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1、名师精编优秀资料第六章、有效教学1、What Is Direct Instruction(Expository teaching讲解式教学法|delivery mode of teaching传递模式) ? -Define direct instruction and its effectiveness; Direct instruction : an approach to teaching in which Lessons are goal-oriented and structured by the teacherTo reach a clearly defined set of obj

2、ectives as efficiently as possible; The teacher transmits information directly to the students; Teacher should be the focus of the process of instruction. Effectiveness:2、When should direct teaching be used?- Describe situations in which direct teaching should be used; Direct instruction is particul

3、arly appropriate for teaching unproblematic, a well-defined body of information or skills that all students must master:Direct instruction relates more obviously todeclarative knowledge (“knowing what ”) than to procedural knowledge ( “knowing how ” ). It is less appropriate when exploration, discov

4、ery, and open-ended objectives are the object of instruction. Direct instruction has occurred in basic reading and math, and has been mostly at the elementary level。3、How Is a Direct Instruction Lesson Taught? -Describe and illustrate阐 明the steps and strategies used in presenting a directinstruction

5、 lesson; State learning objective and orient students - 陈述学习目标,将学生导向即将进行的授课Review prerequisites复习先前知识和技能Present new material呈现新材料Provide independent practice 提供独立练习的机会Assess performance and provide feedback- 学习和提供反馈Provide distributed practice and review- 提供分散练习和复习的机会3.1 State learning objective :好的

6、教学目标有三点:A、describes the intended students behaviorB、lists the condition under which the learning behavior will occur C、 gives the criteria or standard for acceptable performance on the test. Eg. 在熟读的基础上 (行为条件),学生(行为主体) 能流利地背诵 (行为动词) ,错误不超过3 处(达成程度)。 ”教学目标设计的ABCD 法: 一是行为主体(audience);二是行为动词(behavior);

7、三是行为条件(condition);四是表现程度(degree)。内外结合方法: 学生能理解议论文写作中的“类比法”(反映内在变化的目标)用学生自己的话解释运用类比法的条件(行为样品)。Bloom s Taxonomy 分类法 -Three Domains of Learning cognitive, affection and psychomotor. Positive mental set can be established by many ways: Start lesson immediately; Express interest in the subject, topic, an

8、d students; Use unique introduction to arouse curiosity and grab students interest; 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料3.2 Review prerequisites-What do your students already know? 3.3Present new material Present new materialteaching new skillsat a fast rateand in small

9、incrementsUse demonstration, models, illustrationsEvaluation Check studentsunderstandingUse many explanationsand examples Student performanceskills are utilized3.3.1 Lesson structure -课的结构 3.3.2 Lesson emphasis -课的重点clear indications 标识 about the 最重要 elements of the lesson 3.3.3 Lesson clarity-课的清楚性

10、using direct, simple, precise and well-organized language3.3.4 Explanations解释 new terms、new concepts, or new skills 3.4Conduct learning probes 探索、试样Pose questions There are three skills associated with the questioning process: 1 Ask different kinds of question:Level 1Knowledge: Define Level 2Compreh

11、ension: Describe Level 3Application: Perform Level 4Analysis: Categorize Level 5Evaluation: Appraise 评价Level 6Create: Invent 创造2 Wait time After asking a question, teacher should wait a few seconds (optimal wait time is 5-7 seconds) before calling on an individual student; Wait time allows students

12、to relax, process information and respond; 3 calling order-not only volunteers 4 Choral responses-only one possible correct answer 5 Responding to student answers Indicate that an answer is right or wrong, Use acknowledgments;Correct wrong answers with a brief explanation ; rephrase改述, and give clue

13、s线索after an incorrect response ; Reduce the use of general praise, give specific academic praise. Tell why a response or work is praiseworthy; 3.5 Use a lot of independent practices and activities -to check; processing or transferring new skills in working memory to long-term memory. 精选学习资料 - - - -

14、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料3.6 Assess 评价 performance and provide feedback -by questioning students;independent work;a unit quiz. 3.7 Provide distributed practice and review - 提供分散练习和复习的机会4、Assess the advantages and limitations of direct teaching.Advantages:1 Economical and eff

15、icient - Many objectives can be mastered and much content can be covered within a short period of time; 2 student achievement of specific content is predictable and manageable3 For younger and less-prepared learners, a direct teaching lesson including well-organized presentations, clear explanations

