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1、MetaphorMetaphor与与AnalogyAnalogy的对比的对比学习解读学习解读(2) Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.(1) Reading is the food of the mind.(1)metaphor(2)analogyContentsMetaphorAnalogyMetaphor & Analogyawayofdescribingsomethingbyreferringtoitassomethingdifferentandsuggestingthatithassimilarqualitiesofthat

2、thingMetaphorAnotherdefinition:likeasimile,alsomakesacomparisonbetweentwounlikeelements,butunlikeasimile,thiscomparisonisimpliedratherthanstated.MetaphorThe properties of an effective metaphor:1)freshness and originality (立意新颖)2) aptness (恰当贴切)3) consistency(协调一致)Metaphorsustained metaphor 博博喻extend

3、ed metaphor 延延喻Varieties of Metaphor (变体)(变体)MetaphorA comparison between two unlike things that continues through a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem.Varieties of Metaphor-Sustained metaphor 博喻博喻again out leapt the fifth flash, with the spring of a serpent and the shout of a fie

4、nd, looked green as an emerald, and the reverberation was stunning.第五次闪电又发作了,这闪电象蛇一样蜿蜒游动,爆发出魔鬼的嘶喊。电光象翠玉一祥碧绿,回响震耳欲聋。MetaphorBeauty is but a vain and doubtful good,A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly;A flower that dies when first it begins to bud;A brittle glass thats broken presently;美不过是作不得准的浮影;像耀眼

5、的光彩,很快就会销毁;像一朵花刚开放随即凋零;像晶莹的玻璃转眼就已破碎;MetaphorAccording to the Longman Modern English Dictionary, the author use extended metaphor make an initial comparison and then develop it, expanding the idea.(作出初次比较再扩展,以延伸作者的意图)Varieties of Metaphor-Extended metaphor 延喻延喻MetaphorLawslike cobwebs, where the smal

6、l flies are caught and the great break through.法律犹如蛛网,小的蚊蝇给网捕住,大的则一冲而过。MetaphorVarieties of Metaphor-Extended metaphor 延喻延喻-Types of extended metaphor1.Verbtypes:Her eyes, pools of love, were rippling in tenderness.(她的双眼似爱的池塘,正泛着柔情蜜意的涟漪.)2.Noun typesMarriage is a book of which the first chapter is w

7、ritten in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.(结婚,是一本第一章以诗写成,其余各章以散文写就的书.)Metaphor3.Adjectivetypes: She has a photographic memory for detail.(她对细节有照相机般的记忆力.)4.Prepositionphrase typesA policeman waved me out of the snake of traffic and flagged me to stop.(一位警察招手,要我从长蛇阵般的车流中出来,并招呼我停下.)The stone sha

8、ped as a kitten with crystal eyes.(石头形如小猫,眼似水晶. )Metaphor5.Sentence typesHe is as poor as a church mouse, and a church mouse like him eats like a horse. (他一贫如洗,赤贫的他又特别能吃.)The chess-board is the world, where the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. (棋盘如世界,游戏规则如同自然法则.)MetaphorTeach a

9、 fish to swim 班门弄斧Feather ones nest 中饱私囊Beard the lion in his den 虎口拔牙Add insult to injury 雪上加霜Cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴Hold the candle to the devil 助纣为虐Cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉Fish in the air 水中捞月Idioms or phrases with Metaphor(1)MetaphorLock the stable door after the horse is stole

10、n 亡羊补牢Kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕Set a fox to keep ones geese 引狼入室Let sleeping dogs lie 不要打草惊蛇Kick against the pricks 以卵击石Let the cat out of the bag hold a wolf by the ears 露马脚A flash in the pan 昙花一现Ride two horses at the same time 骑虎难下Idioms or phrases with Metaphor(2)Metaphora bed of roses

11、安乐窝clean hands 两袖清风(清廉)curtain-lecture 枕头风(枕边话)like mushroom 雨后春笋mushroom fame 一夜成名a mushroom millionaire 暴发户Idioms or phrases with Metaphor(3)Metaphoranalogydrawsaparallelbetweentwounlikethings(twothingsnotinoneaspect)thathaveseveralcommonqualitiesorpointsofresemblance.TextbookP7:analogyisaspecialk

12、indofcomparisonandamoreconcretewaytoexplainthings.likecomparison,analogyshowssimilaries;notlikecomparison,analogyaimsatwhatiscommonbetweentwothingsofdifferentclasses.AnalogyAnalogyAnalogy- Patterns of analogy 1)A is to B as C is to DFoodistomanasfuelistoengine.Airistomanaswateristofish.2)A is to B w

13、hat C is to D (or: A to B is what C is to D, or what C is to D, A is to B)Judiciouspraiseistochildrenwhatthesunistoflowers.Themanwhocannotbetrustedistosocietywhatabitofrottentimberistoahouse.Analogy3)(Just) as AB, (so) CD (or: so CD, just as AB)(Just)asdarkcloudscannotlonghidethesun,(so)noliescancov

14、erupfacts.JustasDarwindiscoveredthelawoforganicnature,soMarxdiscoveredthelawofdevelopmentofhumanhistory.4)If A were B, C wouldDIfsocietywereatraintheetiquettewouldbetherailsalongwhichonlythetraincouldrumbleforth;ifsocietywereastatecoach,theetiquettewouldbethewheelsandaxisonwhichonlythecoachrollforwa

15、rd.AnalogyAnalogyMetaphor vs. AnalogyAnalogyMetaphorvs.MetaphorAnalogyoriginOriginated from the Greek word metaphor, which means to transfer.Came from the Greek word analogia, which means proportion.EssenceA figure of speech; an implicit comparisonRather than a figure of speech, more of a logical ar

16、gument; a rather parallel relationship of two objectsStructureConcentrate on one point of resemblanceDraw a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblanceMetaphor vs. AnalogyAnalogyMetaphorvs.MetaphorAnalogyFunctionto heighten effect with vivid imagery

17、 And it is usually being used in stories or poems by authors to put a twist to the meeting of certain word.for the purpose of persuasion or for the explanation or exposition of an ideaThis form is usually being used in teaching. If one thing is not being understood by the student you can parallel it

18、 and put an analogy on something that would give you the same meaning as to what you really meant.1.英语修辞与翻译英语修辞与翻译Figures of speech2. 实用英语修辞学实用英语修辞学3. Sustained Metaphor及其喻体分析及其喻体分析 文军文军4. http:/ ExtendedMetaphor5.http:/ ThePoweroftheSustainedMetaphorCopyright2010bySusanPlettReferences:Thank you for your listening结束结束



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