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1、模块 4 Unit 1 Advertising重点单词1. persuade vt. 说服,劝服persuasive adj. 有说服力的【常见搭配】persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做persuade sb. into (doing) sth. 说服某人做persuade sb. out of (doing) sth. 说服某人停止【名师点拨】persuade sb. to do sth.指成功地说服某人做某事;advise sb. to do sth. 指建议某人做某事。【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配填空1. We _ his foolish plan.2. He _

2、lending him all my savings.3. Finally, his friend _ give up the dangerous trip.【答案】 1. persuaded him out of2. persuaded me into3. persuaded him toB: 单项选择(2012 全国卷 I) If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will _ her.A. persuade B. promiseC. invite D. support【解析】 句意: 如果她不想去, 你说什么也劝服不了她。persuad

3、e “说服, 劝服”;promise“允诺,答应” ;invite“邀请”;support“支持”。【答案】A 2. cure vt. 治愈,治疗n. 治愈,疗程;疗法;对策,克服的方法精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页【常见搭配】cure sb. of a disease / cure sb s disease 治愈某人的疾病a cure for a disease 一种疾病的治疗方法undergo a cure 接受治疗cure sb. of 纠正某人的恶习This new medicine will cure

4、 you of your cough. 这种新药会治好你的咳嗽。A certain cure for this illness is not found yet. 这种病尚无有效的治疗方法。【词义辨析】cure强调结果,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,用法为cure sb. of sth.;也可指改掉恶习等。treat强调动作,指“医治、治疗”,跟人作宾语,其搭配为treat sb. for sth.。【即时演练】Drivers around the world wonder if there is a _for the rising price of oil. A. way B. medicine

5、C. cure D. method 【解析】 句意:全世界的驾驶员都想知道是否有方法应对不断上涨的油价。a cure for sth. “克服的对策” 。【答案】C3. pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的pleasure n. 快乐,愉快【常见搭配】be pleased with/ at/ about sth. 对高兴,满意be pleased to do sth. 高兴地从事be pleased that 对感到愉快精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页be pleased with oneself 怡然自得a

6、t one s pleasure 听便,随意for pleasure 为享乐take pleasure in sth. 以为荣(It s ) my pleasure. 不客气。with pleasure 非常愿意【名师点拨】(It s) my pleasure. 是用来答复别人感谢的。而With pleasure. 是用来答复别人求助的。 Thank you for your help. My pleasure . “谢谢你的帮助。 ” “不客气。” Would you hold this book for moment? With pleasure . “你可以帮我拿一下这本书吗?”“非常愿

7、意。 ”【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空1. I _ see him again after some years. 2. He _ taking pictures of birds. 3. She _ her new room. 【答案】1. was pleased to2. takes great pleasure in3. was pleased with2011 浙江卷 Can I come and have a look at your new house? Yes, _! A. with pleasure B.I like it C.I quite agree D. by

8、all means 【解析】 句意: “我可以过来看看你的新房子吗?”“当然可以。 ”by all means“当然可以” ,相当于 sure。with pleasure“非常愿意”。【答案】D4. comment n. 评论,意见,评价v. 评论,发表意见【常见搭配】精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页make a comment/ comments on/ about 对评论comment that 评论comment on sth./ that 对评论The official refused to commen

9、t on/ make a comment on the accident. 这官员拒绝评论这事故。【即时演练】襄阳四校2013 届高三上学期期中考试The theory is based on a series of wrong _, so it cant be put into practice.A. assumptions B. objectionsC. regulationsD. comments【解析】句意:这个理论是居于一系列的错误假设,因此它不能付诸实施。assumption“假设”;objection“反对”;regulation “规则”;comment“评论,意见” 。【答案

10、】A5. urge vt. 力劝,怂恿,催促;力言,主张【常见搭配】urge sb. to do sth. 力劝,怂恿某人做某事urge on/upon sb. sth. 对某人力言urge that (should) + v. 主张【即时演练】A: 完成以下句子1. He _ the necessity of patience. 他对我们力言忍耐是必要的。2. He _ by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon. 他的精神导师力劝他前来参加这场马拉松比赛。3. She _ to him. 她主张我应该向他抱歉。【答案】1. urged on