16、, and reviews can help students construct建 构understandings.Limitations:1 Direct teaching is limited to lower-level learning objectives, ignores innovative models忽视创新,and discourages students independent thinking阻止学生独立思考. 2 If it is badly done, it may encourage students to memorize记忆and mimic 模仿 , bu

17、t never to “ own” the knowledge. The student is waiting to be filled with knowledge.填鸭式第七章、教学管理1、Define the concept of classroom management and describe the importance of classroom management ;Definition: involving teachers strategies that Create and maintain an orderly learning environment; Establi

18、shing and enforcing rules and procedures;Carrying out disciplinary actions; And deal with student misbehavior. 2、Describe what are some strategies for managing routine日常 classroom misbehavior and more serious behavior problems.The majority of classroom behavior problems with which a teacher must dea

19、l are minor少数的disruptions 破坏behaviors, such as Talking or whispering with neighbors Being late! Answering cell phone Distract 分心Before providing an intervention, it is important to DEFINE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM;(Power Seeking Behavior、Attention Seeking Behavior 、Revenge、Disinterest)Power Seeking Be

20、havior:attempt to provoke teachers into a struggle and defies authority to gain control. Attention Seeking Behavior :Prefer being punished or criticized to gain attention both from teachers and peer groups; Revenge Disinterest : want to be left alone Strategies :精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - -

21、 - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料1、The principles of least prevention (using the simplest intervention+在正常教学下轻而易举阻止不当行为)Responding and Deal with to the most serious behavior first; Stop misbehavior before it spreads; Keep interventions brief; Avoid arguments, avoid power struggles 2、Nonverbal cues Making

22、 an eye contact with a misbehaving student; Move close to a student who is misbehaving; A light hand on the students shoulder is likely to be effective;3、Verbal reminders Stating the reminder in a positive, calm, and un-hostile way, and use considerate tone of voice. The reminder should be given imm

23、ediately after the student misbehavior; The reminder should focus on the behavior, not on the student; The reminder should state what student is supposed to do rather than dwelling on what he/she is or was doing now; 4、Praising desired behavior Give verbal recognition along with material rewards Pai

24、r material rewards with social recognition Nearness or physical contact ( walking together, sitting together, touching, hugging, holding hands) Preferred activities: (having a party, playing a game, planning a class trip) 5、Ignoring inappropriate behavior (Exclusion from the group )6、Implementing a

25、Group Contingency 群体相倚7、Applying consequences or punishment (always be the last option)Reprimands 训斥 ; or expression of disappointment ; Loss of privilege (depriving使丧失a student of privilege); Detention 留堂 s; Writing reflection on the problem写检查 ; Contacting parents;请家长Corporal punishment; 体罚第五章动机的激

26、发Define the concept of motivation and learning motivation- What is motivation? Motivation is “ an internal process that Activates ( energize ) , guides, and maintains behavior over time”. Learning motivation:学习动机是指引发与维持学生的学习行为,并使之指向一定学业目标的一种动力倾向。它是直接推动学生进行学习的一种内部动力。What are the functions of motivati

27、on? Why motivation is important to student learning? Different kinds of learning motivation (一)intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation 内部动机: Being motivated by factors inside oneself i.e. Interest,curiosity, enjoyment, satisfaction. for own sake, without external incentives. 外部动机: outside ones

28、elf i.e. Rewards, incentives, punishments. 奥苏贝尔( 1978)提出学习情境中的成就动机成就动机的成分为:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料认知内驱力cognitive drive (指向任务本身,来自于好奇倾向)内部动机。自我提高内驱力(赢得相应地位和威望)外部动机。附属内驱力affiliative drive (为了获得长者的赞许或认可,以及同伴的接纳)儿童早期附属内驱力是最主要动机。Different kinds of motivation lear

29、ning theories 。Motivation and behavioral learning theory In behavioral learning theory, motivation is a consequence of reinforcement 。Expectancy theory 成就动机:力求成功的需要和避免失败的需要Attribution theory 韦纳的Attributes: ABILITY 、EFFORT 、TASK DIFFICULTY 、LUCK Attribution TheoryLUCKEFFORTUNSTABLETASKDIFFICULTYABILI

