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1、M4U3-Whats-their-M4U3-Whats-their-number-again-period-1-number-again-period-1-VocabularyVocabularyPeriod 1 Vocabulary1.magic adj.& n. magician n.Yif is a magician, and he performs magic well.Vocabulary2.at one point 在某一时刻3.presenter n. present n./v4.stage on the stage5.put ones foot in it put ones f

2、oot in ones mouth 犯错误6.cheat n.骗子 v. 欺骗 cheating n.欺骗Cheats will be punished.骗子将会受到惩罚。魔术被用来欺骗你的眼睛和感情的。Magic is used to cheat your eyes and feeling.7.open up 打开8.swallowChew your food well before you swallow it. 食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。9.stay upI used to stay up late with my mum and watch movies together.过去我常和妈妈

3、熬夜到很晚一起看电影。e down ( from.to.)从。下到。If you buy three bottles, the bottle price comes down to $2.42.11.bathtub bathtub effect12.regard.as.把。看作。 Many people in China regard Chairman Mao as a hero. in this regard 就这一点而言 In this regard, nothing has changed.13.memorize v. memory n.14.resarch n./v. do the r

4、esearch So far we havent been able to find anything, but were still researching.15.certain adj. 某种;确信的 uncertain It is certain that he will arrive the next day.16.noticeable adj. 显而易见的,显著的;值得注意的 noticeably adv. 显著地 The class has made noticeable improvement. 这个班已有引人注目的进步。17.so-called so-Called friend

5、 所谓的朋友18.recall v.His mother later recalled: He used to stay up until two oclock in the morning playing these war games. 他的母亲后来回忆道:“他过去常常熬夜到凌晨2点玩这些打仗的游戏。”I can recall every detail of the party.我能想起聚会的每个细节。19.ease n./v. with ease 轻而易举地Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮

6、很聪明,能够轻易地通过考试。I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给了他一些白兰地以减轻疼痛。20. commonly adv. common adj. 共同的;普通的 n. 普通;平民;21. finding n. find 22. literature 英 lt()rt 美 ltrt 23. average on average The average working time in Japan is 42 hours each week.在日本,每周工作的平均时间为42小时。On average each report requires 1,0

7、00 hours to prepare.平均来说,每份报告需要1000各小时来准备。24. reflect Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes.美国人喜欢让他们的家反映出他们的个人品味。25. catch caught caught be caught by 措手不及25. concentrate v. concentration n. concentrate on 专心于 作为一个学生,我们应该首先将我们的精力集中在学习上。 As a student, we should concentrate our en

8、ergies on learning first.26.obtainHewastryingtoobtainafalsepassport.他正试着弄到一个假护照。27.conceptn.Asmallbabyhasnoconceptofrightandwrong.婴儿没有是非概念。28.gooversth.仔细检查Inordertogetgoodmarksinthefinaltest,youhavetogooveryourlessonscarefully.为了在期末考试中获得好分数,你必须认真复习你的课程。29.entire entirelyan entirely new approach 一种全

9、新的方法30.concentrate on31.theme n. main theme 主题32.at the endin the end 终于,最会by the end of 到为止at the end = in the end 最后,结束at the end of 在什么末端33.translate translation34.repeatedly repeat35.go a long way(towards/in doing sth)stand out 突出、杰出feel awful 感觉糟透了call out 大声喊叫I mean 我是说pay attention to (doing) sth 关注as to关于,至于instead of 而不是have a difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth做某事有困难achieve success获得成功reach goal达成目标find it + adj. + to do sth 发现做某事。结束结束



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