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1、商务英语口语怎样跟厂家商谈复验事项中英译商务英语口语怎样跟厂家商谈复验事项中英译1:Aording to the contract, the importers have theright to reinspect the goods after their arrival.根据合同,进口商在货到后有权复验商品。A: Aording to the contract, the importers have theright to reinspect the goods after their arrival.根据合同,进口商在货到后有权复验商品。B: Yes. Where do you wish

2、 to reinspect the goods.是的。您希望在哪里复验商品?A: In our port.在我方的码头。2:Whats the time limit for the reinspection?复验的期限是多少?A: Whats the time limit for the reinspection?复验的期限是多少?B: Within 24 hours since the cargo arrives.货物到港后 24 小时内。A: Can we prolong it to 48 hours?可以延长至 48 小时吗?B: Thats too long. How about 36

3、 hours?那太长了,36 小时如何?如何写建立业务联系的Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of WhatCityAddress: 地址略Tel:号码略 Fax:号码略To: Ms Jaana Pekkala, Consultant for China SwissOrganization for Facilitating Investments Fax: +41-1-24931 33Total pages of this fax: 2Dear Ms Jaana Pekkala,We understand from The Swiss B

4、usiness Guide for Chinathat your organization is helping Swiss firms in seekingopportunities of investing in China and businesscooperating with Chinese partners. To establish businessrelations with your organization and attract Swiss paniesinvestment here in What, We write to introduce our city,the

5、city of What, as one of the open cities in LiaoningProvince, China and also ourselves, Foreign EconomicRelations & Trade Committee of What, as a What governmentinitiative to facilitate business relationship with foreignpanies.Our mittee provides advice and assistance to What firmsseeking to export t

6、heir services, goods to foreign areasand import goods and services abroad. We also assistWhatfirms in establishment of joint ventures and carry theprocedures for examination and approval of joint venturesand foreign sole investment firms. Our Committee canprovide What panies with information on the

7、world marketand specific mercial opportunities as well as organizetrade missions, seminars and business briefings.Our mittee facilitates and encourages investment fromother countries into targeted sectors of What economy andmaintains active promotion of What through its work ofcontacts in domestic a

8、nd abroad areas.Nowadays, we are seeking foreign investment in thefield of capital construction, such as improving of tapwater system and highway construction. Also, we aresetting up a tannery zone in Tongerpu, the largestleather clothes producing and wholesaling base in NorthChina. We invite Swiss

9、panies with most favorable policesto set up their firms in any form on tanning, leatherprocessing and sewage treatment.Any information on investment projects into What and onbusiness cooperation with firms in What is highlyappreciated and will be pass on to anyone who haveapproached us with interest

10、 in similar project. You arealso invited to our city for investigation and businesstour.Should you have any questions, please fell free tocontact us.Thank you for your attention and looking forward toyour prompt reply.Sincerely yours,Qiming DiCommercial AssistantFor Foreign Economic Relations & Trad

11、e Committee ofWhat City中的首次接触Business English-Socializing商务英语社交全球跨国公司无数,许多白领也为此成了常常飞来飞去的“国际人”。与世界各地的商务人士交往,你不仅需要有聪明的头脑、100%的自信,还要充分了解各国的交往习惯哦。Part II First Contact 首次接触RECEPTIONIST: Miss Miguel. You can go up now. Its thefifth floor.MARIA: Thank you.PETER: Yes, it looks good. I like the colors. Have

12、 wegot enough time to promote it? Thats my worry. And do wehave the price right?PAULA: More input on the technical side would help.PETER: Thats why Im bringing Jens Foss over. Come in!(TO Maria) Oh, take a seat, will you? Shant be a moment.(to Paula) Do you know Jens Foss? Hes in our Copenhagenoffic

13、e.PAULA: Ive heard of him but I dont think weve met.Anyway, Id better leave you to it.PETER: Let me have the draft schedule by three thisafternoon.PAULA: Yes, Ill get onto it straight away.PETER: And give me a ring if there are any problems.PAULA: Will do!PETER: (To Maria) Sorry to keep you. Have a

