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1、学习必备欢迎下载英语分类复习攻略专题六:非谓语动词解析非谓语动词(在句中不能单独构成谓语,一般有不定式,动名词,分词三种)一,非谓语动词的分类、意义及构成:非谓语形式构成特征和作用时态和语态否定式复合结构不定式to doto be doing to have doneto be doneto have been done在非谓语前加notfor sb. to do sth.具有名词,副词和形容词的作用在句中做 主、宾(宾补)、定、表和状语分词现在分词doinghaving donebeing donehaving been done具有副词和形容词的作用在句中做 定、表、宾补和状语过去分词do

2、ne动名词doinghaving donebeing donehaving been donesb s doing具有名词的作用在句中做 主、宾、定和表语二,做 宾语 的非谓语动词比较:情况常用动词只接不定式做宾语的动词hope, want, plan, long, fail, expect, wish, ask, decide, pretend, manage, agree, afford, determine, promise, happen, find, think , would like 省 to 的动词不定式做宾语的动词feel, hear, listen, let, make,

3、have, look, see, watch, notice, why not do, why don t you do, had better do, would rather do 不定 式和疑问词连用,相当于宾语从句what, which, when , where, how + to do 只接动名词做宾语的动词或短语finish , practice, mind, miss, enjoy, imagine, , suggest, , escape, excuse, appreciate, admit, prevent, keep, dislike, avoid, risk, resi

4、st, considercan t help, feel like, succeed in, be fond of, object to, get down to, be engaged in, insist on, think of, be proud of, take pride in, give up, be afraid of, be tired of, look forward to, devote oneself to, be worth, be busy, pay attention to, stick to, keep on, be used to两者都可以意义基本相同begi

5、n, start, like, love, hate, prefer, continue (接不定式多指具体的动作,接动名词多指一般或习惯行为)need, want, require(接动名词主动形式表示被动意义,若接不定式则应用被动形式)意义相反stop to do 停止手中事,去做另一件事stop doing 停止正在做的事意义不同remember/forget/regret to do(指动作尚未发生)remember/forget/regret doing (指动作已经发生)go on to do(接着做另外一件事)go on doing(接着做同一件事)try to do (设法,努

6、力去做,尽力)try doing (试试去做,看有何结果)mean to do(打算做,企图做)mean doing (意识是,意味着)can t help to do(不能帮忙做)can t help doing(忍不住要做)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载三,非谓语动词做宾语补足语 的区别:常见动词与宾语的逻辑关系及时间概念例句不定式ask, beg, expect, get, order, tell, want, wish, encourage主谓关系 。强调动作将发生或已经完成I heard

7、 him call me several times.notice, see, watch, hear, feel, let, make,have现在分词notice, see, watch, hear, find, keep, have, feel主谓关系。 强调动作正在进行,尚未完成I found her listening to the radio.过去分词动宾关系。 动作已经完成,多强调状态We found the village greatly changed.四,非谓语动词做定语 的区别:区别举例不定式与被修饰词往往有逻辑上的动宾关系,一般式表示将来,进行式表示与谓语动作同时发生,

8、完成式表示在谓语动词之前发生I have a lot of papers to type.There is nothing to worry about.(不及物动词加相关介词)动名词通常指被修饰词的用途 ,无逻辑上的任何关系, 放在修饰的词前面Shall we go to the swimming pool? She is in the reading room.现在分词与被修饰词之间是逻辑上的主谓 关系,表示动作与谓语动作同时发生Do you know the girl standing under the tree? Please hand in your written exercis

9、es.过去分词与被修饰词之间是被动 关系,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,现已经完成五,非谓语动词做主语和表语 的区别:区别举例不定式不定式做主语, 常用 it做形式主语, 真正主语放在后面,结构:It + be+ adj.+(for sb.)+ to do 做表语时,主表可互换。To obey the law is important. = It is important to obey the law. My dream is to become a teacher。To become a teacher is my dream.动名词做主语时接近于名词,表示的动作比较抽象,或者泛指习惯性的动

10、作,谓语动词用单数。有时也可以用it 做形式主语,做表语时可以和主语互换位置。Eating too much is bad for your health. It is no use saying that again and again.Teaching is my job.=My job is teaching.分词无名词的性质, 不能做主语。 但是有形容词的性质,可以做表语,多表明主语的特征性质或者状态等,可被very, quite, rather 等副词修饰。现在分词多含有“令人”之意, 说明主语的性质特征,多表示The situation is encouraging.The boo

