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1、 Chapter 10 Problem SolutionChap.10: 10.2 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.10 10.16 10.18 10.23 10.24 10.27 Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.2 Consider the signal Evaluate the z-transform of this signal, and specify the corresponding region of convergence. Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.6 Let be an absolutely summable

2、 signal with rational . If is known to have a pole at z=1/2,could be(a)a finite-duration signal?(b)a left-sided signal?(c)a right-sided signal?(d)a two-sided signal?can be a right-sided signal or a two-sided signal. Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.7 Suppose that the algebraic expression for the z-tran

3、sform of isHow many different regions of convergence could correspond to ? Poles :There are three regions of convergence.Zeros: Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.9 Find the inverse z-transform of Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.10 Chapter 10 Problem Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.16 Consider the f

4、ollowing stable systems,determine in each case whether or not the corresponding system is causal.This system is not causal.This system is causal. Chapter 10 Problem SolutionThis system is not causal. Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.18 Consider the following causal system. (a) Determine a difference eq

5、uation relating and . (b) Is this system stable? 8-1/92/3-6L1L2 Chapter 10 Problem Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.23 Determine the inverse z-transform. Chapter 10 Problem Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.24 Determine the inverse z-transform. Chapter 10 Probl

6、em Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution10.27 A right-sided sequence has z-transformDetermine for Chapter 10 Problem Solution例例 某离散时间系统当输入某离散时间系统当输入输出输出1. 试计算该系统的单位冲激响应试计算该系统的单位冲激响应2. 写出其差分方程写出其差分方程3. 画出一种模拟框图或信号流图画出一种模拟框图或信号流图 Chapter 10 Problem Solution Chapter 10 Problem Solution7/12-1/12-1/2 Chap

7、ter 10 Problem Solution例例 某某稳定稳定离散时间离散时间LTI系统的单位阶跃响应为:系统的单位阶跃响应为:1. 试求该系统的系统函数试求该系统的系统函数 ,画出其零极点图,并标注收敛域;画出其零极点图,并标注收敛域;3. 写出描述该系统的差分方程;写出描述该系统的差分方程; 4.画出该系统的模拟框图;画出该系统的模拟框图;2.试求该系统的单位脉冲响应试求该系统的单位脉冲响应 ,3. 判断该系统是否是因果系统;判断该系统是否是因果系统;5. 假设输入序列假设输入序列 , 确定系统的输出确定系统的输出 Chapter 10 Problem Solution0 1/3 1/21.2.3. Chapter 10 Problem Solutionz-1z-11/6-5/64. 系统的方框图系统的方框图



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