30、TYSTABLEEXTERNALINTERNALAm I smart or what?Math is hard.I studied a lot.Man, I got lucky.归因的三个维度:内外,稳定与否,是否可控。Human needs 生理需要安 全 需 要归属和爱的需要尊重的需要自我实现的需要求知需要审美需要对教学的启示关心学生基本的生理需要;让学生在学习中有足够的安全感;热爱、关心、尊重学生。在教学中满足学生的归属与爱的需要在教学中满足学生尊重的需要平等施教注意保护学生的自尊心在教学中满足学生的求知需要在教学中满足学生的成功需要Discuss the classroom use o

31、f strategiesfor increasing students motivation to learn. (一) Enhancing intrinsic motivation 1、 Using a variety of interesting presentation modes to make the learning task fun. 2、 Appropriate challenge to ensure that student will feel good about their experiences and accomplishments 3、 Attribute succ

32、esses to students efforts and ability (二) Principles for providing extrinsic incentives to learn 1、 Hold appropriate realistic but high expectation Pygmalion effect 皮格马利翁效应(期望效应)。老师对学生的能力和行为的信仰带来对学生行为的特定期待。2、 Providing and making available rewards that student perceive察觉 valuable Rewards for learnin

33、g that are not inherently in the material being learned, and basically 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料Pay attention Then became STM engaging in a task merely to obtain rewards or avoid punishments 奖赏可增加某种行为出现的可能性。要避免没有针对性的表扬与奖赏。要避免奖赏中的“ 德西效应 ” ,即过分运用奖赏来增强学生的外部动机,反而会

34、消弱其内部动机。运用奖赏第二章:认知主义学习理论Cognitive Theories explain Learning takes place in the mind, not in behavior . Focuses on the use of memory, thinking, & reflection that are not necessarily reflected in overt behavior changes. 聚焦于并不一定是外显的行为变化。认知学习是人类对外界环境信息,通过感知、注意、辨认、记忆等一系列内在心理活动,获得知识和保持知识的过程。Cognitive Lear

35、ning Theory格式塔的顿悟理论布鲁纳的认知结构理论奥苏贝尔的认知同化学习理论加涅的信息加工学习理论建构主义学习理论对认知派学习理论的评价加涅的信息加工认知学习理论学习过程是信息的加工和使用过程1学习过程中知识的分类2. 学习的信息加工模式从信息加工理论的观点看:学习是个体对外来信息的接收、编码、 贮存、提取及输出的过程。陈述性知识 (declarative knowledge):回答 “是什么”。例如事实、规则、事件The what of knowledge representations 程序性知识 (procedural knowledge):回答“ 怎么办 ”或者“ 如何做 ”的

36、知识。Involves some degree of skill which increases as a result of practice ;The how (the process) of knowledge representation Information is processed and stored in 3 stages:Sensory Memory 瞬时记忆Capacity large;Duration - very brief 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料Working

37、 or Short-term Memory (短时记忆) capacity of 5-9 bits ;15-30 seconds initially 最初long-term memory (长时记忆)a very large capacity, very long-term memory store Retaining information in STM :1.repetition (maintenance rehearsal 机械复述 ) 2.Organization (Chunking) The following several processes are most likely to

38、 move information into long-term memory: Elaborative rehearsal 精致化策略:做充实意义的添加、构建或者发生。practice (massed &distributed practices)dual code theory of memory(双重编码理论)visual and verbal. Making information meaningful Enactment(亲历)5 类学习结果现代知识分类言语信息( verbal information )陈述性知识(declarative knowledge)智慧技能( intell

39、ectual skill)程序性知识(procedural knowledge)认知策略( cognitive strategy)运动技能( motor skill)态度( attitude)第三章知识的分类与习得第一节陈述性知识的表征命题: 陈述性知识(言语信息)在头脑中以命题形式得到表现和记载。?一个命题有两个成分构成:论题和关系。命题是知识的最小单元?表象:我们不仅可以用语言来描述各种事物,而且可以在头脑中呈现某些事物的具体形象。长时记忆中存在着大量的以表象表征的形象性的陈述性知识图式 Schematic Representations :对同类事物的命题的或知觉的共性的编码方式根据概括

40、程度和复杂程度,陈述性知识分为:符号, 也就是各种事物的名称和标记;具体事实, 是指非概括性命题及其网络组织;概念和抽象事实,是指概括性命题;有联系的论述组成的事实集合等类型。前两类可成为 简单 陈述性知识,后两类成为复杂 陈述性知识 。一、陈述性知识的习得1、陈述性知识习得机制是同化,即学习者认知结构中原有的知识吸收并固定要学习的的新知识的过程。上位学习 (super-ordinate learning) :新知识是一般的,已有知识是特殊的。下位学习( subordinate learning) :新知识是已有知识的下位知识。Encoding 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

