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1、仁爱英语八级下册Unit8 Topic3知识点归纳及测试一 词汇:talk about 谈论last month 上个月Xidan Shopping Center西单购物中心charming models 迷人的模特beautiful clothes 漂亮的衣服amazing show 惊人的表演a common dress 一条普通的裙in the world of 在领域high fashion 高级时装a minority costume少数民族服装the model in the center of the catwalk T形台中央的模特the others (三个以上之中的 )其余

2、人或物= the other + 复数名词as for 至于full of 充满stand for 代表Chinese history 中国历史fashion culture 时装文化from then on 从那时起personal style 个人风格design as 按设计western-style suits 西服heavy cotton jeans厚厚的棉质牛仔裤at one time = once 曾经become / be known to 为所熟知become / be known(famous ) for 因而出名become/be know(famous) as 作为而出

3、名二. 重点句型:1.There s going to be another one there tomorrow. 明天在那将举行另一场时装秀。There is going to be是 There be结构的将来时 ,表示某地将举行某项运动,或将有某物。如:There is going to be a football match in our school next week.=There will be a football match in our school next week.我们学校下周将有一场足球比赛。there is/are going to be=there will

4、be 2. Here come the models. 模特走过来了。(1)英语中以 here 或 there开头的句子要倒装,除主语是代词外,动词要放在主语之前。如:Here comes Mary! 玛丽来了!Here comes the bus! 车来了!(2) 主语若是人称代词时,主语和谓语的语序不变。如:Here she comes.她来了。Here it is.它在这儿。3. The Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture. 唐装代表着中国的历史和服装文化。stand for意为“代表”,如: It st

5、ands for Olympics.它代表着奥林匹克。4. It got its name when China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang Dynasties. 中国在汉、唐时期开始闻名于世,唐装也因此而得名。(2)get one s name 得名如:The village got its name from the lake in it.这个村庄因村内的湖泊而得名。5. Chinese fashion is different from not only western fashion, but also

6、 from that in other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea. 中国时装不仅不同于西方国家,也有别于其他亚洲国家,如日本和韩国。(1) be different from 与 不同(2)not only but also意为“不但而且”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页(3)such as例如,比如说6. Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes.

7、现在人们既可以把唐装设计成正装,也可以设计成休闲装。design as 把设计成 either or 表示选择关系,意为“要么 要么”,“不是 就是”7. Today ,hardly anyone wears kimonos except on special occasions like marriages and national celebrations. 如今,几乎没有人穿和服,除非在像婚礼或国家庆典这样的特殊场合。hardly 意为“几乎不”,是表示否定的副词。如:The old man can hardly walk. 那位老人几乎不能走路了。except 除之外如:Everyon

8、e was tired except John. 除约翰之外,大家都累了。8. Here come another three models, and they are all minority costumes. 另外三个模特登场了,她们都穿着少数民族服装。another adj. 意为“又一,再一”其结构是 : another+ 单数名词; another + 数词 + 复数名词= 数词+ more + 复数名词如:Have another cup of tea. The meeting may last (持续) another two weeks. 会议可能再持续两周。He wants

9、 three more candles. 三语法学习(一)宾语从句的时态1. 主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时,宾语从句中的时态不受影响。( 主现从任 )如:I know he wants to build a new school for his poor village in Nigeria. I believe we ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali . 2. 主句中的谓语动词是一般过去时,宾语从句则使用相应的过去时态。(主过从过)改变方式如下:a. 一般现在时改为一般过去时:I was sure he was in bed. ( 比较: I

10、m sure he s in bed.)I d idn t know where they lived .( 比较: I don t know where they live.)b. 一般将来时改为过去将来时:I hoped I d find a good job soon. (比较: I hope I ll find a good job soon.) (I d = I would) c.现在进行时改为过去进行时:He said he was doing his homework.(比较He says he is doing his homework.)3. 如果宾语从句所表达的内容是客观真

11、理和客观事实,从句中动词的时态不受主句中谓语动词时态的限制。 (真理不变)如:The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun. 注意:a. 若宾语从句跟在动词think, believe, suppose, expect等表示“认为;相信;猜想; 盼望”等动词后时,对从句的否定形式要放在主句上,称“否定前移 ” 。如:I dont think you are right. 我认为你是不对的。I don t believe he can finish the work on time. 我认为他不能按时完成工作。b. 在 think , b