14、seat.MARIA: I hope you were expecting me. My name is Mariade Miguel.PETER: Yes, Ive got your details here somewhere.前台:麦格女士。你可以上去了,在 5 楼。麦格:谢谢。彼得:哦,看起来不错。我喜欢这种颜色。推广时间够吗?我比拟担忧这个问题。还有,我们的定价适宜吗?波拉:假设在技术方面多些投入会更好。彼得:这正是我把颜斯福斯也一起带来的原因。请进!(转向玛丽亚)噢,请坐,好吗?请等一下。(转向波拉)你认识颜斯福斯吗?他在哥本哈根工作。波拉:听人提起过他,但我们并没有见过面。不过,

15、我还是先不打搅您了。彼得:下午 3 点我要一份初步日程安排表。波拉:好的,我马上去办。彼得:假设有什么问题给我打。波拉:好!彼得:(转向玛丽亚)让你久等了,请坐。玛丽亚:我想你也正等着我的到来吧。我叫玛丽亚麦格。彼得:是的,我有你的资料。PETER: Have we got enough time to promote it, thatsthe worry. And do we have the price right? Anyway, letsleave it there for the time being. Come in! Hello, youmust be Maria. Im Pet

16、er ODonnell. Wele to Tectron UK.MARIA: Thank you. Its good to be here.PETER: Let me introduce you to Paula Field. Paula isone of our marketing team.PAULA: Nice to meet you, Maria.MARIA: Nice to meet you.PETER: Im sure you know that Maria is going to bewith us for a couple of months.PAULA: Yes. We sh

17、ould be seeing quite a lot of eachother. (to Peter) If youll excuse me, I should be gettingback. See you later, Maria.MARIA: Yes, bye.PETER: See you later, Paula. (to Maria) Have a seat.Coffee?彼得:推广时间是否充足,这是我们颇为担忧的问题。我们的定价适宜吗?这样吧,等有时间再讨论这个问题吧请进!你好,你一定是玛丽亚吧。我是彼得欧唐纳。欢送来到Tectron 英国公司。玛丽亚:谢谢,很快乐来到这儿。彼得:

18、让我给波拉菲尔德介绍一下。波拉是我们市场部的工作人员。波拉:很快乐认识你,玛丽亚。玛丽亚:很快乐认识你。彼得:你一定知道玛丽亚准备跟我们一起工作好几个月吧。波拉:是的,我们俩会在一起呆挺长时间哦。(转向彼得)对不起,我要走了。再见,玛丽亚。玛丽亚:再见。彼得:再见。(转向玛丽亚)请坐。来一杯咖啡怎么样?MARIA: Thank you.PETER: How was the flight?MARIA: Fine, only a little bit late.PETER: Milk and sugar?MARIA: Black, please.PETER: Paula and I were di

19、scussing the Tel package.Isnt the Spanish office planning their launch soon?MARIA: Thats right. I was helping to put together thepromotional literature.PETER: Ah. That could be very useful!玛丽亚:谢谢。彼得:旅程怎么样?玛丽亚:很好,只是飞机有些晚点。彼得:要加牛奶和糖吗?玛丽亚:黑咖啡就可以了。彼得:我跟波拉讨论了电信产品的包装问题。西班牙分部方案推出这些产品了吗?玛丽亚:是的,我帮助做推广宣传。彼得:哈

20、,真是太棒了!leave sb. to sth. 让某人处理某事A: John went to Paris. He left his secretary to pletethe proposal.约翰去巴黎了,他让秘书继续写没有完成的提案。B: Oh, really?.噢,是真的吗?give sb. a ring 打A: Lets go see a movie tonight.咱们晚上去看电影吧。B: OK. Give me a ring when you leave home.好呀,出来时给我打一个。Language focus: Weling visitors 欢送来访者Weling 欢送

21、Wele to .e.g. Wele to London.欢送来到伦敦。Its a (great) pleasure to wele you to .e.g. Its a great pleasure to wele you to our pany.热烈欢送你来到本公司。On behalf of .Id like to wele you to .e.g. On behalf of the staff of Levien, Id like towele you to our pany.我谨代表莱维恩公司的全体员工欢送您来到我们公司。Introducing yourself 介绍自己My name

