中考英语 知识点精讲十 4 be supposed to课件

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《中考英语 知识点精讲十 4 be supposed to课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 知识点精讲十 4 be supposed to课件(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语知识点精讲课程besupposedto情境导入Everyone is supposed to look after their old parents.The train was supposed to arrive an hour ago.You are supposed to have cleaned your room.知识讲解一. be supposed to 的用法e.g. I am supposed to start work at 7:30 every morning. 1. 主语为人, + V原形,意为“应该;被期望”(劝告、建议、义务、责任等)。e.g. The tr

2、ain was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago.2. 主语为物, + V原形,意为“本应;本该”(某事本该发生却没发生)。知识讲解e.g. Tom, you are supposed to have cleaned your room.3. be supposed to + have done“本应该完成某事却没有”4. 否定结构: be not supposed to“不被许可,不应当”e.g. You are not supposed to go when the light is red.知识讲解二. be supposed to 与 be expe

3、cted to 的区别e.g. They are expected to make a plan today. He is expected to be a good doctor. be expected to do sth. 预料/被期望做;表示一种可能性。be supposed to do sth. 应该,有义务做;They are expected to arrive at eight. 期待他们八点钟到达。They are supposed to arrive at eight.他们应该八点钟到达。试比较:be supposed to do sth. 语气更强即学即练1. Stude

4、nts are supposed _ the school rules. A. follow B. following C. to follow D. to following C即学即练2. She was supposed _ the table, but she didnt. A. to cleaning B. clean C. cleaning D. to have cleaned D课堂小结一. be supposed to 的用法1. 主语为人, 表示“应该;被期望”2. 主语为物,表示“本应;本该”3. be supposed to + have done“本应该完成某事却没有”4. 否定结构: be not supposed to“不被许可,不应当”二. be supposed to 与 be expected to 的区别



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