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1、1 高一年级第二学期单元测试一卷一I. Grammar and Vocabulary 39% Section A 29% Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. True opera lovers go to an opera-house for the purpose of listening to famous songs

2、 and familiar music rather than an involved plot. A. to get to know B. get knowing C. getting to know D. got to know 2. Scientists think that oil was formed from sea creatures between layers of rock. A. catching B. having caught C. caught D. being caught 3. Do you anticipate any real problem in gett

3、ing support? A. there being B. there to be C. for there trying D. of their trying 4. I certainly appreciate us about the delay in delivering the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow. A. his tell B. he tell C. his telling D. he telling 5. I regret you that your application has been

4、 refused. A. informing B. to inform C. having informed D. to be informed 6. The doctor lost no time the patient first aid. A. to give B. to have given C. giving D. having given 7. When the child returned home, with dust, his parents began to complain. A. covered B. covering C. to be covered D. havin

5、g covered 8. If it were not for the , I would go there by air. A. involved expense B. involving expense C. expense involved D. expense involving 9. You don t have to spend a lot, you just need plenty of styles. A. to be fashionable B. only to be fashionable C. being fashionable D. as to be fashionab

6、le 10. with the arrangement, Nancy refused to go. A. Dissatisfying thoroughly B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied C. To dissatisfy thoroughly D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied 11. The students are all gone. Because of the bad weather, the teacher permitted them early. A. leave B. to being leaving C. to

7、leaving D. to leave 12. The waitress carried the bowls very carefully, any of the soup. A. only not to spill B. so not to spill C. for not spilling D. so as not to spill 13. I am very sorry the whole morning. I forgot the appointment. A.to keep you wait B.to have kept you waiting C. to keep you wait

8、ing D. to have kept you wait 14. the quality of the runners, I think this week s 800 meters final could produce a new Olympic record. A. To judge from B. Judged by C. Judging from D. Be judged by 15. We are opposed to before the examination. A. have a party B. had a party C. having a party D. has a

9、party 16. The publishers withdrew the passages in the book and publicly regretted having caused anyone embarrassment. A. offend B. offending C. offended D. offendingly 17. , we ll go camping this weekend.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页2 A. Permitted by the weather B. Weather

10、 to permit C. Weather permitting D. Weather permits 18. , the twins, having identical brains, would have roughly the same intelligence. A. Given equal opportunities B. To give equal opportunities C. Equal opportunities giving D. Equal opportunities be given 19. When he was a boy, he used to go there

11、 and watch . A. to repair bicycles B. bicycles to be repaired C. bicycles being repaired D. repaired bicycles 20. The old man often stands in his bedroom, his eyes the old photos on the wall. Can you his mind? A. stared at; see B. staring at; find C. fixing on; understand D. fixed upon; read 21. Wit

12、h lots of things , he didn t know which to begin with. A. being done B. done C. doing D. to do 22. He thought that . A. the effort doing the job was not worth B. the effort was not worth in doing the job C. it was not worth the effort doing the job D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job 23.

13、 Ann never dreamed of for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance 24. To help a friend solve the problem troubling him, . A. a friend should be made known of his difficult situation B. a man should be equipped with the k

14、ind of knowledge required C. nothing is better th an the offering of one s moneyD. keeping one s promise is most important25. , a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. A. Other things being equal B. Were other things equal

15、 C. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal 26. Sometimes, very young children have trouble fact from fiction and many believe that such things actually exist. A. for separating B. to separate C. having separated D. separating 27. The project by the end of 2017 will expand the city s

16、 wireless network to cover most of the urban areas. A. accomplished B. being accomplished C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished 28. For most of the history, China had the world most civilization. A. recorded; advanced B. recording; advancing C. recording; advanced D. record; advanced 29.

