高中英语 Unit 3 writing课件 重庆大学版必修3

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1、1. Do you keep a diary? Why do you keep a diary?2. When will you write a diary?3. What do you usually write in your diary? What role do diary play in your life?Study the following tips about diary and decide whether you agree with them or not. A diary is a record of events and thoughts related to on

2、es life. Its a personal place that you go to when nobody listens to you, so its mostly done informally. Its a general comment, usually done with a smile or with a sense of humour, but it is full of your ideas or decisions. Its a confusing flow of thoughts and thats exactly what it is.According to yo

3、ur understanding, what does a diary include? Discuss with your partner and write your ideas on the lines below.A diary, in my opinion, includes:1. _2. _3. _4. 日日记记是是用用以以记记叙叙一一天天生生活活中中所所见见、所所闻闻、所所做做或所想的事情。写日记时要注意以下几点:或所想的事情。写日记时要注意以下几点: 1格格式式:英英文文日日记记和和中中文文日日记记的的写写法法大大致致相相同同。一一般般是是第第一一行行写写上上日日期期、星星期期

4、、天天气气状状况况。日日期期通通常常顶顶格格写写, 后后面面是是星星期期, 天天气气状状况况写写在在右右上上角角。表表示示天天气气情情况况的的词词一一般般用用形形容容词词, 如如: fine, cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, foggy等。正文部分另起一行。等。正文部分另起一行。2. 人称人称: 日记要用第一人称写。日记要用第一人称写。3. 时时态态: 写写日日记记的的时时间间一一般般是是在在下下午午或或晚晚上上,有有时时也也有有在在第第二二天天补补记记的的。所所记记叙叙的的事事情情通通常常发发生生在在过过去去,所所以以常常用用一一般般过过去

5、去时时态态。但但如如果果要要记记叙叙天天气气、描描写写景景色色、展展望望未未来来、议议论论某某事事或或对对话话引引语语等等,可可以以使使用用一一般般现现在在时时或一般将来时,以生动再现当时的情景。或一般将来时,以生动再现当时的情景。4. 写写作作顺顺序序: 日日记记一一般般按按照照时时间间顺顺序序或或事事情情的的经过来写。语言要清楚自然,内容要连贯完整。经过来写。语言要清楚自然,内容要连贯完整。5类类型型:日日记记可可分分为为记记事事型型、议议论论型型、描描写写型型以以及及抒抒情情型型等等类类型型。记记事事型型日日记记就就是是学学生生用用所所学学英英语语词词汇汇记记述述当当天天自自己己生生活活

6、中中所所发发生生的的事事情情。议议论论型型就就是是对对生生活活中中的的某某一一事事情情或或情情况况、现现象象发发表表自自己己的的看看法法。描描写写型型就就是是对对某某人人、某某物物的的特特征征进进行行细细致致的的描描述述,或或对对某某事事物物抒抒发发自自己的感情。己的感情。Revise the points which a diary include by using the information in the example diary on page 42. Pay attention to the tense(时态)时态) and the usage of punctuation.(标

7、点标点). March.15th, Monday windy This evening I went to Li Jiangs birthday party. We sang and danced. We had a good time at the party. When I left Li Jiangs house, it began to rain. It was late. I had to walk home. Amotorbike ran by me very fast. It hit a boy at the crossing. But the motorbike didnt s

8、top. It ran away. I felt very angry. I wrote down its number: FD 2819. I telephoned the police at once. Then I sent the boy to the hospital.Do you have some unforgettable days? List some points about a certain unforgettable day.Points: 1. _ 2. _ 3. Then write a diary about that day by following the

9、example diary we learned. You can look at the points you listed.Ask your partner to correct any mistakes in your diary.Nov. 28th, 2010 sunny I have a dream that in the year 2011 I can go and have a trip to the United States, for my best friend Liuxi is now studying Contemporary American Literature t

10、here in a very famous university. What university? The Yale University, a university that is well-known all over the world. To be frank, I myself want to study in the United States, too. Ive had this dream for a long time and that is why Im now working very hard on my English. And actually, my purpo

11、se of keeping this diary in English is to improve my English writing. And I am confident that upon my graduation the year after the next, I can realize my dream of going to the United States and study in one of the famous universities so as to improve myself a lot. And after that, I will come back to China and make my contributions to the development of my motherland. And only then can my dream be fully realized.



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