12、elieve , imagine , suppose , guess ,hope 等动词以及I m afraid 等后,可用 so 代替一个肯定的宾语从句,用 not 代替一个否定的宾语从句。so 或 not 所代替的宾语从句要根据上下文来确定。如: -Do you believe he will come ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页-I believe so. (so = he will come) - I believe not. / I don t believe so. (思考: so= ? /

13、 not= ? ) c. 许多带复合宾语的句子中,that 引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后面,而用it 代替( it 作形式宾语) 。如:We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone . 我们认为他对每一个人都说谎是错误的。We thought it a pity that she missed the chance. 我们认为她错过这个机会是一个遗憾。(二) 就近原则就近原则也称 “ 邻近原则 ” ,即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词在“ 人称、数 ” 上一致。这些词组有 there be 句型, Neither nor , Either or ,

14、or , Not but , Not only but also, 1. There be 句型There is a book and some pencils on the desk. =There are some pencils and a book on the desk. 类似的还有 here 和 This. Here is a man and woman 2. neither.nor. Neither you nor he is right. = Neither he nor you are right. Neither you nor I am wrong. = Neither

15、I nor you are wrong. 3. either.or.Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday. = Either Jim or they are going to shanghai next Saturday. 4. not only.but also.Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday. = Not only Anns parents but also she stays at home every Sunday. Not on

16、ly the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. Not only they but also I am keen on sports. 主谓一致现象【找真正的主语(看是谓语动词前面的还是后面的)】有一类连接词 ,其后的谓语动词要与连接词前一部分的主语保持一致。此类连接词有 with, along with, together with, as well as, besides, like, without, except (but), including【就远原则:离连接词远点的那个主语来决定谓语动词】等。例如:Tracy,

17、 like many girls, loves dancing. 特蕾西像很多女孩一样,喜欢跳舞。All the students, including Tom, are leaving. 所有的学生,包括汤姆都走了。No one except (but) me knows about this news. 除了我没有人知道这个消息。a. Each student _ a dictionary. (做主语 ) b. The students each _ a dictionary. (副词做同位语,而非主语 ) A. have ,have B. have ,has C. has ,have D

18、. has ,has 此题应选 C。a 句的谓语用单数,这很显然。b 句的谓语要用复数,这点考生很容易出错。其实 a,b 两句的意思是一样的 (每个学生都有一本字典),但是注意: b 句真正的主语是the students,其后的 each 是主语的同位语,由于谓语是与主语保持一致(而不是与其同位语保持一致) ,所以此句要选have 。请看以下例句:We each have a computer.They each have read the book.The young people each carry a big bag. My brother and I each have a car

19、.顺便说一句,若用each of.作主语,其谓语通常是用单数Each of the boys was deeply frightened.Each of these books was interesting. Each of the students has his have their own books. 每个学生都有自己的书。练习题:1. Not only he but also I invited A. is B. are C. am D. be 2. One or perhaps more pages _ missing. A. is B. are C. has been D. h

20、ave been 3. An expert, together with some assistants, _ to help in this work. A. was sent B. were sent C. is sending D. are sending 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页4. The police _ the black in winter. A. wears B. wear C. put on D. puts on 5. The number of students that you h

21、ave met _ the life of the team. A. are B. is C. were D. be 6. The worker and writer _ from Wuhan A. are B. is C. were D. be Unit 8 Topic 3 Section A I 根据首字母提示填空1. It s cloudy now. But the radio s it ll be sunny later on. 2. Many famous m will come to our city to model the clothes. 3. Bob asked who w

22、 the movie KungFu Panda on CCTV6. 4. Our geography teacher told us that the earth m round the sun. 5. Kangkang said he watched a wonderful fashion s yesterday. II 选择题1. There s a news programme at seven o clock and there s one at ten o clock. A. other B. the other C. others D. another 2. Do you thin

23、k an art show next week? Yes, I think so. A. is there B. will there be C. there is going to be D. there is going to have 3. What did Jim s mother ask? She asked Jim at that time. A. what he was doing B. what was he doing C. what is he doing D. what he is doing 4. The teacher told me that he on a tri

