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1、Task: Presenting a biography of a famous Chinese musician or a composerBy Xu XiumeiPeriod I Introduction &Cultural Corner1 1.audience 2.choir poser 4.conductor 5. drum 6. erhu 7.guitar 8.instrument 9.jazz 10.musicianWords about music1. n. 听众听众2. n. 合唱队合唱队 3. n作曲家作曲家4. n.指挥指挥5. n.鼓鼓6. n.二胡二胡7. n.吉它吉它

2、8. n.器具器具, 仪器仪器 9. n.爵士乐爵士乐10. n.音乐家音乐家211.orchestra12. piano 13. pop 14. rock 15. saxophone 16. symphony17. classical11. n.管弦乐队管弦乐队12. n.钢琴钢琴 13. n.流行音乐流行音乐 14. n.摇滚乐摇滚乐15.15.n.萨克斯管萨克斯管 16. n.交响乐;交响曲交响乐;交响曲17. n.古典音乐古典音乐3Match the pictures with the wordsconductoraudiencesingercomposer musician林夕林夕冼

3、星海冼星海4Match the pictures with the wordserhuviolinguitarpianosaxophonedrums5erhuviolinguitarpianosaxophoneListen to some music and decide which instrument is playeddrums1 2 3 4 5 66Listen to some music and decide what kind of music is it? classicalrock jazzpoporchestrachoir1 2 3 4 5 67YeXiaogang 叶小刚叶

4、小刚Cultural cornerAsk three questions in English1.叶小刚什么时候出生?叶小刚什么时候出生?2. 他是干什么的?他是干什么的?3.他就读于那间大学?他就读于那间大学?When was Ye Xiaogang born?What is he?Which university did he study?8Name: Ye Xiaogang Job: Style of music:Born: When he was four years old: From 1978 to 1983: After graduation: In 1985: In 1986

5、: In 1996: Since 1993: Note making: make notes aboutmixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.Composer, professor of musicbegan studying pianostudied at the Central Conservatory of Music of Chinaworked as a lecturerheld a concert of his symphonies in Beijingin 19559In

6、1986: _.His album Horizon appeared. His music was played at the First Contemporary Chinese Composers Festival in HongKong 10In November 1996:_ Since 1993: _.The group played withItalian musician at the Beijing InternationalJazz part of the time in Beijingand part of the time in the US.

7、11Important sentences1. 叶小刚,生于叶小刚,生于1955年,年,是是以以新潮派新潮派著称著称的的众多中国作曲家众多中国作曲家之一之一。幼年时幼年时就就显示出音乐才能显示出音乐才能 Yexiaogang, who was born in 1955, is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide. He showed musical ability at an early age .2.从从1978年年到到1983年,叶小刚在年,叶小刚在中央音乐学院学习,毕业以后留校做讲师。From 1978 ti

8、ll 1983, he studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. After graduation, he worked there as a lecturer. 133.他他以以将中国传统音乐和西方形式和器乐将中国传统音乐和西方形式和器乐谱写相结合谱写相结合而著称而著称。 He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms andinstrumentation.4.叶小刚在中国和外国都叶小刚在中国和外国都得得了很多了很多奖奖。Ye Xia

9、ogang has received many prizes, in China and in other countries.14Lang lang 郎朗郎朗 Zang Ziyi 章子怡Times 时光时光15Present a biography of Lang Lang 郎朗郎朗,世界著名钢琴家,出生于1982年6月14日,沈阳。幼年时幼年时就就显示出音乐才能显示出音乐才能 ,3岁开始学习钢琴,9岁考入北京音乐学院;1996年,14岁考入著名美国科蒂斯音乐学院 (the Curtis Institute of Music)。 5岁和7岁连续二次获沈阳钢琴比赛第一名,9岁获全国钢琴比赛第一

10、名。现在他是受聘于世界顶级的柏林爱乐乐团(Berlin philharmonic orchestra)和美国五大交响乐团的第一位中国钢琴家;第一位在美国白宫举办专场独奏会(Lang Lang in recital)的中国钢琴家。 161.郎朗,世界著名钢琴家,出生于1982年6月14日,沈阳。Lang Lang, who was born on the 14th of June,1982 in Shenyang, is a world-famous pianist.17He showed musical ability at an early age and began studying th

11、e piano at the age of 3.2. 幼年时幼年时就就显示出音乐才能显示出音乐才能 ,3岁开始学习钢琴.9岁考入北京音乐学院;1996年,14岁考入著名美国科蒂斯音乐学院 (the Curtis Institute of Music)。He studied at Beijing Central Music conservatory in 1991 and in 1996 he went to the Curtis Institute of Music of America.have a talent / gift for 对对有天赋,有天赋, 18When he was fiv

12、e, he won the first place not only in the Shenyang piano competition, for the second time at the age of seven, but also in the national piano competition in 1991 . 3. 5岁和7岁连续二次获沈阳钢琴比赛第一名,9岁获全国钢琴比赛第一名。194. 现在他是受聘于世界顶级乐团,如柏林爱乐乐团(Berlin philharmonic orchestra)和美国五大交响乐团的第一位中国钢琴家;Nowadays Lang Lang is th

13、e first Chinese pianist that plays with many of the top orchestras in the world,such as Berlin philharmonic orchestra and the five big American orchestras.205. 第一位在美国白宫举办专场独奏会(Lang Lang in recital)的中国钢琴家。 He is the first Chinese pianist who performed in recital in the White House.21Lang Lang, who wa

14、s born on the 14th of June,1982 in Shenyang, is a world-famous pianist. He showed musical ability at an early age and began studying the piano at the age of 3. When he was five, he won the first place in the Shenyang piano competition and for the second time at the age of seven. He entered Beijing C

15、entral Music conservatory in 1991, and he won first prize in national competition pianist . Nowadays Lang Lang is the first Chinese pianist that plays with many of the major orchestras of the world,such as Berlin philharmonic orchestra and the big five American orchestras. He is the first Chinese pi

16、anist who performed in recital in the White House.22 HomeworkWrite a biography about a composer or musician you like, using the following as a guide.1.When ,where and in which kind of family he /she was born?2. How he/she spent his/her childhood or youth3. About his/her education4.What are his /her famous works5. What his/her style is/was2324Present a biography of a famous Chinese composer. Use these notes to help you.冼星海(19051945),中国著名的音乐家,作曲家.祖籍广东番禺,1905年 6月13日生于澳门 . 1928年进上海国立音专学小提琴和钢琴. 1931年考入巴黎音乐院。1935年回国后,积极参加抗日救亡运动。在冼星海短促的一生中,共作歌曲数百首,名作黄河大合唱Yellow River Cantata 25



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