读板书内容How does Guo Liang go to school? By school bus. 利用小结进一步强调本课所学习的知

12、识。Step6: Homework 1.Listen and repeat the text. 2.Go on reading the picture book,finish the reading card. 七、板书设计:How does Guo Liang go to school? By school bus. 教学反思:本节课作为第三课时,主要任务是用所学单词及句型谈论乡村生活,并用句型How does Guo Liang go to school? By school bus 进行交流。让学生在篇章中自主学习词汇:grade field cow orchard pick cherry 学生通过本节课能流畅熟练的掌握重要句式,而且能自如用句型表达自己的日常生活。不足之处是绘本部分我领读的篇幅少了一些。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页4 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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