24、p to the West Lake the next day. A. will go B. is going C. would go D. goes 5. The poster the film will start at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday. A. speaks B. say C. says D. tell III 句型转换1. There will be a flower show in the park(同义句)There a flower show in the park. 2. Chinese fashion is different from that in

25、the West.(用 He said连成一个宾语从句)He said that . 3. We ll watch the football match on the playground at 15:30 tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)and shall we watch the football match? 4. Can I go to see the fashion show in Jinboda Shopping Center? Jane asked her mother(合并成一句)Jane asked her mother go to see the fashion sho

26、w in Jinboda Shopping Cernter. 5. would, in, said show, Xinhu Shopping Center, food, he, there, be, a (连成句)Section B I 根据所给单词的适当形式或汉语提示填空1. Here (come) another train. 2. It s a (tradition) dress for Chinese women with different Chinese features. 3. The girl (在中央) the room is a famous model from Beij

27、ing. 4. Jenny is a top designer (在 领域) high fashion. 5. Tom wanted to watch the car show. (至于其他人) , they chose the flower show. II 选择题1. Jane said that she a nice watch in Beijing. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying 2. A young man Hong Zhanhui saved a child from the river. A. called B. is calling C.

28、 call D. is called 3. We need people to do the job. A. another five B. more five C. other five D. five another 4. Bill didn t learn Ben about Chinese history. A. as much as B. as many as C. as little as D. as few as 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页5. Look! Here ! A. the bus

29、come B. come the bus C. comes the bus D. the bus comes III 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)A: Look! 1 B: Wow! How beautiful her dress looks! A: 2 That s a cheongsam. 3 The traditional dress is becoming popular in the world of high fashion. B: Look at the second one in a minorities in China. I guess it s a Z

30、huang minority costume. A: 4 There are 55 minorities in China. Each minority has a special costume. Today, the clothes are from different minorities. B: You know a lot about fashion. 5 Section CI 根据首字母或汉语提示填空1. The government this area (把设计成) a park. 2. Chinese fashion is (非常迷人的) and not the same as

31、 (西装套装) . 3. The fashion show expresses the designers different (个人风格) . 4. China is one of the (亚洲国家) . 5. Can you e your feelings correctly? II 选择题1. Computers became popular in China . A. in 1990 B. in the 1990 C. in 1990s D. in the 1990s 2. Do you know what the sign ? A. stands for B. express fo

32、r C. stand D. explain 3. Linda Lisa is going to watch the fashion show. A. Both, and B. Not only, but C. Either , or D. Neither , or 4. The weather in Beijing is different from in Fujian. A. this B. that C. it D. those 5. Jacky Chan is known us a successful actor. A. as, to B. by, for C. for , as D.

33、 to, as III 选出与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项1. You can find both formal clothes and casual clothes in the Tang costume style. A. not only, but also B. either , or C. from, to D. neither, nor 2. A traditional dress called Cheongsam becomes known to all the people in the world. A. name B. calling C. named D. call

34、3. This style of clothes are popular with many people all over the world. A. in the parts of the world B. in world C. across the world D. above the world 4. The Tang costume is very different from business suits. A. not same B. the same as C. not the same as D. not the same 5. The Great Wall is know

35、n to many people in the world. A. famous as B. famous to C. famous for D. famous with Section D I 根据首字母提示填空1. Mr . Brown can h speak Chinese. So he can t talk with friends in Chinese. 2. Everyone e Tony is going on the trip. He ll stay at home and look after his sister . 3. People use English w as a

36、 foreign language in many other countries in the world. 4. You should make your own c instead of following others. 5. Ben s cousin got married last week. He took part in his m . II 选择题A. Oh, you are right. B. NO, you arent. C. That s not a common dress. D. Thats really cool! E. Here comes a model! F

37、. People also call it 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页1. Next Sunday is Jim s birthday and there will be a birthday on that day at his home. A. celebrate B. celebrates C. celebrating D. celebration 2. , I won the 800-metre race in the sports meeting. A. At any time B. At one