41、 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料并列结合学习:并列关系。二、陈述性知识学习与保持1、促进简单陈述性知识学习与保持的策略(1)复述(2)精致复述(精加工)(3)组织策略2、促进复杂陈述性知识学习与保持的策略(1)复述划重点句、圈关键词(2)精致复述(精加工)释义、写内容摘要、注释、自问自答等具体技术,记听讲内容和加工内容(记笔记和做笔记)(3)组织策略列提纲,画逻辑图(网络图)第 1 节、程序性知识的类别(一)智慧技能以抽象思维主导的解决实际问题的技能。作算术题、心算、分析句子成分、组词造句等(二)认知策略支配、调节和控制、内部加工活动?认知策略

42、与与智慧技能的异同:两者同属于程序性知识,但认知策略是对内控的程序性知识,而智慧技能是加工外在的信息,是对外办事的程序性知识。(三)动作技能第二节、程序性知识的表征一)产生式(一个产生式就是一个IFTHEN语句)命题能回答(再现信息);产生式能判断(操作信息)。二)产生式系统第三节程序性知识学习的一般过程1.陈述性知识获得阶段(cognitive stage )2.转化阶段( associative stage )各种情况下练习应用某规则陈述性向程序性转化3.自动化阶段(autonomous stage ) (高度灵活、纯熟)第四节加涅的智力技能层次论辨别区分具体刺激物之间的不同点;具体概念识

43、别具有共同特征的同类物体;定义性概念运用概念的定义特征对事物分类;规则运用单一规则完成某项任务;高级规则同时运用几条规则完成某项任务。第五节促进程序性知识理解的教学策略(一)选择和设计学习课题加涅的智力技能层次论,认为高一级智力技能的学习是以低一级智力技能的学习为必要条件的。因此,教师在选择和设计学习课题时:将这些目标由低级到高级排列程最佳迁移结构,低级目标放前,高级目标放后。(二)教师的示范对学生掌握程序性知识具有很大促进作用?示范、讲解与让学生说出示范动作相结合精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料

44、?教师在示范时,要把程序的各个步骤充分展开,使学生准确地把握动作的结构与特点,更好地观察、理解与模仿。?在程序性知识学习的初期阶段,示范动作必须慢速进行。因为短时记忆容量有限。(三)设计变式练习的教学策略?从陈述性形式向程序性形式转化 的最 重要教学条件是在 相似的情境和不同的情境中练习 ” . ?只有经过在变化的情境中练习,陈述性形式才能转化为程序性形式,关键是变式练习。?如学习 “ 鱼” 后, 我们可以让学生辨别鲸、海牛、螃蟹等。(四)给学生提供具体事例?教师在为学生讲解各种新的概念和规则时,可以通过举例子 的方式 促进学生的 理解 。?举例子时要注意既举正例 -这些例子的本质特征不变,无

45、关特征要发生变化;又举反例-这些例子的本质特征变化,以便突出概念的本质特征。?正例的变式有利于概括,反例有利于分化。第六节认知策略的习得过程和条件?元认知: metacognition,就是个体对自身认知活动的控制,将认知活动或者学习过程作为意识对象,不断地对其进行积极、自觉的监视、控制和调节?反省认知( metacognition)是一种控制各种具体策略应用的更高级的策略或过程。?比如, “ 我知道记忆的主要策略有组织、复述、精致加工。我知道在自己* 时用 * 策略?反省认知是认知策略的重要组成部分,或其高级的部分。计划策略包括学习目标的设置、阅读材料的浏览、问题的提出与分析、完成任务的计划

46、等监控策略学习者对自己应用认知策略的情况进行监控,保证策略在学习过程中有效应用。注意策略指学习者在学习过程中对自己的注意力或行为进行自我管理与调节。元认知策略元认知策略精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料陈述性知识和程序性知识的比较陈述性知识程序性知识传授方式:获得方式:表现方式:言语中介的不可言传的听、读、看回忆或再认练习和实践操作陈述性知识和程序性知识的比较陈述性知识程序性知识1、表征形式命题、图式等产生式等2、动静程度静态动态2、功能事实动作3、获得速度较快缓慢4、改变难易较易较难5、遗忘较快较

