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1、存在句(There be) 1There be 句型句型 此句型是由“there+be+there+be+主语主语+ +状语状语”构成,以表达“在某地点、某时间存在或有”。它其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词be之后,there仅为引导词,并无实际语意。Be与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致,有时态时态和情态情态变化。“be”的各种时的各种时态态用用“情态动词情态动词”表示语表示语气气2The existential sentence (存在句)(存在句) The existential sentence is a special type of sentence structure that

2、 denotes the existence of something. The communicative function of an existential sentence is to introduce a new topic, which, as focus of information, is generally expressed by the notional subject(意义上的主语) coming after the verb phrase. There + be + NP (意义上的主语) + locative/ temporal adverbial (时间 / 地

3、点状语) 我家屋后有条河。The notional subject , which is actually the focus of information, is usually a noun phrase with indefinite specific reference . The determiners commonly occurring in this kind of noun phrase include the indefinite article, the zero article, and other indefinite determiners such as some

4、, any, no, several, many, much, more, ( a ) few, ( a ) little, less, another, a lot of, plenty of, a number of, enough, as well as the cardinal numerals. 3 存在句的引导词There在句中位于主语位置,实义主语是随后的名词词组,There起形式主语的作用,在疑问句中, 它和操作词倒装。注意存在句的引导词There和句首状语There的区别。 4存在句的实义主语实义主语的名词词组通常是非确定特指,即通常带有不定冠词、零冠词及其他非确定意义的限定

5、词, some, any, many, much, a lot of, enough, little基本句型凡带有非确定特指的名词词组, 一般都可用There 存在句转化。5存在句的谓语动词存在句的谓语动词主要是动词be的某种形式, 分限定形式和非限定形式。限定形式:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成体、过去完成体和情态助动词+不定式。除be外, 某些表示存在意义的不及物动词如:exist, remain, occur, stand, lie等,能用于there存在句。地点状语前移,there可省。 6A. there be 结构中的结构中的be 是可以运用是可以运用各种时态各种时态的。的。 1

6、. 今晚有个会议。 There is going to be/will be a meeting tonight.2.有个女孩一直在等你。 There has been a girl waiting for you. 3.你来之前就有过很多起这样的事故。 There had been many such accidents before you came. 7B. There be 结构变形。结构变形。 1. There used/seem/ happen/appear to be1). 看来没人愿意帮忙。 There appeared to be nobody willing to help

7、.2). 过去这儿有一座楼房。 There used to be a building here.3). 碰巧有个人在此经过。 There happened to be a man walking by.4). 好象没有太大的希望。 There doesnt seem to be much hope.8B. There be 结构变形。结构变形。 2. 在在there be的的 be 前前还可以加上各种情可以加上各种情态动词.1). 一定有一定有问题。 There must be something wrong.2). 不不应该有有这么多的人。么多的人。 There ought not to

8、be so many people.3). 可能可能还有点希望。有点希望。 There might still be hope.9C. “there be”结构中的结构中的特殊动词特殊动词:1. 除用动词除用动词be之外,还可以用和之外,还可以用和be意义相近的其意义相近的其他动词:他动词:live, exist, stand, lie, occur, come, follow, remain等。等。1).很久很久以前,有一个国王。很久很久以前,有一个国王。 Long, long ago, there lived a king.2). 然后有人敲门。然后有人敲门。 Then there cam

9、e a knock at the door.3). 然后是传来了可怕的声音。然后是传来了可怕的声音。 There followed a terrible noise.4). 突然进来了一个奇怪的人。突然进来了一个奇怪的人。 Suddenly there entered a strange man.10D. “there be” 的特殊的表达方式的特殊的表达方式 1.There is no sense in doing 做某事是没有意义的 There is no sense in making him angry. 跟他生气是没有用的。 2. There is no use /good doin

10、g 做某事是没有用的 There is no good/use going there. 去那儿是没有好处的。 3. There is no need to do 没有必要做某事没有必要做某事 There is no need to give him so much money. 根本没有必要给他那么多的钱。 11Finite existential sentence (限定性存在句)The predicator or predicate verb of an existential sentence is commonly a form of the verb be, finite or n

11、on-finite, simple or perfect. The predicator may also be realized by modal + be /have been or semi-auxiliary + be, eg. There can be very little doubt about his guilt. There cant have been much traffic so late at night. There appears to be no doubt about it. Apart from the verb be, there are at least

12、 three classes of semantically-related verbs that can act as predicator in an existential sentence.(1) Verbs of existence and position, such as exist, live, stand, lie; (2) Verbs of motion, such as come, go, walk, run; and (3) Verbs of emergence or development, such as appear, arise, emerge, develop

13、, happen, occur, etc, eg:There arose in his imagination visions of a world empire. Long, long ago, there lived six blind men in India.The existential sentence can be inverted by shifting the locative adverbial to the initial place of the sentence.Behind the village flows a murmuring stream. 12Eg. Th

14、ere can be very little about his guilt. There are many desks in the classroom. There used to be a hospital round the corner. There appears to be no doubt about it. There stands a house behind the tree. Behind the tree (there )stands a house. 13Non-finite existential sentence (非限定性存在句)(非限定性存在句)A non-

15、finite existential clause is one whose predicator is a non-finite verb phrase . There are two types of non-finite existential clauses: There to be / (to have been) + NP + locative / temporal adverbial There being / having been + NP + locative / temporal adverbial These forms can be used: 1) As prepo

16、sitional complementation Both forms can be used as prepositional complementation. If the preposition is for, it usually takes the there to be form as complementation. With other prepositions, the complementation usually takes the there being form, eg. They planned for there to be another meeting. Jo

17、hn was relying on there being another opportunity. 2) As object This applies more often than not to the there to be form. There are only a limited number of verbs that can take a there to be form as object. These verbs include expect, mean, intend, want, like, prefer, hate , etc, eg. Members like th

18、ere to be plenty of choice. 143) As subject and adverbial As subject, the there being form is commonly used, eg. There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage. When the there to be form is used as subject, it is introduced by for , eg: 晚上这个时间有这么多人在街上很不寻常。15存在句的非限定形式1)存在句的非限定形式 there

19、to be 和 there being结构2)there to be 和 there being结构用法与区别 there to be:作for 介词补语作动词(except, want, like, prefer, hate)的宾语eg. They planned for there to be another meeting Members like there to be plenty of choice. 16there being : 作除for外的介词的补语 作主语和状语eg. John was relying on there being another opportunity. There being a bus stop so near the house is a good advantage.17存在句的非限定形式与限定形式的转化eg. For there to be so few people in the street was unusual. = It was unusual that there were so few people in the street. 18



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