38、 time C. At some time D. At some times 3. anyone believes what he says. A. Few B. Little C. Hardly D. Hard 4. We waited the office until it was our turn to go in. A. outside B. out C. inside D. in 5. Xiao Ping works as as Kangkang. A. hardly B. hard C. good D. careful 6. Liu Ying said she her homewo

39、rk. A. do B. was doing C. is doing D. does 7. He asked the salesgirl . A. how much is the sportswear B. how much was the sportswear C. how much the sportswear is D. how much the sportswear was 8. It hardly ever snows in the south of China in winter, ? A. doesn t it B. don t they C. does it D. do the

40、y III阅读理解Lying in Changle Road on the side of Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel, the “ Tang-style Costume Street” enjoys high popularity for its traditional Chinese clothes following the costume pattern of Tang dynasty (618-907). It became more famous after the APEC meeting in Shanghai, because Tang-style cos

41、tumes were offered to APEC leaders. On the street there are costume shops of various grades and features. Some sell modern costumes with traditional touch, such as cloth-knotted(用布打结的) buttons and round flower patterns. Others offer 100% traditional clothes. Most shops sell costumes, so you can enjo

42、y the Chinese costumes. Why are the Chinese costumes so popular now? It s related to the high-speed development of our country. The getting-in-fashion is also owned to APEC leaders. They all wore Tang-style costumes at Shanghai meeting. This has proved an old saying that only things of a national to

43、uch can prevail(流行)in the world.根据短文内容,回答下列问题1. Where is the “ Tang-style Costume Street” ? 2. Why did the Tang-style Costume Street ”become more famous after the APEC meeting in Shanghai? 3. Are the modern costumes with traditional touch in fashion? 4. Most shops sell Tang-style costumes, don t the

44、y? 5. What s the old saying for the fashion? Unit 8 Topic 3 自测题I 根据首字母或汉语提示填空1. Amy bought a p computer yesterday. 2. This pair of shoes may hurt the w feet. 3. The Spring Festival is a t festival in China. 4. Something is wrong with his eyes. He can h see anything. 5. Kate works as a s for a fashio

45、n shop in a city. 6. There is going to be a (时装表演) in Shanghai next month. 7. Young girls (二十世纪八十年代的)thought they should wear colorful clothes. 8. (曾经) , the Tang costume was very popular with people. 9. The young beautiful girl can do everything (除了做饭) . 10. It s (众所周知) that Tibetan costumes are Ti

46、betan minority s traditional clothes. II 选择题1. I like these two shirts, Mum. You can choose only one, the black one the blue one. A. not, but B. either, or C. neither, nor D. not only, but also 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页2. The teacher told us that we an exam the next m

47、onth. A. had had B. had C. would have D. will have 3. There a piano concert in Fuzhou tomorrow. A. is B. has C. is going to have D. is going to be 4. It s a good for Jim to study Chinese history in Beijing. A. choose B. choice C. choosing D. chose 5. It s cold . You d better put on your sweater when

48、 you go out. A. inside B. beside C. outside D. besides 6. Which of the following is right? A. Here the bus comes B. Here are you. C. There goes the bell. D. There the model comes. 7. Who s that boy a white jacket among the students there? Sorry. I know most of them. him, I know nothing. A. with, Of

49、B. of, As to C. in, As for D. on, As 8. The cheongsam became the people around the world after a great fashion show many years ago. A. know to B. known to C. known for D. known as 9. It s necessary for us to our feelings by gesture. A. say B. speak C. express D. explain 10. Mr . Wang told us that th

50、e sun in the east and in the west. A. rises, goes up B. rises, sets down C. rose, went down D. raised, set down III 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)M(Mike): Good afternoon, Bill. Do you like watching fashion shows? B(Bill): Yes, Mike. 1 M: Yes. Would you like to go with me? B: Sure. 2 M: Mr. Chen. He said m

51、any famous models would model the clothes in Xinhang Shopping Center. B: 3 Did Mr . Chen tell you when the show would start? M: 4 B: Then let s meet at 6:30 this evening. M: OK. 5 IV 完形填空Harry is eighteen now. He 1 in a famous middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a fa