11、us 2. had been urged 3. urged that I (should) apologizeB: 单项选择精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页The manager urged older staff _early retirement and new staff _ more time for work.A. take up; to set asideB. took up; set aside C. would take up; to lay asideD. must take up; lay a

12、side【解析】 句意: 经理主张老职工早点退休,并力劝新职工把更多的时间放到工作上。urge that sb. (should) + v. “主张”;urge sb. to do sth.“力劝某人做某事” 。根据 urge 的用法,只有 A 项正确。【答案】A6. benefit vt. 对有益vi. 得到利益;受惠n. 利益beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的【常见搭配】benefit 有利于benefit from/ by 从得到利益be of benefit to = be beneficial to 对有益The new policy will benefit all o

13、f us . 这新政策将使我们所有人都受益。She also says that each group member can benefit from working together. 她还说每个组员可以从合作中获益。Walking for a while after supper is of great benefit to/ very beneficial to our health. 晚饭后步行一会儿对我们的健康非常有益。【即时演练】Many graduates have _ the governments new preferential policies _ people to s

14、tart their own businesses. A. resulted from; encouraging B. benefited from; encouragedC. gained benefits from; encourages D. benefited from; encouraging【解析】 句意:许多毕业生已从政府鼓励人们开创自己事业的新的优惠政策中受益。sb. benefit from sth. “某人从受益” ;分词短语encouraging people to 作后置定语。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

15、5 页,共 14 页【答案】D7. recommend vt. 推荐;建议recommendation n. 推荐;建议;推荐信【常见搭配】recommend sb. for 推荐某人做某职位recommend sth. to sb./ sb. sth. 向某人推荐recommend doing sth. 建议做某事recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事recommend that (should) + v. 建议The teacher recommended us to make the most of our spare time . 老师建议我们充分利用好我们的

16、业余时间。The manager recommended me for the position of the director. 经理推荐我担任主管。My friend recommended this film to me/ me this film. 我的朋友向我推荐这幕电影。He recommended reading the book before seeing the film. 他建议先看这本书,再去看电影。We recommended that you (should) make time to enjoy simple pleasures. 我们建议你应该抽出时间享受朴素的乐

17、趣。【名师点拨】recommend 后没有人作宾语时,直接用动名词,如接人作宾语,则用动词不定式作宾补。有此类用法的动词有:advise,allow, permit,forbid。【即时演练】金沙中学2013 届高三模拟测试John recommended that the man _ into prison, who broke into a house and killed the family. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页A. referred to being put B. referring to

18、 being putC. referred to be put D. referring to be put【解析】 句意:约翰建议把谈及到的那个人投入监狱,因为他闯入一间房子杀死了一家人。 referred to 作定语修饰the man,故谓语部分应是(should) be put。【答案】C 8. appeal vi. 恳求,呼吁;有吸引力;上诉n. 恳求,呼吁;感染力,上诉【常见搭配】appeal to sb. (对某人 )有吸引力,投合某人的心意appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事而向某人呼吁appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事;恳求某人做

19、某事If buying a bag of candies or cookies doesn t appeal to you, how about buying a tree instead? 如果买包糖果或饼干不合你心意的话,买棵树怎么样?The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。【名师点拨】appeal to 中的 to 为介词,后可跟名词或代词。【即时演练】安徽合肥市2014 届高三第二次质检According to Darwins Survival of the Fittest, only those speci

20、es that were able to _ the sudden great changes of their living conditions survived.A. appeal toB. relate toC. adapt toD. contribute to【解析】 句意: 根据达尔文的适者生存原则,只有那些能够适应他们的生活环境突然变化的物种才能存活下来。 adapt to “适应 ” ; appeal to “恳求; 呼吁 ” ; relate to“与 有关 ” ; contribute to “导致 ” 。【答案】 C9. determine vt. 确定,决定determ

21、ined adj. 决意的,决心的;已决定了的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页determination n. 决心【常见搭配】determine to do sth. 决定去做某事determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决心去做某事determine that 决定be determined to do决定做某事determine on upon sth. 决定have the determination to do sth. 有做某事的决心We determined to get the wo

