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1、U3 小学六年级下册教材1 【复习小测】 ( 100 分)另一个 _ 碰撞 _ 出现 _ 死_ 地面 _ 停止 _ 捡_ 容易 _ 他自己 _ 加油努力 _ _ _ 辛苦活儿 _ 从那时起 _ 整天 _ 捡起 _分数很惨?记得下次复习哦!单词和词组在上次的讲义里。Unit 3 What animal is it? 【课文】Jiamin: Let s play a game. Can you guess this animal s name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. Janet: Hmm that s difficul

2、t. A frog? Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and it s from Australia. Xiaoling: That s easy. It s a kangaroo. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. What is it? Ben: Is it a starfish? Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet. Hanet: It is a large cat. It loves eati

3、ng meat. It is yellow and lives in Africa. Ben: A tiger? Janet: No. Tigers live in Asia, not Africa. It is also called the “ King of the Animals ” . Hiamin: I know. A lion! 【词汇必会】困难_ 海洋_ 竹子 _ 头发_ 非洲_ 脖子 _ 轮转_ 亚洲 _ 叶子 _ 青蛙 _ 袋鼠 _ 海星 _ 老虎 _ 狮子 _ 熊猫 _ 大象 _ 长颈鹿 _ 现学现卖根据提示补全句中的动物单词1. -Are there any b_ in

4、 the tree? -Yes, they are singing beautiful songs. 2. L_ are “ the King of the Animals”3. P_ live in China. 4. I saw a s_ on the beach. 5. F_ are often green. They can jump. They are good swimmers, too. 6. The g_ has a very long neck. They are the tallest animals in the world. 7. The c_ mother often

5、 carry her baby in her body bag. 8. The p_ loves eating bamboo! 9. E_ are the largest animal on land I know. 10. The t_ looks very much like a cat. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页U3 小学六年级下册教材2 【词组必会】玩一个游戏_ 后腿_ 来自于_ 轮到我了_ 万兽之王_ 跳得远_ 热爱做 _ 看上去像 _ 住在_ 现学现卖1.他从非洲来,但他现在住在亚洲。He_ _

6、 _, but he _ _ _now. (请同学们思考用什么时态?) 2. 轮到我们玩一个游戏了。It is our _ to _ _ _. 狮子 (1) 用后腿 (2) 跳得远 (3)又跑得快 (4),而且他热爱(5) 当万兽之王 (6) The(1)_(3)_ _and(4)_ _with his(2)_ _, and he (5)_ _ _(6)_ _ _ _. _. (请重新完整流畅地写一遍句子) 【知识点精讲】1.Let s play a game. (1) let s 是_的缩写,表示动员大家:让我们一起来(2) 本句话 let s 后面的动词是 _, 它的形式是 _. 所以我们

7、知道,let s 后面永远用动词_. 练习 The book is heavy. Let s _the book for him! carry B. to carry C. carried D. is going to carry 让我们努力一试!_ _ _ 2.Can you guess this animal s name? (1) can 叫做 _动词。和它同样类型的词比如有_ _ _ _. 练习 你会说英语吗?_ you speak English? 我可以进来吗?_I come in? 我们应该先问问他。We _ ask him first. 你会和我们一起去吗?精选学习资料 - -

8、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页U3 小学六年级下册教材3 _ you come with us? (2) 本句中情态动词后面的动词是_, 它的形式是 _. 所以我们知道,情态动词后面永远用动词_. 练习 Can you _ the football? May I _ the cake? You should _ the homework. (3) 有情态动词句子的变形,和助动词很像。练习 把例句变换句式肯定句 _ 否定句 _ 疑问句 _ 肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _ 3.It has two strong back legs and

9、can jump very far. (1) has 的原形是 _,翻译成 _。在本句中,这个动作的主语是_.(2) there be 句型也可以翻译成_。不同的是,主语一定不是东西!(多数情况是地点)练习 请用 have 或者 there be 的正确形式填空I _ a good father and a good mother. _ a telescope on the desk. He _ a tape-recoder. _ a basketball in the playground yesterday. _ only one book on the desk. But these c

10、hildren _many books in their hands. 4.It loves eating meat. (1) love 后面加动词 _ 或者 to do,意思是 _. (2) love 的相近词是 _, 它的后面加动词的_或者 _. (3) would like _(do) 是唯一的固定搭配,表示_. 练习 我五年前超爱看电视。_. 您想要一杯咖啡吗?_. 5.It is difficult. (1) difficult 的同义词是 _, 反义词是 _. 练习 请用三种方式写下:吃鱼真不容易!(提示,我们上次课学到的动名词做主语还记得吗?)_ _ _ 精选学习资料 - - -

11、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页U3 小学六年级下册教材4 【滚瓜烂熟】一翻译句子1.轮到我了。_2.这个动物看起来像一个星星,而且它住在海洋里。_3.它有两个强壮的后腿并且跳的很远。_4.你能猜到这个动物的名字吗?_ 二根据实际情况回答问题。1.Whats your favourite animal? _ 2.Where does the panda live? _ 3.Does the kangaroo live in Africa? _ 4.Did you see a hare in the field before? _ 5.Wh

12、at does a tiger look like? _ 6.语音训练众里寻她千百度,不声不响,发音永远藏在灯火阑珊处!2011 年广州市小升初小联盟(广雅中学、二中、珠江六中)考试英语卷A)找出下列每组单词划线部分有几种读音,把答案的字母写在相应的括号中(A 一种读音、B 两种读音、C 三种读音、D 四种读音)()1. A. bird B. her C. purple D. worker ()2. A. music B. lung C. full D. put ()3. A. turns B. jumps C. draws D. throws ()4. A. bone B. cost C.

13、money D. woman ()5. A. expensive B. enjoy C. wet D. tennis B)从以下四个选项中找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项()1. know A. down B. brown C. how D. window ()2. name A. have B. table C. watch D. class ()3. clothes A. with B. think C. thank D. three ()4. here A. their B. chair C. there D. near ()5. yellow A. my B. boy C.

14、 your D. bye 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页U3 小学六年级下册教材5 语法讲练助动词和 be 动词小伙伴儿, 我们还能一起愉快的玩耍吗:上节课巩固训练1. A: _ you visit the museum yesterday. Ken? B: Yes, I _. A: What time _ you get there? B: At about nine in the morning. 2.A: _ you in the museum yesterday. Ken? B: Yes, I _. A:

15、_ Kitty with you? B: No, she _. A:Why she _come with you? B: You know, she often says she _like the museum. A: But I think you and Kitty _ always doing everything together. 练习一用所给词的正确形式填空二单选精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页U3 小学六年级下册教材6 小学必备动词过去式不规则变化am, is come are can become

16、 cost begin cut bite dig blow do buy draw catch drink drive give eat go fall grow feel have fly know feed keep forget leave get let lose say make see meet sing put sit read sleep ride speak run sweep swim throw take understand teach wake tell wear think will win write 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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