52、mous man in the future. They help Harry do everything 2 study. Of course, Harry can 3 do any housework even wash his own socks or go shopping. One day, Harry s father was sent to another city on 4 . Unluckily, his mother was ill in bed. The young man got into 5 . He even didn t know 6 the bus was! H

53、arry found his sneakers were won out(穿破) and he had to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didn t know how to choose. His mother gave him a shoe pattern and told him to buy the same size 7 the pattern. On Sunday, Harry was free, so he went to the city center to go shopping. 8 the policeman s help, Ha

54、rry finally found a sneaker shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. He brought out a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. 9 he was trying on a pair, suddenly he touched(摸) his pockets and took the shoes off. The man was surprised and asked, “ What s the matter , young man? ” “ I m sorry, I 10 the

55、 shoe pattern at home! Though this pair is suitable for me, A. Let s make it a little earlier. B. Is there going to be a fashion show? C. He said it would start at 7:30 this evening. D. That sounds great. E. We shouldn t mess the chance. F. Who told you that? G. That s right. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

56、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页I can t take them.”1. A. studies B. is studying C. studied D. is teaching 2. A. expect B. and C. besides D. except 3. A. no B. hard C. hardly D. easily 4. A. work B. business C. money D. company 5. A. danger B. school C. safety D. trouble 6. A. what B. where C. how

57、D. when 7. A. as B. than C. from D. with 8. A. Under B. In C. On D. With 9. A. Because B. When C. For D. Unless 10. A. forgot B. took C. left D. lost V阅读理解A For most people, the word “ fashion ”means “ clothes ” . So people may ask the question, “ What clothes are in fashion? ”And they use the adjec

58、tive( 形 容 词 )“ fashionable” in the same way, “ She was wearing a fashionable color. ”But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and in books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and languages. Fashions c

59、hange as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. And Englishman in 1750 looked different from his grandson in 1860. Today fashions change very quickly. Some of these are natural. We hear about things much more quickly than

60、 ones in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones, televisions, and computers send information from one country to another in a few hours. New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is also money in fashion. 1. From this passage we know that “ fashion ” means . A. clothes B.

61、 many things C. most of the popular things D. everything 2. Today fashions change very quickly because . A. people read newspapers every day B. radios send information from one country to another C. new things that people like are often shown on TV D. people quickly learn what is happening in the wo

62、rld 3. From the passage, we know fashions change . A. as places change B. as people change C. as time goes D. as information goes 4. “ There is also money in fashion.” Means . A. fashionable things are expensive B. money comes from fashion C. people like new things D. there are no fashions without m

63、oney 5. According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true? A. Fashion just means clothes. B. There are fashions in many things. C. An Englishman in 1750 was not the same as his grandson in 1860. D. New fashions mean that people will buy new things. B Fashion Pants Shop New Arrivals! (shorts, pant

64、s, jeans, sports trousers) From Material Color Size Price( ¥ ) Sydney Silk Any color except blue L/M/S 500-1000 Paris Animal skins White/Black M/S 1800-1999 New York Heavy cotton Blue XL/L 300-400 Xinjiang wool Red/Green L/M 200-300 Welcome e-mail orders for our pants and we also welcome credit card

65、. Free post and packing. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页根据海报内容,完成下列各题1. What does this shop sell? _ 2. Which city are the size M leather trousers made in? _ 3. Which kind of trousers are the cheapest? _ 4. What are the blue trousers made of? _ 5. If you want to buy trousers

66、, you can t . A. call the shop B. write a letter C. use credit card D. write an e-mail 书面表达Unit8 Topic3 假如你是李平,今天在学校的公告栏里看到下面一张海报。现在请你写一封e-mail给你的好友 Lily ,告诉她有关海报的内容,并邀请她和你一起去观看时装表演。要求: 1. 70个单词左右。开头和结尾已写好。2. 适当安排内容,注意行文连贯。收件人: L 抄送:主题: Fashion Show Hi, Lily, I have good news to tell you_ _想度过一个特别的周

67、末吗?来看看我们的时装表演吧!来自国内不同城市的名模将在这里展示各种各样的少数民族服饰。地点:西单购物中心时间: 10 月 16 日(星期六)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页_ If you d like to go, please let me know. Li Ping 单项选择题专项练习1. I think_ important to learn English well. A. this B. that C. it D. you are 2. The fans were very excited_ Dav

68、id Beckham came to the show. A. so B. because C. but D. and 3. I hope my father_ ask me about my marks. A. not B. not to C. won t D. don t 4. I _ that I were a bird. A. wish B. hope C. want D. expect 5. The radio is_ a strange signal. What s wrong with it? A. giving up B. giving in C. giving out D.