47、慢二者又是密切联系的:?首先,陈述性知识的获得是学习程序性知识的基础。学会 “ 怎么做 ” 必须先知道 “ 是什么 ” 、 “ 为什么 ” 和 “ 怎么样 ” 的问题。?其次,程序性知识获得后也为获取新的陈述性知识提供了可靠的保证。?陈述性知识和程序性知识的学习是互为条件的。?对教学的指导意义防止两种倾向:?偏重概念与规则而忽视知识掌握;?偏重技能培养而忽视知识与技能之间的关系。智慧技能与认知策略是一种高级的认知活动,是可以意识的和可控制的自动化的,有时也可在意识的控制下进行的。是否可意识可调控对内调控对外办事功能认知策略智慧技能第四章学生多样性Student Diversity and Ca

48、tering Individual Differences in Teaching & Learning 1.What does it mean by catering for learner diversity? To offer a variety of teaching modes that address different levels, interest and learning styles of diverse needs of students in mixed ability classrooms. Objectives ?Define the concept of int

49、elligence; ?Present theory of multiple intelligence, and discuss its influence on education; ?Discuss creativity创造力and its development through teaching ?Describe theory of learning styles and its implication for teachers. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料?Examine ins

50、tructional approaches to catering students diversity Piaget s Cognitive development Theory?Sensory-motor (0-24 months)感知运动阶段1、 Babies and young children explore their world by using their senses and their motor skills. 2、 Children utilize skills and abilities they were born with such as looking, gra

51、sping and listening to learn more about the environment. Gradual progression from reflexive behavior to intentional and goal directed behavior.由本能的反射动作到目的性活动。3、 Lack objects permanence. 对物体的认识不具有恒存性。?Pre-operational period (Ages 2 to 6 years) 前运算阶段1、 Dual representation develops 。The major accomplis

52、hments are development of the ability to use symbols to represent objects in the world. 只具有表象思维,不能凭借概念来理解本质。2、 These childrens thinking is irreversible. 单项思维不可逆。例如难以理解减法是加法的逆运算3、 Still quite egocentric以自我为中心,很难理解别人的观点(我看到的,不同角度的都应跟我的一样;我喜欢的别人也喜欢。)4、 Conservation and hierarchical classification is st

53、ill difficult。守恒与等级分类仍困难;思维是单维的。?Concrete operational period (6 - 11 years) 具体运算阶段可以分类classification 、序列 serial、推理 inference develops;可逆;去中心化;守恒性发展起来;抽象思维还是不可能。?Formal operations period (11 years - adulthood) 形式运算阶段The major accomplishment is that abstract and pure symbolic thinking appears. Capable

54、 of dealing with the logic of combinations, One deals abstractly with hypothetical 假设situations and reason. Educational implications :1.Teaching should accommodate and promote different levels of students thinking.Piagets view of children s cognitive development suggests that children s distinctive

55、特色ways of thinking at different ages need to be considered in deciding how best to teach them-developmentally appropriate education 2.Teaching preoperational child Use concrete and visual aids More hands-on practice When learning concepts and language, provide a wide range of experiences 3.Teaching

56、the concrete-operational studentsUse concrete props小道具and visual aids Give students chances to manipulate 操作and test 测试objects Use familiar examples to explain complex ideals Give opportunities to classify 分类 and group objects and ideals on increasingly complex levels Present questions the need logi

57、cal, analytical thinking 4.Teaching formal operational studentsContinue to use concrete-operational teaching strategies and materials; Give students the opportunity to explore many hypothetical questions; Give students opportunities to solve problems and reason scientifically; If possible, teach bro

58、ad concepts, not just facts, using materials relevant to the real life 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料2、 Acceptance 接纳赞同of individual differences in developmental progress Piagets theory assumes that all children go through the same developmental sequence序列but they

59、 do so at different rate. Therefore, teacher must make a special effort to arrange classroom activities for individual students. In addition, assessment of children s educational progress should be made. Theory of zone of proximal development (Vygotsgy维果斯基 -最近发展区)Implications 启示:Instruction can be p

60、lanned to provide practice in the zone of proximal development; Scaffolding 脚手架is a tactic 策略for helping children in ZPD in which the teacher does not simplify 使简化the task but provides hints 暗示and prompts提示at different level; Assessment of learning potential What does intelligence mean? (Definition