22、s . Im. (job/position)e.g. My names Betty. Im Marketing Manager of Levien.我叫贝蒂,我是莱维恩公司的市场部经理。Let me introduce myself. Im .e.g. Let me introduce myself. Im Shelly White. ImProduct Manager of Levien.让我自我介绍一下,我叫雪莉怀特。我是莱维恩公司的产品经理。How do you do. My names.e.g. How do you do. My names Julie.你好,我叫茱丽。We have

23、nt met. Im.e.g. We havent met. Im Kate. How do you do.我们还没见过面呢,我是凯特,你好。Introducing someone else 介绍别人Id like to introduce you to .e.g. Id like to introduce you to Mr. Bob, our vice-president.让我给鲍伯先生我们的副总裁介绍一下你吧,Have you met.?e.g. Have you met Alfred, our boss?你跟我们的老板阿尔夫见过面了吗?Responding to introductio

24、ns 答复How do you do. My names.e.g. How do you do. My names Ellen. Glad to meet you.你好,我叫埃伦,很快乐跟你见面。Nice to meet you. Mines.e.g. Nice to meet you. Mines Tom.很快乐跟大家见面,我叫汤姆。Offering 提供Let me get you a coffee.让我给您冲一杯咖啡吧。Would you like coffee?喜欢喝咖啡吗?Let me take your coat.让我把你的大衣挂起来吧。商务中商务信函常用语我们希望就此事今后经常保

25、持联系。We wish to keep you fully informed on this matter.We wish to keep you fully posted on this matter.在本工程实行之际,烦请通知我们一声。Kindly inform us when this is put into effect. put intoeffect “实施,实行”。Kindly notify us when this is put into effect.Please let us know when this is put into effect.我们相信您能够理解我们的立场。W

26、e feel certain you will understand our position inthis matter.尽管如此,我们将做我们所能做的一切Nevertheless, we will do everything we can to.nevertheless “然而,尽管如此”。对于,就我们来说,没有异议。There is no objection, as far as we are concerned,in.There is no objection, as far as we are concerned, inraising the prices. (就提高价格一事,我们完

27、全没有异议。)为作为今后的参考,我们已将此事存入了我们的文档。These have been placed into our files for futurereference. for future reference 表示“为了作为今后的参考”。我们确信We are confident that. confident “确信的”。我们就的可能性表示极大的热忱。We are enthusiastic over the possibilities of.enthusiastic “热心的,狂热的”。我们非常欢送此事有所开展。We wele this development very much.

28、 development “(形势等)进展,开展”。我们将继续做我们所能做的一切。We will continue to do all we can to.We will continue to do all we can to develop a strongerworking relationship between our panies. (为了使我们两家公司的商务关系更加严密,我们将做出我们所能做的一切。)我们将竭尽全力地We will do our utmost to. utmost “最大限度”。We will do our utmost to develop new market

29、s. (为开发新市场我们将竭尽全力。)为了扩大,我们将付出最大的努力。We shall do whatever we can to extend.We shall do whatever we can to extend our service. (为了扩大效劳,我们将付出最大的努力。)我们将一直地努力提供给您我们最优惠价格。We will always endeavor to offer you our most favorablerates. endeavor “认真地努力”。就一事,请您尽管放心。You may rest assured that. rest assured 为短语,“放

30、心”。You may rest assured that your shipment will arrive ontime. (贵公司的货物将按时到达,请放心。)You may be certain that.我非常快乐地向您推荐We are pleased to remend.to you.我们与有非常亲密的关系。We work closely together with.我们已经得知We are also told that.修改后规定The amendment provides that. amendment “改正”。The amendment provides that you ca

31、n no longer shipafter the tenth of each month. (更改后的规定是每月 10 号以后不能装船。)以下的条件说明The following conditions show that. 用于否认的内容时。The following conditions show that each shipment mustarrive before noon. (以下的条件说明各种货物必须在正午以前送到。)这种变更意味着将会推迟The effect of this change will be to delay.我们非常感谢本次交易和We appreciate you