69、giving away 6. How do you like this dress? It s beautiful, and it fits me well. _ I like it very much.A. Or B. So C. But D. Since 7. It s your job_ the pop stars. A. introduce B. introducing C. introduces D. to introduce 8. You d better sing. It doesn t _ whether you can sing well or not. A. work B.

70、 matter C. problem D. affect 9. They d like _ thank the following people _ their help and support. A. to; to B. for; for C. to; for D. for; to 10. Have you finished the work? Not yet, but no matter how hard it is, well keep _ until we make it. A. failedB. tryingC. tried D. failing 11. Project Hope i

71、s an organization _ raises money to build schools and buy books for poor children. A. that B. who C. what D. where 12. Are you hungry now? _. I have just had two bowls of rice. A. Not a bit B. It doesn t matter C. Not a little D. I dont mind. 13. My coat_ there behind the door. Can t you see it? A.

72、is hanged B. is hanging C. hangs D. has hung 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页14. I don t know _ a show. Can you tell me? A. how organize B. what organize C. what to organize D. how to organize 15._ they are twin sisters, they don t look like each other. A. Because B. Since

73、C. Though D. However 16. It s important_ a foreign language. A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning 17. Tom, with his parents_ to America. They_ back in two weeks. A. have gone; will come B. has gone; will come C. have been; have come D. have been; come 18. The lit

74、tle boy didn t know_. A. Which hat is his B. which hat his is C. which hat was his D. which hat his was 19. We haven t heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose_ to her? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened 20. He arrived_ London _ a cold winter night. A. at; at

75、 B. in; on C. in; in D. ; on 21. How long have you_? A. married B. be married C. got married D. been married 22. I don t understand _ believe him. A. why don t you B. why you not C. why you don t D. why not you 23. We all found_ to play the game. A. that interested B. this interesting C. it interest

76、ing D. it s interesting 24. I_ that there_ an evening party on Saturday evening. A. was told; was going to have B. was told; was going to be C. heard; was going to have D. was said; is going to be 25. Do you mind_ here? _. A. me to smoke; Not at all B. my smoking; Yes, I don t C. me to smoke; Certai

77、nly not D. If I smoke; No. Please 26. I came to your office yesterday morning, but nobody was in. Oh, we_ a meeting in the meeting room. A. have had B. had C. were having D. had had 27. I ve never been out of China_. What about you? A. already B. over C. before D. just 28. The old man lives in a vil

78、lage_, but he never feels_. A. alone; alone B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely 29. Mr . Green is used to_ two apples after lunch every day. A. eat B. eating C. eaten D. ate 30. Dr . Yang worked _ three days ago. A. in hospital B. at hospital C. in a hospital D. at a hospital 31. Peo

79、ple in some areas don t have to pay for their _. A. medicine treat B. medical treat C. medicine treatment D. medical treatment 32. Mrs. White has _ that she is not able to get a job. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页A. so little education B. such little education C. so a lit

80、tle education D. such a little education 33. _ hard work it is! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How 34. Is Tom at school today? No, He s at home _ he has a bad cold. A. because B. if C. until D. before 35. -Would you like to go out for a walk with us? -_, but I must finish my homework first. A. Of cou

81、rse not B. That s all right C. I d love to D. Yes, I do 36. It s necessary _ us to keep our pets clean everyday. A. of B. for C. with D. between 37. How I _ I could live on the moon. A. think B. hope C. want D. wish 38. Last Friday I saw some boys _ behind Daniel, _ the computer games. A. sit, watch

82、ing B. sitting, watch C. sit, watch D. sitting, watched 39. The car is _ expensive _ he can t buy it. A. too, to B. so, that C. such, that D. enough, that 40. The foreigners _there, but they _the food there at first. A. used to live, didn t be used to B. are used to living, didn t use to C. used to

