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1、1 Vocabulary 一教材依据:牛津初中英语译林出版社八年级上8A Unit3 Vocabulary 二设计思路 :This period introduces some names of places of interest in Beijing and things that visitors might like do. It also introduces the kinds of transport you need to get to these places. I use CAI to show some pictures, and design several games

2、 to let students master the names easily and vividly. Let them use the vocabulary to talk about tourists sights in Beijing and different kinds of transport. 三教学目标 :(Aim and demands)知识能力:1.To know about some names of places of interest in Beijing. 2.To know things people might do in each place. 3.To

3、master the way of using transport. 过程与方法:1.To give some pictures of well-known places in Beijing. 2.To use several games to increase students study interests.情感态度与价值观:1.T o let students love culture of our country. 2.T o use the vocabulary we have learnt to talk about the feelings of travelling. 四教学

4、重点 :1.T o use proper nouns to talk about well-known places and tourist attractions in Beijing. 2.T o use nouns and nouns phrases to talk about means of transport. 五教学难点 :1. To grasp the vocabulary about well-known places in Beijing . 2. To identify the knowledge we have learnt to talk about travelli

5、ng. 六教学准备 :1. Computer, CAI 2. Pictures or photos of well-know places in Beijing and different transport. 3. Exercises. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页2 七教学过程:(Teaching Procedures )Step1 Presentation 1. Warm-up activity. Use CAI to play a part of an MV. (T: As we know, Beiji

6、ng is the capital of our country, its an old and beautiful city , there are many famous places t here. Today lets learn some places of interest in Beijing .)2. Show one picture of Laoshe Tea House.(T: Look, do you know where it is? Help Ss answer: Yes, its Laoshe Tea House. What can we do there? ) T

7、eacher shows other pictures and explains: We can drink special tea and enjoy Beijing Opera there. Laoshe Tea House drink special tea and enjoy Beijing opera there 3. Use the same way to learn the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, Wangfujing street and Tian anmen Square and things to

8、do in each place. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页3 Places Things might do there Laoshe Tea House drink special Beijing tea and enjoy wonderful Beijing operaWangfujing Street visit the big shopsthe Palace Museum take a look at things people used in the past and some old pictu

9、resthe Summer Palace feel the beauty of the old parkTian anmen Square see the Monument to the Peoples Heroesthe Great Wall look at the amazing view.4. After learning all the places, put the pictures together. According to the pictures, write the new words and phrases on the blackboard, and read them

10、 several times, make sure they can say the names of each place correctly. Step 2 Games 1. Game1: Say the name of each picture. (T: Let have competition. Say the name of picture one by one, do it as quickly as possible. The team who takes the least time is the winner, and it will get one red star.) D

11、ivide the students into groups of 6. Explain the rule to them clearly, make sure the activity meaningful. Give them two minutes to prepare. 2. Game2: Find out: which picture is lost? (T: I ll show you some groups of 6 pictures we have learnt, but one picture is missing, can you find out which photo

12、is lost? Please work in a team, the team who find out the most pictures is the winner! ) Teacher gives them two minutes to prepare, give the winner praise, and also encourage the weaker teams. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页4 Step 4 Practice 1. Pair work: make dialogues to t

13、alk about the places in Beijing and things to do there. (T: Work in pairs. Talk about places of interest in Beijing. Use the following conversation as a model. Replace the underline words with you own idea. ) Give students some minutes to prepare. Remind Ss to use the information in the table to hel

14、p them. Teacher walks around the class, give the less able students help if they need. A: Which place do you want to go most in Beijing? B: I want to go the Great Wall most. A: Why do you want to go the Great Wall?B: Because I want to feel the beauty of the old park there. 2. Kitty wants to take Lin

15、da out. She made a list of things that Linda might like to do. Complete the list. Use the names from the box. Things to do in Beijing:1. See the Monument to the People s Heroes at_. 2. Take a look at things people used in the past and some old pictures in_ . 3. Visit the big shops on_. 4. Drink spec