17、 , he was able to answer all the questions on the examination. A. Reading all the required materials B. Having reading all the required materials C. Having read all the required materials D. He had read all the required materials 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页3 Section B 10

18、%Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. released B. average C. belong D. demonstrated AB. shocked AC. simple AD. survey BC. necessarily BD. products CD. ranging ABC. traces As an Al

19、askan fisherman, Timothy June, 54, used to think that he was safe from industrial pollutants ( 污染物 )at his home in Haines a town with a population of 2,400 people and 4,000 eagles, with 8 million acres of protected wild land nearby. But in early 2007, June agreed to take part in a _30_of 35 American

20、s from seven states. It was a biomonitoring project, in which people s blood and urine ( 尿) were tested for _31_of chemicals in this case, three potentially dangerous classes of compounds found in common household_32_like face cream, tin cans, and shower curtains. The results_33_ in November in a re

21、port called “ Is It in Us?” by an environmental group were rather worrying. Every one of the participants, _34_ from an Illinois State senator to a Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants. And while the_35_ presence of these chemicals does not _36_ indicate a heal

22、th risk, the fact that typical Americans carry these chemicals at all_37_June and his fellow participants. Clearly, there are chemicals in our bodies that don t _38_there. A large ongoing study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found 148 chemicals in Americans of all ag

23、es. And in 2005, the Environmental Working Group found a (an) _39_ of 200 chemicals in the blood of 10 new-borns. “ Our babies are being born pre-polluted.” says Sharyle Patton of Commonweal, which cosponsored “ Is it in Us?” “ This is going to be the next big environmental issue after climate chang

24、e. II. Reading Comprehension (31%) Section A 15% Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word and phrase that best fits the context. Remains of ancient civilization are places which were designed and built

25、as a lasting tribute( 致敬 ) to some individuals or events. By visiting these _40_ monuments, you are sure to be amazed by how _41_ the ancient civilization that existed centuries before you was. Some of the facilities which could be dated back hundreds of years ago are still in use today. Besides, yo

26、u will also _42_ at the mysterious stories behind it. The Great Wall,_43_, is probably the best-known monument of China, which consists of a network of walls and towers through which the attack warnings could be received within minutes. _44_ then had enough time to prepare. Estimates of the total le

27、ngth of the monument _45_, depending on which sections are included and how they are measured. One of the _46_ mysteries is that, although some of the wall is _47_ in special radar images taken by satellites, astronauts have confirmed that the existing wall is not several thousand years old, nor is

28、it, as many people had _48_, visible to the human eye from outer space. Even older than the Great Wall of China is the Great Pyramid. Over a 20-year period, thousands of workers made the vision become _49_ with numerous blocks, each weighing more than two tons. Its still a(an) _50_ to modern people

29、how ancient men handled the _51_ of these giant stones in a time when cars or boats never existed some 4500 years ago. The pyramid served not only as a tomb for King Khufu, but also a place of _52_ activity. The number of the Gods servants at that time showed the importance of such activities. After

30、 Khufu died, his body was carefully treated with various medicines and materials and was wrapped in order to be _53_ for 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页4 long. According to ancient Egyptian belief, the pyramid, where the mummy was placed, provided a place for the king to pas

31、s into the afterlife. Then his servants performed rituals(仪式 ) to bring _54_ to the dead kings soul, removing all the unrest and pain from his next life. 40. A. modern B. historic C. official D. commercial 41. A. advanced B. technical C. overlooked D. energetic 42. A. stare B. wonder C. aim D. call

32、43. A. in addition B. in other words C. however D. for example 44. A. Mechanics B. Workers C. Astronauts D. Soldiers 45. A. extend B. remain C. vary D. progress 46. A. long-standing B. widely-used C. carefully-chosen D. clearly-stated 47. A. recognizable B. reasonable C. reliable D. responsible 48.

33、A. proved B. claimed C. threatened D. requested 49. A. reality B. tradition C. mansion D. civilization 50. A. burden B. secret C. solution D. fortune 51. A. finance B. storage C. transportation D. production 52. A. sports B. religious C. fighting D. family 53. A. preserved B. recovered C. buried D.