83、live , weren t used to D. used to living, usedn t to 41. I d like to have a long holiday, but I m really too busy to _ the time. A. afford B. spend C. share D. enjoy 42. That s _exciting news that I d like to tell everyone to share the joy. A. so B. such C. such an D. so a piece of 43. There is _ li

84、ttle information about him that we have _ much difficulty finding him. A. so, such B. such, so C. so, so D. such, such 44. All we want to do _ to find enough water _the horses. A. are, to B. is , for C. be ,as D. is ,to give 45. It s necessary _ us all to _ A. for , keeping learning B. to, keep lear

85、ning C. of, keep to learn D. for , keep learning 46. I hope you will spend as much time as you can _ your English. A. to practice B. practice C. practicing D. on practice 47. I don t have as _ money as before, but my life is more _. A. many , useful B. more ,nice C. most, good D. much, meaningful 48

86、. By local doctors and nurses, we hope more people. A. train, help B. training, helping C. training, to help D. train, helping 49. The children should go to school instead of to support their families. A. to work B. work C. works D. working 50. The old man should be treated with . 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

87、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页A. kind B. kindness C. kindly D. kinder 51. The problem is easy for me work out. A. very; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. too; to 52. Dr . Ma used to two or three persons in the hospital. A. operate on B. operating on C. operate for D. operating for 53. - My s

88、poken English is poor. What shall I do? - That s easy. Practise _ it as much as possible. A. speakB. speaksC. speakingD. to speak 54. - Don t forget to give my wishes to your mother.- _. A. No, I wont B. OK, I will C. Yes, I wouldD. Yes, I do 55. - Let s go fishing if it _ this weekend. - But nobody

89、 knows if it _. A. is fine, will rain B. will be fine, rains C. is fine, rains D. will be fine, will rain 56. Dad went to buy some _ as _ for my cousin. A. stationery ; souvenir B. stationeries; souvenirs C. stationery ; souvenirs D. stationeries; souvenir 57. - Would you mind my using your pen?- -_

90、. A. Yes, please B. Of course not C. Yes, help yourself D. Sorry, I dont58. - Did you notice him come in? - No. I _ a football game . A. have watched B. had watched C. am watching D. was watching 59. - What about the pen you bought yesterday? -It _ wellI like it very muchAwas written Bis written Cwr

91、ote Dwrites 60. - A heavy snow hit most of the parts of China in January,2008. - _ terrible news! AHow a BWhat a C How DWhat 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页Unit 8 Topic3 参考答案Section A I. 1. says 2. models 3. watched 4. moves 5. show II. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C III. 1. is

92、going to be 2. Chinese fashion was different from that in the West 3. When, where 4. if she could 5. He said there would be a food show in Xinhu Shopping Center. Section B I. 1. comes 2. traditional 3. in the center/middle of 4. in the world of 5. As for the others II. 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C III.

93、1. E 2. C 3. F 4. A 5. D Section C I. 1. designs, as 2. very attractive, western-style suits 3. personal styles 4. Asian countries 5. express II. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D III 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B Section D I. 1. hardly 2. except 3. widely 4. choice 5. marriage II. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7

94、. D 8. C III. 1. It s in Changle Road on the side of Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel. 2. Because Tang-style costumes were offered to APEC leaders. 3. Yes, they are. 4. Yes, they do. 5. Only things of a national touch can prevail in the world. Unit 8 Topic 3 自测题I. 1. personal 2. wearer s 3. traditional 4. ha

95、rdly 5. salesgirl/sales woman 6. fashion show 7. in the 1980s 8. At one time 9. except/but cooking 10. well-known II. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B III. 1. B 2. F 3. D 4. C 5. E IV. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C V. A. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A B. 1. It sells

96、pants. 2. Paris./They are made in Paris. 3. Woolen trousers from Xinjiang. 4. Heavy cotton./They are made of heavy cotton. 5. B 1-5 CBCAC6-10 BDBCB11-15 AABDC16-20 BBCCB 21-25 DCCBD26-30 CCDBC31-35 DACAC36-40 BDABC 41-45 ABCBD46-50 CDCDB51-55 AACAA56-60 CBDDD精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页



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