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1、知识点精编介词,一般置于名词或相当于名词的其他词类或结构之前。介词不能单独充当句子成分,必须与其后的名词等构成介词短语,才能在句中充当一个成分。介词可分为: 简单介词 (如 in ,for ,at 等) 、合成介词(without, into等) 、短语介词(如according to, because of等)介词短语在句中的作用作定语(通常后置):The key to the lock was lost yesterday. 作状语: The Smiths went to the airport by taxi. 作表语: This English-Chinese dictionary w

2、ill be of great use. 作宾补: Make yourself at home. 2.常用介词的主要用法About 关于: The story is about the young boy. 大约: It is about lunch time now. Above 在。 。上方: There is a picture above the window. 在。 。以上,超过:The number of students in each class is above fifty. After 在。 。之后: After classes, we go home. Against 与

3、。 。对抗: We are going to play against No.6 Middle School s football team. Along 沿着: We had a walk along the river bank yesterday. Among 在。 。中间(三者或三者以上)The city is among the hills. Around 在。 。周围 ,环绕Our city is in a valley with mountains all around it. As 作为As a doctor, he is not very good. At 表示地点Kate

4、works at a junior high school. 表示时间Tom often comes back home at 8.00pm. Before 在。 。之前The man said, “ We are all here before you.”I usually go to sleep before 11oclock. Behind 在。 。后面The Star Restaurant is behind the bookshop. Beside 在。 。旁 Mary is standing beside you. Between 在二者之间I shall be back betw

5、een 4 or 5 o clock. By 用于被动语态结构中:The story was written by Jane Austin. 表示地点There is a bus stop by the river. 表示时间,在。 。之前,不迟于By the end of this term we will learn about 1800 words. 表示方法以。 。手段I go to school by bike. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页知识点精编During 在。 。 。期间We will vi

6、sit Beijing during the holiday. Except 除。 。之外 We are all here except Janet. For 表目的what do you study English for? 表给予某人Could you read it for me? 表往。 。 She is leaving gz for bj. 表示时间,距离,数量等He has worked here for 10 years. 表代替Please say hello to your parents for me. 表原因thank you for you help. From 从 T

7、he English class begins from 8.00 to 9.00. 来自we are from New Zealand. In 表时间或空间The works was finished in 2 weeks. 在 2 周之内We often play games in the afternoon. 表在。方面Computers are widely used in many fields. 表用。语言Can you sing this song in English? 表一段时间之后(多用于一般将来时)I will come back in an hour. Into 进入

8、she came into the classroom quietly. 变成Translate this sentences into Chinese. Like 像 Tom looks like his father. Near 在。 。附近the cinema is near our house. Of 表所有关系it is a map of China. 表具有某种性质、状况、内容等I would like to have a glass of milk. On 表在与某物接触的表面上some pens are on the desk. 后接具体时间she left London on

9、 the evening of the 19th of November. 表关于there will be a speech on Chinese history.(有关。方面的 ) Over 在。 。正上方There is bridge over the river. 遍于We have friends all over the world. 超过There are over 50 students in our class. Past 过Sally goes to bed at half past ten. Round =around The Greens are sitting rou

10、nd the table. Since 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页知识点精编自从。以来Great changes have taken place in our city since 1980. Till/until 直到We will go on working on the farm till next Friday. To 到地点Miss Jacob came to gz yesterday. 给 please give a pen to me. 对,向I often read newspaper to

11、 her father. Under 在。 。下面under the tree there is a bike. With 和。 。在一起I went to the cinema with mike. 用。 。工具Don t write it with a pencil. 伴随He said with a smile. Without 没有we can t live without water. 常用介词的用法区别时间介词in at on by at 时间的某一刻,点at 2.00 at noon at midnight 一刹那时间at this/that moment at once 某个节

12、日期间(不仅仅当天)at Christmas at New Year, at the Spring Festival 习惯用法at night at breakfast On 月份的日子,星期的日子on July 9 on the 1st of March on Sunday 节日当天on Christmas Day on New Year s Day 在某个特定的早午晚,on New Year s Eve on a cold winter night on the evening of Monday 习语on time on holiday In 较长一段时间 (世纪、 朝代、 时代、 年、

13、季节、 月份) in March of 1995, in the 1990s, in modern times, in summer vacation 泛指上下午,傍晚,日间 in the morning in the day time 在一段时间之后I will be back in an hour 习惯搭配in time, in (the) future, in the past, in the end By 最迟在某时刻或某一日期之前可表现在过去将来到。时候by the time you got home, it will be black. 其它表示时间介词in 与 after 表示时

14、间 “ 在 之后 ”“ in+ 一段时间 ” 表示将来一段时间之后,通常与将来时态(一般将来时和过去将来时)连用。“ after+ 一段时间 ” 表示一段时间之后,通常与过去时连用2) before与 after 都常用于时间点前精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页知识点精编before 表示 “ 在 之前,早于 ”after 表示 “ 在 之后 ” (与时间点连用表示将来某个时间之后)eg:I ll be free before five o clock tomorrow.She always watches TV

15、after supper. I ll ring you up after two o clock.3) since 与 for 常用于现在完成时中引导时间状语。Since 用于时间点前for 用于时间段前He has been a teacher since 1995. She has lived here for 20 years. 4) by 与 since 表示时间的用法. by 表示一个瞬间动作发生在某一时间点或在某一时间之前. since 表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续,一般只用于完成时态的句子中。Eg:Jack has studied Chinese in this school