34、restored 54. A. leadership B. peace C. honour D. inspiration Section B 16% Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the

35、 information given in the passage you have just read. (A) About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighbourhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old. He was watching

36、 for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child came out, but a brick sailed out and -WHUMP- it hit the Jags shiny black side door! SCREECH.! Immediately Josh stopped the car, jumped out, seized the kid and pushed him up ag

37、ainst a parked car. He shouted at the kid, What was that all about and who are you? Just what the hell are you doing?! Building up a head of steam, he went on. Thats my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it? Please, mister, please. Im sorry! I didnt kno

38、w what else to do. begged the youngster. I threw the brick because no one else would stop. Tears were streaming down the boys face as he pointed around the parked car. Its my brother, mister, he said. He rolled off the curb (路缘 ) and fell out of his wheelchair and I cant lift him up. ” Sobbing, the

39、boy asked the businessman, Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes hurt and hes too heavy for me. Moved beyond words, the businessman tried hard to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his han

40、dkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long walk back to the black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE- a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side doo

41、r of his Jaguar. He kept the dent(凹痕 ) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming at you. 55. The boy threw a brick at the businessmans car because _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4

42、页,共 8 页5 A. the businessman drove at a high speed B. he envied the brand-new car very much C. he wanted to ask for some money D. he wanted to get help from the driver 56. Which of the following is the right order of the story? a. The younger brother threw a brick at Joshs car. b. The elder brother f

43、ell out of his wheelchair. c. The younger brother begged Josh for help. d. Josh lifted the elder brother back into his wheelchair. e. Josh shouted at the younger brother. A. b, a, e, c, d B. a, c, d, b, e C. b, a, c, e, d D. a, c, b, e, d 57. What can we learn from the passage? A. Josh would accept

44、the money from the kids. B. The two kids were Joshs neighbours. C. Josh was a kind-hearted man. D. Joshs new car broke down easily. 58. According to the passage, the last sentence means_ A. trying to get ready for the trouble in your future life B. driving fast in a neighbourhood street is dangerous

45、 C. trying to be more understanding seeing others in trouble D. protecting oneself from being hurt (B) In 1950, a young man would have found it much easier than it is today to get and keep a job in the auto industry. And in that year the average autoworker could meet monthly mortgage(抵押贷款 )payments

46、on an average home with just 13.4 percent of his take-home pay. Today a similar mortgage would claim more than twice that share of his monthly earnings. Other members of the autoworker s family however might be less inclined to trade the present for the past. His retired parents would certainly have

47、 had less economic security back then. Through-out much of the 1960s, more than a quarter of men and women aged 65 and older lived below the poverty level, compared to less than 10 percent in 2010. In most states, his wife could not have taken out a loan or a card in her own name. In 42 states, a ho

48、memaker had no legal claim on the earnings of her husband. And nowhere did a wife have legal protection against family violence. Most black workers would not want to return to a time when, on average they earned 40 percent less than their white counterparts(职位相当的人),white racially restrictive agreeme

49、nts largely prevented them from buying into the suburban neighborhoods being built for white working class families. Today, new problems have emerged in the process of resolving old ones, but the solution is not to go back to the past. Some people may long for an era when divorce was still hard to c

50、ome by. The spread of no-fault divorce has reduced the bargaining power of whichever spouse is more interested in continuing the relationship. And the breakup of such marriages has caused pain for many families. The growing diversity of family life comes with new possibilities as well as new challen

51、ges. According to a recent poll, more than 80 percent of Americans believe that their current family is as close as the one in which they grew up, or closer. Finding ways to improve lives of the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页6 remaining 20 percent seems more realistic than

52、trying to restore an imaginary golden age. 59. What do we learn about American autoworkers in 1950? A. They had less job security than they do today. B. It was not too difficult for them to buy a house. C. Their earnings were worth twice as much as today. D. They were better off than workers in othe

53、r industries. 60. Why couldn t black workers buy a house in a white suburban neighborhood ? A. They lacked the means of transportation. B. They were subjected to racial inequality. C. They were afraid to break the law. D. They were too poor to afford it. 61. What is the result of no-fault divorce? A

54、. Divorce is easier to obtain. B. Domestic violence is lessened. C. It causes little pain to either side. D. It contributes to social unrest. 62. What does the author suggest society do? A. Get prepared to face any new challenges. B. Try to better the current social security. C. Narrow the gap betwe