11、k is very interesting. We are interested in the story.(常见分词有moving, tiring, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载主动,主语多为物。过去分词一般表示被动或主语所处的状态,含有“感到 ”之意,主语多是人。exciting, disappointing, interesting, boring, amusing 及其 -ed 形式 )六,非谓语动词做状语 的区别:区别举例不定式不定式做状语,其逻辑主语和句子的主语要一致。Im sorr

12、y to trouble you.( 表原因 ) I went to the library to study English. (表目的 )分词现在分词做状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,表伴随状态。过去分词做状语, 与句子的主语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,表被动。The students went out of the classroom , talking and laughing. Seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.非谓语动词易混点清单1 动词后接不定式和动名词的区别该类动词: stop, remember, forget,

13、try, go on, continue, regret, mean ,allow 等。allow doing sth. 允许做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事2 现在分词和不定式做宾语补足语的区别See, watch, notice, hear, feel, have 等后接省to 的不定式,表动作已完成或经常性动作,接现在分词,表动作正在进行。I heard him reading English in the next room. I heard him sing in the classroom. 3. need, require, want 后接不定式和动

14、名词的区别做“需要”讲,这些词后接动名词,主动形式表被动概念,不定式要用被动形式。The window needs cleaning. = The window needs to be cleaned. 4. 现在分词与过去分词的区别在语态上,现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。the surprising news 令人惊讶的消息a surprised man 一个感到惊讶的人在时间上,现在分词表正在进行的动作,过去分词表已经完成的动作。the developing country 发展中国家the developed country 发达国家5. have sb. to do sth. , h

15、ave sb./ sth. doing / have sth. done 的区别have sb. to do sth. “ 让某人做某事”表一次性具体动作. have = let, make. 接省 to 的不定式。The soldiers had the boy stand with his back to his father. have sb./ sth. doing “让某人 /物一直做某事”,表持续概念。have = keep The two men had their lights burning all night long. have sth. done “ 让某事被(别人)做

16、”= ask sb. else to do sth. 含被动意义,且动作已完成。The driver had his car washed once a week. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习必备欢迎下载【典例 1】 (2009,甘肃兰州,30)If people _ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _. A. keep; to live in B. will keep; to live in C. keep; to live D. will

17、 keep; to live 【答案 】 C【典例 2】 (2011, 浙江绍兴 ) - Nobody likes _, so we should be kind to everyone. - I agree with you. A. to be laughed at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. to be laughed 【答案 】 A1. - Nobody likes _ , so we should be kind to everyone. - I agree with you. A. to be laughed at B. to laugh at

18、C. laughing at D. to be laughed 2. We must do everything we can _ waste water from running into rivers. A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping 3. My hair is too long. I want to get my hair _. A. cut B. to cut C. cuts D. cutting 4. He can t help _ the heavy box for his classmates, for he is ill. A. ca

19、rrying B. taking C. take D. to carry 5. The house is small for the big family _. A. to live B. living in C. lives in D. to live in 6. Mr. Brown asked us to stop _, and we stopped _ to him at once. A. talking ; to listen B. to talk ; to listen C. talking ; listening D. to talk ; listen 7. I remember

20、_ the key _ the room to you this morning . A. giving ; for B. to give ; for C. giving ; to D. to give ; to 8. Tom often makes his little sister _ but yesterday he was made _ by his sister. A. cry ; to cry B. to cry ; cry C. cry ; cry D. to cry ; to cry 9. I heard someone _ the door and _. A. open ;

21、come in B. to open ; to come in C. open ; come into D. to open ; to come into 10. - How about _ in the river with us? - Sorry, I can t. My parents often tell me _ that. A. swimming; not to do B. swimming; not do C. swim; to do D. swim; dont do 11. - The doctors are busy _ the dying man. - We should

22、thank them. A. save B. saved C. saving D. to save 12. - Why do you often take exercise? - _ me keep fit. A. Help B. Helping C. To help 13. I often hear my cousin Mike _ English songs in the next room. A. to sing B. sing C. singing D. is singing 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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