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1、第5课时一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(52分10分)1Monkey King draw a c in order to protect his teammates. 2Its important for them to e their ideas clearly or well misunderstand them. 3He is one of the greatest B writers. He wrote many novels about his hometown, England. 4Our a built the Great Wall to protect against en

2、emies.5She felt very happy because she r lots of flowers on February 14. irclexpressritainsncestorseceived二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(54分20分)6Whats your purpose by (say) this?7Zhou Yang saved her (energy) at first. But at last she tried her best to ski and won the race. 8Not all (lead) are right. Sometimes they

3、make mistakes, too.9America takes the leading (position) in the world now.10There must be something (usual) happening. We can see few people outside. sayingenergyleaderspositionunusual三、单项选择。(54分20分)11 Shall we go with you? you _ your sister can go with me. One of you must stay at home to look after

4、 your grandma. ANot only; but also BEither; or CNeither; nor DBoth; and 12They want to hold a swimming competition the hottest day in summer. Aon Bin Cat Dfrom 13We dont know who they are. But were sure they be very kind because they have helped us so much. Amust Bmight Cmay Ccan 14When will you Wuh

5、an? Please call me when you _ here.Aarrive; get Barrive in; get to Carrive at; get to Darrive in; get 15Some historians believed Stonehenge was a temple. ,_most common people didnt think so. ABut BHowever CThough DSo BAADB四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(45分20分)16一些历史学家认为那些石头具有医学目的。Some believed the stone have a

6、17他们认为那些石头可以预防疾病,使人们保持健康。They believe those stones can and keep people . 18不仅他是著名的设计家,他的父母也都是设计家。 he his parents great planners. 19森林可以阻止风把土壤吹走。Forests can wind the earth away. historiansmedical purposeprevent illnesshealthyNotonlybut alsoarestop/preventfrom blowing五、从方框中选择合适的词并用其正确形式补全短文。(103分30分)

7、Britain, explain,build , ill, use, plan, visit, rise, put, medicineStonehenge looks like a rock circle. Its one of 20. most famous historical places. Every year, over 750,000 21. come to visit it, especially in June. They want to see the sun 22. on the longest day of the year. Can anyone 23. why it

8、is there? Some people believed it was a temple 24. for communicating with gods. Some people say it might be a kind of calendar because the stones were 25. in a certain way. Other people guess the stones have a 26. purpose. They can stop 27. and keep people healthy. Nobody knows who 28. the Stonehenge and how they built because the stones are too heavy and big to carry. But we do know they must have been hardworking and they must be great 29. . Britains visitorsrisingexplainusedputmedicalillnessbuiltplanners



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