55、en blacks and whites. D. Improve the lives of families with problems 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页7 卷二. Fill in each blank with a suitable word according to its meaning. The first letter is given to you. 10% 1.extreme; very different 2.able to read and write 3.forbid by la

56、w 4.to catch and keep a person or an animal as a prisoner 5.to go from place to place aimlessly 6.good enough for the time or effort needed 7.higher than the area around 8.to repair and make (sth) look as good as it did before 9.sensible 10. in the first place, before anything changed r_ l_ p_ c_ w_

57、 w_ e_ r_ r_ o_ . Fill in the blanks with the missing words according to the text: 10% In the Phantom s house, Christine _1_ off his mask and saw the real man. At first, she was shocked at his _2_ face with yellow eyes and no nose, but then she felt sorry about his _3_. She understood how _4_ his li

58、fe had been. She gently kissed his face. No woman had ever _5_ the Phantom before. Christine s kiss made him cry with joy. He _6_ Raoul, and told him to take Christine to By 2002, however, the Shanghai Concert Hall faced some difficulties. The building was old and needed _7_. Also, a(an) _8_ road ha

59、d been built nearby. One way of saving the concert hall was moving it. So, over an eight-day period, workers used _9_ to lift the concert hall into the air. They then pushed it along rails to a new _10_ away from the _8_ road. . Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the phrases i

60、n the box. 10% 1. The noise from the nearby construction site came near to the music inside the hall. 2. It is beyond mortal power the dead . 3. Hardly the armed police when a gang of smugglers took flight through the secret passage. 4. Big Hero 6 may seem like an amusing and childish cartoon , but

61、soon it will throw the audience in deep thought and warmth throughout the film. 5. Over the past year, the sharp rise in the consumption of Korean fried chicken was due to the overwhelming popularity of TV series My Love from the Star . 6. Though the chance was slim, Chen Xiao still clung to the hop

62、e that his aunt Chen Yanxiwith him. 7. Wechat users the overnight popularity of FotoPlace, an APP used to make your footprints into the footnotes of a scene in a film. 8. Shanghai netizens are joking about their overcoat several times a day at this time of the year-it has a random weather mode here

63、and one can experience at least three seasons in the course of a single day. 9. He was the only one such a worthwhile solution to the dilemma. 10. A foodie like Garfield cannot resist concentration in the presence of any dessert. pull off, be shocked at, fall in love with, burst in, drown out, in pa

64、rt, bring back to life, come up with, distractfrom, at first glance 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页8 Keys: 单项选择15 CCACB 610 CACAB 11-15 DDBCC 1620 BCACD 21 25 DCABA 2629 DCAC 11 选 10 30 39 AD ABC BD A CD AC BC AB C B 完形填空40-44 BABDD 45-49 CAABA 50-54 BCBAB 阅读理解55-58 DACC 596

65、3 BBAD II 卷110 radical, literate, prohibit, capture, wander, worthwhile, elevated, restore, reasonable, originally 110 pulled off, horrible, suffering, lonely, touched, released, repair, elevated, machinery, location 110 drowning out, to bringback to life, had burst in, at first glance, in part, wou

66、ld fall in love, were/are shocked at, pulling off, to have come up with/to come up with, being distracted from Keys: 单项选择15 CCACB 610 CACAB 11-15 DDBCC 1620 BCACD 21 25 DCABA 2629 DCAC 11 选 10 30 39 AD ABC BD A CD AC BC AB C B 完形填空40-44 BABDD 45-49 CAABA 50-54 BCBAB 阅读理解55-58 DACC 5963 BBAD II 卷110

67、radical, literate, prohibit, capture, wander, worthwhile, elevated, restore, reasonable, originally 110 pulled off, horrible, suffering, lonely, touched, released, repair, elevated, machinery, location 110 drowning out, to bringback to life, had burst in, at first glance, in part, would fall in love, were/are shocked at, pulling off, to have come up with/to come up with, being distracted from 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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