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1、Part Five Quiz. Part Five: QuizQuizVocabulary and StructureBlank FillingReading Comprehension.1. Its no use me not to complain about this matter.A) you told B) for you to have toldC) your telling D) having told2. he first heard the woman referred to as a mathematical genius.A) That was from Tom B) I

2、t was from Tom thatC) It was Tom whom D) It was Tom thatDirections: Choose the item that best completes the sentence. Part Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.3. He never laughed, lose his temper.A) or he ever did B) or did he everC) nor did he ever D) nor he ev

3、er did4. As an actor, he could communicate a whole of emotions.A) frame B) range C) number D) scale5. Having no money but to know, the girl simply said she would go without dinner.A) not to want anyone B) wanted no oneC) not wanting anyone D) to want no onePart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo b

4、e continued.6. I wish I longer this morning, but I had to get up and go to work.A) could have slept B) might have sleptC) slept D) have slept7. I would appreciate me the secret.A) your telling B) that you tellC) you to tell D) that you will tell8. The student was just about to the question, when sud

5、denly he found the answer.A) arrive at B) work outC) submit to D) give upPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.9. When there are small children around, it is quite necessary to keep those chemicals out of .A) reach B) hand C) hold D) place10. She keeps some candles in the house in c

6、ase of power .A) failure B) lack C) absence D) drop11. Mary doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.A) has to get B) had gotC) were to get D) could have gotPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.12

7、. Finding a job in the multinational media corporation has always been his wildest dreams.A) under B) over C) above D) beyond13. In China housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full .A) capacity B) length C) strength D) possibility14. Had she worked harder, he

8、the final exams.A) must have got through C) would get throughB) would have got through D) could get throughPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.15. In this key university only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.A) are students permitted B) permitted are studentsC) st

9、udents are permitted D) are permitted students16. You have nothing to by rejecting our offer of help.A) grasp B) gain C) seize D) earn17. Ann never dreams of for her to be promoted in this big company very soon.A) there being a chance B) there be a chanceC) there to be a chance D) being a chancePart

10、 Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.18. Last night he saw three entering the building, and then there was the huge explosion.A) features B) figures C) sketches D) images19. Those gifts of rare stamps that were given to us were deeply .A) appreciated B) approved C) appealed D) applied2

11、0. According to the recent survey, residents of this island have the longest life : 77.2 years.A) rank B) scale C) span D) scopePart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.21.The company has yet to provided an explanation for its actions.A) accurate B) excessive C) urgent D) adequate22. I

12、 didnt know the idiom. I had to a dictionary.A) look out B) make outC) refer to D) go over23. We agreed to accept they thought was the best babysitter.A) whatever B) whomever C) whichever D) whoeverPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.24. He never thought that he would become a mem

13、ber of the board of directors because of his origin.A) critical B) previous C) humble D) false 25. She soon received promotion, for her boss realized that she was a person of considerable .A) ability B) future C) possibility D) opportunity26. We left the conference, there obviously no point in stayi

14、ng.A) were B) being C) to be D) havingPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.27. Eating too much greasy food can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A) attribute to B) attend toC) contribute to D) devote to28. This article more attention to the problem of domestic violence fa

15、ced by women.A) cares for B) applies forC) allows for D) calls forPart Five: QuizVocabulary and StructureTo be continued.Part Five: QuizVocabulary and Structure29. People who are color-blind have trouble the difference between some colors, especially red and green.A) to see B) seeingC) for seeing D)

16、 of seeing30. The show had a massive audience, from children to grandparents.A) altering B) ranging C) separating D) differing.1) She succeeded, to my mind, in living up _ her extraordinary reputation.2) She had no money, aside _ the five dollars that Christopher had given her. 3) People who have th

17、e capacity _ hard work normally succeed. 4) They are calling _ financial aid for the Hope Project.To be continuedPart Five: QuizBlank FillingtofromforforBlank FillingDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate preposition. .5) The plan had been called _, which made him v

18、ery angry.6) He is seen _ the most promising tennis player in the university.7) The film is concerned _ an ordinary family in the 19th century in a mountainous village.8) He is talented and hard-working. Therefore, hes a very rich man _ his own right. 9) _ fairness to Mary, she has at least told you

19、 the truth.offasinwithTo be continuedInPart Five: QuizBlank Filling.10) She always referred to Tom _ “that nice man”.11) A succession _ problems have arisen since he resigned from the company.12) We must take action now because time is running _.13) He embarked _ a new career as a teacher.14) Touris

20、m contributes greatly _ the economy of Hong Kong. 15) Do you think that mixed-ability teaching holds the brighter children _?ofouton/upontoTo be continuedbackasPart Five: QuizBlank Filling.16) Shes channeling all her energies _ the wedding preparations.17) Children need to be exposed _ different cul

21、tures to broaden their horizons.18) Youll have an accident if you carry _ driving like that.19) I gave most of my books _ when I left college.20) “Ive been promoted.” “This calls _ a celebration.”intotoonforawayTo be continuedPart Five: QuizBlank Filling.Directions: Read the following passage and th

22、en decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided. Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a

23、 hero? Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.Reading ComprehensionPart Five: QuizReading ComprehensionTo be continued. Part Five: QuizReading ComprehensionTo be continued A hero does something wor

24、th talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But hero goes beyond mere fame. Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordi

25、nary people. The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve on

26、ly their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. . Part Five: QuizReading ComprehensionTo be continued Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant? Heroes are catalysts for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have

27、 the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated buses, restaurants and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur

28、 without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless. _1) Although heroes come from different cultures, they generally have certain inspiring characteristics. _2) Heroes can be compared to high-voltage transforme

29、r and set good examples for ordinary people to follow. _3) Madonna and Michael Jackson are heroes because they have a large number of fans. _4) Heroes can adapt themselves to the changes of society very quickly. _5) Without leaders with magnetic personalities, historical changes would be delayed. TTTFFPart Five: QuizReading ComprehensionEnd of Part 5.



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