22、rk done before May Day. 我们决定“五一”前完成这项工作。What determined you to accept their invitation?什么使你决定接受他们的邀请?We are determined to carry out the plan next week. 我们决心在下周执行这个计划。【名师点拨】1) 表示“决定做某事”的短语还有:decide to do sth.; make a decision to do sth.; make up one s mind to do sth.。2) be determined to do sth. 表状态,

23、可与“一段时间”连用,其作状语时,用“ determined to do sth.” 。【即时演练】Jack went to college last year and left his parents, _ to return home until he achieves his goal.A. determining not B. not determined C. not determining D. determined not【解析】 句意:句意:杰克去年上了大学离开了父母,决心实现他的目标才回家。过去分词短语作状语,not 否认不定式,故置于determined 后,不定式之前。【

24、答案】D精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页重要短语1. deal with 处理,对付;对待With lot of problems to deal with, I feel very worried. 有许多问题要去处理,我感到很担忧。Deal with a man as he deals with you. 谚 以其人之道,还治其人之身。【词义辨析】deal withdeal with 中 deal 为不及物动词,常与疑问词how 连用。do withdo with 中的 do 为及物动词,与what 连用。【

25、即时演练】Two years ago I didn t know what to _ the new equipment and now I have learned how to _ it. A. do with; deal withB. do with; do withC. deal with; to do withD. deal with; deal with【解析】 句意:两年前我不知道如何应对这新设备,现在我已学会了怎样处理它了。do with 与 what 连用; how 与 deal with 连用。【答案】A 2. figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出I couldn t

26、 figure out the meaning of this word, so I referred to the dictionary. 我弄不懂这单词的意思,所以我查阅了词典。This problem is too difficult so I can t figure it out. 这道题太难了,我算不出来。【即时演练】杭州市2014 届高三第一质检 The light is so weak that I cant _ the words in the article. Maybe your eyesight is failing.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名

27、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页A. leave out B. make out C. check out D. figure out【解析】句意:“ 灯光太暗了,因此我识别不清这文章中的字。”“也许是你的视力在下降。 ”make out“识别清楚 ” ;leave out “遗漏 ” ;check out “结账退房 ” ;figure out“弄清楚;计算出” 。【答案】 B3. get sth. across (to sb.) 传达,使被了解;过马路、桥等He s not very good at getting his ideas across . 他不善

28、于表达思想。It took me an hour to get my intention across to her . 我花了一个小时才使她明白了我的意思。The bridge fell down just after we got across (it). 我们刚过了桥,桥就塌陷了。【相关拓展】get alongon with 进展,相处get down to+ (doing) sth. 开始干某事get away(from)走开,离开get in进入;上车;收割get together相聚;联欢get over从(疾病,失望 )中恢复过来;克服(困难 )get around传播,流传ge

29、t through完成;顺利通过(考试等 );(用)接通,打通【即时演练】湖北八校2014 届高三第一次联考Emails are efficient and convenient, but the best way to _ a message is still to talk it out in person.A. attend toB. break through C. result fromD. get across精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页【解析】句意:电子邮件虽然高效便利,但是传递信息的最好方法

30、还是亲自把它说出来。get across意为 “(使)被了解;讲清楚,让 听懂 ” ,attend to意为 “ 照料,照顾;料理” ,break through 意为 “ 冲破;突围 ” ,result from 意为 “ 起因于;由 造成 ” 。【答案】 D 4. at all 1用于否认句,意为“一点也不”。 Are you sleepy? Not at all . “你想睡了吗?” “一点也不。”2用于疑问句,意为“到达,究竟”。Have you read any of the report at all ? 那份报告你到达有没有读一点?3用于 if 引导的条件状语从句,意为“既然,即

31、使”。If you do it at all , do your best. 你既然要做,就要尽力做好。【即时演练】 I ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors? _.A. Yes, please B. No, I don t C. Yes, sure D. No, not at all【解析】 句意: “我洗碗盘。杰克你拖地怎样?”“好的,没问题” 。sure.“没问题”。not at all“根本不”。【答案】C5. agree with 1人作主语,对某种意见、看法、解释等表示同意、赞成。如:agree wit

32、h sb./ one s idea/ one s decision/ one s opinion/ one s explanation/ what sb. saysAs far as I am concerned, I agree with your idea. 就我而言,我赞成你的想法。2物作主语,表示“与一致”或“食物、气候等适合某人”。The climate there can t agree with me at all. 我根本不能适应那儿的气候。【名师点拨】1) agree 是不及物动词,如接宾语,必须加介词with 、to 或 on。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