16、ial Beijing tea and enjoy wonderful Beijing opera in _. 5. Climb up _and look at the amazing view. 6. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the beauty of the old park in_. 2. Ask students to complete the exercises on their own and then compare answers in pairs. Then go through the exercises again

17、 with the whole class, check the answers. Step5 Presentation 1.Elicit students to talk about transport in Beijing. (T: Suppose we are in Beijing, we want to get around the city, what kinds of transport can we use? Ss: bike, bus, taxi, underground.) .As the students tell the transport, teacher uses C

18、AI to show the photo of each transport one by one. 2. Show a map of Beijing. ( T: Look, what is it? Ss: Its a map. T: Yes, its a part of map of Beijing. What kinds of transport can you see on the map? Ss: bike, bus, taxi, train, underground. ) Teacher points one place and asks: How can I get to the

19、Peoples Great Hall from Zhengyangmen? S1: You can go there by underground. T:We also have another saying: You can take a underground there .Teacher shows the sentences on the screen. Laoshe Tea House Wangfujing Street the Palace Museum the Summer Palace Tian anmen Square the Great Wall 精选学习资料 - - -

20、- - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页5 3.Use different nouns or nouns phrases to talk about means of transport. Write the points on the blackboard : by + 交通工具, e.g. by bus, by bicycle take a/the+交通工具 , e.g. take a bus, take the taxi in/on a/the/形容性物主代词 +交通工具, e.g. in a car, on my bicycle. Step

21、 6 Practice1. Ask students to make sentences according to the map, and write them down on the exercise book. Write as many as possible. Then ask some of them to read them out. 2. Finish exercise B on page 4o on their own, and then check the answers. Step 7 Extension activity 3. Play a game. ( T: Wor

22、k in pairs, one student acts tourist, and the other student acts guide. There is A to F letter on the picture, the tourist choose one letter, and I click on the letter , one place will be appeared, then this tourist and guide will make dialogues about this place. Use the following conversation as a

23、model.)Teacher should express the rule clearly. Remind students to use the information on part A on page 40 to help them. Give Ss some minutes to prepare, and then encourage some groups to come to the front and act it out. A: Where do you want to go most? B: I want to go to A: Why do you want to go

24、there? B: I want to go there because I can . A: How can you go there? B: I can go thereYou can go to the museum by underground. You can take a bus to the monument to the peoples heroes. You can take the taxi to the Peoples Great Hall. You can go to Tiananmen Square on your bicycle.精选学习资料 - - - - - -

25、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页6 Blackboard Design: Vocabulary Laoshe Tea House Wangfujing Street the Palace Museum the Summer Palace Tian anmen Square the Great Wall1. by + 交通工具e.g. by bus, by bicycle 2.Take a/the+交通工具e.g. take a bus, take the taix 3.in/on a/the/+形容性物主代词+交通工具e.g. in a car, o

26、n , on my bicycle Homework: 1.Try to remember the names of places we have learn, and try to talk about things to do in each place with others. 2.Search for information about places of interest in our country, write down 3-5 places and things people might do there. 八教学反思1.本课时通过展示一些景点图片使学生了解北京的一些著名景点以及在每个景点人们可以做的事情。通过地图,联系实际,反复练习,使学生掌握用适当的单词或短语谈论交通方式。通过生动的图片以及多种游戏,激发学生学习的兴趣,培养学生热爱北京的古老文化,热爱祖国的大好河山的情操,同时通过学生自主讨论,提高了学生的英语口语表达能力。通过学习发现,学生对于本课内容很感兴趣,课堂气氛活跃。2.家庭作业布置搜索著名景点的资料,有利用学生自主学习和查找信息的能力,鼓励学生留意身边的英语知识,把英语用于日常生活中来,培养了学生在生活中学习英语的好习惯。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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