16、_the year of 2000. A.since B.in C.on D.by 注: since+the year of+年份 =since + 年份All of us must be at the school gate by six tomorrow morning. 我们大家都得在明天早上6 点钟之前到达学校门口。By the time of last week, we had finished all the lessons for this term. 到上周末为止,我们已经把本学期课程都学完了。5)until 与 till 意为 “ 直到 ”常用于not until结构中。表示

17、 “ 直到 才 ”,until 后跟时间点。The meeting will last till four o clock.会议一直开到4 点。She didn t leave the swimming pool until closing time. 她直到关门时才离开游泳池。6)between 常与 and 连用。表示 “ 在 之间 ” ,后跟表示 “ 时间点 ” 的名词。She was at Middle School between 1979 and 1985. (2) 用于地点at in on At 较小的场所(建筑物、公共机关)at home, at the station, at

18、 the Garden Hotel 门牌号码前my aunt lives at 501 Brook Street. In 较大的地方(洲、国家、省。地区、城市、乡镇、水域)习语in the fields, in the sky, in a picture On 与表面接触on the floor, on the sofa 在任何广大的面上on the farm on earth 与线接触,濒临Wuhan stands on the Yangtze River.地点介词 in, at 与 on 表示方位用法in 表示地点, “ 在 内” ,用于内部。at 表示 “ 在某地 ” 时,后接小地方,大

19、地方用in 。on“ 在 上面 ,在靠近 的地方 ” ,用于表面接触,指在一个平面上。on the wall“在墙表面挂着” in the wall “在墙内 ”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页知识点精编There is a hole in the wall. in, on 和 to 表达地区方位in :表示某地在一个大的地区范围内的某一方位。Shandong is in the east of China. on: 表示两地区的毗邻或“ 在 之畔 ” 用 on Korea is on the east of Ch

20、ina. to: 在某地范围之外的某个方向用to Japan is to the esat of China 表达 “ 内部前方 ” 与“ 外部前方 ”in front of 与 in the front of in front of: 表示在某一空间外部的前面in the front of:表示在某一空间内部的前面eg: There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom across,over与 through across: 强调从某个平面的一边到另一边,“ 横过 ”through:指从某个立体空间内穿过,顺着通过over: 侧重越过某

21、种障碍物等eg:The Great Wall goes from west to east,across the desert,over the mountains,through the valleys,till it arrives at the sea. 长城从西到东,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过深谷,直达海边。 “ 上面 ” 、 “ 下面 ” 的表达over :表示在上方,强调在物体的正上方。under :表示在下方,强调在物体的正下方。above :表示在上方,不一定是正上方,有时也可指温度、海拔等的刻度。below :表示在下方,不一定是正下方,有时也可指温度、海拔等的刻度。Eg: L

22、ook ,you ll see a bridge over the river.We can see a village below the mountain when we stand on the top of the hill. 英文中某些动词其后要接人,然后接“ 介词 +the+ 身体部位 ”注:如果身体部位较软用in ,硬的部位用on Eg:John hit Jack in the face. He caught the boy by the arm. (3) 除。 。之外Except besides except“除了 之外 ” 不包含,排除之外。besides “除 之外,另外还

23、有” ,着重于 “ 另外还有 ” (包含在内)There are in China over fifty minorities besides Hans. The manager goes to his office every day except Sunday. (4) 方式介词 in 指使用某种语言、工具的具体类型等。with :多指用工具,用身体的某部位或器官。Eg:You can see it with your own eyes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页知识点精编by: 指使用的方法和手段。

24、by in on 表旅行方式时的用法by+ 交通工具前面没有冠词或任何修饰语不涉及表示交通工具的名词时用by by sea 海陆by air 空运,乘飞机by land 陆路by water 水路涉及表示交通工具的单数名词by car 乘汽车by bus 乘公交车by train 乘火车by plane 乘飞机by ship 乘轮船by bike 乘自行车by boat 乘船by subway 乘地铁on 或 in + 交通工具确定的交通工具交通工具前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。in a car 乘汽车in a train 乘火车on a bus on a bicycle on my

25、 bike 注意:但步行用on foot 表示 “ 制造 ” 的表达be made in+ 产地be made into +产品be made of + 材料(没有改变性质)从表面可看出原材料be made from+材料(改变性质)从表面无法看出原材料be made by“由 制成 ” (人或方式)be made for“制成用于 ”五有关介词短语with bad manners 有不良习惯operate on 给 做手术be strict in sth be strict with sb play against 与比赛look forward to 期望,盼望at the age of

26、在 岁时by the end of 到 .末,表达动作的截止时间,一般用于完成时态中hear from sb 收到 来信hear of (about )sb/sth 听说过 ( 人或事 ) stop from 阻止 做某事be interested in sth 对某事感兴趣laugh at 嘲笑某人laugh over 笑着谈论某人或某事in trouble 陷入困境thank sb for sth 因某事而感谢某人thanks to sb 多亏某人be good at 擅长be good for 对 有益be bad for 对 不利agree with sb 同意某人的观点和看法go o

27、n well with sb 与某人相处很好depend on 依靠某人或某事in bed 躺在床上in the corner of 在 内的角落shout at 对某人喊叫be polite to sb 对某人有礼貌be angry with sb 对某人生气be from=come from 来自be proud of 为 感到骄傲、自豪stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事at a time 一次at times 有时all the time 总是at that time 在那时with one s help 在某人的帮助下精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页知识点精编be worried about 为 而担心do well in 在 方面做的好on a farm 在农场be sure of 对 . 有把握精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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