33、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页2) agree on 意为“答应、同意、接受建议、安排、计划等。如:agree to a suggestion/ an arrangement/ a plan/ a proposal.3) agree on 意为“对达成一致意见”。4) agree 可接不定式,但不可接带不定式的复合结构。如可以说:I agree to do it. 但不可以说: I agree him to do it. 【即时演练】黄冈市2013 年高三年级3 月份质量检测What is most important is facing the har

34、d times, _the changes, and get through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you.A. meeting with B. agreeing with C. going with D. coping with【解析】 句意:非常重要的就是面对困难时期,应对这些变化,并到达另外一边有太阳仍然为照耀的地方。cope with“巧妙的对付处理 ” ;meet with“遭遇到”;agree with“同意” ;go with “和相配” 。【答案】D 6. fall for 上的当;受

35、的骗;对信以为真The salesman said the computer was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这台电脑状况良好,而我那么傻竟然信以为真。【相关拓展】fall in love with 爱上,喜欢fall back后退,撤退,退却fall down从落下,跌倒fall into sth. 养成,染上;变为某种状态fall ill 生病fall off数量或质量下降;减退;跌落fall behind落后;拖欠【即时演练】精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总

36、结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页A: 用常见搭配中词组填空1. Now they no longer _ the others in meeting their quotas定额 .2. Babies often _ when they are learning to walk.3. It s very easy to _ the habit of smoking, but extremely difficult to stop.【答案】 1. fall behind 2. fall down 3. fall intoB: 单项选择Jack started to spe

37、ed up and I had to run to keep up in order not to _.A. fall downB. fall behindC. fall offD. fall back【解析】 句意: 句意: 杰克开始加速了,我不得不跑步跟上以致不落后。fall behind “落后” ;fall down “从落下” ;fall off “减退;跌落” ;fall back “后退”。【答案】B 句型解剖1. After you have decided who your audience is, it is time to decide what you want the

38、 audience to know or think about. 在你确定了谁是你的观众之后,就到了该去确定你想让他们知道或考虑的东西的时候了。句中 It is time to do sth. 意为“是做的时候了”。与 time 有关的句型:1It s time (for sb. ) to do sth. 是 (某人 )干某事的时候了。It s time for you to wake up. 你该醒悟了。2It s time for sth. 该做某事了。3ItThisThat iswas the firstsecond time that. . . 意为“某人第几次做某事”。其用法是:当

39、前面的be 动词是 is 时,后面句子用现在完成时;当前面的be 动词是 was时,后面句子用过去完成时。It s the fifth time that he has been to Yunnan for traveling. 这是他第五次去云南旅游了。4 It is was (high/good/about) time that sb. should do did sth. 意为 “到了做某事的时候了”,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页相当于 It iswas time for sb. to do sth.

40、 It s time that we should take a positive step to break the vicious circle. 现在是我们采取积极措施来打破这个恶性循环的时候了。5另外, the first time 可相当于从属连词,引导状语从句,可译为“第一次”。有类似用法的还有:every time,each time, next time。The first time he came to the seaside, he was greatly shocked by its force. 他第一次到海边时,便被大海的力量所震撼。6for the first ti

41、me 只能用作句子的状语,不可作引导状语从句的连词。When he saw the new novel for the first time, he decided to buy one. 当他第一次看到那本新的小说,他就决定要买一本。【即时演练】1) This is the first time we_ a film in the cinema together as a family. A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen 2) Isn t it time you _ down to _ your own things? I m sorry for

42、the delay, Dad.A. get, packB. got, packingC. got, packD. get, packing【解析】1. 句意: 这是我们第一次整个家庭到电影院去看电影。This is the first time that 结构中 that后谓语部分用现在完成时,主语是we,故用 have been 。2. 句意: “难倒现在不是你开始做你自己事情的时候了吗?”“爸爸,我为这耽搁感到抱歉。 ” It s time后接从句时, 从句谓语用should +动词原形, 或用过去时, 且 should 不可省略;get down to (doing) sth. 意为“开始做” 。【答案】1. D 2. B 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页



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