32、r business and.We appreciate your patronage and.还有对贵方的友好表示感谢。., and wish to thank you for your kindness.我们非常感谢你们提供的意见。We would appreciate receiving your ments.We would appreciate it if you could send us your ments.我们非常欢送你们提出珍贵意见。We shall be interested in receiving your ments.We shall be interested i

33、n hearing your ments.我们正在过程中。We are (now) in the process of. in the process “正在,正在进展中”。We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion. (我们正在重新研究贵社所提出的方案。)我们非常重视We value . highly.We value your suggestion highly. (我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。)我们非常感谢您提出的这件事。We thank you for raising the issue. 内容可能是好,也可能是坏。您的建议将

34、由进展讨论。Your suggestions are being followed up by.Your suggestions are being followed up by our mittee.(您的建议将在我们委员会进展讨论。Your suggestions are being reviewed by.我们希望您能理解我们这次行动的理由。We hope you will understand our reason for this action.表达不利于对方的事情时,重要的是在表达方式上下工夫。我们很难承受It would be difficult for us to aept.

35、还有商量余地的情况下。It would be difficult for us to aept the revision toour shipping schedule. (就我们的装船日程来说,再作修改会是很困难的。)非常遗憾,我们不能We regret that we are unable to. 已没有商量的余地。We regret that we are unable to alter our pricingschedule. (很遗憾,我们不能更改价目表。)除之外,没有选择的余地。We have no alternative but to. 用于最后阶段的信函中。alternativ

36、e 是指“替代的手段、方法”。因此,我们采取的立场是Consequently we are in the position to. 后接否认性的内容。consequently 表示“最终结果地”。我们认为We think that.We believe that. (我们相信)We understand that. (我们理解)我们强烈地感到We feel strongly that.We feel strongly that our products are the best. (我们强烈地感到我们的产品是最好的。)我们所理解的是It is our understanding that.We

37、 understand that.我们对完全没有异议。We do not anticipate any objections to.We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.(我们对贵社的提议没有任何异议。)我们找不到任何理由We can see no reason why. 直译是“我们不明白为什么必须的理由。”Why 以下是说话人认为不太适宜的事情。“我们一向不认为”、“我们对不那样做没有异议”、以这种煞有介事的语气使对方感谢。我们不清楚您到底是怎么想的。It is not (quite) clear to us what y

38、ou had in mind.It is not clear to us what you meant.It is not clear to us what you intended.使我们担忧的一点是The one point that concerned us (a little) was.concern “担忧,在意”。The one point that troubled us was.我们对感到担忧和挂念。We have bee concerned with regards to.We have bee concerned with regards to the shipmentsc

39、hedule. (我们对装船的日程感到担忧和挂念。)用商务英语说工程的优势和劣势一个大公司的主管人员正在参加一个商业研讨会。在会间休息时,他们一起讨论在不同地区实施工程的优势和劣势。Dale: I really envy your milestones over the last fewyears, Don. In your presentation, I noticed the greatresults youve obtained in region D. Weve had some troublethere.我真的很羡慕你在过去几年中所建立的丰功伟绩。在你的发言中,我注意到你在 D 区取

40、得了宏大的成绩。我们在那里遇到了一些麻烦。Don: How so?怎么会这样?Dale: Weve had problems on delivery dates formaterials. Often, theyre not on time. Looks like wellhave to change suppliers.我们在原材料的交货时间上有一些麻烦。他们经常不准时交货。看来我们得换个供给商了。Marshall: In my region, delivery is not a problem, butwere often behind schedule. If we hadnt exte

41、nded thedrop-dead date on a couple of projects, the situation wouldbe even worse.在我管辖的区域,交货不是问题,但是我们常常延期工期。如果我们不是延长了一些工程的交付期限,情况会更糟。Don: Whats going wrong?那是什么出了问题?Marshall: We think its an employee problem. We cantseem to get a good pletion status from them, so that makesit difficult to track a pro