61、of intelligence)?Intelligence can be defined as “the ability to deal with abstractions, to solve problems, and to learn” . ?More concretely, intelligence can be defined as three dimensions: The ability to acquire knowledge; The ability to think and reason in the abstract; The ability to solve novel

62、problems. 包括抽象推理能力、学习能力、解决问题的能力Gardners theory of multiple intelligence Multiple intelligence theory:Multiple Intelligences Examples Linguistic intelligence Verbal communication abilities poet, journalist Logical -mathematical intelligence Mathematical and logical skills scientist, mathematician, ac

63、countant Musical intelligence Performance, composition and appreciation of musical patterns composer, violinist Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence Using the body and bodily movement (i.e., sports and dance) to solve problems or understand the environment dancer, athlete Spatial intelligence Ability to

64、navigate space, understand, map and apply spatial patterns sculptor, Navigator, architect Interpersonal intelligence The skills of the classic “ people person,” who understands human motivation and behavior and uses this understanding to further personal goals (in sales, ministry, counseling, politi

65、cs, etc.) Salesman, Politician, teacher Intrapersonal intelligence Socratic capacity to “ know thyself,” and to use self-knowledge to organize your life Self-aware individual, such as philosopher, Psychologist, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页名师精编优秀资料theologian Naturalist i

66、ntelligence The ability to recognize similarities and differences in physical world naturalist, biologist, hunter, garden designer 二 Gardner multiple intelligence theory: Applications in classroom1.Teacher must avoid thinking about children as smart or not smart, since there are many ways to be smar

67、t; 2.Teachers must be open to the different forms of abilities that intelligence takes . 3.Teachers seek to include a variety of presentation modes in each lesson, and adapt instruction to different intelligence。4.Help students find and use their strengths to compensate for their weakness. 创造力( crea

68、tivity )指在问题情境中超越既有经验,突破习惯限制,形成崭新的观念或者产生某种新颖、独特、有社会或个人价值的精神或物质产品的能力。Five Components for Creativity :1.Originality 原创性2.Flexibility灵活性3.Elaboration 精致化、精细程度4.Fluency 流畅力5.Openness 开放性如何培养创造力,教师可以怎么做:1.提供支持性的教学气氛,特別注意提供自由、安全、和谐、无拘无束的情境与气氛。2.允许学生有思考时间,不急着下判断; 鼓励学生表达, 容忍和悦纳学生不同的意见;鼓励学生珍惜新观念. 3.多鼓励,少批评,少

69、指责,要容忍学生不太高明的作品,容许学生犯错。无谓的指责和批评,只会使学生更缺乏安全感,其后果是无意中伤害了创新的幼苗。4.提出一些开放性、没有单一答案的、启发性的问题,为创造性思维提供刺激,诱发学生的內在创意潜能。5.允许学生提出问题,允许学生挑战已被接受的答案,挑战老师。确保“ 唱反调 ” 的学生享有平等的权利和奖赏。6.拓展思维视角:肯定、否定、待定(1)从肯定的视角看事物(2)从否定的视角看事物(3)从待定的视角看事物7.在改进作业及评价时,使创造力成为作业评分的一部份,承认每个学生作业中的创造性的努力,对某些作业的新奇性予以不同的等级。三、Theories of learning s

70、tyles “ 学习风格 ”这一概念最早是由塞伦(HThelen,1954)提出的。是学习策略和学习倾向的总和。(二) Kinds of learning style?从对感觉通道的偏重对学习风格分类:视觉型Field independent:? 场独立型学生在课程方面,重视概念的细节,并能自己赋予意义。比较易于适应结构不严密的教学方Field dependent:? 场依赖型学生在课程方面,作业目标及课程的各方面都要祥加解释。喜欢以故事方式说明概念。依存性学生喜欢有严密结构精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页名师

71、精编优秀资料听觉型动觉型?从学生的认知方式对学习风格分类场依存性和场独立性沉思型和冲动型整体策略和序列策略?从学生的人格因素对学习风格分类: 内部控制与外部控制焦虑水平Mastery Learning (掌握学习)?An instructional method that presumes that all can learn if they are provided with the appropriate learning conditions. ?Typically consists of discrete 离散的分离的不连续的topics which all students begin together ;?Student who do not master, are given additional instruction and enrichment activities ;?students are not advanced to a subsequent后来的随后的learning objective until they demonstrate证明proficiency 精通with the current learning objective 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页



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