42、ject. Were going to start somejob training in this area soon, so that should improvematters.我想是员工的问题。无法从他们那里得到工程完工情况,因此想要监控整个工程很难。我们将在那个区域开展一些培训工作,这样会使情况有所改善。Don: I hope youre right. Looks like the seminars setto continue, and Im presenting soon, so Ill catch yougentlemen later.希望如此。好似研讨会要开始了,我马上要发言

43、了,一会再和你们聊。用商务英语询问产品情况在国际贸易中应该如何询问产品情况和联系业务呢?从业务部的贝蒂同世界计算机公司的拉尔夫之间的对话,我们可以有所了解。Betty: Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fieldsspeaking.喂,业务部,我是贝蒂菲尔兹。Ralph: Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson atWorld Computers.嗨,菲尔兹女士。我是世界计算机的拉尔夫彼得森。Betty: Yes, may I help you?好的,我能为你效劳吗?Ralph: Im interested

44、 in a couple of items in your newcatalog, and I would like to know the prices.我对你们新目录里的几项产品感兴趣,我想知道它们的定价。Betty: Great. Were offering a special promotionalprice on a few of the items. Which items did you have inmind?好的。我们现在有几项产品特价。你对哪些产品有兴趣?Ralph: Were particularly interested in your new RS-five soun

45、d card shown on page five of your catalog. I wouldalso like more details about the model RS-four card on pageseven.我们对目录第五页里的新型 RS-5 的声卡特别感兴趣。我还想更多了解一下第七页里的 RS-4 型声卡。Betty: OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five U.S.dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then weoffer quantity discounts

46、 for larger orders.好的。订购数量到达五百片的话,RS-5 的价格是四十五美元。大量定购的话我们还有折扣。Ralph: And the price on the RS-four?那 RS-4 的价格呢?Betty: The RS-four is one of our promotional items thismonth. For orders received by the end of the month, theprice is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good onany size order.RS-4 是我们

47、本月的促销产品之一,本月底前收到的订单,单价是三十三美元。不管定单数目多少都是这个价格。Ralph: That price sounds good. Could you send me moredetails about the RS-four, including the specifications?这个价格听起来不错。你可以寄给我更详细的RS-4 的资料和说明书吗?Betty: Certainly. I can fax or e-mail that informationto you this afternoon.当然。我可以在今天下午把资料或 email 给你。Ralph: Terri

48、fic. Ill get back to you after Ivereviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.太好了。我看完详细资料后会打给你。谢谢你,再见。如何用商务英语下订单?要做成一桩生意,下订单也是很重要的一个环节,我们来看看Leslie 是怎样做成这份订单的。Leslie: How are you this afternoon?今天下午过得如何?Paul: Just fine. I looked over the catalog you gave methis morning, and Id like to discuss prices on

49、 your puterspeakers.还好。今天早上我已经详细看过你给我的目录了。我想讨论一下你们计算机扬声器的价格。Leslie: Very good. Here is our price list.好的。这是我们的价目表。Paul: Let me see. I see that your listed price forthe K-two-one model is ten US dollars. Do you offerquantity discounts?我看看。你们 K-2-1 型的标价是美金十块钱。大量订购的话,有折扣吗?Leslie: We sure do. We give a

50、five percent discount fororders of a hundred or more.当然有。100 或以上的订单我们有百分之五的折扣。Paul: What kind of discount could you give me if I wereto place an order for six hundred units?如果我下六百的订单,你们可以给我什么样的折扣?Leslie: On an order of six hundred, we can give you adiscount of ten percent.六百的话,我们可以给你百分之十的折扣。Paul: Wh

51、at about lead time?交货时间呢?Leslie: We could ship your order within ten days ofreceiving your payment.在收到货款的十天内,我们就可以把货送出去。Paul: So, you require payment in advance of shipment?那么,你们是要提前付款的?Leslie: Yes. You could wire transfer the payment intoour bank aount or open a letter of credit in our favor.是的。你可以汇款到我们的银行帐户,或是开一个以我们公司为抬头的信用状。Paul: Id like to go ahead and place an order for sixhundred units.那我想就先下六百的订单。Leslie: Great! Ill just fill out the purchase orderand have you sign it.好极了! 我马上写订购单并请你签名。



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